Midnight: Southern XP Rewards
the Vrolk Saga
Eye of the Beholder

* 1st Level: 0
* 2nd Level: 1,000
* 3rd Level: 3,000
* 4th Level: 6,000
* 5th Level: 10,000
* 6th Level: 15,000
* 7th Level: 21,000
* 8th Level: 28,000
* 9th Level: 36,000
* 10th Level: 45,000
* 11th Level: 55,000
* 12th Level: 66,000
* 13th Level: 78,000
* 14th Level: 91,000
* 15th Level: 105,000
* 16th Level: 120,000
* 17th Level: 136,000
* 18th Level: 153,000
* 19th Level: 171,000
* 20th Level: 190,000
Experience as of 1/29/08
Note: 105,000 XP needed for level 15
- DURGAZ: 100,628.4 xp Total = 14th Level
- KYUAD: 100,276.3 xp Total = 14th Level
- ZAL'KAZZIR: 100,129 xp Total = 14th Level
- ERANON: 99,939.2 xp Total = 14th Level
- SPECIAL XP REWARD: offered at the end of "the Battle for First-Hold"
chapter # 39:3
39 Zal opened the Paths outside First-Hold and the group stepped in (Zal/Nighmare, Eranon/Cat, Durgaz/skeletal worg), this was to travel from First-Hold to Baden's Bluff. It would take some 6-10 hours estimated. the Paths continue to become perilous, not deadly - just similar to a dangerous pass on a mountain that's the best way to travel) They all heard the strange whispers from the nightmares of the "Sending" which was becoming much more audible. It felt as though the things in this void "Gray Realm" were starting to become aware of them much more... They saw two small points of "void" (like a star inverted) in the distance and assumed it to be the direction of Baden's Bluff. They also saw another MASSIVE void point that seemed to blow their hair and such sucking toward it, but made no sound. But as Eranon saw the bigger point, it seemed to open like a massive door revealing the silhouette of Izrador that seemed to be looking... soon the creepy sounds became feelings more as it felt like someone/thing was brushing past them while walking the paths. (note - I found/played a COOL creepy whisper track that we found looped, much like the Heart-Beat in Vrolk's spire, great stuff!) Eranon had some problems as he became increasingly paranoid and confused in the dark void, from looking at the Shadow and gazing off the Paths... Durgaz had a little trouble with seeing/contacting the people/things within the Gray (Shadow) Realms, but little was known for what... Zal had difficulties as his mind strayed from the Paths figuratively and literally! Failing concentration checks to keep the Path's moving toward the Bluff. He became "lost" and could only hear Durgaz/Eranon but not see them. They however could see him in the void, seemingly 50-100 yards in the distant north-east on a path alone while the path they were on began to turn to black crumbling sod. Slowly counting down time before they might drop into the void! Eranon realized their potential location as it rushed beneath them as the Salt Mines of Aarl (just outside the Bluff) and believed Zal to be somewhere 100-200 miles out over the Pelluria split from them already!! They yelled for Zal, even shooting arrows and casting a spell-like ability (flare) which felt to Eranon as if an Astrerax had drained him by force! When Eranon cast Flare, the figure in the door head moved around as if tracking the magic, but hopefully not yet seeing the caster... Eranon thought he wasn't seen (hidden in "darkness). Durgaz (having yelled for "the Sarcosan" with no result, telling him to jump...) took fate into his own hand and yelled "Jump Elf!". Eranon, soon after dove off the Paths as well. Zal looking down at the murky waters, decided to jump off the Paths (ending the spell) and assumed his Nighmare would catch him before hitting the waters.
Zal sees the sighing cliffs
Girl falls from the tower
Shot at by the Miransil
Charmed the harpies, who crawled back in the rock
Saw the quasit nests, to have them announce him and carry the woman down
heard the laughing of Loomir
Encountered the "Lord of Ham"
Sent Belal in to gain entrance
Offered the Guardian as payment for entrance
Zal enters the caverns, upward investigating carvings of Black Blood Dwarves
To the mithral door, "oaths are words and words are but winds"
Sixteen braziers with the sunder-shards inside, set by Legates, with the dampening field
Zal "shatters" half of the shards to open most of the inner door
Meeting Loomyr, asking for help and hope
Kyuad at First-Hold
Rescued the tomb digger from the Necromental
Investigated the Necromental, Motes and plague rats
The Necromental attacks Kyuad overwhelming him but doing negative "damage" which healed the newly made lich!
Ushered Akule and the orcs with Collune and Kyle out of town to "bury" necromental
Eranon in the Mines of Aarl
Woke in the dark
Eranon and his cat cautiously found their way in the dark
Hearing noises of the mines Eranon finds his way toward the coastal water sounds
Brine Fell of the salt marsh attacks, ripping K into sheds
Eranon then destroys the Brine Fell by Wall of Thorning the cavern
Eranon escapes the Mines with the aid of porpous called, nearly killing himself to cast
Using trail marks to make his way back to the redevous point (below)
Zal riding back to the Bluff finding his was with much difficulty
Following the coast north west toward the Bluff
Zal looked to hide defensively in the Quarries
This drew the attention of Zaindal the Drake
Zal'Kazzir somehow kills the Wyvern, and bursts the beast's gems nearly killing him in darkness
Belal saves his master's life getting him into his sisters cottage within the city
Ahemia wakes Zal in safety, noting they must leave the city soon as it is in chaos with the drake's death
They leave at midnight, using a suggestion on the gate captain to leave
Zal also retrieves Ossion's silvered short sword from the Hobgoblin captain
Finding the rendevious point, Zal returns the sword to Eranon as a piece offering
Zal'Kazzir reveals himself as part demon to Eranon
Eranon saw Ahemia's asterix spying on them, deciding to track it...
Kyuad deals with the killing of the Necromental, the Motes and the undead Troll
Before leaving First-Hold Kyuad learned that Tarmigan was asking for revotes, accusing the Sarcosan of tampering with the vote
Kyuad and Velar reformed the Captain's Council to recount the vote
Tarmigan is argumentative and Kyuad (with the aid of others) put him in his place
Kyuad convinces the council to revote, Willis wins nearly unanimously
After the vote Kyuad and Kyle plan to leave for the rendevious at the Bluff... running for over a day
In the time following, a legate and his men arrive at the Bluff - they take Collune and begin torturing her for information
Durgaz finds his way out of the Paths of Dal Colia
Being dragged by orcs on Darkin, he braces himself tumbling to stand and rips the riders from their mounts
Snapping the chains Durgaz begins reeling in the orc
The nearly two dozen orc turn and attack the lone orc, after gaining a weapon - a trident pulled from his shoulder Durgaz looks to surender
But surrender he does not, once in range he lashes out
In the distance on one of the riders he sees two elven boys captured
As the boys struggle over a dozen forest-trolls rise up from the forest floor from nowhere routing the orc fists
Durgaz aids the boys in escaping their bonds after recovering his gear
In the Fist captain's bandolier Durgaz finds a golden-mithral crown adorned with a griffon
Durgaz convinces the boys speak with him, he learns that this is Eranon and Valendil
Before the boys run off Durgaz tells young Eranon "in the future you will have the choice, a choice to let a dragon live or die. Let it Die!!"
Picking up the trails of a band of horsemen, that he seer sights as men adorned with the griffon symbol, Durgaz follows the tracks south east
Durgaz finds the peace of the Emerald Tears, sitting down to meditate
Sergeloth encounters the lone orc, confused by the conversations about the "Last Battle", Durgaz warns Sergrloth of the impending doom of the battle
Sergeloth noted that he was looking for Gwyrlael, and her singing began...
A fawn appeared in the grove and then the beautiful elven druid appeared picking flowers
Sergeloth attempted to convince Gwyrlael to come to the Last Battle, he and Durgaz realized that all she was protecting was a "green headstone for the elven nation"
Leaving the grove Durgaz and Sergeloth split, Sergeloth to the Last Battle - Durgaz following the trail toward Hillbird
Following the trail out of the Trollskarl 2 days Durgaz sees Sarcosan mercenaries
As Durgaz attempts to steal a horse, the riders surround him - Durgaz is surprised that they know him
Durgaz "negotiates" orc style, capturing the Captain and rides out with him to the north
The two make the Road of Ruin after a few days, Durgaz leaves the man with the head of a fresh dead orc to prove that he'd been killed
Durgaz cuts up around the Trollskarl crossing toward the rendevious point
Zal'Kazzir, searching for Durgaz based on having heard rumors of the orc to the south from Belal in the Bluff, finds Durgaz
Swooping down from the sky, Durgaz is surprized to see Zal on his own wings
They talk about the happenings out of the Paths
Durgaz shows Zal the Crown, which Zal recognizes and the True Crown of the King of Erenland, Zal notes that Hillbird is the village of Kyuad's youth
The two begin to return to the rendevious point
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz (Orc discussion): (x1 (47.9 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad (Lorebook Questions: (x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 38:3
- Descriptions of the heroes (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Recap of Zal's dream to Aradil and the reprecussions (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 400 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Durgaz returns to the orc camp, dealing with the deserters, sending the Four (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- the Four requisition items (as per Durgaz's order) from First-Hold (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Kyuad and Zal go through the marriage ceremony planning, scanning them for magics (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Kyuad gets "lost" in the scarf (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Zal confronts the Four and their Darkin (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Durgaz forces them to do as he says, not as he does - clarifying his orders (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Eranon searches for / stalks his cat (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Durgaz asks Captain Wilis for his opinion on leading men (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Zal gathers the "Council of Captains", electing a High Captain (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- The group take votes in abstentia for First-Hold (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 25 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Zal "fixes" the vote of First-Hold's High Captain (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Nisse aids Durgaz in finding Kyuad, beneath the scarf, Dahal tracks Kyuad down (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 150 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- On Eranon's return he sees the orc building something with the human "slaves" (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 25 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Eranon talks with Zal near the Worg den (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- the group goes to the orc camp, Zal calls his nightmare (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- the group comes up with the plan to unite the orc and the town (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Zal scans the orc for mental thought, Sardric is discovered within the orc group and Chokan step forward (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- TOTAL = 3,625 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- ????
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz (Orc Speech): (400 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir (Dream): (x9 (431.1 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz & Kyuad: (x3 (143.7 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Andrew & Bill, Adam (language discussion): (x4 (193.4 xp), x4 (193.4 xp), x1 (47.9 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Steve (Battle for First-Hold story/song: xp awarded in-game materials)
- Wiki Bluebooking: Andrew, Bill, Steve (Zal's alignment discussion): (x4 (193.4 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon & Kyuad: (x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 37:3
- Inner Monologues of each PC's feelings of the events (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Eranon and Durgaz takes command of First-Hold following the battle (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Kyuad takes care of the dead, while Zal was dealing with puberty (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Zal deals with the Worg leadership (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Looking to find the dragon (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Kyuad stayed with the dragon learning it was quasi-undead (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Durgaz and Eranon follow the Razor tracks, learning the Black Buzzards had killed the Razor Orc (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Nisse goes to First-Hold to get Zal so the dragon could tell of the fate of Sharuun (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Eranon lets Varzon free (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- As Durgaz tries to locate the Heart, the dragon turns and comes after Durgaz (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Eranon pushes Zal and Kyuad off the dragon, catching them in entangled trees (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Durgaz takes down Varzon, using his dragon-slaying sword ability (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): 1400 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 1xCR11 | 1PC @ 14th]
- Learning there's a link between Eranon and the Dragon (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- Believing Eranon may be dangerous, the group shackles him, staking the dragon down at Zal's suggestion (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- The group determine to take the dragon into First-Hold, burying it beneath the village (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- The group finds the hidden 'Eye and Kyuad discovers the dragon's "heart" in the 'Eye (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 14th]
- TOTAL = 5,025 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- ????
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon: (x1 (47.9 xp))