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*** [[Bulldog 4]]:   
*** [[Bulldog 4]]:   
*** [[Bulldog 5]]:   
*** [[Bulldog 5]]:   
'''Current superhuman residents of Freedom City'''
'''Current superhuman residents of Freedom City'''
* ???
* ???
'''Concerned Citizens'''
* [[Marshall King]]: a survivalist nut that caused problems for Darwin's Stepson.

Revision as of 02:09, 27 March 2006

The Overshadow

Do you know what a HERO is?
It's someone who gets other people killed!

When the super HEROES of the world are blown to kingdom come by an unstoppable army of invading aliens,
Who will save the day? Who will take whatever means NECESSARY?

Freedom City and the Entire World hang in the balance, under the boot of the Star-Khan.
The only forces left alive to take on the alien menace are — the crafty — the self-serving — the super-villains!

Feel FEAR True Believers!
Held in this BAND OF STEEL!

Welcome to Necessary Evil in Freedom City setting and campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "Necessary Evil in Freedom City". This site is a wiki, which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".


Necessary Evil in Freedom City: Setting Background

Location of Freedom City within New Jersey

Set on the east coast of the United StatesNew Jersey – Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when superhero first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous since the late 1930s. Freedom City is a particular epicenter for superhumans, but they are found in other cities and places around the world.

There have been several key events in Freedom City's history. Two are of particular worth of note.

  • The first occured during what became known as the Terminus Invasion. The extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega launched an invasion of the city, resulting in vast destruction and the deaths of several superheroes; including Centurion. The largest alliance of heroes ever seen united to repel the invaders. Mayor O’Connor repeals the Moore Act, making superheroes legal in Freedom City once again. A grateful city welcomes their return with open arms. But Freedom City and the world mourn the loss of their greatest hero.
    For Freedom to survive, she needs heroes...
  • The second became known as Star-Khan's Reign of the entire planet Earth!! It started just ten years later on January 1st, 2004. The prospering Freedom League had just built a satellite headquarters dubbed “the Lighthouse” and greatly expanded its ranks to act as guardians of the entire world. Freedom Hall would become the team’s local outpost in Freedom City. And then…
    The first ships appeared over every major city of the planet.
    There was no prelude and no demands. The aliens just attacked. They were an amphibious protean, shape-shifting species from the dark planet Grue Prime that combined the nastiest aspects of sharks and crocodiles with an aggression matched by neither. They were the stuff of nightmares to most. People called them "Fins” with an entire Grue Unity made up of a number of client races ruled by the Grue with an iron fist and the aid of legions of soldier drones. The Unity’s technology, advanced, but largely stolen or mimicked from other civilizations they have assimilated. New York became a war zone, Tokyo burned, and even sunken Atlantis was rubbled and its ruler—the legendary the Sea King—slain.
    Earth’s superheroes fought back immediately. The Fins were terrifying, but no one ever doubted the heroes would win out in the end. After all - the Grue, aliens, Masterminds, even Omega Lord of Terminus had tried to invade Earth many times before, and earth’s defenders had always emerged triumphant. The Freedom League and its allies—including numerous reserve and inactive members—manage to hold off the alien fleet. But the Fins possessed advanced technology and savage bloodlust, so the losses were heavy.
    Earth began to worry.

Freedom City Map:


  • Team Headquarters: Carter Warehouse at Pier 25, 25th Ave & Canill St., Freedom City, NJ.
  • THE BAND OF STEEL: The Band of Steel is...
    • DOCTOR STEEL (a.k.a. Jonathan Stahl)
      "Jon Stahl was not a supervillain until his wife and son were killed in a car crash and he flipped out. Now he has escaped from jail, and has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" and working to save the children as DOCTOR STEEL - The Man Who Is Smarter Than You Are!" ... (as played by Edmund)
    • WARCRY (a.k.a. Esperanza Juarez Guerrero)
      "Also known as Cihuacoatl, she was a nurse practicioner in rural Guatemala until she met her destiny in a remote Aztec temple high in the mountains. Now shouldering her responsibilities toward the people she claims to rule as a goddess, she has recently banded with "THE BAND OF STEEL" to fight for the OVERSHADOW and announces the secret war against the Stellar Khanate and their Grue minions as Warcry!" ... (as played by Sophie)
    • MADAME SHADE (a.k.a. Graciella Barlow)
      "Miss Barlow was an assistant DA in New Orleans until she gained her inheritance from her Grandmother, the former Voodoo Queen of the city. Now she is working to free the people of her city from the evil Star Kahn, she has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" and she fights for the resistance as Madame Shade!" ... (as played by Laura)
      • JOE the Zombie (a.k.a. Joe Smith)
        "Joe was a faithful servant of the Barlow family until he was made into a zombie by the elder Mrs. Barlow. Now at his new mistresses' command, he has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" and wields his shotgun as Joe!" ... (as played/NPC by Laura/GM)
    • MAN'O WAR (a.k.a. The Leviathan)
      "The Leviathan was bent on destroying Freedom City until the creature met his defeat at the hands of the Freedom League. Nearly destroyed, the remains of the sea creature were incarcerated. Recently released by "THE BAND OF STEEL", the mysterious Man'O War is loyal to the Doctor for unknown reasons." ... (as played by Wayne)
    • WHIPLASH (a.k.a. Brandon Hamilton)
      "Whiplash was a minor henchman for various masterminds until the Grue invasion when he was thrown into prison. Now he feels regret for what he did and only wants to redeem himself, and so he has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL"! He is not interested in wealth or power, he just wants these bloody aliens off his rock and out of everyone's lives!" ... (as played by Karl)


    • BONEYARD (a.k.a. Corporal Sammual Washington)
      "Sammy Washington was among the first Atlanta platoons in the great Civil War where he fought on the side of General Lee for the mighty southern states until he fell in a bloody battle in cajun country, 13 days later he arose undead and faltering mentally. Now seeing that the world don't take kindly to undead graveyard monsters he fights for whatever rights he sees fit including his own scoundrel upbringing and has recently band together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" with his old pal Dusty while trying to figure out where he fits in the world as Boneyard, graveyard monster and dead ol' Rebel!" ... (as played by Kevin)
    • NOISE (a.k.a. ????)
      "He used to be one of them — clockpunching drones of the Man, wasting away his life. But after he went to go see "Gratuitous Carnage" in concert, it all changed. He got some sort of dose of super sound in him and it stayed — he IS the sound now. Bringing it all down with the power of sound. Nothing but sound! Everyone hears him coming but nothing they can do. Can't stop the noise... just can't stop him. Wherever he goes, he brings it down hard against the Man. No clock punching for him. No wasting his life. No more Man telling him what to do. Especially no damn alien fish-man, damn straight. Now he has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" and brings it all down with sound as Noise!" ... (as played by JoeZ)
    • CARNIVORE (a.k.a. Velociraptor mongoliensis)
      "He was a time-traveling, cigar-smoking, trenchcoat-wearing, shotgun-toting eating machine, until the Stellar Khanate changed everything by messing with Earth. Now he's eager to find out what the evil aliens taste like, has recently banded together fighting for the OVERSHADOW with "THE BAND OF STEEL" and chomps on interstellar evil as Carnivore!" ... (as played by Johnzo)



KHANS Derogatory Terms for Humans: Freebreeders, Carbons,
GRUE Derogatory Terms for Humans: Pinkies, Waterbags, Oneshapes

The Star-Khan



  • Hyper-Drones: Hairless, yellowing Drones that could pass as human - their power eating them up. Can't talk because of the cannon in their mouth.
  • Drones: Different races, encased in form-fitting body armor and visor helmets.
  • War Spheres: Beachball sized floating metalic Drones.
  • G'Rok: a controlled species "two-tons of ruthless killing" 10'-15' long gray overlapping bone plating with claws and teeth and aquatic.
  • War Hounds: Wiredogs


  • Barracuda: Khanate common patrol ground hovers.
  • King Crab: Khanate armored assault tank/hovers.
  • Sargasso: Khanate transport lift/hovers.
  • Sting Ray: Khanate personal lifts for Warlords, Shocklords, and commanders.


  • Man'O War: Khanate space battle ship/carrier.
  • Manta: Khanate multi-enviromental fighter ships.
  • Mbuna: Khanate prisoner transport, assault troop carrier.


  • Quisling Gangers: Human street gangers that are sell-outs to the human race.
  • SOCorp: Human Law Enforcement developed by the human leaders of the city to enforce alien rule.
    • Operative Troopers:
    • Elites Troopers:

Necessary Evil Alien Stats: Savage World stats

the GOOD


Current superhuman residents of Freedom City

  •  ???

Concerned Citizens

  • Marshall King: a survivalist nut that caused problems for Darwin's Stepson.

the BAD



  • Known suspects include:
    • Darwin's Stepson


  • Blackstone Federal Penitentiary: The federal government commissioned a prison capable of holding super-powered inmates in response to the growing number of super-criminals. Blackstone Penitentiary was the first of its kind and remains in operation today. Formed of dark granite jutting out of the sea, “Blackstone” aptly describes the small, isolated island about a mile and a half beyond Freedom City’s Great Bay. It was a military weapons depot and brig affiliated with Lonely Point during the Second World War, decommissioned by the federal government and later refitted as a super-prison.
    Current inmates include:
  • Providence Asylum: The Providence Asylum is located in a fairly isolated part of Port Regal, near a cliff overlooking the ocean. A few years ago, the Asylum’s Board of Trustees approved a proposal to begin treating mentally ill superhumans at the facility.
    Current inmates include:
    • Gepetto
  • Lockdown: Buckner Ridge Superhuman Penitentiary, the perfect place for the super-criminals of the world to mend their ways, contemplate their crimes, and be be rehabilited. Like a beautiful scar, the Rockies cross three international borders, in the Rocky’s shadow is Denver — Colorado, is the setting for Lockdown with its mountain peaks and abundance of surrounding wilderness.
    Current inmates include:
    •  ???

the DEAD

This list encompasses the Super Powers of the city that have died or been killed in action due to the Alien Reign.


This list encompasses those that are known to have been captured by the Star-Khan.

  • the Freedom League: Daedalus, Pseudo.
  • Freedom League, Reserves:
  • Freedom League, Former:
  • Liberty League:
  • OTHER:


This list encompasses those that are unaccounted for since the Alien Reign began.


  •  ???


  •  ???

Science & Tech

  •  ???


Projects & Plans

  • Guerrilla Radio - WSAR: Troy Watkins commentates this AM Radio show that airs in resistance to the Alien Martial Law. They report various news and notes that are pro-human but also true and factual. They lay it out straight so that all listening can make their own choices. No one knows who the minds behind the radio signal is or where their moving stations are. Troy Watkins was a known news anchor for WSAR prior to the invasion and has either joined the resistance or is being impersonated to maintain Freedom City's security. The following are reports from the openings of each issue. "Can't stop the signal"


Notable areas, landmarks, institutions and businesses

Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts. Set somewhere on the east coast of the United States - possibly New Jersey - Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when super heroes first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous in the waning years of the 20th Century. Catastrophic events have always befallen Freedom City, in the past it's heroes protected it from conquerors such as the extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega, who has launched invasion attempts on the city in the past but has yet to maintain a beachead. No one had, until the alien traitors came to earth!

Neighborhoods & Boroughs of Freedom City

Suburbs of Freedom City

Specific Buildings, Parks or Locations around Freedom City

Corporate & Financial of Freedom City

  •  ??

Emergency Services of Freedom City

  •  ??

School & Institutions of Freedom City

Beyond Freedom City limits

  •  ??


Northpoint = Kingston & Parkside upper middle class, many human traitors call this home.

Beachhead = Boardwalk, Port Regal and the City Center Walled off areas holding the Alien's bases. The Aquarium is exchanged for the Boardwalk.

Eastpoint = Southside and Hanover also Ashton and Grenville Residental working class area

Tempest = the West End Alien patrols are uncommon, the area is run by gangers

Southpoint = Fens and Lincoln The lowest points of the city, a hive of wreched thugs and drugs

the Docks = Waterfront, LanternHill and Greenbank Humans connection to the outside world. Lightly patrolled.

Westpoint = Midtown and Wading Way Industrial hub and trendy industry shops

Prospect Point = Bayview, Port Regal, Lonely Point and Northbay Rich and famous mansions, country clubs. This is the home of many well established Aliens and traitors.

Uptown = Midtown, City Center, Northend Known for the highrises and skyscrapers. The large park is here as well as the city's main college.

Downtown = Riverside and the Theatre District Dark stone and gothic architecture. The black market is rumored here. Sports Franchises also call this home.

Areas not yet considered...

Star Island, FC Blackstone Island, FC

Campaign Construction

Who are the NECESSARY EVIL Player Heroes/Villains? ...

  • [Campaign Background]
  • Formula
  • Themes
  • Genre
  • Mood
  • Inspiration
  • House Rules
  • Easter Eggs


Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts.

Necessary Evil is a supers game for Savage Worlds from Great White Games, which provided the premise of this game.

Superhero Comic Books:


A Wiki is a type of website that allows users to easily add and edit content.

House Rules