Midnight: the Shadow Killers player Bill: Difference between revisions

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= Bill's Characters =
= Bill's Characters =
* [[Bromar]] Kolmothr, Farkral Belmalk, Orm Brond Draugadrottin, Thermamarr vi Huskarl; Clan [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_races.htm Dwarf] [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/class_fighter.htm fighter][http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/fighter.html *] and [[Midnight Custom Prestige Class: Huskarl|Huskarl]] of the [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/hp-earthbonded.htm Earthbonded] heroic path
* [[Arlaan]] Abarakolor, Clan [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_races.htm Dwarf] [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_defender.htm Defender] of the [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/hp-giantblooded.htm Giantblooded] heroic path
* [[Arlaan]] Abarakolor, Clan [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_races.htm Dwarf] [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_defender.htm Defender] of the [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/hp-giantblooded.htm Giantblooded] heroic path
** [[Arlaan's old covenant items]]
** [[Arlaan's old covenant items]]
* [[Kyuad]] Finustion, southern [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_races.htm Erenlander] [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_channeler.htm Channeler] of the [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/index.php?page=28 Foundling] heroic path
* [[Kyuad]] Finustion, southern [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_races.htm Erenlander] [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_channeler.htm Channeler] and [[Midnight Custom Prestige Class: Fell Warden|Fell Warden]] of the [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/index.php?page=28 Foundling] heroic path, [[Kyuad's New Form|?]]
** [[Kyuad's old covenant items]]
** [[Kyuad's old covenant items]]
** [[Kyuad's Spellcasting Notes]]

= Bill's GM Requests =
= Bill's GM Requests =

* [[Polymorph alteration for Midnight]]
* [[Bill's special rule requests]]
* [[Bill's special rule requests]]
* '''Items'''
** [[Bill's special rule requests#Daunting Presence|Daunting Presence]]
** '''Magic Items'''
*** ''Floating Book'' - The floating book knows its name and comes when called.  It hovers approximately 3 feet above the ground at all times and remains in the orientation its owner sets it.  (From Dragon 341, p. 65)  ''This isn't necessarily something that I'd like a character to ''have'', but it would be neat to see in the world.''
* Spells for [[Kyuad]] - These are spells that I'd like for Kyuad to learn - this means of course, that the GM will need to purposefully place these in the game world, in the form of a spell scroll or a spellbook, in order for Kyuad to learn them.  ++Currently Kyuad can learn: '''12''' spells++
** Level 0
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|dawn]]
** Level 1
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|Backbiter]]
*** [[Shadowkillers_-_New_Spells#Fleshknit.2C_Lesser|Fleshknit, Lesser]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#ray-of-enfeeblement ray of enfeeblement]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsTtoZ.html#unseen-servant unseen servant] (found in Runes - but can he learn it off of this?)
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsDtoE.html#endure-elements endure elements]
** Level 2
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsDtoE.html#delay-poison delay poison]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|Healing Sting]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#lesser-restoration lesser restoration]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsS.html#spectral-hand spectral hand]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#resist-energy resist energy]
** Level 3
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#cure-serious-wounds cure serious wounds]
*** [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/magic_spells.htm#Silver%20Wind silver wind]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsS.html#stinking-cloud stinking cloud]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|infestation of maggots]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|mage armor, greater]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|bone thicket]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|fleshknit]]
** Level 4
*** ''none''
** Level 5
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|night's caress]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#cloudkill cloudkill]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsTtoZ.html#waves-of-fatigue waves of fatigue]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|ironguard, lesser]]
** Level 6
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|aura of terror]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsDtoE.html#greater-dispel-magic dispel magic, greater]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsFtoG.html#guards-and-wards guards and wards]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|ray of entropy]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|contagion, mass]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsHtoL.html#harm harm]
** Level 7
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|arrow of bone]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|energy immunity]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|ghost trap]]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#control-undead control undead]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsTtoZ.html#waves-of-exhaustion waves of exhaustion]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsHtoL.html#heal heal]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#regenerate regenerate]
** Level 8
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#create-greater-undead create greater undead]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#clone clone]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#mass-cure-serious-wounds cure serious wounds, mass]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsHtoL.html#mass-inflict-critical-wounds inflict critical wounds, mass]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|bestow curse, greater]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|blackfire]]
*** [[Bill's special rule requests|veil of undeath]]
** Level 9
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsTtoZ.html#wail-of-the-banshee wail of the banshee]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsPtoR.html#refuge refuge]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsFtoG.html#freedom freedom]
*** [http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsHtoL.html#imprisonment imprisonment]
== Spells available to learn ==
This is for reference purposes:

* ''The Grimoire of Bile'' by Umann-Ui ''(spellbook)'' (4 lb.)
** Spells
*** Level 0: ''ghost sound, read magic''
*** Level 1: ''assist, deep breath, detect astirax, far whisper, obscuring mist''
*** Level 2: none
*** Level 3: ''dispel magic, tongues''
*** Level 4: ''remove curse''
* ''The Cyclopaedia of Vrolk the Vile'' by Vrolk ''(spellbook)'' (4 lb.)
** Spells
*** Level 0: ''disrupt undead, read magic, touch of fatigue''
*** Level 1: ''cause fear''
*** Level 2: ''command undead, ghoul touch, decomposition, fell forbiddance, ray of weakness, shroud of undeath, withering speech''
*** Level 3: ''blood boil, dispel magic, halt undead, tongues, vampiric touch''
*** Level 4: ''animate dead, bestow curse, crushing despair, cause critical wounds''
*** Level 5: ''blight, nightmare, nexus fuel''
*** Level 6: none
*** Level 7: ''insanity''
*** Level 8: ''horrid wilting, trap the soul''
* Another book from Vrolk's lab
** Spells
*** Level 1: ''alarm''
*** Level 2: ''scare, cure moderate wounds, cause moderate wounds''
*** Level 3: ''bone thicket, neutralize poison''
*** Level 4: ''secure shelter''
*** Level 5: ''waves of fatigue''
*** Level 6: ''flame bones, create undead''

= Bill's Player Journal =
= Bill's Player Journal =
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* 8 hours: learn ''command undead''
* 8 hours: learn ''command undead''
* 2 hours: study '''Echo's Splinter''' (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell levels 3 and 4)
* 2 hours: study '''Echo's Splinter''' (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell levels 3 and 4)
** '''Level 3 Spells:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
** '''Level 3 Spells:'''   
** '''Level 4 Spells:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
** '''Level 4 Spells:'''   

'''Day 2'''
'''Day 2'''
* 8 hours: learn ''command undead''
* 8 hours: learn ''command undead''
* 1 hour: study '''Echo's Splinter''' (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell level 5)
* 1 hour: study '''Echo's Splinter''' (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell level 5)
** '''Level 5 Spells:'''   <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
** '''Level 5 Spells:'''
* 1 hour: study Aradril's scroll
* 1 hour: study Aradril's scroll

Line 222: Line 136:
* ~25 minutes: Identifying goods found in Vrolk's Tower:
* ~25 minutes: Identifying goods found in Vrolk's Tower:
** 5 full-round actions: decipher the scrolls (this determines the spell written on the scroll) found in the librarian's room (5 scrolls, DC 20 + spell level for each)  '''Rolls:''' 34, 27, 25, 30, 34
** 5 full-round actions: decipher the scrolls (this determines the spell written on the scroll) found in the librarian's room (5 scrolls, DC 20 + spell level for each)  '''Rolls:''' 34, 27, 25, 30, 34
*** '''Scroll 1:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Scroll 1:'''  t"the Papers of Flesh" (Horrid Wilting)
*** '''Scroll 2:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Scroll 2:'''  "the Howling Parchment of Insanity" (Hold Person, Mass)
*** '''Scroll 3:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Scroll 3:'''  "the Scroll of the Glamour of Necrotic Force" (Undeath to Death)
*** '''Scroll 4:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Scroll 4:'''  "the Glorious Treatise of the Crazed Demons' Ceremony of Ruthlessness" (Summon Monster VIII (demons and devils, outsiders only)
*** '''Scroll 5:'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Scroll 5:'''  "Scroll Rites of Natural Selection" (Revive Undead (LM70)
** 14 minutes: attempt to identify the 14 potions marked "91V" containing orange liquid with a red swirl (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' 37, 31, 28, ''23'', 31, 25, 28, 37, 33, 30, nat 20 (38), ''22'', ''22'', 27
** 14 minutes: attempt to identify the 14 potions (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' 37, 31, 28, ''23'', 31, 25, 28, 37, 33, 30, nat 20 (38), ''22'', ''22'', 27
*** '''Potion 1'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 1'''  "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 15/magic)
*** '''Potion 2'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 2'''  "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
*** '''Potion 3'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 3'''  "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
*** '''Potion 4''' failed to identify
*** '''Potion 4''' failed to identify (likely: Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
*** '''Potion 5'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 5'''  "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
*** '''Potion 6'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 6'''  "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
*** '''Potion 7'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 7'''  Flame Arrow Oil
*** '''Potion 8'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 8'''  Flame Arrow Oil
*** '''Potion 9'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 9'''  Flame Arrow Oil
*** '''Potion 10'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 10'''  Flame Arrow Oil
*** '''Potion 11'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 11'''  Flame Arrow Oil
*** '''Potion 12''' failed to identify
*** '''Potion 12''' failed to identify (likely: Flame Arrow Oil)
*** '''Potion 13''' failed to identify
*** '''Potion 13''' failed to identify (likely: Flame Arrow Oil)
*** '''Potion 14'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 14'''  Flame Arrow Oil
** 5 minutes: attempt to identify the 5 potions marked "91V" containing a bloody, milky liquid with veins of black (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' nat 20 (38), 25, 28, 26, 33
** 5 minutes: attempt to identify the 5 potions (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' nat 20 (38), 25, 28, 26, 33
*** '''Potion 1'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 1'''  "Draught of the Spell of Necrotic Blood" - The glowing, murky, oily tonic that is ivory in color. It smells like raw meat and grapes.  (Consume Likeness Oil (BV89)
*** '''Potion 2'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 2'''  "the Mithral Brew" -  The chunky draught that is silver in color. It smells like licorice.  (Transmutes covered item to a solid Mithral item, 4oz. Paste)
*** '''Potion 3'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 3'''  "Elixir of Alter Doom" - The viscious tonic that is azure in color. It smells like peach, tastes like nuts and black pepper.  (Serpents of Theggeron (BV103)
*** '''Potion 4'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 4'''  "Goblin Tonic - The glowing mixture that is blue with green flecks. It smells and tastes like excrement.Devil's Tongue (BV92)
*** '''Potion 5'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 5'''  "Seekers' Potion" - The moving, translucent tonic that is azure in color. It smells and tastes like mead.  (Eye of the Beholder (BV94)
** 3 minutes: attempt to identify the 3 potions marked "L", "B", and "G" from the librarian's room (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' 26, ''22'', 27
** 3 minutes: attempt to identify the 3 potions from the librarian's room (DC 25 for each)  '''Rolls:''' 26, ''22'', 27
*** '''Potion 1'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 1'''  Spawn Screen Oil (LM71)
*** '''Potion 2''' failed to identify
*** '''Potion 2''' failed to identify
*** '''Potion 3'''  <font color="red">Kevin, replace this text</font>
*** '''Potion 3'''  Ghost Trap (LM65)
* 1.5 hours: start working on making the cobra skin into a masterwork jacket
* 1.5 hours: start working on making the cobra skin into a masterwork jacket

Line 257: Line 171:
* 8 hours: learn ''scare'' (Spellcraft check 17+18=35 vs. DC 17) XP cost: 100
* 8 hours: learn ''scare'' (Spellcraft check 17+18=35 vs. DC 17) XP cost: 100
* 2 hours: working on the cobraskin jacket
* 2 hours: working on the cobraskin jacket
=== Game 19 ===
==== To Do ====
This is the list of planned activities that Kyuad wants to accomplish while in Hamlet.
===== Spells to learn =====
'''Level - Spell - Description'''<br>
0 touch of fatigue - target is fatigued for 1 round/level<br>
1 alarm - alarm sounds if someone enters area<br>
2 ray of weakness - ray attack weakens<br>
2 cure moderate wounds - 2d8+1/level hp healed<br>
3 bone thicket - skeletal hands rise out of the ground and can grab things<br>
3 vampiric touch - touch attack damages target and heals caster<br>
4 animate dead - corpses rise as undead minions<br>
4 bestow curse - various effects<br>
4 secure shelter - creates a cottage that lasts 1 hour/level<br>
5 waves of fatigue - 30 ft. cone fatigues<br>
Total spell levels: '''28.5'''<br>
Total days spent in study: '''57'''<br>
Total XP spent: '''1425'''<br>
''Pared-down list in case we don't have much time''
'''Level - Spell - Description'''<br>
0 touch of fatigue - target is fatigued for 1 round/level<br>
2 ray of weakness - ray attack weakens<br>
3 bone thicket - skeletal hands rise out of the ground and can grab things<br>
4 animate dead - corpses rise as undead minions<br>
4 bestow curse - various effects<br>
4 secure shelter - creates a cottage that lasts 1 hour/level<br>
Total spell levels: '''17.5'''<br>
Total days spent in study: '''35'''<br>
Total XP spent: '''875'''<br>
===== Crafting =====
* find a good use for the silk and cobra skin
* Minor Charms
** +2 to dispel DC against mirrors (5 for Zal and Kyuad each)
* Lesser Charms
** charm of ''cure minor wounds'', 2 for everyone
** +1 attack for one minute
** charm of ''message'', 1 for everyone
* Greater Charms
** +4 to dispel DC against mirrors
* True Charms
** ''true seeing'' versus incorporeal or bodiless beings (for Kyuad)
===== Magic Item Crafting =====
If it's possible to get to a Nexus:
* Spell talisman for ''poison''
* Spell talisman for ''chill touch'' (1st-level spell, empowered adds 2 SE; -1 SE for it being Necromancy spell, -1 SE for talisman = 1 SE)
* Spell talisman for ''bestow curse''
* Woundrous item: something that once per day summons a summoned creature (Zal would be instrumental in making this
=== Game 31 ===
* Bluebooking:
** [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.118|Kyuad and Durgaz recap]]
** [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.109|Collune speaks with Kyuad]] | [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.109|discussion]]
=== Game 32 ===
* Bluebooking:
** [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.103|Kyuad and Zal'Kazzir]] speak about Faravor and Beleal
** [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.104|Kyuad and Collune]] during the pilgramage
** [[Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.105|Kyuad's Rx]], helping the people of Firsthold

[[Midnight: North & South Portal]]
[[Midnight: North & South Portal]]

Latest revision as of 23:30, 22 March 2012

Bill's Characters[edit]

Bill's GM Requests[edit]

Bill's Player Journal[edit]



Game 2[edit]

Kyuad met up with his old friend Diego Possiogn, a legate. Kyuad was trying to determine what had ransacked and raided Walden's house when he noticed Diego coming up the path toward the house, so he stashed his gear and ran inside to get a broom and look all "hey, I'm cool!"

Diego arrived with a dorn servant named Gertrude and an orc bodyguard who didn't speak very well. They were escorting three armored trailers holding a chimera, a drider, and some owlbears. He claimed that the "drider" was a jungle elf that had modified his own body to have the abdomen of a spider. Others were with Diego, but the number is unclear.

Diego wished to speak with Kyuad, but mainly used the opportunity to put more distance between the two of them. Most likely, Diego wishes to remind the rabble with him that he's in charge, and hopes that his old friend is going to help him do that.

Also, there was a raven that somehow was able to talk. Diego called it Neega. Kyuad is thinking that most likely this was a dire raven who suffered from a feeblemind spell in order to allow an astirax (which are normally not talkative) to possess it. It's probably an astirax because it mentioned "smelling" something, and there was something about that basement that seemed to radiate power. However, there's no way it could have sensed Kyuad as a channeler - it had been a long time since he had cast a spell, and had moved since then anyway.

In order to get out of this situation, Kyuad's going to have to relent and act as though he's grovelling for his life - really put on a good show for the orcs to remind them who their boss is. Then again, Kyuad did just see that orc Durgaz come out of the woods. He'd be smart to keep his distance. If his friends decide to do something stupid and it escalates into a fight, and if Neega is as astirax, that thing is our first priority by far - if it doesn't die then Kyuad probably will. We'll also have to make sure that no one opens up the trailers - we don't want to fight a chimera at all. We also have to make sure the house doesn't get burned - although the previous fire didn't burn it so there's a chance it is resistant to that.

Game 5[edit]

This session was mainly spent doing housekeeping. The PCs spent that time in ShadowWall, Walden's home. This is how Kyuad spent his time:

  • Day 1: Scribe scrolls and familiar arrives
    • Scrolls
      • 4 x comprehend languages - spell level 1 x CL 2 x 25vp = 50vp
      • 8 x cure light wounds - spell level 1 x CL 2 x 25vp = 50vp
      • 8 x mage armor - spell level 1 x CL 2 x 25vp = 50vp
      • TOTALS: 20 scrolls, all 1st-level spells at caster level 2, is a total of 1000vp. This is one day of work, and will cost 40XP. The materials needed will be roughly 500vp worth of stuff, but it's assumed that creation is limited entirely by whether or not the materials are on hand. (scribing scrolls does not require the maker to expend spell energy)
  • Day 2: learn touch of fatigue (25xp)
  • Day 3: study corpses, dissect bodies, make notes for the lorebook, study books available in the house, prepare for the next day
  • Day 4: craft a spell talisman for false life (50xp)
  • Day 5: complete crafting, translation of the rest of the spellbooks and scrolls
  • Day 6: learn cure minor wounds (25xp)
  • Day 7: learn disrupt undead (25xp)

Totals: 165 Experience spent

The group also planned out their next moves, which will take them back into the wilderness as they attempt to find Valendil in order to hand off the "ferret."

Game 6[edit]

Among the items stored in ShadowWall was a finely-crafted warhammer marked as being from the Steelguard Clan. Kyuad's Lorebook has information that says Steelguard is a dwarf who was able to rally the clans, but has been captured.

Nisse was attacked by an undead wyvern, which was then destroyed. Lorebook says that it was called Zaindal, and was created as one of Vrolk's pets.

We listed out some of the charms found in ShadowWall, and 5 skeens of aranesil silk were harvested (100' each). Eranon gave Kyuad 9 doses of +2 Int checks oil.

Zaindal had an eye inside its torso, which not only saw us, but also caused Durgaz to enter a trance, and then controlled Kyuad, causing him to attack Eranon. When Durgaz came-to, he crushed the eye. This item was tied to the Cadaverous Eye, which Durgaz claimed to have seen while talking to Vrolk in a spire in the jungle to the west.

An elf with strangely-stretched skin encountered us after the destruction of Zaindal and asked us strange questions. He thought that Durgaz was "the chosen one" and that Kyuad had "the words" of Aradril the Witch Queen. He left before we could ask him questions, but he cured Nisse of the wyvern poison.

From the wyvern, Kyuad and Durgaz harvested the stinger, enough wing leather to make falconry gloves, and the keelbone for use in making a large shield.

The group talked about Vrolk. Kyuad told them that he has the Cadaverous Eye, which he found under a massive volcano in the Kaladruns (the dur'gal). This item allows him to control undead, and it has the potential to allow the legates of the world to control all undead at once. Vrolk is also considered to know the secret of overcoming time (eternal life).

In the swamp-like "plains" region NE of Staging the group finds a slab of stone carved to look like a symbol of Izrador. The eyes were spires, one carved to look like the spire that Durgaz thinks is Vrolk's home, the other carved to look like the volcano where Vrolk found the 'Eye. A trapped spirit chanted at them while on the slab, telling them to worship Izrador. Thorton suffered from the supernatural cold effects of nighttime in the swamp. He, Kyuad, and Eranon all suffered 3 Taint due to the swamp.

The next day the group encountered a horse-like creature that Kyuad thought was a moose, and an elf. These turned out to be a bog hag and a splinter steed. Most likely, a fight will ensue.

Game 18[edit]

Bluebooking List[edit]

Note: These ARE private - don't read unless your character's name is listed, please.

Kyuad's Travel To-Do List[edit]

Each day: 8 hours of travel, 10 hours for other duties

Day 1

  • 8 hours: learn command undead
  • 2 hours: study Echo's Splinter (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell levels 3 and 4)
    • Level 3 Spells:
    • Level 4 Spells:

Day 2

  • 8 hours: learn command undead
  • 1 hour: study Echo's Splinter (learn if it has spells, and what they are, for spell level 5)
    • Level 5 Spells:
  • 1 hour: study Aradril's scroll

Day 3

  • 8 hours: learn command undead
  • 1 hour: craft a minor charm: weapon tassle (+2 attack, 1 round) Finished
  • 1 hour: craft a minor charm: quill sleeve (+2 Forgery, 1 check) Finished

Day 4

  • 8 hours: learn command undead (Spellcraft check 14+18=32 vs. DC 17) XP cost: 100
  • 2 hours: craft a lesser charm: flesh replacement (1 hp of negative energy) Finished

Day 5

  • 8 hours: learn cause moderate wounds
  • 2 hours: craft a greater charm: woven armor rosette (+2 AC for 1 minute)

Day 6

  • 8 hours: learn cause moderate wounds
  • 2 hours: craft a greater charm: woven armor rosette (+2 AC for 1 minute)

Day 7

  • 8 hours: learn cause moderate wounds
  • 2 hours: craft a greater charm: woven armor rosette (+2 AC for 1 minute)

Day 8

  • 8 hours: learn cause moderate wounds (Spellcraft check 2+18=20 vs. DC 17) XP cost: 100
  • 2 hours: craft a greater charm: woven armor rosette (+2 AC for 1 minute)

Day 9

  • 8 hours: learn scare
  • 2 hours: craft a greater charm: woven armor rosette (+2 AC for 1 minute) Finished

Day 10

  • 8 hours: learn scare
  • 2 hours: quickly craft 3 lesser charms: disruption knot (ranged touch attack, range 25 ft., 1d6 damage vs. undead) Finished

Day 11

  • 8 hours: learn scare
  • ~25 minutes: Identifying goods found in Vrolk's Tower:
    • 5 full-round actions: decipher the scrolls (this determines the spell written on the scroll) found in the librarian's room (5 scrolls, DC 20 + spell level for each) Rolls: 34, 27, 25, 30, 34
      • Scroll 1: t"the Papers of Flesh" (Horrid Wilting)
      • Scroll 2: "the Howling Parchment of Insanity" (Hold Person, Mass)
      • Scroll 3: "the Scroll of the Glamour of Necrotic Force" (Undeath to Death)
      • Scroll 4: "the Glorious Treatise of the Crazed Demons' Ceremony of Ruthlessness" (Summon Monster VIII (demons and devils, outsiders only)
      • Scroll 5: "Scroll Rites of Natural Selection" (Revive Undead (LM70)
    • 14 minutes: attempt to identify the 14 potions (DC 25 for each) Rolls: 37, 31, 28, 23, 31, 25, 28, 37, 33, 30, nat 20 (38), 22, 22, 27
      • Potion 1 "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 15/magic)
      • Potion 2 "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
      • Potion 3 "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
      • Potion 4 failed to identify (likely: Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
      • Potion 5 "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
      • Potion 6 "Elven Potion of the Serene Haunt - The fizzing, bubbling substance that is green with ruby flakes. It smells and tastes like dirt." (Protection from Arrows, 10/magic)
      • Potion 7 Flame Arrow Oil
      • Potion 8 Flame Arrow Oil
      • Potion 9 Flame Arrow Oil
      • Potion 10 Flame Arrow Oil
      • Potion 11 Flame Arrow Oil
      • Potion 12 failed to identify (likely: Flame Arrow Oil)
      • Potion 13 failed to identify (likely: Flame Arrow Oil)
      • Potion 14 Flame Arrow Oil
    • 5 minutes: attempt to identify the 5 potions (DC 25 for each) Rolls: nat 20 (38), 25, 28, 26, 33
      • Potion 1 "Draught of the Spell of Necrotic Blood" - The glowing, murky, oily tonic that is ivory in color. It smells like raw meat and grapes. (Consume Likeness Oil (BV89)
      • Potion 2 "the Mithral Brew" - The chunky draught that is silver in color. It smells like licorice. (Transmutes covered item to a solid Mithral item, 4oz. Paste)
      • Potion 3 "Elixir of Alter Doom" - The viscious tonic that is azure in color. It smells like peach, tastes like nuts and black pepper. (Serpents of Theggeron (BV103)
      • Potion 4 "Goblin Tonic - The glowing mixture that is blue with green flecks. It smells and tastes like excrement.Devil's Tongue (BV92)
      • Potion 5 "Seekers' Potion" - The moving, translucent tonic that is azure in color. It smells and tastes like mead. (Eye of the Beholder (BV94)
    • 3 minutes: attempt to identify the 3 potions from the librarian's room (DC 25 for each) Rolls: 26, 22, 27
      • Potion 1 Spawn Screen Oil (LM71)
      • Potion 2 failed to identify
      • Potion 3 Ghost Trap (LM65)
  • 1.5 hours: start working on making the cobra skin into a masterwork jacket

Day 12

  • 8 hours: learn scare (Spellcraft check 17+18=35 vs. DC 17) XP cost: 100
  • 2 hours: working on the cobraskin jacket

Game 19[edit]

To Do[edit]

This is the list of planned activities that Kyuad wants to accomplish while in Hamlet.

Spells to learn[edit]

Level - Spell - Description
0 touch of fatigue - target is fatigued for 1 round/level
1 alarm - alarm sounds if someone enters area
2 ray of weakness - ray attack weakens
2 cure moderate wounds - 2d8+1/level hp healed
3 bone thicket - skeletal hands rise out of the ground and can grab things
3 vampiric touch - touch attack damages target and heals caster
4 animate dead - corpses rise as undead minions
4 bestow curse - various effects
4 secure shelter - creates a cottage that lasts 1 hour/level
5 waves of fatigue - 30 ft. cone fatigues

Total spell levels: 28.5
Total days spent in study: 57
Total XP spent: 1425

Pared-down list in case we don't have much time

Level - Spell - Description
0 touch of fatigue - target is fatigued for 1 round/level
2 ray of weakness - ray attack weakens
3 bone thicket - skeletal hands rise out of the ground and can grab things
4 animate dead - corpses rise as undead minions
4 bestow curse - various effects
4 secure shelter - creates a cottage that lasts 1 hour/level

Total spell levels: 17.5
Total days spent in study: 35
Total XP spent: 875

  • find a good use for the silk and cobra skin
  • Minor Charms
    • +2 to dispel DC against mirrors (5 for Zal and Kyuad each)
  • Lesser Charms
    • charm of cure minor wounds, 2 for everyone
    • +1 attack for one minute
    • charm of message, 1 for everyone
  • Greater Charms
    • +4 to dispel DC against mirrors
  • True Charms
    • true seeing versus incorporeal or bodiless beings (for Kyuad)
Magic Item Crafting[edit]

If it's possible to get to a Nexus:

  • Spell talisman for poison
  • Spell talisman for chill touch (1st-level spell, empowered adds 2 SE; -1 SE for it being Necromancy spell, -1 SE for talisman = 1 SE)
  • Spell talisman for bestow curse
  • Woundrous item: something that once per day summons a summoned creature (Zal would be instrumental in making this

Game 31[edit]

Game 32[edit]

Midnight: North & South Portal