Forgotten Freedom:Plot Lines 4

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The Quori

Another trip to another plane, the captain going crazy, and more. Starts at post 1177.

The Quori continued

THe crew continues to work on freeing their ship from the Quori. Starts at post 1195.

Saving Lisa

Lisa is kidnapped and both Michael and Terra try to save her. Also the crew begins to plan a Haz'rack game. Starts at post 1231.

Lisa's Decision

Lisa must decide who she loves and what her future will be while Michael and Terra fight for her affection. Starts at post 1247.

The Game Begins

The crew starts their Haz'rack game while other more serious games are played. Starts at post 1272.

Sav'or's Children

Sav'or creates the warriors to help build and establish the future empire. Starts at post 1300.

The Silver Flame

The Demon has been released from the Silver Flame and now he is good. Step 1: Destroy the world? Starts at post 1314.

The Silver Flame: Part 2

Will the combined might of the crew be enough to save the world from good? Starts at post 1347.

Sav'or Is Good

Sa'vor gets an alignment change. Terra has some discipline problems with her minions, and gives Kithle a tour of the Sharn Underground. Starts at post 1388.

Terra's Operation

Terra shows Kithle around her operation while the crew deals with some entities from beyond existence.

Norbaz's Letter

Norbaz must get his letter back from Marish before it is too late. Starts at post 1424.

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