Halt Evil Doer!: Difference between revisions

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[[The Cat]] - His name is Arthur and he's the cutest thing ever!
[[The Cat]] - His name is Arthur and he's the cutest thing ever!
[[The Running Man]] - Wants to be a good guy....but with his powers its not going to happen.
[[Vendetta]] - Mobster cyborg on the Mendoza syndicate's payroll.

[[Misc. Super Villains]] - The Rest.
[[Misc. Super Villains]] - The Rest.
[[Studio Phantom]] - Sort of like the Phantom of the Opera but cheesier.

[[Ishtar]] - Vengeful Goddess.
[[Ishtar]] - Vengeful Goddess.

Revision as of 22:56, 10 February 2009

Halt Evil Doer! is a Mutants and Masterminds campaign that is being run from the Gleemax Forums on the www.wizards.com site. It is a Play by Post campaign that emphasizes storytelling over dice rolling.

The campaign is set in the Freedomverse of the Mutants and Masterminds line and is meant to invoke a Silver Age mentality of unabashed heroism with only the occasional nod towards the fact that the setting is remarkably surreal by any stretch of the imagination.

Players are not required to possess the Mutants and Masterminds game line to play but are encouraged to, if they have the money and inclination, to pick up the Mutants and Masterminds main book and the Freedom City campaign book. Arguably, the second is more important than the first since this is where the majority of setting information will come from.

Players are encouraged to check out the Eberron campaign this board Shadows over Cyre, Wrath_of_the_Lich_Queen, and Forgotten_Freedom:Crew

Setting Information

Halt Evil Doer! Manifesto


Claremont Academy Campus - A School for Gifted Youngsters

Freedom City Geography - The center for superheroes in the world. A.K.A. The City, The Big Cherry, The City That Never Sleeps.

Freedomwood - Lights, Camera, Action!

DelphicWorld - The Happiest Place on Earth.

The Speakeasy at the End of Time - Destination Terminus.

Player Characters

Alley Cat - Teenage catgirl. What else do you need?

Black Cherry - a magician of sorts seemingly with Bipolar disorder

Centuria - Third generation superhero from the future.

Hell Rider - The Damned Champion of Freedom City's Underworld.

Izdubar - Only thing he doesn't have is a stable life.

Mr. Eternal - The world's most miserable immortal.


Snow Cat

W.I.L.D. — Dr. Strange Love's abused slave—er, reluctant daughter.

Warlord (Zayne Darr) - Stranded conqueror from a distant planet.

Reserve Members

Reserve Members


Doctor Danger - Lucien's great grandfather!

Ghost Girl - Lucien's new sidekick!

Freedom League - The Greatest Heroes on Earth....kinda.

Captain Awesome! - The world's greatest hero. So he claims.

Deceased Super Heroes


Dr. Strange Love - A naïve mad scientist alien and high-school science teacher.

È Mó - The elite enforcer of hell…………Buddhist hell.

Christina Chatworth - Budding mutant hater.

The Freedom Ledger - A model of Honest Reporting and Accurate News.

The Daily Herald - See the above and insert the word "Not" before A.

Michael O'Connor - Mayor of Freedom City.

Chantal Chandler - Your typical human girl in a comic book setting.

Jimmy Reed & Simon Johnson - Two young freelancers aspiring to become something big in the media.

Super Villains

Gemstone Girls - Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls go Everywhere.

The Grue Unity - Totally not Skrulls.

Omega - Yeah, let's hope this guy NEVER EVER shows up.

SHADOW - The world's largest terrorist corporation.

Mars (The Villainess) (Deceased)


Meta-4 (HED!)

Miss Sunshine - She's a very nice young lady.

Morph - He can absorb the world in five... hundred years. (Deceased)

The Cat - His name is Arthur and he's the cutest thing ever!

Misc. Super Villains - The Rest.

Ishtar - Vengeful Goddess.

Inactive Villains

Inactive Villains

Miscellaneous Information

M&M Equipment

Powers and Weaknesses

Official Material

A Visitors Guide to Freedom City - By Steve Kenson.

Atomic Think Tank - The Forums for Mutants and Masterminds

Timeline - Freedom City timeline.

Comics Vine - An awesome source of Super Hero Images.