Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page
This is a skirmish system for miniatures-based gladiatorial combats, designed to be quick to learn, flexible and adaptable to your own miniatures collection.
Players Section: We who are about to die...
This section provides all the information you need to create your Lanista and a School of Gladiators.
- The Lanista and the School - Generating your Lanista and your School.
- Gladiators - How to generate individual gladiators.
- Rules of Conflict - Game systems for resolving Gladiatorial Battles.
GM Section: Mundi et Ludi
This section provides optional rules for Campaign-based play, and the role of a GM in Morturi Te Salutant.
- Battle Design - Designing individual battles.
- Campaign Rules - Running extended campaigns.
- Beyond the Arena - Running extended campaigns.
Premades: Ready to die!
This section provides premade schools and battles for your consideration.
- Premade Schools - Designing individual battles.
- Premade Schools - Designing individual battles.
This is a complete roleplaying game / skirmish wargame, originally created on the wiki by Asklepios.
More by Asklepios:
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