Once more with feeling/Story Summary

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Several of the party met in Nexus. Which was then Soulbreaker nuked 14 times come nightfall (see Wonders of the Lost Age for details on Soul Breaker Orbs). The Mask of Winters had invaded the city via surprise nuking and then marched an army in to claim what was left. This prompted several battles between various PC's a the three listed NPC deathknights and their legions. Anshu killed the ghostblooded leader of one of those legions only to have her exalt as one of the Solars who died during the fighting (NPC: Ta'an Aesin).

The group was eventually forced from the Shadowland that was Nexus, pulling what refugees they could with them onto a giant river barge which Salamander made fly. Rapidly leaving Nexus behind us Salamander again used sorcery to pull us back into Creation and set course for Great Forks.

Great Forks[edit]

Arriving at Great Forks there was some yelling with a Godblooded Hawk Rider and then some marital problems between Solitary Talon and her new Lunar mate Venomous Dragon Empress (VDE) (NPC). Mainly VDE wanting to have a marriage and Solitary Talon balking due to the fact that (a) she loves Ta'an Aesin and her lunar mate Silveria Arc and (b) this wedding, like her mate appeared very suddenly with no input from her.

Then one of the masks deathknights appeared killing Cael's mate and Ziyad's friend Shofei. This drove both characters berserk and they hunted him to the wedding where Cael nearly ate his heart, stopping at the last minute. In the end Ziyad executed him. Ziyad met his Lunar mates, the wedding between Solitary Talon and Venomous Dragon Empresses got called off at the last minute and Cael met his new solar mate Starcc Antonee, the Adamant Man. Subsequently, people attempted to reason with the Three over the coming battle approaching Nexus with the Mask of Winter's armies.

After that, there was a brief duel between Nuwa and one of the Mask's deathknights, Evocation of the Twelve Fallen Beasts (Evocation) with others joining in after a bit. Eventually the Abyssal realized that he was tired and outnumbered and returned to the Underworld. Another bondpair, Invisible Crow Hunter and Corvid Rasp, then showed up. Five of the circle then took part in a raid on Juggernaut, aided by Solar Circle Sorcery, while the others began to depart Great Forks for Denandsor, the Empty City.


After the raiders returned from their successful mission, the grand circle set off for Denandsor; it was a long march, but finally they arrived, and were greeted by other Exalts who happened to be in the area. All have agreed to join forces and begun exploring the Empty City, but a pair of Infernals were already there. After a short battle, interrupted by an even shorter discussion, the Infernals were driven back to Hell. Meanwhile, a small portion of the circle (De’aneir’a Sera Vestra, Ziyad, and their bondmates) investigated the Manse at the centre of the city, which Ziyad attuned to. A few days afterwards, another Infernal, accompanied by a Lunar, arrived outside the north gate of the city, this one requesting entrance and offering information. However, the Lunar, suspected of being Akuma, was attacked by Splendor and the other Silver Pact Lunars. Cerise attempted to use a powerful necromantic spell on the Infernal, who countered it and sent her plummeting into the Mouth of Oblivion. Anshu hurled himself after her, caught her before she was annihilated, and is now trying to make his way back up to Creation.