Star Trek Eclipse
A Star Trek Adventures game set in the 2380's about the first Eclipse-class cruiser. Think X-Files and Mission Impossible... in space!

IC Thread
OOC Thread
Recruitment Thread
Player Characters
- Kerani Kostelic Hoshino, played by suedenim
- Lem Anaphis, played by strange behaviour
- Shimizu Kimi, played by Maya Qwan
- Nolen Xel, played by chrisinpm
- Vidya Kol, played Kittlefish
Other Characters
Eclipse Crew (Main)
Eclipse Crew (Secondary)
The Rogues' Gallery
Coming soon!
Noroth, Son of None: A Klingon the team saved on the Anfian orbital elevator.
Shrev, Javier, and Murr: Three would-be bounty hunters who bite off more than they can chew.
Setting Information
NX 77001 USS Eclipse
Factions Within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants
More Coming soon!
Previous Episodes
Coming a little bit later...