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       <th width="6%">PETE</th>
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       <th width="6%">KRISTIAN</th>

Revision as of 16:36, 10 October 2006

Armies of Elves, Dwarves and Men attempted to defeat Izrador the Enemy, the Shadow in the North, in the most important and final of battles in the Third Age. They met and fought valiantly against armies of Orc, Demon, Dragon and other Shadow Minion on the southern shore of the Pellurian Sea.
But… They lost.
It is the 99th year later, the Last Age of man…

The Light at the End of the Tunnel grows dim in these last days.
For 10,000 years the Light has been dying and the Shadow corrupting ever more souls. Now, desperate and alone, the Light re-opens to allow the pathwalkers to develop incredible powers and understanding, by coming to embody an eternal archetype once called hero.
But that will not be enough…
Man’s Faith must be resurrected from Serf to King.
The mighty must be gathered.
The powers must be found
and if destiny be with us we shall reforge, what should not be...

“Isil’zha Voren!” - a battle cry from the black tongue meaning “In His Name.”
These three words shall be spoken as a blessing, an oath, and a prayer for the One…
The Fey not birthed of Fey.

Welcome to the SHADOW KILLERS campaign wiki.
With the Campaign beginning on October 7th 2006, this wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop fantasy role-playing game using the Midnight Setting for the Dungeons and Dragons system. This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".

the Campaign Connections


  • [SHADOW KILLERS Game Inspiration Quotes]
  • [Quotes from the SHADOW KILLERS Game Sessions]

SHADOW KILLERS Setting Background

All the people of Eredane know that freedom is a dying word. The Shadow in the North is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his Night Kings.
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow

People & Groups

the Pathwalker Heroes

The Parties

Orc Wood Elf Erenlander ?? Erenlander or Dwarf
Fighter Wildlander Defender ?? Defender
Seer Painless (?) ?? ?? Giantblood
Name? Name? Name? Name? Name?

Snow Elf Dorn ?? ?? ??
Barbarian Rogue ?? ?? Channeller
?? Beast ?? ?? ??
Name? Coinneach (The Fair Haired One) Name? Name? Name?

GOOD in the World

EVIL in the World

  • ELVES:
    • Gor Dorunsil : the "Mountain Elves", literally translated to "Dark/Evil-Stone-Elf" - they are the forefathers of Drow.
      • Lloth, Dark Mother: Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft, useless feelings that none can lean on.
      • Iblis the Raving: the wood elf formerly known as Aarndil Moonstruck
    • Astirax : the following are the Astirax spirits the Pathwalkers have encountered thus far.
      • Sus: Having hunted the Pathwalkers in the form of a Great Boar.
      • Neega: Infiltrating the Pathwalkers in the form of Shevinu's Raven familiar.
  • Other:
    • Dru-Gal: Otherwise known as Ilithids, or Mind-Flayers

GRAY in the World

    • Verlathis: also known as the Gnome Oracle Varl Lettuce, the "good" Dragon that betrayed the Witch Queen at the end of the 1st Age.
      • Messiah: the child of Verlathis, a miracle birth born into an Age when it is said no Dragon would be born.



Through the AGES

The Calendar Year

  • Months of the Year: better known as "ARCS" to folk of Aryth.
    • Shareel
    • Doshram
    • Sahaad
    • Senneach
    • Halail
    • Zimra
    • Obares
    • Hanud
    • Hisha
    • Sutara

Artifacts, Covenant Items & Charms

Prophecy & Scripture

Messages of Note

  • [Verlathis' Note to Steelguard]

Known Covenant Items

Charm's found or rumored of

Special Materials

Riddles and Rhyme of Eredane

News & Events


House Rules in effect in The Scroll Barers campaign:

  • No XP penalty for multiclassing. Instead, characters with levels in a preferred class gain a bonus feat at 1st, 5th, and 10th class level.
  • Bonus skill ranks from high intelligence can be used to buy a full rank in non-class skills, not a half-rank.

[These house rules were adopted from d20 Conan by Mongoose.]




  • Midnight Contract: this is a easy list talking about game group social things, it's just handy to know what's expected.

  • Names a list of naming reference for the different cultures of Ayrth in Midnight. You can get the idea of how to think about the NPC cultures and such, especially the humans
    • Dorns: Celtic and Norse.
    • Sarcosans: Persian and Arabic.
    • Erenlander: Spanish, English and French.
    • Dwarven: Hebrew and the catalogue on the Poetic Edda.
    • Gnomes: Slav and Italian.
    • Wood Elves: Tolkien Elvish and Celtic.
    • Sea elves: Tolkien Elvish and Celtic.
    • Jungle Elves: Central African, Hindi and Sanskrit.
    • Snow Elves: Russian.
    • Orcs: Germanic.
    • Halflings: Irish, Native American and Gypsy.


Midnight RPG Wiki