Forgotten Freedom:103

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Volrath: Holy crap I forgot my campers! *runs down to lowwer decks*

Volrath opens the door to the labyrinth (sp). In front of him is a sight of pure carnage. Blood cloats the walls and body parts litter the halls. Their bodies are piled high in the corners, the children having apparently fled there for protection.

Volrath: My bad. :eek:

A small kobold crawls out of one of the piles of bodies. His face is full of shock and depression.

Volrath: How did you survive?

kobold: I did somethings I'm not proud of and would rather not repeat.

Volrath: Alright then. You had better go back to the dorms.

kobold: I'll do that.

He then walking up the stairs, still shaking from his ordeal.

Satnak: Give me one good reason for me to not rip your throat out right now. And if those riven even twitch I'll...

Serene: Satnak!

Satnak: ....

Tormos: Thank you, now as to why you-

Serene: I said get away from her you monster. *you've never seen a glare like this*

Some interviews with the crew for the Korranberg Chronicle:

Satnak: I do most of the heavy lifting, fallen trees, ducky shards (don't ask), small banks. Alot of negotiations, debtors, debt collectors, people who wanna fight instead of handing over the valuables. These days though I prefer to just spend time with Serene.

I joined mostly to escape my life at home,... before you ask is it worth your pancreas?

"Eyes off my girlfriend or I play musical organs"

Chalky: I do the art, posters, murals, graffiti left at raid sites. I'm also something of an alchemist, picked up a few tricks playing with paints and explosives.

Why I joined, money and oppurtunities to cause trouble.

"Would you taste better in barbeque or teryaki"

Kithle: I'm just a magnificent bastard

"are you still here?" or "have you seen my plaque"

Deathpaper: I was told there would be birdseed, where is the birdseed?

"stop holding out, give me the birdseed"

the mindbolds: We're just background characters, not even noted on the wiki for crying out loud.

"Do you have to blow something to Khyber to get noticed?"

Kanatash: My duties on the ship are fairly straightforward. I keep the redshirt population under control and I destroy any who would oppose us mind, body, and soul as well as inflicting punishments too horrific to be properly described upon those who really **** off the crew. Oh, and I almost forgot, I serve as the ships counselor on occasion too. You know, helping them deal with their emotionally troubles not to mention all that stress.

"You call me mad, but say rather that I understand. What do I understand you ask? You shall see soon enough..."

Serene: Shoo, scat, scram, get out of here, move... What are you waiting for go away and leave us alone!!!

Tormos: Enough peasant, I have tried to be polite, but stay out of this. This is between me and Satnak.


Serene: Get away from us right now. Satnak has been through enough without you messing up what we have now.

Tormos: Uhhhhhhhh *'port*

Satnak: I should just kill them quickly, before they can use the riven.

Serene: NO!, you said it yourself your clans need the Sirinon. We just have to convince them that your unavailable.

Satnak: Never stopped this kind of thing before. We're lucky Ketty is still hiding from most of the world and caring for Tirmek.

Serene: Why? surely she wouldn't!

Satnak: I don't know the clan tradtions are even more important to her than me. She would never had considered Toren as a mate had she not been brainwashed. On the other hand we were both betrayed.

Serene: Huh?

Satnak: 10 bloody years and not one of them came looking for us. I could forgive the first five or so, but once the fervor died down...We were on the same island for mol's sakes, i participated in the world instead of just hiding from the other all around me. Bloody rekking cowards. :weep:

Serene: there there let it out, you don't have to be brave when its just us.

Satnak: Just us but...

(No one is there.)

Serene: Silly girl, they left after that creep bolted.


Chalky: I like breathing

Lord Sirinon: Cherry Limeade

Slaypaw opens the door to Satnak's room.

Salypaw: Don't worry, Satnak! We know you can figure out a way not to marry that bastard. Besides, even if you do, we'll still be there, meow. :)

Fluffy: Meow! (Yeah!)

Slaypaw: Besides, I doubt that Tormos enjoys being clawed. And if he does, I'll rip out his throat. And if that doesn't faze him, I'll hand him over to Kanatash for a counseling appointment.

Satnak: :eek: That's going a bit far.

Slaypaw: *matter-of-factly* You're Fluffy's mommy. Nothing's to far to go.

OOC: I have a new idea for Fluffy and Slaypaw, but I won't put it into action until Operation C.A.T. is done, and that won't happen until Satnak gets rid of Tormos or the Cats get at him.

Kithle: Ok operation corridor was a bust, lets try being a little more subtle. Ok don't let them sleep.

Sa'vor: Thats just mean.

Kanatash: I like it

Death Paper: So its the Squirrel harmonics practice time till they leave then.

Kithle: Yes, with Devon's pieces

Sa'vor: Cooooold Kithle

Kanatash: Do I have to say it?

Kithle: Yes, yes you do.

Kanatash: You magnificent Bastard. :rolleyes:

OOKaizer: Oh, good. You're done.

Terra: Uh...yeah...

Lisa: What are you up to?

OOKaizer: What makes you say that?

Lisa: That. *points beside him*

Next to him is the :plotting: smiley.

OOKaizer: Oops. Forgot to put that away. Ok, you got me. But I think you'll like it.

A flash of light surrounds them as they disappear.

In their respective areas of residence, Naz'roth and Terrek go to see what Terra and Lisa are up to. When they activate their scrying tools, only sound comes through.

Female Voice: *bo do DEEP* We're sorry. The people you are scrying are outside your viewing area. Please, stop manifesting and cast again later. For only 49 copper pieces-*turns it off*

In Ketler's lab.

Ketler: Finally, a way to break through that blasted Entities protection!

Activating his new device, an image of the girls pops up, only to be replaced nanoseconds later with the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!

Ketler: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Curse you, WilLiam d'Gates! CURSE YOU!!!!!!!!

Volrath: *grabs his head* Augh!

Nalfein: Is it the sickening cuteness again?

Volrath: No...worse...MUCH worse! My empathic link has been replaced with easy listening muzak!

Nalfein: :eek:

Volrath: It get's worse.

Nalfein: What could possibly make it worse?!

Volrath: It's playing really, really quietly! :weep: :weep: :weep:

Chanse calmly walks into the Campers area Chanse "Ok listen up, there is good news and bad news. The good news is I am willing to guarente Nalfen leaves you alone for a while. The Bad news is you have been recruted to help in the capture of the Aundair Airsip the Flashing dancer. Those of you who survive to gain one half share of profest from said endevour. Volintears to make themselves known to me or the captain." [IHH: I do not force, I do not coerce. I am nothing like my Teachers...]

Tormos - I can't take it, i must shut off that infernal noise.

Squirrel Quior is doing not-so-silent-knight written and directed by Devon. The squirrels are wearing massievly exaggerated earplugs. Lord Sirinon is whatching intently.

Lord Sirinon - Shhhhh boy, have you no culture? :mad:

Kanatash: Do you really mean "open season" or is there still the requirement that they must come out of it alive/sane. Because if it's really open season then I've got a bit of a score to settle over the whole riven disintegrating my arm thing. If its not though I can have patience. The time will come. Eventually...

OORampant - hmmmmm.... keep them from resting or such they're too strong as of yet. buuuuut once the've been up for a few days straight, well the riven won't do much good. Nothing that could be interperted as a direct attack, but be like the annoying wacky guy and never let them alone. The squirrels can't keep this up forever.

Ominous creaking noises from the earplugs.

the three mindbolds are sitting on top of the crows next of the FF, sniping redshirts.

Redshirt1: Hey, no camp-grk

Redshirt2: Yeaaaaaa!!!!!*redshirt2 starts firing an uzi at the crows nest, who gets sniped before the first bullet lands*

Satnak: *entering, wearing a robe and nightcap* Yawn. Ok, who is playing counterstrike with the redshirts? *looks up at the mindbolds* You guys again? Didn't we kill you three?

Mindbold1: That was the mindbold ninja squad. We are the S.W.A.T team.

Mindbold2: Similar.

Mindbold3: But diffrent in that we have better weapons, and have been infused with the same energy that makes you so powerfull.

Satnak: You mean.....

Mindbold1: Yup, we are the creation of a nerd with nothing better to do.

Tormos and Lord Sirinon stand dumbfounded at the other tenants holed up in the guest room. About a dozen squirrels in blue outfits with black visors huddle next to a miniature supercomputer setup that reads "Operation: Don't Crush Ourselves".

Blue Laser: The Squeak Commandos will never find our Secret Kitchen Headquarters. Since we relocated to my Nana's Secret Guest Room!

Minion: *salutes* The acorn-burgers are done, sir.

Blue Laser: *shakes his fisted paw in the air in triumph* Fan-TAS-tic!

In the deck beneath Tormos and Sirinon's room Volrath and Kanatash are talking. The floor an walls around them seems to be alive and is covered with unnatural vegetation, molds, and slime. Jutting out of this landscape are enormous serated claw like towers arranged in groups of four around pulsating cyst like objects.

Volrath: Don't worry uncle these spore chimneys will make their lives miserable and possibly even weaken them for stage two.

Kanatash: Execellent, but won't they affect the rest of the crew too?

Volrath: So?

both: *maniacal laughter*

Tormos - I won't let them get to me. I won't let them get to me. I won't let them get to me.

Devon - Oh Silence loved this one.

Robrands - So those two are here to take the brute away :plotting: , this could work well for me :evillaugh

Ernest - Put a sock in it I'm trying to sleep :mad:

Kanatash: Oh, the horrors have only just begun. I have one word for you, "Mbop". This song, borrowed from the entity's reality is so evil, so foul, so mind-numbingly annoying that it's recitation is carries a sentance of death in all five nations. However the squirels have refused to recite it, cited morals, so I need to find an alternate delivery method.

Just then, the three mindbolds walk by Kanatash, humming the tune to Mbop.

Kanatash: (glancing at the mindbolds) Wow, you either have no morals at all or your willingness to wh*re yourselves out for attention know no bounds. Even I won't willingly utter that abomination of my own will. Bravo. :clap: Now be good little freaks of nature and go "introduce" yourselves to our guests.

Mindbold1: Nah, we had our morals removed long ago.

Mindbold2: Before we were here, we worked for a company know as microsoft.

Mindbold3: Having your moral removed was apart of the job application.

Kanatash: Ah yes, Microsoft. I know of them. They've devoured more souls than Terrek has. I'm quite fond of them really. Well then, since morals won't be a problem go play with our "friends" post-haste. In exchange I'll try to make it a point to use you occasionally in my posts. Deal?

Nemesis wanders the halls in search of the reason the camp is being ignored. That, and a certain halfling girl won't stop pestering her.

Piffany: ...and then, he totally, like-

Nemesis: By the GODS! Do you ever shut up?!

Piffany: :weep:

At this time they come across Tormos and Lord Sirinon. An idea strikes her.

Nemesis: know who would really like to hear all your stories?

Piffany: Who?

Nemesis: I heard that cute guy over there asking all about you. *points at Tormos*

Piffany squeals with glee and runs over. She immediately begins talking at full speed.

Piffany: OhmygodsyouaresocoolItotallyheardyouwereaskingaboutme-

Tormos: Who are-

Piffany: -whatkindofgirlsdoyoulikewhatkindoffooddoyou-

Tormos: If I could-

Piffany: -likewhereareyoufromthoseghostthingiesarecool-

Tormos: Would you just-

Piffany: -what'syournamewho'stheoldguyareyousomekindof-

Tormos: Young lady-

Piffany: -wizardorsomethingmyname'sPiffanyI'mlike-

Nemesis watches for a few minutes, smiling evilly, then walks away to find her mentor.

Kanatash: Oh, Nemesis, excelent work. Cudos for taking full advantage of the resources at hand. I have yet to regret taking you under my wing.

Tormos - Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!Can't Sleep Squirrels will get me!

Lord Sirinon - hisnameisTormoshisfavoritefoodispeanutstheghostthingiesarepowerfulenforcersofourwillheisapsionicseerwithtraininginseveralmartialartstylesfocusedonperceptionandreadinghisopponentsmovesiamhisfatherandmuchclosertoawizardasforgirlsheistowedSatnakofborisheel

OOcat: Ahhhhh! :cool: The other entities are doing all the work, and I just soak up the comedy.

Bunny: :mad: Lllllllllll-aaaaaaaaaaa-zy.

Suddnely a ninja *poofs* out of a clouds of smoke, drops a fast-food bag on OOcat's chair, and disappears over the side of the ship.

NJ26 (who just happens to be around): :confused: That………… :eek: was SO COOL! (turning to OOcat) Can you teach me that?

OOcat: Ninja-style delivery?

NJ26: Don't you think it would complement my job?

OOcat: All I can do is refer you to Ninja Burger (, the rest is up to you.

NJ26: Come on! You're Mooncat Creations, you can make anything.

OOcat: *sigh* Okay…*finger snap*

NJ26: :blink: That was anti-cool-FX.

OOcat: I just switched your stats over to a "word followed by a number" simple system and added "Ninja" at +6, which is the best you can have.

13: We need to come up with something to do to the two targets.

OOcat: Got it covered: once everyone else has had a crack at them, we come in and be nice to them.

NJ26:………… :confused: Is this some Non-existant Entity thing that goes over my head?

Bunny: Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh man……that is the supreme evilness. :devil:

Silver (appearing): Hey guys, are we doing anything to Pretty-boy and Lord Senile?

Bunny: Being nice to them.

Silver: Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. :devil:

NJ26: :confused:

Terra: I feel like we're being left out of something. Again.

Lisa: Now's probably not the best time for us to be involved in anything, so I think it's for the best.

Terra: True. Besides, being waited on hand and foot by every maid anime cliche in existence isn't half bad.

Lisa: Poor cliche male lead. Having inherited this place from some obscure deceased relative, forced to live here for some bizarre reason, and have it fully staffed by beautiful, well endowed yet clumsy maids just about his age.

Terra: Not to mention the phobia of women, the awful luck that seems to get him into the most ackward situations, and the fact that at least one of them is a childhood friend he had a crush on that he can't quite recognize but several of them remind him of.

Lisa: This is surprisingly amusing.

Terra: Room service, massages, and entertainment. Not that bad a setup.

Volrath: (outside Nalfein's door) When are you coming out?

Nalfein: Now. (opens the door) Behold! The ultimate in annoyance!

I give you... Cheese


Nalfein: Nothing, I just like to annoy the crew. And the best part is, he only listens to my comman-

Cheese: I. Like. Chocolate. Milk.

Nalfein: Yes, I know that.

Volrath: Wow, even I didn't think that you could create something this evil.

Cheese: I. Like. Chocolate. Milk.

Volrath: Yes, we got that the last time!

Cheese: Can I have some Chocolate Milk?

Nalfein: No, you're lactose intolerant.


Volrath: SHUT UP!


Volrath: MAKE IT STOP!


Cheese: Yes.

Nalfein: Stop it.

Cheese: Ok.

Volrath: Go annoy someone else.

Cheese: *nasally inhale* Ok.

  • walks away*

Nalfein: What have you done?!

Volrath: I got rid of him...why?

Nalfein: You didn't tell him who to annoy! Now he could annoy anyone and its going to be my ass if its an Uber!

Cheese: *shouting down a hallway* I LIKE FISHY CRACKERS!

OOCrystalforged: Ok, I just want to state for the record, you're going to hell for this one. All three of you. Including you OORei, the creation of that thing was an act more heinous than anything I have done.

Kanatash: (with Cheese hanging onto his arm) Yes, and I'm going to personally ensure you suffer profusely for this.


Giant anime sweatdrop from Nalfein, Volrath, and OORei.

OORei: I was going there anyway, so I thought "Why not?"

Nalfein: Exactly.

Volrath: I didn't have anything to do with it. Why am I being punished? :weep:

Cheese: I wanna play a game!

Volrath: Ok. Come here. I know a great game. :devil:

Volrath leads him to a closet. He shoves him in and magical locks cover it. If you can imagine it, it's sealing him in. If you can't imagine it, it's sealing him in.


Cheese: *from in the closet* I liiiiiiiiiike this game.

Cuddles: *walks in* What are you doing?

Volrath: *guarding the closet* Nothing! :angelhide

Cheese: *from behind Cuddles* Hi Kitty.

Kanatash: Your the one who told him to go annoy someone else.

Volrath: Oh. :confused: How do you know about that?

Kanatash: Omniscence. Comes from being an entity. Now get that thing up to Tormos's room and I might just forget about the punishments. I need to go find the Mindbolds so I can set up a pincer movement. Maybe I should grab Jarlot Sr. while I'm at it. I doubt he'll have any effect on Lord Sirinon but Tormos is another matter...

Cheese walks into Erk's Place.

Chesse: I like chooooooocolate milk.

Erk: Are you lactose intolerant?

Cheese: Yes.

Erk pulls a carton of lactose-free chocolate milk. Cheese drinks the milk.

Cheese (in an erudite British accent): Oh, thank you, good sir. You have no idea how annoying it is to have a higher brain function that runs on a substance that you are normally allergic to.

Cheese walks out, still drinking the milk.

OORei: :OMG! But………How……The Hell………

OOcat: :bored: I literally live on challenges like this.

Silver: Hey girls.

Terra: How…?

Silver: :confused: What? Hot babes, hopeless guy. (Austin Powers accent) It's my bag, baby.

Terra: But you can get through the interference field?

Silver: My E.B.N.E. knows two lines that annoy the insanity out of yours. :cool: And nothing could keep me from missing that.

Silver points over to where the hopeless male lead is interacting with one of the hot maids.

Hot maid: *bows* Can I get you anything else, master?

Hopeless male lead: (higher brain functions have shut down from staring at hot maid's "endowments")

OOcat (popping out of the bushes in a British army uniform and speaking in a British accent): Stop that! STOP THAT! This is far too silly. :mad: This example of the genre is in poor taste. This is terrible! All right, the lot of you, clear off.…

OORei: Just to point out OOCat, Cheese wouldn't be effected by that for more than 30 secs. You need to better than that.

As Tormos fidgets nervously in his room, Cheese taps him on the back.

Tormos: Gah! ...oh, who might you be?

Cheese: I LIKE the fair.

Tormos: :twitch: Uh...'k...

Lord Sirinon: Oh, now here's someone with the right idea! Fairs are indeed enjoyable.

Cheese: I LIKE the fair.

Tormos: I don't like the look of this one...

Lord Sirinon: Come now, boy. You can't just-

He lifts up his hand, which Cheese is currently attached to.

Lord Sirinon: Can I help you?


Lord Sirinon: Very well. *hands him a chocolate wrapped in foil*

Cheese stuffs the whole thing in his mouth, then promptly spits a chewed up mess on Lord Sirinon's clothes.

Cheese: Candy is broken.

Lord Sirinon: *whiping it off* Indeed. :yuck: Now, if you'd kindly release my hand.

Cheese: *nasally inhale* ...ok.

After a few moments of nothing happening, Lord Sirinon tries to shake him off.

Cheese: *shakeing* Ah! *more shaking* AaaaaHHHHhh!! *yet more shaking* AAAAAAAHHHHhhh!!!

Completely fed up, Lord Sirinon puts all his strenght into shaking him off.


Lord Sirinon: *huff* *huff*

Cheese: Doitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagaindoitagain! :D

Lord Sirinon & Tormos: :twitch:

Chanse "You heard him, open season, make with the funny Worm boy." ooc Eled "Id love to, but your an Incarnum weilding scoundril, and aspect of chayos, 10 levels below anything thats apaered in the last 50 pages, you need time to build up. Chanse "So build me up, make with the funny" ooc Eled "I Cant :banghead: " points to large slab of adamantine barring his key board, engraved on it are the words 'Wrighters block'

OOKaizer: Actually, that was rather funny.

OOcat: Awwwww....

OOKaizer: When you want to annoy the insanity out of someone, make sure they were actually going somewhere with what you altered. :P

Terra: Shouldn't the 5th wall affect Silver, too?

OOKaizer: She doesn't exist. I can't do anything about that.

Silver: But you two are mean. I missed the beginning with them. *points at Terra and Lisa*

OOKaizer & OOcat: :D

Lisa: About that...

Terra: We knew you'd be upset,

Terra hands her a book and an image crystal. The book title reads "how it happened".

Silver: *flipping through it* Oh... OOOOOOOOOOO! That's a new one... :eek: That is so awesome! I'm gonna have to add a whole new chapter to my book! :D

Lisa: The only condition is that you don't credit us for any new ideas. Our excapades are already popular enough among the Redshirts.

Silver: Deal.

Kantash: "So your another aspect of chayos eh? what skills do you bring to the party?"

Chanse "Moastly I play with odds, the travelers luck so to speak."

Kantash: "Realy?" produces a coin from his pouch "Call it" he flips the coin.

Chanse, hardly looking "edge"

Kantash: "Meh, any one can do edge. You want another shot?"

Chanse "Did I forget to memntion Im a thief? look at the coin."

Kantash "Hey! This is a copper, I fliped platnum."

Chanse "What can I say, but your right, thats not so flashy. You got a deck of cards? Im betterwith cards." :schemes:

Kantash "I have cards."

Chanse "Good Shuffle and draw 3, but dont show me or look at them."

kantash does so. "Good, now as I name the cards look at them."

Kantash "ok, but this is kina dull so far."

Chanse "It wont be, now lets see... Mox saphire"

Kanatsh reveals a Mox saphire from the first of the 3.

"Craw Wyrm"

card with a coiling green serpent is duly revealed.

"Explosave Runes" Chanse sparkles green and runs at a fantastic rate.

kantash Soot faced and scowling from the explosave rune "Wait... Those were three Dragon ante cards, how the :censored: !"

Chanse, on other end of the ship and having changed faces 4 times "I kept the platnum too" :evillaugh

A green bulbous globe floats into Tormos' room.

cheese: Oooooooooooooooooooooo, ball! :D

Cheese jumps on it and then begins bouncing between the ceiling and the floor and back again over and over.

cheese: bouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncybouncy!!!!!!!

Lord Sirinon: Odd I could have swore spore mines were filled with-

The spore mine breaks open releasing a greenish liquid all over the room.

Lord Sirinon: Acid!


OOcat: No, no, no, I meant that song that you don't like.

OOKaizer: What song?

OOcat: —

Silver (to OOcat): Do it and I'll start singing from "The Mikado".

OOcat: :eek: :surrender

OOC: Nothing's wrong with the Mikado, it's just that a lot of the songs are…………*shudder

OOKaizer: Ok, ok, shoo. Let them be.

OOcat: But-

OOKaizer: Even that accursed song won't get me to change my mind. They need to rest.

Silver: Can I-

OOKaizer: I'll let you know. Now shoo.

They disappear.

Terra: You didn't have to do that, you know. We're fine.

OOKaizer: You're exhausted. You can't push yourself too hard right now.

Terra: They were only here for a little while...

Lisa: Hon, at least humor him. She'll be coming any day now.

Terra: ...ok. I'm just bored, I guess.

OOKaizer: That'll change rather quickly.

Terra: Yeah... :eek: ow...

Lisa: Maybe faster than you thought...

Tormos - Father please nothing is worth this.

Lord Sirinon (has turned one of the riven into a horselike mount and is playing polo with the acid balls) - Pish Posh my boy, these tings take time so our hosts have decided to entertain us. I do believe thats my point Mr.Cheese.

Cheese - I do believe it is, i must say thanks again for this large bottle of lactose free chocolate milk.

Tormos - I'm outta here.

On deck

Tormos - Is he senile or am I missing something.

Serene - I don't know or care. I just want you two go away and leave her alone.

Tormos - I can't by our law we must complete the contracts of the Tourn, now that Father has called the rite of Subsumption. Normally this marriage could be overturned by a challenge to a duel, but the Sirinon are not allowed to make or accept such challenges. Besides its not like she's the worst prospect I've ever had, despite your presence she's probably the best there is.

Serene - She is the best, but she is not some bauble to be traded or collected.

Tormos - Of course not, but our laws demand this.

Serene - Why?

Tormos - I'll be the first to admit, its not how they were intended. My father, and I lived through the hunts, the legacy cutter teams were brutal. They could suppress even our Riven if some cases. We hid and ran. The Borisheel survived, they fought, they became strong, impossibly strong. The day Satnak fought her sister the very planet quaked and shuddered from their colliding will. I remember every portent, every vision about those two.

Serene - Visions? :eek:

Tormos - Oh yes I'm a seer. She is a great nexus of possibilities, Of course my sight tells me of her, her life on the island, her cat, ... you.

Serene - If you knew...

Tormos - Why come at all knowing it could only end in bitterness? well no future is set, All i see are facts and possibilities. Second, my father is still Lord Sirinon and he doesn't want his descendants to run ever again. He wants The legendary power of the Breaker Prime folded into our lineage. And to be truthful I have come to admire her as well. I wish I could have tried without this accursed trick, then maybe...

Serene - What are you going to do now?

Tormos - This will be decided in court, if you win I try to get home withiout the crew wringing my neck. If my father wins, then it becomes my job to make sure Satnak doesn't kill me before I can Sire an heir. She will kill me if forced to do this. I can see my flesh strung from the walls as her mad laughter fills the air.

Serene - She seems scared of something happening to me?

Tormos - She has no need to worry about you, ... but let me explain. Under the normal procedure if an arranged marriage is carried out while one or the other parties ( i.e. me or Satnak) already has appointed another mate, the appointed mates are considered married to the other as well. Now since most members of the clans seek mates not of the clans, or are arranged to wed into wealthy non-clan houses, this usually comes into play only in instances like this where someone has been seperated from the clans for a time. Satnak probably fears that I or my father would use you to control her.

Kanatash: Alright, is the plan clear?

Mindbold 1: We wait until Serene is out of the line of fire...

Mindbold 2: ...then we move in, attacking from the shadows...

Mindbold 3: ...with these. (holds up a stereo and several cd's of Mbop)

Kanatash: Eeeeexcelent. You three stay here and wait for your oppertunity. I'm going to find Jarlot Sr.

Serene - And what if I don't want to go with you. I am not bound by your laws.

Tormos - Then you give back the gaurded heart, and you know what that means to her that you carry that. For most of us its just a tradition, a sign of trust. For a Borisheel heir to the Gaurded Heart that blade is the symbolic gift of her heart.

Serene - ... I'm teling you one last time go away and leave us be.

Tormos - I wish I could.

Serene - Coward.

Tormos - Possibly.

As Serene leaves the Gaurded Heart hums faintly.

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