The Liberation of Husbaleve
rstites's Basic D&D game, set in the famous module B2: Keep on the Borderlands.
--The Compiled Chronicles of the Order of Cleansing Flame--
Order of the Cleansing Flame
- Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word) a thief played by Peers
- The Red Walker an Elf played by RoadScholar
- Zarbek the Goat held by a powerful Charm to Sephora at the ruins of Sylaire in Averoigne
The PC Stable Schrodinger's box of potential PC's.
Party Logistics
Player Holdings
- Babak, Demonlord of the Fourth Precinct of Hell
- Yeadon the visiting priest. Now dead.
- Things An Orc Might Say
- The Dwarven Kingdom of Majyr
- Clanggedin Silverbeard dwarven deity of battle.
- The Path of the Inner Flame Elven religion.
- Rayna the Red Ancient, huge red dragon.
- Character Classes