Forgotten Freedom:Plot Lines 4
The Quori[edit]
Another trip to another plane, the captain going crazy, and more. Starts at post 1177.
The Quori continued[edit]
THe crew continues to work on freeing their ship from the Quori. Starts at post 1195.
Saving Lisa[edit]
Lisa is kidnapped and both Michael and Terra try to save her. Also the crew begins to plan a Haz'rack game. Starts at post 1231.
Lisa's Decision[edit]
Lisa must decide who she loves and what her future will be while Michael and Terra fight for her affection. Starts at post 1247.
The Game Begins[edit]
The crew starts their Haz'rack game while other more serious games are played. Starts at post 1272.
Sav'or's Children[edit]
Sav'or creates the warriors to help build and establish the future empire. Starts at post 1300.
The Silver Flame[edit]
The Demon has been released from the Silver Flame and now he is good. Step 1: Destroy the world? Starts at post 1314.
The Silver Flame: Part 2[edit]
Will the combined might of the crew be enough to save the world from good? Starts at post 1347.
Sav'or Is Good[edit]
Sa'vor gets an alignment change. Terra has some discipline problems with her minions, and gives Kithle a tour of the Sharn Underground. Starts at post 1388.
Terra's Operation[edit]
Terra shows Kithle around her operation while the crew deals with some entities from beyond existence.
Norbaz's Letter[edit]
Norbaz must get his letter back from Marish before it is too late. Starts at post 1424.
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