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[[Category:Mutants & Masterminds]]
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[[Image:Godlike_Time_mag_small.gif|frame| [[ LARGER]] ]]
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[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-1 small.gif|frame| [ "In God We Trust"] cover image -- [ LARGE] ]]
[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-1 small.gif|frame| [ "In God We Trust"] cover image -- [ LARGE] ]]
[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-2 small.gif|frame| [ "Homecomings"] cover image -- [ LARGE] ]]
[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-2 small.gif|frame| [ "Homecomings"] cover image -- [ LARGE] ]]
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[[|frame|  "High Cost of Living"] cover image ???? LARGE] ]]
[[|frame|  "High Cost of Living"] cover image ???? LARGE] ]]
[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-5 small.gif|frame| [ "The Morality of Mortality"] cover image --  [ LARGE] ]]
[[Image:American-Gods-Cover-5 small.gif|frame| [ "The Morality of Mortality"] cover image --  [ LARGE] ]]
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Revision as of 08:40, 28 April 2006

"In God We Trust" cover image -- LARGE
"Homecomings" cover image -- LARGE
"America's Most Wanted" cover image -- LARGE

[[|frame| "High Cost of Living"] cover image ???? LARGE] ]]

"The Morality of Mortality" cover image -- LARGE


You change the world. You move mountains. You define music, fashion & entertainment.
YOU are Godlike.

Sinner or Saint. Revolutionary or Radical. Anarchist or Terrorist.
YOU are Godlike.

Walk among the clouds. Walk between the stars. Walk as gods.

Because YOU...... ARE Godlike.

-- Godlike Convocation

Welcome to the American Gods campaign wiki, the "series bible" for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game called "American Gods," played using the M&M system. The goal of this site is to collect information about our game in a way that anyone in our group has easy access to read and edit.


Setting Background

Fundamentally the same as the real world, things in the American Gods campaign took a dramatic turn on September 11, 2001, with an extra, fourth plane hijacked from Boston Logan airport. This plane, too, went down, but everyone on it survived, though they were lost to consciousness for four years. When they wake up they come to be called, variously, The Survivors and The Godlike.

It soon becomes apparent that the Godlike have each awoken with a special power as, unwittingly, they begin to exhibit abilities such as superhuman strength, flight, healing touch and even clairvoyance. Eager to revisit their past and reunite with those they love, two worlds collide as these people, acclimated to the world before their coming, are forced to deal with the new challenges of being god. They are people dealing with traumatic changes, driven by the mystery of what happened to them and why. This is their platform to explore politics, religion, society, responsibility and ultimately, the question of power: what it means, what it does and what it costs. It echoes the adage, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Hyped as a hoax by many, it is rumored that the Godlike were infected by some government experiment, that they are angels or demons ushering the end times, or perhaps they are the results of alien abduction. With the world understandably curious, rumors begin to spread about the Godlike's abilities and public opinion soon becomes divided between those who embrace the Godlike and those who fear them. As the members of the Godlike struggle to resume and rebuild their “life interrupted,” each will come to play a pivotal role in events still to come... events that will shape the destiny of the human race.


  • Quotes from the American God Game Sessions: We try our best to have someone writing quotes they hear from other players, characters and NPCs. We don't always get them all and some will make little sense out of context but they greatly humanize the story looking back!
  • Game Inspiration Quotes: Herein we see multiple quotes that we've found that have meaning to our stories and styles.
  • American God COVERS: Imagine that these images are the covers for the collected trade paperback graphic novels of each story arc. Each image is meant to symbolize the contents of its arc; those symbols are discussed within.

Cast of Characters

This Band of Brothers

  • Main Cast: The main characters of our story, the player characters.
    • Main Cast Opinions: Listing the thoughts and opinions of each player regarding what their character's opinion of other main characters and any non-player characters.
    • Main Cast Power Points: Awarded Power Points.
    • Main Cast Powers: A space for the Main Cast to describe the powers they possess.
    • Main Cast STORIES: This is the one-stop shop for all "fiction" written as stories about/for player characters by their players.

Our Fellow Travellers

  • AA 283 Flight Manifest: The master list of everyone who was aboard American Airlines Flight 283 when it left Boston on 9/11/01 for LA and destiny. The people on this list are those who, as a whole, would come to be called "The Survivors" and "The Godlike."

The Wider World

  • Supporting Cast: The characters who have touched the Main Casts' lives. This is a description of the Main Casts' family and friends, from before and after the crash, of the antagonists they've found along the way and the dozens of people who've walked into and out of their sight in countless smaller ways.

Important Groups


Private Industry

  • Biotech Industries: Various Biotech companies that could be involved with the Survivors.
    • BIO: The Biotech Industry Organization, a clearinghouse for in-industry trade and biotech governmental advocacy; the AARP of biotechs. Jack hopes that they might offer some of the support he's looking for.
    • Celera: The company that kept the Survivors in its care during the four long years of their "slumber."
    • Genzyme: The first corporate partner of The Hopewell Foundation
    • Serono: Biotech partner to Milos Wiazowski's King Farm.
  • the Media

Public Sector

Locations of Interest


  • Hartford: The location of Brian Jaffe's family home. Current home of his father's new family. Brian's mother currently lives with her mother (Brian's Grandmother) in a suburb of Portland, Maine.



  • Annapolis: Home to the U.S. Naval Academy, which hosts not only a shipyards and naval base, but also some of the country's most extensive RADAR and detection equipment. It is the site where Brian Jaffe safely brought down a Navy pilot who had lost control of his plane.
  • John Hopkins University: One of the leading academic and research universities in the United States, if not the world. Brian claimed, once, to have applied to their law school, but been turned down. The administration recently offered to award Brian an honorary doctorate (in an unknown field - presumably law or international relations) if he'll serve as commencement speaker.
    • John Hopkins Hospital: One of the nation's leading research and teaching hospitals, it's so-far been the medical center of choice for the main cast. They brought Jack here after he was shot, Carrie here to recover from her burns and Arthur here after Carrie stabbed him. An unknown Survivor works in the hospital as a Physical Therapist.
  • Oakland: A town in the far west of Maryland, this is the home of Thomas Reagan and the site of his unfortunate accident.
  • Rockville: The third largest city in Maryland, located almost at the state's geographic center.
    • CELERA campus: This is the site where all of the Survivors first landed on the East Coast. This is also where the main cast discovered the four cloned corpses of Bryce, the [Unborn Child of Mary Beth Manly].
    • King Farm: An enclosed, 430 acre neo-traditional planned community founded in 1997 within the Rockville city limits. Milos Wiazowski recently announced that due to funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others, King Farm has now become an enclosed community specifically for the benefit of the Godlike.

New Jersey

The site of the first defining moment for the Godlike: their plane's fateful crash to the earth. Since then, it's served as temporary home to Harold Redford and become the not-entirely-top-secret site of the government's latest "Area 51"-like facility.

New York City

  • Midtown East: Midtown east stretches from 42nd Street north to 59th, and East of Fifth Avenue to the East River. Major landmarks include Grand Central Station and the United Nations Building. It is also home to some of the world's most well known department stores, including Macys, Bergdorf Goodman and Saks Fifth Avenue. Midtown, NYC on wikipedia
    • Waldorf Astoria Hotel: The location of Jack Bennett's mother's penthouse apartment. Loc: 301 Park Avenue (between 49th and 50th Street) Area: Midtown East, The Waldorf Astoria is a luxury hotel, located on Park Avenue, in the heart of New York. Built in 1929, the hotel was completely renovated in 1999, to bring all the charm and elegance of the original structure into the modern times. The Waldorf Astoria is justly famous. Waldorf Astoria on wikipedia


  • Bothell: A small city outside of Seattle, Bothell straddles King and Snohomish Counties.
    • Seattle Genetics: A research ally of Celera, SG's Bothell campus is where The Survivors woke up and where they stayed for the first two days thereafter.

Washington, D.C.

  • Map of the DC Area
    • The National Mall: Map of the central area of Washington DC
      • the Lincoln Memorial: the location of the meeting of the main cast Survivors following their homecoming trips and sight of Jack's near-fatal shooting.
      • The Hopewell Foundation: With a main office located just off the National Mall and between the White House and the Capital Building in downtown Washington, this is the nerve-center for the main cast's efforts to unite and care for their fellow Survivors.
      • Brian's Condo: Located between just off of Scott Circle, at the border of Downtown Washington and Dupont Circle, this is the posh home of Brian Jaffe.
    • Georgetown: Georgetown is a neighborhood of Washington, DC, the capital of the United States. It is located in the Northwest quadrant of Washington on the Potomac River waterfront.
      • Clyde's of Georgetown: 3236 M Street, NW, Phone 202-333-9180. Where Brain Jaffe, with input from several fellow Survivors, wrote The Survivors Announcement. The streetcorner outside is the site of the bus/taxi accident that was the first public usage of super abilities.
      • Georgetown University: Georgetown University Wikipedia
      • BLUEGIN: the latest edition to DC's growing number of nightlife entertainment venues has finally arrived. Bluegin is a two-story, 4500 square foot newly renovated lounge/club space located in the heart of Georgetown.
    • Parkfair Apartments: Owned by Harold Redford. Located at 1611 Park Road, N.W., Washington, DC. Harold used his savings and retirement package to purchase this apartment complex in the NW Washington D.C. He resides with Arthur on the top floor of the building in a penthouse made from three apartments converted into one residence. Mandy lives in a basement apartment in the building, along with Beth.
    • AGT's Star Cinema Megaplex: A new Movie Theater, Opening in Washington D.C. AGT's chain of Star Cinema's, wich are secretly owned by Jack Kennedy

West Virginia

News & Events

September 11, 2001

  • the 9/11 Disaster: A history of the real-world events of September 11.
  • 9/11 Timeline - A history of events on September 11, often different from the real world, often unique to The American Gods.
  • the Planes: 265 people killed on four planes; 232 passengers, 25 flight attendants, 8 pilots. (Note that this total includes the 19 hijackers, who reportedly boarded the planes as passengers.)
  • AA Flight 283 DECKPLAN: layout of the plane, seating chart of terrorists.
  • BOS Airport Terminal: Map to Boston Logan International Airport, American Airlines.

The Survivors Announcement

The World Reacts

Campaign Timeline

Science & Technology

Theory & Interest Topics

Campaign Construction

Who are the American Gods? ... The American Gods... aka. the Godlike... aka. the Survivors... aka. them freak-os... The players take on a role as one of 283 humans imbued with godlike powers in our modern world. This is a "what if" story of having been given great power in the real world setting of the modern day. The main protagonists are human first, and may or may not become heroes in the classic comic book ideal. The choice is theirs. They are Godlike. The flavor of the game is remenicent of the comic "Supreme Power", the tv show "the 4400", the RPG "Aberrant", and the movie "Unbreakable" among many others.



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