The Lost City

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RoadScholar's Basic D&D game, set in the less-famous module B4: The Lost City.

Combat Tracker

   Character:                       Total  Current  Armor  Initiative  Movement Melee   Primary       Secondary  Ranged    Primary        Secondary     Notes     
                                     HP      HP     Class     Bonus      Rate   Bonus   Melee         Melee      Bonus     Ranged         Ranged     
   Aristophel                        15      15      8         +1        12"     -1     Dagger 1d4-1               +1      Dagger 1d4  
   Havan                             11      11     5(7)      +1        12"     +0     Sword 1d8     Dagger 1d4   +2      LBow 1d6      Dagger 1d4    19 Arrows
   Liku Iburte                       18      18     2        +0        9"      +3     THSwd 1d10+3  Dagger 1d4   +0      Shbow 1d6           na     19 Arrows     
   Sparrow                           7       7      8(9)(5)   +1        12"     +0     Dagger 1d4                 +1      Dagger 1d4
   Brother Valarn Ohlarinse          10      10    4         +0        6"      +0     Mace 1d6      Staff 1d4    +0                 
   Eldariel the Lost                 7       7     5         +0        9"      +0     Sword 1d8     Spear 1d6    +0      Lbow 1d6                    19 Arrows
   Grimgar                           15      15     0(1)      +1        9"      +3     Sword 1d8+3   Haxe 1d6+3   +1      Haxe 1d6+3    Shbow 1d6     18 Arrows
   Bluto                             9       -2     1(2)      +1        6"      +3     BAxe 1d8+3    WHamm 1d6+3  +2      HAxe 1d6+3  XBow+1 1d6+1    29 Quarrels
   Fenc                              5       5      6(7)      +1        9"      +0     ShSwd 1d6     Spear 1d6    +1     ShBow    1d6                 Morale 7
     Redrik                          7       7      2         +1        9"      +0     Sword 1d8+1   Dagger1d4+1  +0     Bow.   1d6      Haxe 1d6+1
     Trebor Gorritz                  12      12     3         +0        9"      +2     Polearm 1d10+2             +1     Xbow   1d6      Haxe 1d6+2


   Aristophel 2/2 : Sleep
   Brother Valarn Ohlarinse 3/1 : Cure Light Wounds,Protection from Evil,Light. 
   Eldariel the Lost 1/1 : Ventriloquism
   Sparrow 2/2 :  Sleep
   Gleda 2/1 : Healing touch, Charming

Significant NPC's

The Players and Major Followers

Henchfolk and followers

Other folk of Interest

Lost City Rumours and gossip

The PC Green Room Waiting area for potential PC's Blank B/X Character Sheet

Party Logistics



Surrounding Lands

Old IC/OOC Threads