Welcome to the Midnight: North & South campaign wiki.
With the Campaigns beginning on October 7th 2006, this wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop fantasy role-playing game using the Midnight Setting for the Dungeons and Dragons system. This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
Two seperate campaigns in the same Midnight world continuity.
Midnight: North & South Portal:
Bluebooking: an explanation on RPG bluebooking, and how we can use it for Midnight. (includes "Phyric Points)
the Campaign Connections
Midnight Basics: a very short info brief about the difference of Midnight and D&D.
Midnight Character Creation: all the notes on creation your character.
Midnight PRE-GAME Character Background: herein are all the various options for players to do character background and the awards for the efforts.
Midnight: North & South Yahoo Discussion: This is where the group actively discusses game events, recaps as well as the planning of game gatherings and general group chit chat.
Midnight: North & South Back Chapter Bin: This is the spot for game session recaps by both GM and Players, described by the chapters of our books through. Midnight: North & South serial campaign is broken into story arcs. What are Story Arcs?
Midnight Party Game Calendar: Here are the working calendars for the two parties.
Midnight: North & South Game Inspiration Quotes
Armies of Elves, Dwarves and Men attempted to defeat Izrador the Enemy, the Shadow in the North, in the most important and final of battles in the Third Age. They met and fought valiantly against armies of Orc, Demon, Dragon and other Shadow Minion on the southern shore of the Pellurian Sea.
But… They lost.
It is the the Last Age of man…
Hope takes hold for one last effort.
The dream... salvation of mankind, elfkind, the men of stone and those that wish to live free... The Queen of Elves, the King of Dwarves, Patriarch of Dragonkind, Kith & kin of halfling and gnome, the Sons of Man - they call to you.
What will you do?
For destiny to survive you must reforge, what would not be...
“Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!”
The words of hope strung together in the black tongue meaning “Out of darkness bind them!”
These bainful words shall be spoken as a rally cry, a call, a voice in the darkness - asking for help...
Asking for hope...
SOUTHERN PARTY the SOUTHERN campaign began somewhere South West of the city of Cambrial, nearly 300 miles from the Aruun Jungle, Erethor. Midnight: Southern XP Rewards Chapters of the South Midnight: Southies SWAG & BOOTY |
Orc | Wood Elf | Erenlander | Erenlander | |
Fighter | Wildlander | Fighter \ Rogue | Channeller | |
Seer | Naturefriend | Steelblooded | Foundling | |
All the people of [Eredane] know that freedom is a dying word. [The Shadow in the North] is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his [Night Kings].
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow
Through the ages destiny has searched for those with the will and want to make a difference in the Last Age of Man the Light is cast to two groups thousands of miles seperated by land but standing side by side against the Shadow in the North. One group of [Pathwalkers] begins their journey in the space between [Alvedara] and [Cambrial], while the other find their journey beginning just below [Cale] some distance from [Steel Hill] and the [Veradeen].
Setting Background
All the people of Eredane know that freedom is a dying word. The Shadow in the North is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his Night Kings.
But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. Daily Life Under the Shadow
EVIL in the World
- Radagug the Dog: ORC, Wildlander. Elder brother to DURGAZ. (see Durgaz's 3x3 for more) Radagug is slightly smaller than normal orcs, he was a runt amoung his siblings and rather than fight with them for survival he sought to route with the dogs and goblins for survival in adolescence. He now harbors all that hate and focuses it in a pin-point needle directed at his traitor brother, whom he has vowed to behead.
- the Goblin Dogs: Goblin, Wildlanders & Fighters. This band of Goblins is the misbegotten horde assembled and lorded over by Radagug. More like the Orc's entrourage than a squad, they cheer and jeer on their Commander with sinister glee. These goblins are part of a larger colony bread for landspeed and blitz attacking. Yet under Radagug's care they've slipped in their tactics and enjoy torturing victims they find along their scout trip travels.
- FORC: Goblin, Sniffer/Rogue. Forc is the the unapologeticly devious keymaster of the manacles weilded by the Goblin Dogs, which he displays proudly on a bandolier denoting that he's a "Captain". He rides a Dire Rat named Grockel. He was given his name for two reasons. The obvious actually can post nickname - when he began using a modified fork and dinner knife as his means of backstabbing and tormenting victims. The less known but even more appt reason is he tends to mimic the Orcs to get an air of power which comes off slightly rediculous at times and resulted in the nickname shortened from "False-Orc" down to simply "Forc". Though some speculate that the "F" more likely stands for a more obscene word...
- Forc's Brigade: Sadly after Forc's run-in with the heroes of Shadowwall his escape would grant him a special duty... He was put in charge of a band of Sniffers that would follow the bands of orc and mercenary army up and down the Shadow's Highway, cleaning the road clear of dung and manure...
- the Traitors of Festrun: there are a small contingent of known villagers in the Hamlet of Festrun that apparently pay to watch the orc Radagug behead prisoners. It is not known how or why they have this strange contract...
- Grial the Fey Killer: (see notes in Midnight Core) Grial is likely the key Orc in all of Eredane. He is lead General to the Night King Jazir's armies. He has personally lead many battlewaves, and now pushes the front of the war on Erethor with the Burning Line in the South and has issued a decree to form a second Burning Line in the North.
- Neega: thought to be an asterix that inhabitted a large crow when last he watched the party.
- Legate Pessiogn: a legate that came up from the Aruun Jungles.
- the Exocutioner: a massive Dorn in the service of the Legate Pessiogn.
- Skuld: the Oruk in service of the Legate Pessiogn.
- The Chimera: This beast escaped into the forest near Festrun. Younger and smaller than imagined in myth, it was said that Pessiogn captured this legend. But is it the singular creature of myth we know? (read more at Kyuad's Lorebook)
- The Aranesil, or Spider-Elf: This beast died at Shadowwall. Begging for it's death while encaged. Know one knew what it was a strange amalgamation... Kyuad and Eranon disected it. (read more at Kyuad's Lorebook)
- The Megartkorvid, or Running Roc: These three beasts escaped into the forest near Festrun. The strange twisting of crow mixed with bear, so the feathers and fur revealed. Pessiogn claimed creation, Kyuad does not believe he has the power or ability... yet... (read more at Kyuad's Lorebook)
- Vrolk the Vile: a known legate in direct service to the Night King Sunulael. He is said to hold sway over the "Cadaverous Eye", some relic of the power of death. His lair lies within the Obsidian Spire amoung the Dead Marsh, where he devides his time between his master's labs at Cambrial.
- the Undead Wyvern: a strange concoction and pet to Vrolk. Made with the "spying eye" in it's gut to fly the area in search of his masters command. The beast crashed to the ground in a crater of it's own carcass. The spying eye crushed following it's hold on both Kyuad and Durgaz.
- the lost at Satan Rock: strange spirits trapped forever at this ancient prayer rock, perhaps one of the oldest to the dark god in the north. These souls linger still protecting those that worship and poaching those that blasphemy with their lingering chill... Thorton's encoutner at the rock led to his death shortly after.
- the Bog Hag: a malevolent twisted elf that prowled the outlying Dead Marsh. She met her match after commanding her Bog Orc and Spinter Steeds to take down the heroes, all in effort to appease local political manueverings with the Dire Alligators. Durgaz crushed her head into the swamp floor then posted he broken skull on a spire to spoil the return of her spirit for the fell.
- the Splinter Steed: the sadly insane and twisted unicorn of old, now nothing but shadow-hate tainted by the world of evil. This beast served the hag, perhaps as a pet - all the way to death.
- the Bog Orcs: emaciated and swamp ridden, these or hailed from the Feral Mother Tribe at one time, but now seemed to serve the swamp and the hag that lived with it.
- Jazir: the Sword of Shadow. Jazir is the most known of all Night Kings, the absolute ruler of Erenland. His frequent court is in the city of ???. Early in the winter of ??? he began a pilgrimage to Erenhead where it's said he would name the generals that would continue leading his armies. The most feared turn of events would be to know who would take over the Kaladrune campaign.
- Sunulael: the Priest of Shadow. Though little is known of the Priest, all know it is he that has the potential of being the dominant of the Night Kings. His mechinations worm as tenticles through all Shadow units. He is supreme priest of the Order of Shadow and rules the Legates through fear and promise. His court waivers between the city of Cambrial to the South and within the halls of Theros Obsidia in Highwall (??). Early in the Winter of ?? he has begun feuling Jahzir's armies with an undead host emenating from Cambrial.
GOOD in the World
- Shadow-Wall: Sir Walden Mikhail, knight of the Sarcosan realm. Believed to have long life, he fought beside the Witch Queen at the last battle 99 years ago. His eyes were ripped from him by the hand of Jahzir himself. He is of the Seer path. His home in the Sothern Erenland is also called Shadow-Wall.
- Ivelose: the jungle elf said to be an Eye of Aradil. When encountered outside the Dead Marsh he was on his way to Alvedara on mission from the Witch Queen herself. His revelations were both odd and perceptive and will cause some to consider their direction, actions and whereabouts...
GRAY in the World
- the wyrmling: Found beaten and alone in a cage beneath Shadowwall. Apparently coming from Alvedara, it's journey continues as the heroes take it toward destiny with the elves. He is a powerful bread, a dragon born in a time when no dragons have been born in millenia. His scales are still soft, but his breath weapon of acid can eat through metal and his elven songs have uplifting spirits.
- the reptilians of the Dead Swamps: led by a stark white alligator, these Dire creatures' full intentions are as yet unknown. Striking a pact with our heroes they seem to seek only a bit of pleasure from the world that hates them.
- the silent one:
- the broken tooth:
- the ripped eye:
- the eager youth:
- the orange elder:
- the many others:
- father cobra:
- the son cobra:
- the daughter/sister cobra:
- the rattler:
- inquisitive green one:
- the many others:
Those Lost to the World
- DOCTOR: ...he left us in the night, afraid to take the journey...
- THORTON: ...we didn't love him enough...
the Continent of EREDANE on the world of Aryth in the heart of MIDNIGHT.
- ShadowWall: This power nexus is home to great warrior of the wars ShadowWall.
- Festrun:
- Alvedara:
- Sharuun:
- Shadow's Highway:
- Satan Rock:
- the Erethor:
- the Dead Marshes:
- the Dead Swamps: (aka. the Reptillian Swamps)
- the Obsidian Spire: (aka. the Black Nail, the Obsidian/Black Spike, the Twisted Black Tree, etc..)
- the Dead Marshes:
- Cambrial: (aka. the City of Dead)
- Scrollbearers - What Came Before: this is a page with much of the previous campaign history recorded.
Through the AGES
The Calendar Year
- Months of the Year: better known as "ARCS" to folk of Aryth.
- 1 - Shareel
- 2 - Doshram
- 3 - Sahaad
- 4 - Senneach
- 5 - Halail
- 6 - Zimra
- 7 - Obares
- 8 - Hanud
- 9 - Hisha
- 10 - Sutara
Artifacts, Covenant Items & Charms
Prophecy & Scripture
- the Scrolls of Aradil: These scrolls of prophecy penned for over a millenia since the last battles. Recently completed and put in the hands of her most trusted Eyes of Aradil they hope to one day united the Kingdom of Elves, the Dwarven Clans and the survivors of the Dragon Council of the First Age of Aryth.
- Cyrs' Translation: The Scrolls as translated by Cyrus.
- Bill's Translation: The Scrolls as translated by Bill.
- Danning's Translation: The Scrolls as Translated by Danning.
- Shadow Wall's Call: A halfling poem of hope...
Come ride with me,
Through the veins of fate,
I will show how you,
Can find a new path.
And how lots can change,
When fools can be kings,
When slaves can be free,
When shadow can be light.
It's not enough just to survive,
The time has come to meet at Shadow-Wall,
Come mighty fey and valiant kin,
You and I must fight for the light.
Messages of Note
- [Verlathis' Note to Steelguard]
Known Covenant Items
Charm's found or rumored of
- the Sussar's Coin - a minor Charm of Direction: This true charm is a coin of a first age Sarcosan Sussar ensorcelled to allow the user to always sense north when flipped on the ground.
Special Materials
Riddles and Rhyme of Eredane
News & Events
- the Tower Grass Incident: a description of the game session from old Yahoo Club notes!