Dark Times At Aspen Hill
Welcome to Aspen Hill School, a private college preparatory school in New Jersey. You're Juniors, and Junior year is widely considered to be the hardest year at school academically, as this year's grades are going to make all the difference in how good a college or university you get into. And that's just academics. There's junior prom coming up soon, and Sweet Sixteen parties and whole loads of other social events. You certainly don't want to be seen as being single, especially for prom!
It's a stressful year for anyone. But you're monsters. That might make it easier. It'll probably just make everything worse.
Cast List[edit]
Alastor the Ghost
Amanda the Vampire
Baron the Infernal
Brittany Harper the Queen
Mara Soto the Ghoul
Vanessa Blackwood the Witch
Teachers and staff at Aspen Hill[edit]
Mr. Hartsfiels - English teacher and wrestling coach
Mr. Jenkins - Janitor
Mr. Larkin - Spanish teacher and lacrosse coach
Mrs. Moore - English teacher
Mr. Rince - Art teacher
Miss Patricia Wells - History teacher
Mrs. Gyloff - School nurse
NPC Students at Aspen Hill[edit]
Phil Tork - Computer geek
David Thompson - Student Council President, honor student, captain of the football team
Christie Hamilton - Popular, snide, and very, very rich. Old money rich.
Chad Lumley - Basketball star. Leader of the group who killed Alastor
Randi, Brandon, and Blake -- Members of Brittany Harper's Clique and her band The Hive Mind.
June Vinters - Tomboy. Wanders from clique to clique in search of acceptance. Currently busy being a goth.
Other NPCs[edit]
Alice Blackwell - Mother of Vanessa. Very New-age-y. A bit of an air head.
Vanessa Blackwood | Alastor | Brittany Harper | Randi | Amanda |
Baron | NPC | Sarah Kirkwell | NPC | NPC |