Once more with feeling/XP Table
- Once More, With Feeling!
- Baseline XP: 396.
Changing Moon
Lilijana (Faustus21)
- 174 Initial
- 72 Basic
- 50 Story
- 102 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- 398 Total.
Silveria Arc (Myllinnia)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 103 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Making Andrensath laugh in the campus library
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- 399 Total.
Waxing Moon
Sun and Moon United in Splendor (Andrensath)
- 174 Initial
- 72 Basic
- 50 Story
- 101 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Catching GM error
- 397 Total.
Cael (Segev)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 3 Stunt
- 110 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Catching GM error
- Catching GM error
- Social combat
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- 409 Total.
Dhiren (Taurus II)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 2 Stunt
- 100 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- 398 Total.
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
Starcc Antonee, the Adamant Man (Andrensath)
- 50 Initial
- 140 Basic
- 110 Story
- 1 Stunt
- 101 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Good roleplay
- 398 Total.
Nuwa (Dakkareth)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 4 Stunt
- 104 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Catching GM error
- Catching GM error
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- 404 Total.
Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady (Andrensath)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 111 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- refund of Background dots
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- 407 Total.
Surely-Refulgent Anshu (Taurus II)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 1 Stunt
- 102 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Horrible hymn parody
- Good roleplay
- 399 Total.
The Shining Lord of Gold and Ivory (Axelius)
- 174 Initial
- 72 Basic
- 50 Story
- 113 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Catching GM error
- Good Roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Rebuying Merit (8)
- 409 Total.
Invisible Crow Hunter (CowboyEnergy)
- 158 Initial
- 96 Basic
- 50 Story
- 101 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Catching GM error
- 397 Total.
De'aneir'a Sera Vestra (Illyceria)
- 174 Initial
- 72 Basic
- 50 Story
- 100 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- 396 Total.
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
Ziyad Antarah (Lost_Arts)
- 176 Basic
- 120 Story
- 2 Stunt
- 109 Special
- 100 to pay off debt before other purchases.
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Good roleplay
- Catching GM Error
- 3xp refund from background
- 1xp point refund for background balanced against losing flaw.
- Good roleplay
- 407 Total.