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[[Villain Encyclopedia]]
[[Villain Encyclopedia]]
[[The Demon King]] - The Dragon to Erandis' Dark Lord.

Revision as of 03:55, 7 August 2008

Wrath of the Lich Queen

A Role-playing game page devoted to the Eberron Play by Post The Wrath of the Lich Queen. Here the main characters may post their backgrounds and anything relevant to the storyline that will be worth preserving for posterity.

Our Sibling Campaigns are these...

Halt Evil Doer!


Shadows over Cyre

Setting Information

The Sixth Age - The PCs current campaign setting.

4E Changes - Because they're important.

Wrath of the Lich Queen 2.5

Main PCs

Benjamin Greywood - Gatekeeper Prophet who looks like he's seventeen

Delake - Werewolf...angry mommy umbragen

Drake d'Cannith - Leader of house Cannith

Gerald Greywood - Chivalrous Ranger and Leader of the Dragon Knights

Gladius - The Bard and your resident Evil Overlord. *updated July 6th*

Jan - Delake's husband , all around good man, werewolf

Kirielle of Blitzschlag - Countess, Priestess, & Werewolf

Maevac - Samantha's lover..among others..and poster boy for bad girls to get with..wether he wants it or not..

Megan D'Deneith - Crusader and Walking Identity Crisis


Patch Cannith - Mute Medic, Mad Scientist, and Angelic Construct

Samantha - Delake's ward , lover of Maevac..and other..Beguiler..half fae quarter succubi

Thelia Vulpes - Last of the Fox Shifters (kinda) and Kicked Puppy

Zeriss - A paladin who's insane? WHAT A TWEEST

Secondary PCs

Family Members - Relatives of the Heroes

Issac Kelnas - Totally not the Tenth Doctor

The Seven Shifters - Group of Cat Shifters fanatically devoted to Ben

Xiang - Adorable teenage Japane- er...Sarlonian girl with mad sword skills

Xrillia - Delake's cousin (not werewolf), and slightly off now.

Marlene--- Flower Girl


Bob and Steve H. Goblin - The Dark Overlord's henchmen.


Ages of Eberron

Non-Evil Groups

The Animal Lords - Spiritual guardians of Eberron created by the Dragon Between

The Watchmen


The Emerald Claw- Undead Nazis, I hate em.

Githyanki in Eberron

Kazandra- 2nd in Command of the Emerald Claw.

Lindsey Baron - Former Librarian and local knower-of-various-obscure-and-surprisingly-relevant-things, now creepily sexy chibi Lady of the Vampires working for the Emerald Claw

Villain Encyclopedia

The Demon King - The Dragon to Erandis' Dark Lord.