Arnino Storm Picks (Tobyverse)

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Initial Pitch

In the early days of Islam, prophet Muhammad said that even Djinns or monsters could enter Paradise if they lived well and followed God's commandments. This message touched some of the strange creatures who lived in the middle-east, who banded together to protect the weak and fight evil, as a way to perhaps earn Paradise. Over the centuries, there were many incarnations of this team, and t transformed into a team of strange people using their powers for good rather than a specific group of "freaks and monsters". The last incarnation died in the 30s, but now it is needed more than ever. A group of people with special powers, of different nationality, religion and even origin of their powers are banding together to fight the good fight and help the people of the Middle-East and North Africa. Along the way they'll have to fight not only various super-powered villains, but also many of the local governments, who don't like much the idea of a super-powered team not under their control.

The Seekers

Middle Eastern monsters on a mission for good.

The Seekers' Story

The University of Light

A loose affiliation of mages around he world dedicated to the White Arts, keeping in contact as best as they can.

The University of Light's Story

The Sorcerer

An aging man, withered from years of trying to save the world by himself; he has acquired much wisdom and knowledge over his years in the school of hard knocks.

The Sorceror's Story

The Shadowman

Son of a dark god, he is built for evil, yet strives to be good.

The Shadowman's Story

The Ghul

Originally an 18th-century monster hunter, disguised as a man for societal reasons. Faizal was turned into a ghul, and only gradually learned to control herself. This is the second team of Seekers she has served with.

The Ghul's Story

Graf Orlok

The history of Orlok is mostly unknown. It doesn't help that the Count is a known liar. The most probable version is that he was a Goth who became a vampire somewhere around 275 AD. He lives in his gigantic sprawling Castle of Evernight, hidden in a pocket dimension where the sun never shines, so he's still a goth, kind of.

Graf Orlok's Story

Jean-Francois Etienne Chevalier de Lavalliere, Master of the World!

Somehow, the new Master of the World, walking in Robur's footsteps, has managed to gather followers, build a giant sky armada (which, despite looking definitely steampunkish, is quite in advance of modern avionic technology) and get ready to take over the world.

The Master Of The World's Story

Al-Jaziri, The Alchemist

A rich emir's son, an ancient treatise on alchemy gave meaning to his life. After a botched experiment, he hides his face behind a golden mask and his body behind heavy clothes. Unsuited for combat, he is the keeper of the Seekers' base: a secret cave of wonders he either found or built (it's not quite clear) inside a hidden mountain range within the Rub-al-Kali.

The Alchemist's Story

The Merchant

Always a trader, always with his caravan. Willing to sell almost anything, for the right price.

The Tobyverse Players

The Tobyverse Draft
