House of Bells
This is a Play-by-Post game for Exalted using the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying system, GMed by Dawgstar.
The Student Body
The Players
Other Students
Cynis Naruko - Queen of the class.
Peleps Liana - Naruko's attack dog.
Ragara Vero - Richer than somebody really rich.
V'neef Akela - Knows everbody, including you.
The Bros - BROS!
The Faculty
Cathak Corvus - The Headmaster
Ledaal Tamra - Espionage/Unorthodox Tactics Instructor
Ragara Temok - Philosophy Instructor
Sesus Jainee - Tactical Application of Magitech/Basic Artificing Instructor
Mnemon Risica - Martial Arts Instructor
Cathak Branus - Field Tactics Instructor
Sesus Varnus - Weapons Training Instructor
Silken Wind - Student Counselor