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Welcome to the Midnight: North & South campaign wiki.
With the Campaigns beginning on October 7th 2006, this wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop fantasy role-playing game using the Midnight Setting for the Dungeons and Dragons system. This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
Two seperate campaigns in the same Midnight world continuity.
Midnight: North & South Portal:

the Campaign Connections
Midnight Basics: a very short info brief about the difference of Midnight and D&D.

Midnight Character Creation: all the notes on creation your character.
Midnight PRE-GAME Character Background: herein are all the various options for players to do character background and the awards for the efforts.

Midnight: North & South Yahoo Discussion: This is where the group actively discusses game events, recaps as well as the planning of game gatherings and general group chit chat.

Midnight: North & South Back Chapter Bin: This is the spot for game session recaps by both GM and Players, described by the chapters of our books through. Midnight: North & South serial campaign is broken into story arcs. What are Story Arcs?

Midnight Party Game Calendar: Here are the working calendars for the two parties.

Midnight: North & South Game Inspiration Quotes

Armies of Elves, Dwarves and Men attempted to defeat Izrador the Enemy, the Shadow in the North,
in the most important and final of battles in the Third Age. They met and fought valiantly against armies of Orc, Demon, Dragon and other Shadow Minion on the southern shore of the Pellurian Sea.
But… They lost.
It is the the Last Age of man…

The Light at the End of the Tunnel grows dim in these final days.
From the NORTH, from the SOUTH... It makes no difference; their hope...
Salvation of mankind, elfkind, the men of stone
and those that wish to live free...
and if destiny survives they shall reforge, what would not be...

“Isil’zha Voren!”
A battle cry from the black tongue meaning “In His Name.”
These three words shall be spoken as a blessing, an oath, and a prayer for the One…
The Fey not birthed of Fey.

the NORTHERN campaign began somewhere North West of the Cale ruins,
nearly 300 miles from the Veradeen, Erethor.
Midnight: Norther XP Rewards
Chapters of the North
Midnight: Norther SWAG & BOOTY
Snow Elf Dorn Dorn Erenlander Dwarf
Barbarian Rogue Wildlander Expert Defender
Healer Beast Fellhunter Faithful Giantblood
The Fair Haired One

All the people of [Eredane] know that freedom is a dying word. [The Shadow in the North] is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his [Night Kings].
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow

Through the ages destiny has searched for those with the will and want to make a difference in the Last Age of Man the Light is cast to two groups thousands of miles seperated by land but standing side by side against the Shadow in the North. One group of [Pathwalkers] begins their journey in the space between [Alvedara] and [Cambrial], while the other find their journey beginning just below [Cale] some distance from [Steel Hill] and the [Veradeen].

Setting Background[edit]

All the people of Eredane know that freedom is a dying word. The Shadow in the North is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his Night Kings.
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow

EVIL in the World[edit]

  • Those that FELL on Blood Ice: following the bloodsoaked battle of the tundra fields below Nalford in the late Winter of ??, the dead lay on the battlefield picked at by vulture and Shadow-Crow. But hundreds would immediately rise, seemingly confused but definately hungry. It is not known how or why these human/elf/orc (and other) soldiers aross so quickly.


  • Jazir: the Sword of Shadow. Jazir is the most known of all Night Kings, the absolute ruler of Erenland. His frequent court is in the city of  ???. Early in the winter of  ??? he began a pilgrimage to Erenhead where it's said he would name the generals that would continue leading his armies. The most feared turn of events would be to know who would take over the Kaladrune campaign.
  • Zardrix: the Wrath of Shadow. The dragon beast said to have little care left and perhaps less sanity in neverending destructive service to the Shadow.

GOOD in the World[edit]

GRAY in the World[edit]

  • Lord Azamyr: the Erensil elf lord that lead the battlegroup of snow elves on the tundra in the "Battle on Blood Ice". It is believed he did not survive, but yet he walks!


the Continent of EREDANE on the world of Aryth in the heart of MIDNIGHT.

  • ShadowHold: Regarding the name Shadowhold - why would a Dwarven Clan name their caern after the Enemy in the North?? Good questions... The name resulted from the local corruption of an older name of a dwarven warcry - "Shadow, Halt!", over time this would become "Shadowhalt" which translated to "Shadowhold".


Through the AGES[edit]

The Calendar Year[edit]

  • Months of the Year: better known as "ARCS" to folk of Aryth.
    • 1 - Shareel
    • 2 - Doshram
    • 3 - Sahaad
    • 4 - Senneach
    • 5 - Halail
    • 6 - Zimra
    • 7 - Obares
    • 8 - Hanud
    • 9 - Hisha
    • 10 - Sutara

Artifacts, Covenant Items & Charms[edit]

Prophecy & Scripture[edit]

  • Shadow Wall's Call: A halfling poem of hope...
    Come ride with me,
    Through the veins of fate,
    I will show how you,
    Can find a new path.

    And how lots can change,
    When fools can be kings,
    When slaves can be free,
    When shadow can be light.

    It's not enough just to survive,
    The time has come to meet at Shadow-Wall,
    Come mighty fey and valiant kin,
    You and I must fight for the light.

Messages of Note[edit]

  • [Verlathis' Note to Steelguard]

Known Covenant Items[edit]

Charm's found or rumored of[edit]

  • the Sussar's Coin - a minor Charm of Direction: This true charm is a coin of a first age Sarcosan Sussar ensorcelled to allow the user to always sense north when flipped on the ground.

Special Materials[edit]

Riddles and Rhyme of Eredane[edit]

News & Events[edit]

Midnight: North & South Portal
Midnight RPG Wiki