The Stars Are Right: Victor Grayson
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Name: Victor Grayson Str: 12 Occupation: Gambler Con: 14 Nationality: American Siz: 13 Gender: Male App: 08 Age: 21 (January 31, 1911) Dex: 17 Height: 5'10" Pow: 05 Weight: 160 lbs Int: 15 Hair Color: None Edu: 13
General Information[edit]
This page contains links to transcribed source material generated for and about Victor Grayson.
The Biography contains details about Victor Grayson's personal history.
The Timeline contains a rough outline of Victor's activities based on dates gleaned from the archived materials.
The Document section contains transcribed personal papers and other items from the archived materials.
The Journal section contains personal writings and/or observations on events within the campaign.
- F. Huber to M. de Bonnevault, 15 January 1931
- F. Huber to M. de Bonnevault, list of correspondence, 15 January 1931
- H. Flynn? to M. de Bonnevault, date unknown, pages discovered in trash at a Purple Gang Safehouse
- K. Flynn to Victor Grayson, mid August 1932, delivered by Fae courier
- M. Caine to Victor Grayson, late August 1932, delivered by US Postal Service
- B. Rulianov to Victor Grayson, late August 1932, delivered by Fae courier
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, late August 1932, delivered by Fae courier
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, late August 1932, delivered by Fae courier
- V. Grayson to B. Rulianoff, late August 1932, delivered by Fae courier
- V. Grayson to M. Caine, late August 1932, delivered by US Postal Service
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, late August 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to Mrs. Bitterman, early September 1932, delivered by US Postal Service
- V. Grayson to Mr. and Mrs. Grayson, early September 1932, delivered by US Postal Service
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, early September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, mid September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to K. Flynn, mid September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to H. Rhyner, mid September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to H. Rhyner, mid September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier
- V. Grayson to G. Parkhurst, mid September 1932, delivered by Fae Courier