Tianxia: House of Seven Winds

Player Characters
Ah Ladi played by - EnigmaticOne
Bamboo Wei played by - Llayne
Sister Fei played by - Muskrat
Kalou Xie played by - Stormraven
Donkey Zhen played by - Timon
Jiang Dafa played by - Glyptodont
Thousand Doors NPCs
NPC Name | High Concept | Trouble
- Description
NPC Name Hie "Father Lantern" Xue | High Concept Knows the names of the Dead | Trouble Knows too much of the living
- Kindly and white-bearded, Xue knows almost everyone in he House, for from his tiny rooms in the eves of the House he sends lanterns to heaven with the names of those who cannot be buried in the House. His kind words and beautiful calligraphy are greatly prized but there are those that believe that the comforter of the grieving has come to know too much.(Timon)
NPC Name: Granny Jiang | High Concept: Suddenly Popular Herbalist | Trouble: "I must have more ingredients!"
- Granny Jiang was an ignored old widow who barely eked out a living making mediocre potions and medicines. But when the House of Seven Winds engulfed her shack, she began to make concoctions that people claim are miraculous. She claims that she now finds all the ingredients for her new, more-potent elixirs inside the House. But where? And more disturbingly: what are these ingredients? (Glyptodont)
Imperial NPCs
NPC Name | High Concept | Trouble
- Description
NPC Name: "Gallant" Shu | High Concept: Corrupt Imperial Officer | Trouble: Never pass up an opportunity to enrich yourself
- A smug bully who is more handsome than anyone has a right to be and not-at-all gallant, Shu is the epitome of a corrupt soldier. He makes a fine living demanding bribes and protection money and is more than happy to let criminals go if they hand over their loot to him. But now he says there's something important he must find in the House of Seven Winds--and he doesn't care if he loses everything he has to get it. The look of fear on his face makes it seem like this time he's serious. Or is he running yet another scam? (Glyptodont)
NPC Name Xun "Bullhead" Ruogang | High Concept Extraction at a price | Trouble Too many dissatisfied customers
- Ruogang discovered that there was money to be made by promising to extract long-lost relatives from the Compendious House. Unfortunately, her reputation was built on a couple of lucky breaks: one elderly aunt she was able to bundle out of a low window in a sack and a child who had simply wandered in and was all to happy to follow Ruogang out. In her current contracts, she is meeting serious resistance and she is arousing suspicion with the denizens of the house. (Timon)
Matron Ming | Influential Teahouse Owner | Progress Ruffles Feathers
- This elderly woman was once the Mysterious Mingxia, a martial hero of no small renown. She now runs the Snake's Sojourn teahouse that ostensibly caters to craftsmen and merchants, but serves peasants, nobles, and xia as well. The Sojourn has become one of the few places that such cross-class mingling can happen, and her rules are respected due to her reputation, the multiple Xia that frequent the place, and the support of a few well-placed officials.
- Xia often make their way to the Sojourn at some point in search of a job, a master, or to pay their respects to Ming. There are nobles and officials that dislike the flaunting of tradition and push to get it to shut down for good. (Llayne)
- Note: I'm using Snake in the more positive eastern philosophy that corresponds to good luck, healing, renewal, reproduction and good harvests.
Other NPCs
NPC Name | High Concept | Trouble
- Description
Campaign Aspects
Legacy Aspect: My Ancestor Forged the Sword of Storms
You are bound by blood to the Artifact of the House of Seven Winds, the Sword of Storms. Sought by forces of both the former emperor and the current empress and criminals and heroes of every stripe, it is said the Sword can only be recognized and wielded by one of the blood of the seven who first created it.
Current Aspect: The Thousand Doors Open to My Word
The imperial forces call it Compendium House, but on the street the structure growing ever outward and upward by substance and design or arcane nudges against the fabric of reality is known as the Thousand Doors on the streets of Băo Jiāng . . . a very literal name for a structure of so many levels and sections, each barred by a door, a door that opens to some but not to others.
For good or for ill, your hero has the power to open and close every unseen door in the Thousand Doors, can walk beyond those doors, into feast halls and shanty slums, spider pits, and the stonefire halls of the Serpent Cult.
Impending Aspect: The House of Seven Winds is Where I Will Stand
In the centermost sanctum of the Thousand Doors, lies the House of Seven Winds, the peaceful temple that guards the volatile Sword of Storms.
IC Thread
OOC Thread
While the core game allows for a fairly significant amount of player vs player conflict, I prefer not to run games that lean heavily to that assumption. If you want to do something that directly (as opposed to indirectly) acts against another player's character there are two options.
- Unilateral Permission: The other player agrees to your action. No rolls are needed. Just RP it out.
- Limited Permission: The other player doesn't agree that it is an automatic thing, but does agree to let the dice decide.
Note: If the players involved do not agree to PVP, it doesn't happen. Move on with something else.
Note: Actions that indirectly oppose another player's character does not constitute PVP to my thinking. Mostly the above conditions are designed to keep the game from devolving into a series of random slugfests between characters. Intrigue and manipulation, on the other hand, have great potential to add flavor to the game.
Post Frequency
- I am generally asking for a daily posting commitment for this game, with the understanding that posting might be less frequent on weekends and holidays.
- Realistically this will probably look like 3-4 IC posts per week.
- If I need to for momentum sake to keep moving the game forward, I may update before a player has posted. This is not meant as a call out or to exclude anyone. I don't do it often, and virtually never before 24-36 hrs have passed since the previous update.
Post Absences
- If you will NOT be posting IC, for whatever reason, and you are able to give us a heads-up, please ping us in OOC or post to the Absences Thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up).
Post Formatting
- Please use the following Character Header in your IC posts:
- Character Name | Current Fate Points | Current P Stress and M Stress
- If you are addressing another PC in your post it is helpful to bold their character name as well so it stands out for them.
- OOC blocks are fine for showing dice rolls and brief OOC comments directly related to a particular post. Please sblock if you need to include large blocks of text related to your IC post. All other OOC content should go in the OOC thread itself.
- Please link all dice rolls back to your dice roller.
- Please DO NOT put dice rolls in the OOC thread. That just makes it harder for me when it comes time to update the game. Thanks.