The "Create a Character" Challenge

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"I'm going to create a PC for every game I own. I need to honor all those lonely forgotten games on my shelf." - chaldfont, in this thread.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

How It Works

Simple: create a character for each game you own, and post them up, with any commentary you wish to add, right here. Set whatever other rules for yourself that you wish (e.g. whether or not to let the dice fall as they may, whether to count all settings and/or splatbooks for one system as separate games or not, et cetera) or just make it up as you go.

For ease of reference, the archive is sorted into two lists: the first arranged by game; the second arranged by creator, in the order of creation.

Characters Sorted By Game




Amber Diceless Roleplaying

Broken Gears

Call of Cthulhu

Chain of Being

Cinematic Unisystem


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The d6 System

DC Universe RPG

D&D 3.0/3.5



New World of Darkness

NWoD: Core

NWoD: Mage

Over the Edge



Characters Sorted By Creator


  1. Character:A. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)
  2. Character:B. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)
  3. Character:C. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)


  1. Character:Alfred Chisel - Inexperienced Assassin. (GURPS)
  2. Character:Birindar - Elven Mage Hunter. (D&D 3.0)
  3. Character:Benedict Willard - Protestant Minister. (Call of Cthulhu)
  4. Character:Thagrom - Troll Librarian. (Chain of Being)
  5. Character:Jack Harrington - Superspy. (Risus)
  6. Character:Bruce "Taipan" Hornsby - Australian Mercenary. (Broken Gears)


  1. Character:Galadosi Yu — Lovely Elf Butt-Kicker. (TWERPS)
  2. Character:Bernardo Martinez — Handyman. (Over the Edge)


  1. Character:Karen Cauling - Troubled College Freshman. (NWoD Core)
  2. Character:Xi - Ascetic Mastigos. (NWoD Mage)