The Valley of Cradles: Difference between revisions

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Line 29: Line 29:

*- Main: melee Spear 55% Attack/20% Parry 1d6+1 Shield 45% parry
- Main: melee Spear 55% Attack/20% Parry 1d6+1 Shield 45% parry
*- Short sword 50% attack 50% parry 1d6+1  
- Short sword 50% attack 50% parry 1d6+1  
*- Crossbow 35% attack 2d4+2 speeddart when possible 8 bolts  
- Crossbow 35% attack 2d4+2 speeddart when possible 8 bolts  
*Pow 18 Spirit Pow 12 (full)
Pow 18 Spirit Pow 12 (full)
*Notes: Flawed Pot 7 Sensitivity crystal(-1 Pow all detects, cannot unattune until death)[-2mp]
Notes: Flawed Pot 7 Sensitivity crystal(-1 Pow all detects, cannot unattune until death)[-2mp]
*Spells: Detects + Healing 2, Speedart.  
Spells: Detects + Healing 2, Speedart.  

Revision as of 12:58, 23 October 2009

Drifter's RuneQuest II game set in the Zola Fel Valley. Recruitment Thread, In Character Thread, Out of Character Thread.

Player Characters

- Drospin Sellinger. Pavis noble, aspiring dynast and mounted mercenary. Played by ChalkLine.

- Dunlang of the Colymar. Played by Max.

- Terasi Herlindha. Played by Stormraven.

- Iskilli. Alda Chur warrior, initiate of Humakt. Played by Mandacaru.

- Jonall Greenmile. Boldhome sage, initiate of Lankhor Mhy and Skillmaster.

- Ornin. Poor Pavis noble, follower of Orlanth and the Night Breeze. Played by Asen_G.


  • Drospin
  • Dunlang
  • Terasi
  • Iskilli
  • Jonall

- Main: melee Spear 55% Attack/20% Parry 1d6+1 Shield 45% parry - Short sword 50% attack 50% parry 1d6+1 - Crossbow 35% attack 2d4+2 speeddart when possible 8 bolts Pow 18 Spirit Pow 12 (full) Notes: Flawed Pot 7 Sensitivity crystal(-1 Pow all detects, cannot unattune until death)[-2mp] Spells: Detects + Healing 2, Speedart.

  • Ornin

NPC Cheatsheets


Setting and plot wise, I prefer to run a general sandboxy style, in that I like to know the interests of the players before nailing specifics, which is why I'm running this in Pavis, land of plothooks.

to give the area some context, please check out...

Some maps that put everything in context...

and a very good introduction and overview of the area.

The default setting is very early Iron Age, with magic slowing technology a little in some areas, advancing it in others. All the RuneMetals, for example, are alloys by alchemy rather than,say, a solid gold breastplate.

Pavis will be as in 1618-19, under lunar occupation but with rebellion still a far off gleam...or is it?

You are less than a days caravan travel from New pavis, on the old east road. Most of you will be there because you were making your way to Pavis to flee troubled pasts. Chalkies local was returning home to New Pavis from cult business and fell in with the caravan because he knew the local guide and a couple of the guards.

Shortly after dusk, the caravan was attacked by trolls, who were driven off at great cost. They were well organised and well armed, not troll bandits.

If they follow a true troll pattern, they'll strike again before dawn...or so say the majority of the caravan, who have pushed off into the night toward Pavis. However, one group claims they cannot move until the suns first rays, and will make the characters an interesting offer...

Houserules and Pricelists.

Skill category table.

Complete skill list.

Strike rank Interpreations.

The characters Inborn abilities.

The Characters Starting magic items.

Potted history of local gods

The Cult of Erlin the Harper.

A standard price list


Wizards are a modern evolution of the shaman, losing the intimate link to ancestral spirits but adapting pow storage to charge up Battle magic to great power. If you want to go the wizards path, I'll go into greater detail...

Important Non-Player Characters

The party of the Earth Priestess

Ethren Deliuce, An Earth Priestess

Tollner Fireaxe, A Sergeant

Wexlin, a corporal, and Gwll and Jillon the Holy CountryTroopers.

House Sellinger

Ruric,Ariella and the twins

Sundry members of the Northern Expedition

Important Events

  • Several characters took part in a reading of Prophecy

Hidden Caverns Approach


- Standard Character Sheet

Why we don't have Ringmail

Henceforth, all ringmail is light chain. The Reasons

Notes of Interest

Herocults of the Pavis Humakt temple.

[By the way, while the listing of Rune Types for the temple in most canon stand at 2 priests, 1 Lord, these figures ignore associate priests/Lords, of which there are 3 and 2 respectively. ]

  • Erain Ardeth: Pavic herocult, seeker of truths.
  • Li Phanquan: Eastern Warrior, undead slayer in the wastes.
  • Yan Starcere: Well known bodyguard hero.
  • Inginew Swordsmith: Weaponmaker and swordsmith.
  • Anardil willow: Local elf hero, outcast from and protector of The Garden.
  • Zarka Sword alone: Local Troll hero, oath protector.


Loot remaining

  • 1966 Lunars to each party member.
  • 404 Lunars [party fund]
  • 1235 Clacks [living fund]

In half a dozen small sacks and a keg

Remaining Gems and items of adornment.

  • A piece of amber. [?][elves love this]


  • A silver brick that weighs a kilo and glows magic. [?] Inhabited by a spirit Jonall[This is a nascent living silver spirit. It shows no cult affiliations].


  • 1: Twice pow yielding crystal, pow 5.
  • 2: Flawed crystal - Sensitivity pow 7, impossible to un-attune ['til death]
  • 3: pow 1 storage crystal
  • 4: pow 5 storage crystal

Matrices: These are easily identified once found.

  • -Fanaticism [red quartz] Iskilli
  • -Detect Enemy [silver ring] Iskilli
  • -Bludgeon 4.[lead haft-clasp]. Drospin


  • A Scroll in Darktongue [+10% Dance and play drum, worth 400l to the temple] Jonall
  • Potion: Blade Venom. [from trollkin-bee.]
  • Scroll: Map to some caves [writing in darktongue/Tradetalk/Sartarite]. [this is recent and drawn in the field.]
  • Four pots of bee venom. [Pot 8 blade venom]
  • Stinger - An oddly constructed crossbow-looking weapon, but made partially of insect parts. The string registers as magic. The forward section of the runnel has holes in it, and a second lever squeezes a chamber below this that oozes blade venom. The whole contraption has a set of small, light quarrels that it fires [1D6+2, 1/MR, 1/SR with magic bee-sting gut string]. [no idea - but you bet someone would want it.]

Placed in the Sellinger basement [forge area]

  • Eight bronze spearheads.[Six claimed by the troopers]
  • 2 poleaxes.
  • Four light maces,
  • One Heavy mace.
  • 4 Small shields.
  • One Medium shield.
  • One Bronze shortsword. Iskilli
  • Siz 17 Bronze armour. [Closed helm, Chain shirt, Greaves, Vambraces] Heavily decorated in darkness themes. Helm flattened. Dunlang
  • Siz 20 Bronze armour [as above] x 2. 1 Set wrecked in abdomen area.
  • Siz 19 Bronze armour Greaves and Vambraces, chain skirt


  • Two decent backpacks, holding bronze cookgear, flint and steel. Herbs, some bandages, 2 jars of mint extract, some leaves [healing], some fur [ three bison tailsgiven to eiritha Temple by Dolin], a rope.
  • Flight badges for the trollkin bee riders.
  • Some clan/tribe necklaces and wristbands.

Notes All the wheels are from the same place, or at least the same mint. They are relatively unused for second age coins...The horse statue is definitely second age as well. There is a heiroglyph on the troll map that looks like a man on a horse, in a cavern? There is also a light rune on a tunnel to an unexplored area.


RQ 2 Player aids

The big Glorantha site

For a general overview of Glorantha, check here.

This is the original map of Pavis and Prax from RQ2

downloaded from

This page details the cult of Pavis and gives a basic history for the city.

This page lists the lightbringer gods (Simplisticly, the nearest thing to good guys)

This page, though designed for heroquest, gives a basic breakdown of the different peoples of the Pavis area. It also has some other odd bits that might interest folk.

This page will give you all you need to know and more about gods in Glorantha. Check out the Praxian pantheon for the barbarian gods, and check out the subheadings labelled Gods in Prax. This'll give you the basics on all the major gods/cults. Read other bits if you wish.

This page contains maps - check out Pavis County for the area around the city of Pavis. Nobby's Gloranthan Mapping Project has detail of the whole Valley of Ccradles and Prax, so is worth a look.

For Chalkline for subcults