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*Earth Elemental, Change. | *Earth Elemental, Change. | ||
*Spasa of Rust, Growth, Life,Earth, Carnality, Change, | *Spasa of Rust, Growth, Life,Earth, Carnality, Change, |
Revision as of 20:54, 6 January 2025
Among the diverse realms that battle and bounce off Chaos is a section of porous realms called the Dufirtrusa. It is a series of diversely interlocking realms of beings able to channel great powers of shadow and the elements. In their own realms they live in various manners as delights their kind. And their delights vary from perverse to sublime.
One thing is that they are in a nexus of power that allows them to be summoned to places beyond their realms, and make bargains to trade power for powers. They can be bound and used willingly under the terms of detailed agreements or bound by force.
The Dufirosm are regularly summoned from their native realms to millions of other realms, including Chaos where they are often bound involuntarily.
It should also be clearly noted that as a race, the Dufirosm are not inherently good or evil any more then most races in shadow. Considerations of Good or Evil are only applicable individually as in many other races. While, greedy, arrogant, and careful of their reputation, the majority of the Dufirosm are generally benevolent or at least non-aggressive beyond their realms.
Races of the Dufirosm
The races of the Dufirosm are varied and change often. What is below is a sampling of the major races and transitions among the species. These are examples of what might be considered major stereotypes.
There are seven Dufirosm Languages used for Summoning, Bargaining, Binding and for Magical Spells. These areVomos or Common, Gorbash, Releck, Nethak, Halta,Nona and Kolbashic.
Elemental Dufirosm
- Extended Information at Elemental Dufirosm and Base Elementals: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Elementals live in realms of purish energy with little or simple intelligence. From animal to low human intelligence. They gain intelligence and advancement to Spirit form by existing for periods under bound service or trading their efforts in their elemental forms. This is why they are easy to bind. As they gain separate sentience, away from their elemental power they gain in their abilities.
The children of Dufiro by many different races on occasion gain elemental powers. If they gain enough power they may transition to the elemental form.
The Four Main Elementals Races of Air, Earth, Fire and Water are considered the strongest and most common, with Change being considered the Fifth Main Elemental Race even though it is much more Rare than the Main Four, it is equally strong. However, numerous minor Elemental Races exist, but are less common and less well known. Many Minor Elemental Races can function only in limited Shadow Ranges according to Local Environmental needs and effects.
- Elemental Races are like Pre-Schoolers or Kindergarteners in level of maturity.
Air Elemental Dufiros: Living Air Form. Purify Air to desired degree. Air-Based Attacks. | Earth Elemental Dufiros: Living Earth Form. Convert Stone to Soil. Refresh Soil. Earth-Based Attacks. | Fire Elemental Dufiros: Living Fire Form. Start Fires in many environments. Fire-Based Attacks. | Water Elemental Dufiros: Living Water Form. Purify Water. Summon Water. Water-Based Attacks. | Change Elemental Dufiros: Natural Shape Shifters. Transition from one item to another. Minor ability to Change their physical body. Minor ability to Change (transform) one item/substance to another. |
Darkness Elemental Dufiros: These extremely rare Elementals glory in the darkness of night, underground places, caverns, etc. Blending w/ Shadows, Powers over Darkness, Night Vision | Flux Elemental Dufiros: These extremely rare Elementals rejoice in the diversity of change and Flux in the nature of shadows near Chaos. They are nearly always elemental forms that transition into Spirits of Change on the way to Avasa of Shifter and Masoja of Shifter | Hue Elemental Dufiros: These Elementals can effect colors in many different ways and is nearly always a short lived race that develops into spirits of Blending, Paper, Color, or Illusion | Light Elemental Dufiros: These extremely rare Elementals glory in the light of day, well-lit places, etc. Powers over Light, Enhanced Vision | Mix Elemental Dufiros: These rare Elementals are attracted to combing new alloys, most of which can not maintain form after their absence |
Movement Elemental Dufiros: These very rare Elementals move very efficiently and nearly effortlessly... and are also quite quick, unless restraint is exerted; not as fast as Spasa of Speed, but well on their way. They can live long lives as Elementals but are often Elevated to Spasa of Speed or Motion. | Scent Elemental Dufiros: Glories in the various scents in nature. Ability to Identify Scents and Distinguish Scents; one from another... | Sound Elemental Dufiros: Variations in noise... Ability to Hear well beyond the Human Frequency Spectrum. Ability to Distinguish one Sound or Frequency from another... | z | z |
Spasa Dufirosm
- Extended Information at Spasa Dufirosm
Officially named Spasa, the term Spirits is the common usage even among Dufiro.
These creatures have gained sufficient awareness to have needs and greeds. As they advance the experiences that developed them from elementals to spirits gave them passions. These passions are expressed in their differentiation. They develop singularly for a time but when they develop they may shift to other spirit forms many times before rising to the Avasa Dufirosm. Spirits often are more obsessed with their singular devotion then Avasa or Masoja are because they have a focus without greed or ambition. Commentary on Dufiro
- Spasa Races are like Elementary and Middle Schoolers.
Air Spasa Dufiros: | Earth Spasa Dufiros: Covert Soil or Mud to Stone. Move Soil and Sand. Move through Soil and Sand. Many Earth Spasa are Apprentices in Stonemasonry, some in Landscaping or Construction (Earth Movers) | Fire Spasa Dufiros: | Water Spasa Dufiros: | Change Spasa Dufiros: Spirits of change are shapeshifters. |
Blending Spasa Dufiros: Many Blending Spirits are chefs and brewers. alchemists and preservationists. Canners | Carnality Spasa Dufiros Specializes in forms of intimacy, sensuality, lust. A derogatory term is Whore Spasa. Most take Cleanliness and health as well.[[1]] | Cleanliness Spasa Dufiros: Experts in purification, elimination of dirt, rust, mold, paints, and dyes. | Color Spasa Dufiros: Color... | Combat Spasa Dufiros: Experts in one on one combat. Armors, weapon-smiths, fletchers. Most Combat Spirits have ambitions to high orders. |
Darkness Spasa Dufiros: | Death Spasa Dufiros: Death Spasa are workers of the dead. Morgue staff. Battlefield cleaners. Sorters of parts. | Defense Spasa Dufiros: A specialist in combat defenses. Fortifications, barricades, Bridges, pavises. | Growth Spasa Dufiros: | Guard Spasa Dufiros: Often bound to items to provide security and seal items against entrance. Boxes, chests, doors. |
Illusion Spasa Dufiros: Experts in the creation of imagery. | Light Spasa Dufiros: | Life Spasa Dufiros: Life Spasa are Nurses. Caretakers.. Their skills are practical for physical beings not for those with magical illnesses or issues. A subcategory is Health Spasa who specialize in exercise, recuperation, and athletics for long term physical health. | Motion Spasa Dufiros: Dance, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Parkour. | Paper Spasa Dufiros: Experts in the art of writing. Also origami. Paper Spirits often copy summoning ritual books for Spirits and Elemental. |
Rust or Rot Spasa Dufiros: These spirits are usually malicious, serving a term in punishment. Everything they deal with decays, rots, molds, fades or crumbles. Few choose to be Spirits of Rot. However, some Rot Spasa go on to be experts in cheese. | Song Spasa Dufiros: Experts in music and performance | Speed Spasa Dufiros: | x | z |
Avasa Dufirosm
- Extended Information at Avasa Dufirosm
The Avasa are the first evolution of the Dufirosm to gain the ability to resist binding, and therefore negotiate for better returns. They trade their racial powers for whatever their heart desires.
- Avasa Races equate to High School and College levels of maturity.
Air Avasa Dufiros | Earth Avasa Dufiros Move through Stone. Shape and Move Stone & Rock. Powerful Earth Attacks. Many Earth Avasa are Stonemasons, some are Earth Movers; Landscaping and Construction Professions. | Fire Avasa Dufiros Heat, Fire, burning non-burnable things, melting, boiling, cooking. Many Fire Avas are Chefs and BBQ experts. | Water Avasa Dufiros Moisten, wet, dry, and attack with water. Can cause water to leave living bodies. Can dehydrate. Can rehydrate. | Change Avasa Dufiros |
Blending Avasa Dufiros: Experts in alloying, sewing, mixing, brewing and other forms of mixing. Many Blenders are painters and trump artists. | Carnality or Lust Avasa Dufiros | Cleanliness Avasa Dufiros: Clean objects, areas, or creatures, to a high level of excellence. | Color Avasa Dufiros: Artists in colors and how to use them, process them, replicate them and imprint them. Most Color Avas are painters | Conflict Avasa Dufiros: Specialize in creating anger or competition as well as participating in fighting and combat. The Avasa of War are a sub-discipline among the Conflict Avasa. |
Death Avasa Dufiros: | Growth Avasa Dufiros: Make plants grow faster or slower. They are able to ferment and distill. | Guard Avasa Dufiros: Specialize in deflection, distraction, and protection. | Health Avasa Dufiros | Ice Avasa Dufiros: Freeze, chill, cool, temperature control. Area of effect is highly variable. |
Knowledge Avasa Dufiros: Scholars. Consumers of Libraries. Can create books, tomes, spell scrolls. Creator of Spell Scrolls for use by non-mages. Usually were Paper Spirits. Often copy Avasa & Spirit summoning tomes. | Life Avasa Dufiros: | Music Avasa Dufiros Musical experts. A subcatagory is Dance | Rage Avasa Dufiros: Anger, woe, a AvaD of Rage can restore forgotten memories, inflict anger in others, can eliminate anger. Often a necessary Race for advancement for Death, Conflict, and other dark leaning races. Rage is often a punishment race. | Rust or Rot Avasa Dufiros |
Shifter Avasa Dufiros: Shapeshifters, replicators, Act as Ushfa | Speed Avasa Dufiros: Speed change and advancement. | Truth Avasa Dufiros: Tellers of Tales, Sage of Truth, Lie Detectors. A Truth AvaD can convince others of untrue things but its considered a betrayal of race. | Vision Avasa Dufiros: Vision AvaD can remember and project the experiences of others. Act as oracles. | Whimsy Avasa Dufiros |
Masoja Dufirosm
- Extended Information at Masoja Dufirosm
Masoja are big deals....
- Masoja Races equate to Grad Students and Highly Trained Professionals in levels of maturity.
Air Masoja Dufiros | Earth Masoja Dufiros Living Earth Form: Animated Stone. Move Earth: Earthquakes. Covert Stone to Metal. Shape Metal. Molten Earth Attacks. | Fire Masoja Dufiros | Water Masoja Dufiros | Change Masoja Dufiros |
Binding Masoja Dufiros | Cleanliness Masoja Dufiros | Combat Masoja Dufiros : Combat Masoja are among the greatest warriors in the realms of the Dufirosm. Martial specialists. | Growth Masoja Dufiros | Guard Masoja Dufiros : Guard AvaM have great combat powers in the protection of the client. They are also experts in fortifications and defensive magics. |
Health Masoja Dufiros :Mighty healers. Bound create powerful healing items. Most Health Masoja have a history with Cleanliness races. | Knowledge Masoja Dufiros: Among the great scholars of the Dufiro. Great collectors of tomes and written work. Often copy Summoning Tomes. often create tomes for new Masajoa. | Rage Masoja Dufiros | Rot or Rust Masoja Dufiros | Shifter Masoja Dufiros |
Strength Masoja Dufiros | Warfare Masoja Dufiros | Witness Masoja Dufiros: A rare race of Masoja often connected with Knowledge and Vision Dufiro. These beings can see the lives and experiences of a subject in great detail. | Carnality Masoja Dufiros | Ice Masoja Dufiros |
Music Masoja Dufiros | Whimsy Masoja Dufiros | [[ ]] | [[ ]] | [[ ]] |
Death Masoja Dufiros | Life Masoja Dufiros | Time Masoja Dufiros | Vision Masoja Dufiros Able to tap into the forces of the universe to display visions of the past and future. | Wisher Masoja Dufiros |
Illuminar Dufirosm
- Extended Information at Illuminar Dufirosm
Illuminars are a special subset of Dufiro. They are considered specialist and stand outside the usual definitions of race. Illuminars are special cases. The Illuminars have their own ways. Many of the rules that refrain and define other Dufiro do not effect the Illuminars.
There are three ranks of Illuminar.
- Al Asgo Illuminar: The first Illuminar rank. It allows them access to special libraries and to the other secret places of the Illuminars. It is an extremely rare honor and can only be granted by a handful of great Dufiro.
- Trax Asgo Illuminar:
- Primas Illuminar:These rare creatures stand above all other Dufiro and are granted deference. These are the leaders and greatest of Dufiro.
Powers and Binding
Each race has powers according to their kind, their experiences, and their racial Paths. They are testy, opinionated, arrogant, and greedy.
- Any race of Dufiro, Elemental to Masoja Dufiro, are able to return to their home realm if freed from their binding by destruction of the bound artifact or compilation of the pact. Holding them against their will in either case is extraordinarily difficult. A Dufiro fighting for its freedom may attract other of its familiarity, race, or proximity to aid it. If a Dufiro completes it binding pact it may or may not be willing to renegotiate on the spot but they may require a new summoning.
- Dufiro bound willingly bargain for specific powers to be used in particular ways. They can manifest small or mighty powers when willingly bound.
- Dufiro bound unwillingly deliver far greater powers but at a price in bitterness toward their binder.
- Artifacts of Dufiro who are willingly bound will behave unpredictably if their bindings are destroyed. Willing bindings imply an agreement was made and if the artifact is broken they may remain in battle and defend their binder and their agreement. They may flee to their home realms.
- Elementals are generally without ambition and are bound unwillingly. When the item they are bound to is destroyed they instantly return to their home world.
- Spirits or Spasa are easy to bind, as are Elementals, However if the item they are bound to is destroyed they may take a quick attempt to harm their former master before fleeing to their home realms.
- A common property bargained for with a binding for Avasa and Masoja Dufiro is to provide permanence and structural strength, up to indestructibility, to otherwise fragile items.
- Terms of any bargain will be strictly maintained. It is one of the primary distinction that a Dufiro does not want a reputation for having broken their word.
Multiple Bound Constructs
Dufiro bound to items need not be singly bound. Many bound items have one or more Dufiro bound to them. Kean is a rather complicated example showing not only personal ambition but family dynamics.
Kean the Armadillo
A Mithril Armadillo created as a guard for Zeek, son of Jurt & Untara. Its original digital was Tradkis a socially popular Dufiro. Its parents are both powerful Masoja with plans for their offspring, originally They did not believe in keeping him in lesser ranks after he manifested as a Flux Elemental. As a Spasa they used their connections to push him through Guard, Combat,& Change in a matter of months. He was greatly angered by this treatment. He was pushed into Avasa of Guard & Knowledge. At this time a lady of Amber & Azcalan contacted him to be a guardian of her nephew. To spite his parents he self bound for an unlimited term to guard Zeek, son of Untara & Jurt.
- Tradkis: Air,Flux, Spasa of Guard,Combat,Change. Avasa of Guard, Knowledge,Rust
- Padyik: Flux,Spasa of Cleanliness,Blending,Life. Avasa of Conflict,Shifter,Rage
- Moi: Earth,Spasa of Earth,Avasa of Earth, Masoja of Earth,Guard,Combat,Rust
- Yoysa: Fire, Movement. Spasa of Fire,Combat,Guard. Avasa of Fire, Speed, Whimsy, Rust
- Trida:Earth, Spasa of Guard. Avasa of Guard,Truth,
- Omach:Air, Spasa of Air, Blending,Defense, Motion, Song. Avasa of Air,Blending, Health,Life. Masoja of Air. Al Asgo Illuminar.
Dufirosm Languages
The Dufirosm can learn any language but can only establish Bargains in their Native Tongues. The details of the bargains made and the powers received are too extensive to catalog. There are 7 languages among the Dufirosm. The languages are in themselves intrinsically magical. Spells can be performed using the language alone. There is evidence to believe that the dispersal of the languages somehow relate to the proximity of the races regions of origin in the original realms of the Dufirosm.
The 7 languages are Vomos or Common, Gorbash, Releck, Nethak, Halta, Nona, and Kolbashic.
- Vomos or Common is spoken by all Dufiro conversationally though most Dufiro speak Thari and other chaos languages. Elementals understand Vomos at birth and as they gain power learn to speak it. Its like a baby language.
- Gorbash is a Spirit Language spoken by the less powerful Spirit Races. It's also a frequently used Dufiro conversational language.
- Releck is a Spirit Language for upper power Spirits.
- Nethak is an Avasa language for first Avasa Race choices as well as medium power Avasa Races.
- Halta is an Avasa Language for upper power Avasa.
- Nona is a Masoja language often for first Masoja Races.
- Kolbashic is a Masoja language used by the most powerful Masoja Races.
Languages and Magic Use
While all Dufirosm languages are inherently magical many magical systems across shadow use Dufirosm languages.
- Vomos or Common is an inherently magical language but magical systems that use it for spell casting are very weak having less power then a magical language that causes Cantrips to work.
- Gorbash is frequently the language that powers Cantripy. It is also used for Rituals cast by non-dedicated Ritualists. This is considered plebeian by most Practitioners for good reasons. Think of it as Spells that are taught in magazines to non-spell casters. Hexery and Continualism uses Gorbash in many shadows.
- Releck is used in many Low Order Magical Systems for Low Level Spells. First through Fourth Circles. Relek is also nearly always what all Spells in the Illusionist Spell Systems uses.
- Nethak is used by many Low Order Magical Systems for Medium Level Spells in the Fifth to Tenth Circles. Listry Spell Systems of Essence and Channeling use Nethak.
- Halta is used in many Low Order Magical Systems for mighty spells above the Tenth Circle. It is also used in many High Order Magical Systems for simple High Order, non-offensive Magics. Some High Order Power Words use Halta. Listry Mentalism Spells use Halta.
- Nona is used for High Order Magic Systems. It is a commonly used language for Invasive Power Words.
- Kolbashic is used for High Order Magical Systems for powerful Spells. Kolbashic is an extremely complicated language and all Dufiro respond to it. It is almost always used as an Attack Language or a Dispelling Language.
Summoning, Names and Tomes
Each Dufiro has true name. From the youngest of elemental to the most ancient of Masoja they all have a name of power by which they can be summoned, called, and bound. These names and the rituals to summon them are written into intrinsically non-magical tomes. Since the increase of power and prestige is based on experience the Dufiro desire to be summoned though the details are myriad. Most tomes include the ritual circle that will create a barrier to harm the summoner and protect the Dufiro from harm. The details in this are vast.
- Personal Name: This is a name used conversationally and when used the individual does not know.
- Conversational Name: This is the name used socially. Primarily it references a Dufiro's current race: Sylex of Rot, Tinsanax of Health, Cuso of Fire. However, in conversation a previous race might be mentioned if one wanted to speak to the expertise gained in that race and uses a rank shortening;Ava Sylex of Motion, Maso Tinsanax of Carnality, Ava Cuso of Blending. The shortenings are Ela, Spa, Ava, Maso, & Illum.
- Referencing Rank: Conversationally rank is not mentioned except for a serious use, then its used in conjuntion to the race mentioned: Sylex of Rot, Tinsanax of Health, Cuso of Fire.
- Calling Name: This is a relatively short name that will attract the attention of the dufiro across vast distances. It is like requesting a meeting. The Dufiro is not compelled to answer. It is considered rude amongst dufiro to use the calling name casually since once spoken the dufiro's attention is briefly taken. This leads to what non-dufiro races might consider a nervous tick, as the dufiro might pause briefly in a conversation when the name is spoken millions of shadows away.
- Summoning Name: This is a main portion of a Dufiro's book. When spoken correctly it can summon the Dufiro into the presence of the speaker. Much care is taken by summoners to create circles of protect.
- Binding Name: This name longer then the summoning name but is nearly always included in the tome. It is the Name that must be used to bind the dufiro to an item. If used after a bargain has been struck the reading of the name is simple. If the binding is unwilling the dufiro will fight it from its summoning circle and it often is a battle of wills, psyche, and powers, to bind the dufiro.
Special Note on Names
When a Non-Dufiro becomes 'Known' by the Dufirosm and enters into Bargaining with a Dufiro, a Bargaining Name is given to or chosen by this 'Non-Dufiro Bargainer'. The Bargaining Name is usually simple and somewhat descriptive of the person; describing either their physical appearance, their reputation or something notable about the person.
- Examples: Silvermane, Icehand, Deathtouch, Rivenflame
The Writing of Tomes is a vitally important cultural element of Dufiro society. If the crux of Dufiro Society is Advancement then the Tome is the sign a Dufiro wishes to advance. A Ritualist with the Tome may study it until they can intone the Name perfectly to Call or Summon the Dufiro. A Dufiro will have a Calling Tome, Summoning Tome and Binding Tome for each Race, though Summoning or Binding a Dufiro with a Tome for a lesser Race of its Path is dangerous. Think of a Calling Tome as their Business Card. Think of the Summoning Tome as a Resume.
A Tome will include many things. It will include all 4 of their Names; Speaking, Calling, Summoning, Binding. It will include the Powers one might gain by Binding them. It will include their adventures. It includes their Unbound Powers. It may include their equipment. It may include food and drink preferences as well as other preferences of many different kinds as clues for what to offer them.
A Full Tome includes the spoken name, Calling name, Summoning name, Willing Binding name and itual, unwilling binding name and ritual. As such, having a Dufiro's Full Tome gives one a great deal of potential control over them.
As can be seen the races of the Dufiro are potent creatures as allies, enemies, bound willingly or unwillingly. Their reputation is usually very important since it may lay heavily on their chances of being allowed a Race ritual. It reflects on their offspring and attracting mates. It may effect their admittance to various associations.
Lastly, it tells how reliable and trustworthy they are. Threatening a Dufiro's reputation is a serious matter.
Heart Fire Powers:
- First Order Defense
- (need info from GM)
- Identify Dufiro Heart Fires
- Ability to 'see' or 'feel' an Unbound Dufiro Heart Fire in Beings & Creatures
- Ability to 'see' or 'feel' a Bound Dufiro Heart Fire in Beings, Creatures & Objects (sometimes)
- 'Living in the Heart Fire' Powers
- Leaving the Physical Body
- Shape Shifting to Elemental Forms
- Experiencing the Senses of Animals (and possibly other Beings) [DANGEROUS]
- Leaving the Physical Body
Tome Related Powers:
- Hear Calling/Summoning Names
- Ability to 'hear' Calling Name or Summoning Name spoken anywhere within the Multiverse.
- Ability to 'look in to it to see who is Calling'.
- Dufiro Transport Power
- Ability to 'temporarily transport' to Caller
- Must maintain Personal Energy & Magics to remain with Caller
- Can be Summoned via Summoning Name - Cannot resist, no Energy needed to remain
- Able to return to 'home realm' upon Compilation of the Pact or if freed from Binding by destruction of the Bound Artifact.
- Holding them against their will in either case is extraordinarily difficult. A Dufiro fighting for its freedom may attract others of its familiarity, race, or proximity to aid it.
- Ability to 'temporarily transport' to Caller
Mind Blanking
A power often requested of Knowledge Dufiro
Methods of Propagation
Dufiro breed in a variety of methods.
Standard Method
Dufiro who breed among themselves generate an Elemental offspring. The form will be one of the base elemental forms of the breeding pair. Usually these are motivated by one or both parents to transition quickly to other forms, usually spirit forms. However, in some unions, of two through 4 parents, their may be a desre for the child to experience several elemental forms as a basis for their future developments.
Isolated Method
Some Dufirosm may generate sufficient elemental energy to separate enough to create an elemental form. This form of budding creates an elemental form that the parent once passed through, though usually they have little control over which form unless the budding is managed by Avavsa or Masoja skilled in such things.
Inter-species Breeding
Dufiro may copulate with a host form which will create one of two outcomes. Either a full elemental form, or a native form of the mother with a deep connection to the element form of the father.
- If the resultant form fully generates as a Elemental it begins its Path as normal.
- If the resultant form does not generate initially and retains the maternal form it will have an affiliation to the elemental form of the father. This connection to the elemental for may pass down many generations, each birth starting with a different resonance to the element, usually starting near the level of the parent. In this manner the line of a Dufiro/Native offspring gains elemental connection through its interaction with its element.
An elemental connection may manifest in many ways in those not raised to the elemental race. Skills at sculpting, dowsing, localized air purification, are just examples.
Interbreeding, even over thousands of years, can contribute minute amounts of elemental energy till eventually a member of the line manifests. Three examples of this method are the cases of Dowser of Veksvale, Crees of Iron,Cuso of Trendle and Buckle of Dowten
Example One: Dowser
Dowser of Veksvale was the offspring of a Masoja Dufirosm of Water. The line was unknown to the Dufiro as the initial coupling was casual. Over several thousand years the line gathered elemental energy, manifesting as a fondness for water occupations, till eventually enough energy was retained by the Child Dowser to allow his powers to rise to the level of an infant Water Elemental. Recently raised to Spirit of Water, then Avasa of Water
Example Two: Crees of Iron
Crees of Iron was a warrior in a long line of warriors with the infusion of elemental powers of earth gained by inclusion of a Masoja Dufirosm of Strength.
Example Three: Cuso of Trendle
Cuso of Trendle was the great-grandson of an Avasa Dufiro of Fire. He and his father, and grandfather were all chefs at Oberon's Fire. Cuso, when in his 70's fell into the great fire of Oberon's Fire. Immersion in the elemental fire generated by the Jewel of Judgment brought Cuso into the Elementals of Fire race, and at a great enough level that he was almost immediately attended by Avasa Dufiro in the Paths of Fire.
Example Four: Buckle of Dowten
Buckle of Dowten was one in a long line established by a MasojaDufirosm of Change. The line was over 500 years old and had long been famous alchemists and sorcerers although Buckle was not raised by the well-known public family but was rather a unexpected illegitimate offspring.
Inhabitation or Possession
If a Creature or Being is Inhabited by an Avasa or Masoja Dufiro and then participates in a Ritual of Inclusion, the Creature or Being attains the Race Initiated. This method is rare and a source of anger by many of the Dufiro. Nur al Din El musifar is an example of this kind of Propagation. This is not always a voluntary event.
Sicknesses and Conditions
Displacement Syndrome
Displacement Syndrome is a rare but dangerous condition whereas dufiro looses control of there powers and they act independently.
Advancement & the Race Ritual
When dealing with Dufiro vital aspects to understand is their Path and their current Race.
- Elementals are a larval stage for Dufirosm. They may never have more then two Elemental Races unless one of the 4 Main Elemental Races is Transitioned to a Change Elemental. They may be elevated to Spirit Race. They have no ability to advance themselves. Once an Elemental achieves Spirit Race.
- All other Dufiro of Spasa and higher may apply to the Ritual of Race at any time of their choosing though their success is not assured. Having failed a ritual it is unlikely the attempt will be made again directly to the same race.
- Rituals are meant to display dedication to embracing the new race.
Advancement is the crux of Dufiro society. Nearly everything they do is aimed at advancement. Gaining new powers. Learning new skills. Gaining powerful artifacts. Gaining powerful allies and patrons. Creating a power base of loyal followers.
When a Dufiro bargains, either for themselves, and ally, or an underling, it is to gain aspects that will make them a more attractive candidate for a new Race. Once the Dufiro applies to a new race they are granted the right to attempt a race ritual. Who approves the attempt varies by species.
Life Paths
- Each Dufiro has had its own Life Path toward Power. Each has unique experiences. The Life Path of a Dufiro can be compared to scholastic advancement. They start as Elementals-kindergartners. Enter Spirit Races as Elementary and Middle Schoolers. Avasa Dufiro equate to High School and College. Masoja Dufirosm equal Graduate and Doctorate levels.
The more Races in one's Path the more powerful the Dufiro is likely to be. Once they move from Elemental to Spirit, Spirit to Avasa, Avasa to Masoja, it is highly unlikely they will add lower Races, though it is not impossible. Adding lower Races usually requires the services of a Wisher Masoja or The Dufrieanalat himself to accomplish, and this tends to piss off other Dufirosm in general.
Examples of Life Paths
- Uzgata of Rage and War Reggie: Elemental of Fire,Spirit of Combat , Spirit of Fire , Spirit of Rot, Avasa Dufiro of Rage, Avasa Dufiro of Conflict, Avasa Dufiro of Fire:, Masoja of War, Masaja of Rage
- Uzgata has been angry vengeful creature since he took the Spirit of Combat. He initiated a violent uprising that ravaged the territories of numerous Avavsa on the home world of a Knowledge D and was punished by being confined as a Spirit of Rot. Afterwards he was courted by the evil oriented Avavsa and masojas and became a violent bounty hunter ofDufirosm.
- Tustrala of Change: Elemental of Air and Change. Spirit of Blending, Change, Cleanliness, and Paper. Avasa of Cleanliness, Blending, and Knowledge. Masoja of Binding and Knowledge.Friend of Fortunadus, one bound to him in the battles verses the Ravers.
- Agdilas, Spirit of Blending: Elemental of Earth. Spirit of Growth, Rot, Paper, Earth, and Blending.
- A protege of Trustrala
- Choose to take the race of Rot as an addition to her skills in growth, and blending. Having chosen to take the race many in the race revere her. She barely avoided being elected to the Council of Rust by taking the race of Paper.
- Expert in the production of powders. Especially in the production of Paradoxian Melange
Pips for Ranks and Races
Whatever the methods of pip acquisition this is what a race or rank costs.
- First Elemental :10
- Second Elemental : 5 each
- First Spasa : 20
- Secondary Spasa : 10 each.
- First Avasa : 20
- Secondary Avasa : 10
- First Masoja : 20
- Secondary Masoja : 20
- Illuminar ranks are always gifted points.
- 20 Al Asgo Illuminar
- 30 Trax Asgo Illuminar
- 50. Primas Illuminar
It is often lost on Sorcerers, Wizards, Ritualists, and Historians across Shadow who deal with the Dufiro, that while diverse and powerful, the Dufirosm often live out lives of their own interests when not involved with Outsiders. They often forget or ignore that Dufiro have their own interests and passions, unless it matters in the Terms of a Bargain. These interests reflect what Dufirosm call their Professions.
While the raising of levels is a driving force for Dufiro, it is best to understand that many rise only a few times in a lifetime. Most never rise beyond Spasa. Even fewer become Masoja. To live their lives, eat, and provide for whatever family they may develop, there is their Professions. It has been said that Work is Work and that's true among the Dufiro. But many Races are driven by their Professions.
Dufirosm are a creative people. Artisans on many levels. And they sell their arts.
((More on this as I think about it.))
Dufiro Bands and Associations
In a race comprised of so many diverse elements and with such a preponderance of trade, barter,, binding agreements both willing and unwilling, and with so many ruling bodies among each distinct race its understandable that groups and individuals would assemble for mutual benefits. Patronage is an extremely common practice among the Dufiro. Advancement being so tied to merit and experience groups band together for many reasons. It would be impossible to list the number of such associations for such a large population. Rituals and abilities are shared, traded, stolen, and created in these groups with the higher ups usually understanding that the advancement of even the lowest of their members brings prestige, power and opportunity to all.
Below are listed a few well know groups and some examples of smaller groups. Some terminology should be clarified. Many of these terms are interchangeable but some refer to specific arrangements among members.
A group assembled with the idea of mutual assistance and defense in promoting the advancement of all members. Usually small groups. Often military.
- The Regalada Band:This is a Warband lead by three Dufiro. Raga of Warfare, Dalquis of Rage, and Galada of Strength. They have a variety of Masajoa and Avasa Dufiro who run individual Packs. A common Masoja Pack might be led by a Masoja of Warfare, and include 3 Avasas of conflict, a Avasa of Rage, a number of Combat Spirits, a number of fire or air spirits, some staff spirits like Cleanliness, blending and Guard. A large number of elementals.
Usually a small subset of a large group that acts as a unified body for particular services. Most often as War packs or Growing packs.
- Green Fur Packs: These are a common pack grouping of warriors. A Green Fur Pack includes 5 Spasa of Combat, 2 Spasa of Defense, 2 Spasa of Guard. 1 Spasa of Speed. Each group also will have some support Spasa. A Spasa of Clelanliness as a healer. A Spasa of Blending as a cook. Most packs will have a Spasa of either Fire or Earth that control up to 10 of their type of Elementals.
A group assembled for mutual advancement of all members. usually a large or regional group.
Usually a small band that participates in activities together.
- Chip Knot: a small group led by Chipoxata, a Masoja of Earth, known as Chip. Includes a Cleanliness spasa named Crumble.
This type of group is lead by a Ruling Clique or Individual and has a strictly structured form for the Members below the Ruling Body. Usually a large group.
- Tower of Blades: A Warrior Rower dominated by Combat Masoja.
Fealty Band:
This is a gathering of Dufiro, under a powerful individual. Usually a warrior band.
- Shantranixix Fealty Band: A large, complicated and political Fealty Band with several Notable Members under the Leadership of Shantranixix Agfala. Known Members include; Crizacraxix Galxata, Traxalaxax, Raphaxaelicus, ZyxzlokX, Ansahal, Adalou.
A small group of Dufirosm similar to a Fealty Band, often under the Leadership of a Powerful or Influential Dufiro.
- A rumored Brotherhood is the Curious Brotherhood: A tiny group that is fiercely loyal to its Leader; Curious. Rumored Members include; Crizacraxix Galxata, Raphaxaelicus, all three of the Dog Brothers, possibly Traxalaxax and three unnamed Avasa of Guard.
Usually a Regional body for anyone native to the region. This kind of group can be appealed to if a member has issues in whatever other groups they participate.
Often initially a regional group many clans become quite large spanning many worlds and many races. Most clans become umbrella for many smaller groups. Some Clans are very influential across the Dufirosm worlds.
Usually a small group that controls or rules a larger group.
A arrangement between individuals regardless of membership in other groups
- Shlvx Cabal. Based at a castle club in Zilla. [[2]]
An association of groups often crossing over other group boundaries.
A party is usually a wide ranging association of other groups with a common goal.
- Party for Death aka Death Party: A major association of members of the races of Death, Rage, Warfare, Fire, and Earth Masoja.
- Party for Life aka Life Party: A major association of members of the races of Life, Binding, Air, Water, Growth, Knowledge, and Time Masoja.
- Party for War: An association of many races that wish for war. There is a large faction that wants war against Primal Realms, in the hope of gaining one. Amber is a main target.
- Party for Trade aka Party for Peace: This association wants active engagement for trade and service to improve its members and finds war a wasteful way to do it.
- Party for the Defense of Amber: An association of many races that stand against the Party for War in their goals for war with Amber. (A New Party)
A collection of races of the same type.
- Hierarchy of Earth: Members include Elementals, Spasa, Avasa, and Masoja of Earth.
- Hierarchy of Shifters: Members include Elementals of Change, Spasa of Blending, Illusion and Change, Avasa of Illusion, Vision and Shifter and Masoja of Change Illusion, Vision, and Shifter.
Councils are ruling bodies for the races, for cross-races, and other purposes.
- Council of Dignity: Over sees Elevation and Demotions.
- The Blue Council. A ruling Dufiro council.
Halls are places where Dufiro gather for various reasons. Think of them like Bars with themes like sports bars, seaside taverns, ski chalets. Or Fraternity Lodges like Elks Lodges or Eagles Lodges. Or Clubs like Poetry Cafes or Dance Clubs for people of similar interests. Mostly they are not limited to one Race, but the more detailed the Hall the more likely a selective clientele.
Known Halls:
- Shifters Hall: Hierarchy of Shifters
- Circle Hall: Hierarchy of Motion
- Earthers Hall: Hierarchy of Earth
- Hall of Water: Hierarchy of Water
- Hall of Flame: Hierarchy of Fire
- Hall of the Winds: Hierarchy of Air
- Hall of Echoes: Hierarchy of Sound
- The Hall of Life (aka The Arboretum): Party for Life
- The Hall of Death (aka The Mausoleum): Party for Death
- The Hall of Deep Sadness: (aka Woe's Tavern) Mostly Sadness or despair oriented races.
- Hall of Heroes: Hierarchy of Warriors
- Hall of Knowledge (aka The Main Dufiro Library): Hierarchy of Knowledge
- Agalat Red Hall: Combat Pits, Tome Certifications
- Doraal Red Hall: A sex club
- Hall of Last Means: Center of City
- Stone inside that takes ALL Dufiro Powers & Races of anyone that touches it.
Example Groups
- The Regalada Band:This is a Warband lead by three Dufiro. Raga of Warfare, Dalquis of Rage, and Galada of Strength. They have a variety of Masajoa and Avasa Dufiro who run individual Packs. A common Masoja Pack might be led by a Masoja of Warfare, and include 3 Avasas of conflict, a Avasa of Rage, a number of Combat Spirits, a number of fire or air spirits, some staff spirits like Cleanliness, blending and Guard. A large number of elementals.
- Conclave of the Dufiro-Nendil:[[3]] Conclave near the Waymet of Grrosieeks [[4]]. 5 like-minded peace Dufirosm.
- The Goshtan Knot: a small group of 4 dufiro free bound to a tanakard belonging to Lady Alvah of Amber. [[5]]
Ruling Dufiro Councils.
The ruling councils of the Dufirosm are overlapping entities that are often in opposition to each other.
Council of the Dufirosm
Often considers the highest of councils.While the Council of Dufirosm is often considered the top council it is often overshadowed by other councils depending on the situation.
Blue Circle of the Dufirosm
The Circle, as its called, is a body of Dufiro that is something like a ruling council though without much authority except to appeal to a dufiro's current race for judgement of grievances. There is a flexible number of members though every race has at least one officially in the Circle. There may be others as well for various reasons.
Druntranic-Masoja of Warfare
Born a Fire Elemental. Joined Defense first, followed by Combat, Speed and Growth, Took the Ava Ritual of Defense, followed by Fire, and Conflict. Failed Speed. Took Cleanliness. Applied to the Masoja Dufiro of Defense and was denied. Applied to Masoja Combat and was accepted and completed the Ritual. Took the Ritual of Rage. Failed the ritual of Shifter. Took the ritual of Warfare.
- a warrior of renown he fought as a free agent in the Battle of Patternfall. Prince Bleys met him along his route to the battle and after a casual conversation Druntranic joined him. Hated in Chaos for the perceived betrayal, he has spent much of his time in the Regor region.
Resiki-Masoja of Knowledge
Born a Water Elemental, transitioned to the Change Elementals. Joined Cleanliness, followed by Blending, Defense,aper, and Song. Applied to the Ava Dufiro of Cleanliness and took the Ritual. Took ritual of Knowledge, Vision, Defense, and finally Truth. Offered Rituals of Defense, Warfare, and Vision. Took the Ritual of Defense, followed by Vision, Time, Life, and lastly Knowledge.
- A seer and oracle of the Dufirosm.
- Racial Representative
Akafar-Masoja of Warfare
Born a Earth Elemental. Joined the spirit rituals of Combat, then Defense, Rust, and Speed. Offered the Ava Dufiro Conflict and Defense. Took the ritual of Conflict, then Defense, then Rage. Took the MasojaDufirosm Ritual of Rage. Followed by Death, Combat, Defense, and finally Warfare.
- A dangerous and brutal Warrior Dufirosm.
- Racial Representative
Breasda-Masoja of Wisher
Born Change Elemental. Raised to Cleanliness, followed by Paper and Blending. Took the Ava D Ritual of Cleanliness, followed by Truth, Knowledge, Vision, and finally Blending. Took the Masoja Ritual of Knowledge, Time, Health, Vision, and finally Wisher.
- A incorruptibly good creature with the a powerful Wishing energy. Considered by many the leader of the Dufirosm but denies such office. He is however generally respected or deeply feared.
- Racial Representative
Trusl-Masoja of Water
Born a Water Elemental. Brought into the Spirits of Cleanliness, followed by Growth, Song, Paper, and Blending. Invited to take the Ava ritual of Cleanliness. Took the Growth, Water, and Blending. Finally Speed. Invited to take the Masoja Ritual of Change. Followed by Earth, Growth, Binding, and finally Water.
- Trusl is one of the finest brewers in all of shadow, a mistress of balancing tastes and flavors. Powerful in effecting change and aging for mature tastes.
- Racial Representative
- there is a long standing joke that if Trusl lost the Racial Representative seat for Masoja of Water, that he would be granted a full seat on his own since he brings the best drinks of his craft to Circle meetings.
Tripsina-"Trip"-Masoja of Health
Born an Elemental of Earth, Transitioned to Change. Raised to Rust, followed by Growth. Applied to Ava D of Ritual of growth and denied. Failed Ritual of Water. Completed Ritual of Shifter. Followed by Growth, Water and Colors. Invited to take the Masoja Ritual of Growth, Took the rituals of Earth, Water, knowledge, and Health.
- Trip is hated by the warriorDufirosm as a devoted pacifist. He is one of the finest gardeners in Shadow. Specializing in small plants, he is able to manage continental sizes of plant growth. Nearly worshiped by animal life.
- Racial Representative
Nur al Din El musifar-Dufrieanalat-Masoja of Life
Born a human on the world of Tosa. Attained the ranks of thrice Crowned Bard. A long time bargainer and a extremely well-respected friend of the Dufirosm. A High Lord in a Shade of Chaos. During a extinction level event involving most theDufirosm realms Nur Ed Din managed to save the realms and help rebuild after the destruction. As reward he was inhabited by a Shifter Masoja and initiated into the Masoja Dufiro of Life. Granted powers from each of the races from Spirit to Masoja. When the forces in his Chaos ousted him from his lordship he relocated to the Dufirosm realms and was invited to join the council.
- Granted membership for orchestrating the salvation of the Dufiro.
- Illuminar
Council of Wishers
-Masoja of Vision
Born Change Elemental. Air Elemental
Raised to Cleanliness, followed by Paper and Blending. Took the Ava D Ritual of Cleanliness, followed by Truth, Knowledge, Vision, and finally Blending. Took the Masoja Ritual of Knowledge, Time, Health, Vision, and finally Wisher.
- Change Elemental
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Paper and Blending.
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Truth, Knowledge, Vision, and Blending.
- Masoja Ritual of Knowledge, Time, Health, Vision, and Wisher.
A incorruptibly good creature with the a powerful Wishing energy. Considered by many the leader of the Dufirosm but denies such office. He is however generally respected or deeply feared.
A past Racial Representative of Wishers on the Dufirosm Council.
Recently resigned from the race of Wishers, taking on Vision race again as his naming race.
'Abagile Alacala
'Lanak Drak Farkla
The Hierarchies
Each Hierarchy is responsible for settling grievances brought down by higher Councils to those Dufiro that fall within the Races of their Hierarchy.
Hierarchy of Air
- Includes Elementals, Spasa, Avasa and Masojoa of Air
Hierarchy of Earth
- Includes Elementals, Spasa, Avasa and Masojoa of Earth
Hierarchy of Fire
- Includes Elementals, Spasa, Avasa and Masojoa of Fire
Hierarchy of Water
- Includes Elementals, Spasa, Avasa and Masojoa of Water
Hierarchy of Shifters
- Includes Change Elementals, Flux Elementals. Spasa of Change, Whimsy. Avasa of Change, Shifter, Whimsy. Masoja of Change, Shifter.
- Closely aligned with several other Hierarchies including Earth and Fire
Hierarchy of Motion
- Includes Elementals of Movement. Spasa of Motion & Speed. Avasa of Force & Speed. Masoja of Strength & Time.
Hierarchy of Sound
- Includes Elementals of Sound. Spasa of Song. Avasa of Music.
Hierarchy of Life
- Includes Spasa of Life, Cleanliness, Growth. Avasa of Life, Cleanliness, Growth, Health. Masoja of Life, Cleanliness, Growth, Health.
Hierarchy of Death
- Includes Spasa of Death, Rot & Rust, Sadness. Avasa of Death, Rot & Rust, Rage, Woe(Sadness). Masoja of Death, Rot/Rust, Rage.
Hierarchy of Warriors
- Includes Spasa of Combat, Defense & Guard. Avasa of Conflict & Guard. Masoja of Combat, Guard & Warfare.
- Closely aligned with other Hierarchies including; Earth, Fire, Motion
Hierarchy of Knowledge
- Includes Spasa of Paper. Avasa of Knowledge, Truth & Vision. Masoja of Knowledge, Truth, Vision, Witness.
- Closely aligned with other Hierarchies including; Life, Sound (Song & Music mostly)
Known Dufiro
The Dufrieanalat
Nur al Din El musifar - Dufrieanalat, Masoja of Life
- Spasa: All except Death, Rust. But did take Rot
- Avasa: All except Death, Rust
- Masoja of Life; all except Death, Vision, Time. Only partially accepted by Wisher.
- Aspires to Wisher
- Primus Illiminar
Born a Human on the world of Tosa. Attained the Rank of Thrice Crowned Bard. A long time Bargainer and an extremely well-respected friend of the Dufirosm. A High Lord in a Shade of Chaos. During an Extinction Level Event involving most the Dufirosm Realms, Nur al-Din managed to save the Realms and help rebuild after the destruction. As a reward he was Inhabited by a Shifter Masoja and Initiated into the Dufirosm as a Masoja Dufiro of Life. Granted Powers from each of the Races from Spasa to Masoja. When the Forces in his Chaos ousted him from his Lordship he relocated to the Dufirosm Realms and was invited to join the Blue Council.
Dazxa, Masoja of Rage
A companion and Bodyguard of Nur al-din. A War Musician.
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Combat, Speed, Earth, Rust, Song, and Motion
- Avasa of Earth, Conflict-War, Speed, Music, Rage, and Knowledge
- Masoja of Warfare, Strength, Combat, and Rage.
- Completed all aspirations.
- Illuminar
Member of several ruling councils of the races.
Hunkazx, Masoja of Rage
Companion and Bodyguard of Nur al-Din
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Fire, Combat, Defense, Speed, Blending, Rust, and Earth
- Avasa of Fire, Conflict-Single Combat, Speed, Blending, Rage, and Ice
- Masoja of Combat, Death, Guard, and Rage.
- Aspires to Warfare.
- Illuminar
Member of many councils.
Sonnosa, Masoja of Warfare
Companion of Nur Al-Din. Takes the form of body armor.
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Guard, Defense, Illusion, and Change
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Guard, Conflict-War, Speed, Blending, and Shifter
- Masoja of Air, Health, Guard, Strength, Shifter, and Warfare
- Aspires to Binding
Akafar, Masoja of Warfare
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Combat, Defense, Rust, Speed
- Avasa of Conflict, Defense, Conflict, Rage
- Masoja of Rage, Death, Combat, Defense Warfare
- Aspires to Vision, Wisher
- Primas Illuminar - Circle Member
- Racial Representative
A dangerous and brutal Warrior Dufirosm.Born an Earth Elemental. Joined the spirit rituals of Combat, then Defense, Rust, and Speed. Offered the Ava Dufiro Conflict and Defense. Took the ritual of Conflict, then Defense, then Rage. Took the Masoja Dufirosm Ritual of Rage. Followed by Death, Combat, Defense, and finally Warfare.
"Curious", Masoja of Guard
Known as Crizacraxix Galxata
A member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Earth Elemental.
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Combat, Rot, Speed, Earth, Change, and Guard.
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Speed, Rage, Earth, Water, Conflict, and Guard.
- Masoja of Guard, Earth. (Secretly hold Health and Warfare)
- Aspires to Water, Combat, Knowledge, Strength, Life, Wisher
- Primus Illuminar
Druntranic, Masoja of Warfare
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Defense, Combat, Speed, Growth
- Avasa of Defense, Fire, Conflict, Cleanliness,
- Masoja of Combat, Rage, Warfare
- Aspires to Shifter, Defense, Life, Wisher
- Primas Illuminar - Circle Member
Kibrosel, Masoja of Rot
- Water Elemental, Change, Earth
- Spasa of Water, Cleanliness, Combat, Growth, Earth, Blending, Defense, Life, Knowledge
- Avasa of Water, Cleanliness, Conflict-War, Growth, Blending, Earth, Ice, Health, Life, Knowledge
- Masoja of Water, Cleanliness, Combat, Growth, Blending, Life, Health, Rot
- Aspires to Earth, Knowledge, Wisher
- Al Asgo Illuminar. Created an Illuminar by the Stretched One
A Physician, Veterinarian, and farmer by Profession, Kibrosel is serving a Term as Rot as a punishment, unfair as it is.
Resiki, Masoja of Knowledge
- Water Elemental, Change
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Blending, Defense, Paper, Song
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Knowledge, Vision, Defense, Truth
- Masoja of Cleanliness, Vision, Guard, Time, Life, Knowledge
- Aspires to Wisher
- Primas Illuminar - Circle Member
Salaka, Masoja of Knowledge
Member of the Party for Life.
- Water Elemental, Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Water, Earth, Cleanliness, Growth, Change, and Blending
- Avasa of Air, Water, Earth, Cleanliness, Growth, Blending, Ice, Sifter, and Knowledge
- Masoja of Air, Water, and Earth, Health,Growth, Change, Shifter, and Knowledge
- Aspires to Masoja of Life. Perhaps, some day, Wisher.
- Primas Illuminar
- Profession: Vinter, Brewer, Gardener. A known Vegetarian.
- She is a Friend of Vek's.
- A Facilitator for Dufiro who has worked often with Hendrake.
- A Facilitator for Raphael aka Raphaxaelicus
RaphaX, Spasa of Earth
- Elemental of Change, Motion, Earth
- Spasa of Earth
- Aspires to Combat, Speed, Paper. ...
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
- Al Asgo Illuminar. Titled Illuminar by Nur al-Din after his Matched Elevation in Earth.
Leader of the RaphaX Adventure Band
Member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
Member of the Party for Life
Member of Party for Defense of Amber
RaphaX was an 'Outshadower' before being Initiated into the Dufirosm as an Elemental of Change. RahpaX was willingly Inhabited by Ansahal, a powerful mostly Non-corporeal Masoja that Strengthened RaphaX's Heartfire and made it possible for him to become a Dufiro. Due to RaphaX's particular Inhabitation and Inclusion that made him a Dufiro, something most Dufiro hate, his rapid Advancement through his Elemental Races and his quick Elevation to Spasa of Earth, as well as his known associations with certain Powerful and Influential Dufiro and his Membership in the Party for Life, RaphaX has made a number of Detractors as well as Enemies within the Party for Death. There is even a Bounty placed on him by Hardin Wapak, Leader of the Party for War, which numerous Bands, Packs and Knots are looking to Claim. After his unchallenged Matched Elevation in Earth, RaphaX was Titled Al Asgo Illuminar by Nur al-Din. RaphaX left the Dufiro Realms immediately afterwards.
The Dog Brothers, Movement Elementals
Miniature Poodles 'Primitive Bonded' to RaphaX of Earth.
- Kuuz'Ko Chaos-Laama aka Swirly(left)
- Nin'Jaboi aka Fudge(center)
- Berk-Ya'leeZ aka Berk-Berk(right)
Members of the RaphaX Band of Adventurers
- All three (3) are from the same Litter and the Last Litter.
- Previously Inhabited by Avasa Dufiro of Guard
- Elementals of Movement
- Aspires to Spasa of Speed, Motion, Guard, (possibly Change, Cleanliness, Combat)
Shlvx of Music, Avasa of Music
Leader of the Shlvx Cabal
- Earth Elemental
- Sapsa of Earth, Combat, Guard, Song/Music.
- Avasa of Earth, Conflict, guard, Ice, Music
- Masoja: Aspires to Earth, Music, Combat, Guard, Knowledge, Life.
- Al Asgo Illuminar
Runs a rave in the Musical Temples of the Fane of Zilla.
Shlvx Cabal
- Led by Shlvx of Music
- Akgleax of Earth [[6]]
Akgleax of Music
Member of the Shlvx Cabal
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Water, Blending, Change, Song, Music, and Paper.
- Avasa of Earth, Music
- Al Asgo Illuminar-Named by Nur al-din
Aspires to Avasa of Music, Water, Blending, and Knowledge.
Aspires to Masoja of Earth, Knowledge or Binding.
Traveling companion of Alexandra Mira. A craftsman of musical items. Achieved Spasa of Paper and Music after writing of her encounters of Alexandra & Duncan of Amber.
Tans Tilki, Masoja of Vision
One of the most ancient and powerful Dufiro, a perennial member of the Council of the Dufirosm.
- Elementals: Change, Flux, Earth, Fire, Air
- Spirits: Change, Cleanliness, Combat, Growth, Defense, Guard, Blending, Rust, Fire, Paper, Illusion,
- Avasa Dufirosm: Shifter, Cleanliness, Conflict, Guard, Growth, Blending, Knowledge, Vision, Truth
- Masoja Dufirosm: Change, Combat, Guard, Health, Growth, Death, Life, Knowledge, Shifter, Binding, Time, Vision, Wishers
- Primus Illuminar Dufirosm
Resigned from Wisher's Council to not be involved in political issues among them.
Ti Sal
Primas Illuminar.
- X Elemental
- Spasa of X
- Avasa of X
- Masoja of X
Aspires to
Ovkasix Oramuy
- Elemental Air, Mix, Change, Scent & Hue
- The Inaugural Member of the Race of Hue. Grand Master of the Hue Hierarchy.
- Spasa of Air, Blending, Change, Water, Color, Fire,Cleanliness, Carnality, Growth, Song, Life
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Carnality, Change, Color, Growth, Water, Fire, Health, Knowledge, Life, Music, Rot, Shifter, Vision, Whimsy
- Masoja of Air, Cleanliness, Carnality,Water, Fire, Growth, Health, Knowledge, Shifter, Life.
- Trax Asgo Illuminar.
Has no aspirations. But he wouldn't turn a Primus Illuminar down.
Profession, Owner, Chief Cook, of Oramuy's Candy and Confections
Signatory to the Tosian Accords for the race of Air, Masoja of Air at the time.
Tripsina - "Trip", Masoja of Health
- Earth Elemental, Change.
- Spasa of Rust, Growth, Life,Earth, Carnality, Change,
- Avasa of Shifter, Growth, Earth, Water, Life, Colors
- Applied to Ava D of Ritual of growth and denied. Failed Ritual of Water.
- Masoja of Growth, Life, Rust, Earth, Water, Shifter, Knowledge, and Health.
- Illuminar
Trip is hated by the warrior Dufirosm as a devoted pacifist. He is one of the finest gardeners in Shadow. Specializing in small plants, he is able to manage continental sizes of plant growth. Nearly worshiped by animal life.
- Racial Representative-Life
- Earth Elemental, Change.
- Spasa of Rust, Growth, Life,Earth, Carnality, Change,
- Avasa of Shifter, Growth, Earth, Water, Life, Colors
- Applied to Ava D of Ritual of growth and denied. Failed Ritual of Water.
- Masoja of Growth, Life, Rust, Earth, Water, Shifter, Knowledge, and Health.
- Illuminar
- Earth Elemental, Change.
- Spasa of Rust, Growth, Life,Earth, Carnality, Change,
- Avasa of Shifter, Growth, Earth, Water, Life, Colors
- Applied to Ava D of Ritual of growth and denied. Failed Ritual of Water.
- Masoja of Growth, Life, Rust, Earth, Water, Shifter, Knowledge, and Health.
- Illuminar
Adalou, Masoja of Knowledge
A member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Air Elemental, Change
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Speed, Air, Song, Paper, Change
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Change, Knowledge
- Masoja of Air, Health, Shifter, knowledge.
- Aspires to Life, Wisher.
A Wise Dufiro, but also has an odd sense of humor
Agalat, Masoja of Knowledge
Also known as The Red Wizard
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Combat, Rust, Paper, Fire, Growth, Change
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Fire, Conflict, Blending, Rage, Knowledge, Growth, Vision
- Masoja of Fire, Growth, Rage, Binding, Warfare, Knowledge
- Aspires to Death
Manages the Red Hall of Agalat. A place that sells Tome certification.
Ansahal, Masoja of Water
A Member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Elemental: Air, Water, Flux, Change
- Spasa of Air, Cleanliness, Blending, Change
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Blending, Growth, Ice, Shifter, Knowledge, and Rage
- Masoja of Air, Change, Health, Growth, Life, Knowledge, Binding, Shifter, and Water.
- Aspires to Wisher and Illuminar.
An ancient non-corporeal Dufiro.
Bently, Masoja of Music & Dance
Life Path{405}
- Elementals of Air, Change, Hue, Sound
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Air, Color, Growth, Change, Paper, Illusion, Song, motion.
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Air, Growth, Change, Blending, Paper, Color, Health, Music, Shifter, Life.
- Masoja of Cleanliness, Air, Health, Growth, Change, Shifter, Knowledge, Rust, Paper, Music, Dance.
Aspires to Masoja of Life, Vision, Wisher
"His name is Bently. He is a charmer and a flirt and eventually someone will kick his ass. He has a reputation as...a. bottom. But i will take it personally if he is harmed too much. I really wish i hadnt hooked up with him but he is a character. He cooks, paints, and is a vinter,at Masoja level and is exploring creating new races. He is a Sommelier who has served the table of wishers, life and death masoja, and your friend Nur al din. He is my friend. Others should know that. Sorry for bringing him here." Sylex of Lust
Breasda, Masoja of Vision
- Change Elemental
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Paper and Blending.
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Truth, Knowledge, Vision, and Blending.
- Masoja Ritual of Knowledge, Time, Health, Vision, and Wisher.
Born Change Elemental. Air Elemental. Raised to Cleanliness, followed by Paper and Blending. Took the Ava D Ritual of Cleanliness, followed by Truth, Knowledge, Vision, and finally Blending. Took the Masoja Ritual of Knowledge, Time, Health, Vision, and finally Wisher. A incorruptibly good creature with the a powerful Wishing energy. Considered by many the leader of the Dufirosm but denies such office. He is however generally respected or deeply feared.
A past Racial Representative of Wishers on the Dufirosm Council.
Recently resigned from the Race of Wishers, taking on Vision Race again as his Naming Race.
Buckle of Dowten
- Change Elemental
- Spasa of Growth, Paper, Illusion, Shifter
- Avasa of Color, Cleanliness, Shifter
- Masoja of Shifter, Knowledge, Wisher.
Aspires to collect Masoja races going against Wisher tradition. Buckle of Dowten
"Chip", Masoja of Earth
Xghasssrtddsc aQEeeefe Aolmkop "Chip"
Leader of "Chip's Knot"
- Elemental: Earth.
- Spasa of Earth, Fire, Defense, Growth, Rot, Paper
- Avasa of Earth, Fire, Guard, Growth, Colors, Shifter, Knowledge
- Masoja of Earth,
- Aspire to Fire, Guard, Shifter, Knowledge
Overseeing the reconstruction of the Zunnala Library with Donovan and Arloxedra.
Coil of Air
- Elemental Air
- Spasa of Air, Cleanliness, Color, Guard, Illusion, Motion, Rust, song
- Avasa of Air, Color, Death, Knowledge, Wimsey,
- Masoja of Rage, Air
Many aspirations.
Profession: A herald for Hire
Crees of Iron, Masoja of Combat
- Earth Elemental-Iron Specialty.
- Spasa of Combat
- Avasa of Combat
- Masoja of Combat
No aspirations. Crees of Iron
Cuso of Trendle, Masoja of Fire
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Fire, Growth, Blending
- Avasa of Fire, Growth
- Masoja of Fire,
Aspires to advance, direction unclear.
Druntranic, Masoja of Warfare
- Elemental of Fire
- Spasa of Defense, Combat, Speed, Growth.
- Avasa of Defense, Fire, Conflict, Cleanliness.
- Masoja of Combat, Rage, Warfare
Aspires to
Born a Fire Elemental. Joined Defense first, followed by Combat, Speed and Growth, Took the Ava Ritual of Defense, followed by Fire, and Conflict. Failed Speed. Took Cleanliness. Applied to the Masoja Dufiro of Defense and was denied. Applied to Masoja Combat and was accepted and completed the Ritual. Took the Ritual of Rage. Failed the ritual of Shifter. Took the ritual of Warfare.
- A warrior of renown he fought as a free agent in the Battle of Patternfall. Prince Bleys met him along his route to the battle and after a casual conversation Druntranic joined him. Hated in Chaos for the perceived betrayal, he has spent much of his time in the Regor region.
- Elemental of Fire
- Spasa of Defense, Combat, Speed, Growth.
- Avasa of Defense, Fire, Conflict, Cleanliness.
- Masoja of Combat, Rage, Warfare, Death
Aspires to Wisher
Grexil, Masoja of Knowledge
- Earth
- Spasa of cleanliness, Earth, Rot, Defense, Speed, Vivisos, Paper, Song, Blending, Rust, Change, Life
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Earth, conflict, Blending, Rage, Shifter,
- Masoja of Knowledge
Hardin Wapak
Leader of the Party for War
- Earth & Air Elemental
- Spasa of
- Avasa of
- Masoja of
- Aspires to
A Warrior Dufiro
Kasumiusil, Masoja of Life
- Elemental of Earth.
- Spasa of Earth, Cleanliness, Defense, Blending, Song, Paper, Colors, Illusion, Air, Change
- Avasa of Earth, Whimsy, Cleanliness, Guard, Blending, Shifter, Knowledge, Vision, Truth
- Masoja of Earth, Change, Guard, Shifter, Warfare, Knowledge, Vision. Currently Life.
- Aspires to Wisher.
Leniya, Masoja of Health
The Origami Dragon
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth. Growth. Change,dw Blending. Paper
- Avasa of Earth. Growth, shifter, Fire, Whimsy. Health
- Masoja of Earth, Fire, Air, Health
- Aspires to Shifter, Change, Knowledge
Expert in Origami. Profession: Grower. Expert in the production of many smoking herbs of all kinds.
- Calling Name is Leniya Jasdarniun
Kasozal of Earth
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth
- Avasa of Earth
- Masoja of Earth
- No Aspirations.
Edasho of Water
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water. Growth. Change, Blending. Paper
- Avasa of Water. Growth, shifter, Ice, Whimsy. Health
- Masoja of Water.
- Aspires to Shifter, Ice, Change, Knowledge
Resiki, Masoja of Knowledge
A Seer and Oracle of the Dufirosm.
- Elemental of Water, Change
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Blending Defense, Paper, Song
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Knowledge, Vision, Defense, Truth
- Masoja of Defense, Vision, Time, Life, Knowledge
- Aspires to
- Racial Representative
Born a Water Elemental, transitioned to the Change Elementals. Joined Cleanliness, followed by Blending, Defense, Paper, and Song. Applied to the Ava Dufiro of Cleanliness and took the Ritual. Took ritual of Knowledge, Vision, Defense, and finally Truth. Offered Rituals of Defense, Warfare, and Vision. Took the Ritual of Defense, followed by Vision, Time, Life, and lastly Knowledge.
Shantranixix Agfala, Masoja of Life
Leader of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Earth & Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Earth, Carnality, Cleanliness, Combat, Defense, Growth, Guard, Life, Song, Speed, Paper, Culinarist
- Avasa of Air, Earth, Cleanliness, Combat, Growth, Guard, Health, Knowledge, Strength, Warfare, Life, Music, Truth
- Masoja of Air, Earth, Cleanliness, Combat, Growth, Guard, Health, Knowledge, Warfare, Life
Aspires to Time and Wisher
Nippixix, Flux Elemental
The Consigliere for Shantranixix & the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Flux Elemental
- Spasa of
- Avasa of
- Masoja of
- Aspires to
Sharax, Masoja of Fire
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Fire, Earth, Rot, Growth, Blending
- Avasa of Fire, Conflict, Blending, Health, Life, Rust, Rage, Speed
- Masoja of Fire
- Aspires to Combat,
- Professionally a Carpenter.
- Currently Unavailable: Contracted to Self-Bind as a Masoja of Fire to a Weapon for a two (2) year Term of Service.
'Teaporis, Masoja of Whimsy
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Cleanliness, Combat, Blending, Carnality, Song, and Life
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Conflict, Blending, Health, Carnality, Life, and Whimsy
- Masoja of Air, Carnality, Knowledge, Music, Whimsy
- Aspires to Life, Wishing
Tinsanax, Masoja of Health
- Fire Elemental, Flex Elemental
- Spasa of Change, Combat, Fire, Speed, Cleanliness, Rot, Health, Life, Carnality
- Avasa of Conflict, Blending, Fire, Health, Shifter, Carnality, Rust, Whimsy, Music, Death
- Masoja of Rust, Warfare, Rage, Combat, Health
Aspires to Shifter, Knowledge.
Member of the Gxkzle Band. The band is in the Party for War but not the Party of Death. Known as a trouble maker.
Tripsina-"Trip", Masoja of Health
- Elemental of Earth, Change
- Spasa of Rust, Growth
- Avasa of Shifter, Growth, Water, Colors
- Masoja of Growth, Earth, Water, knowledge, and Health.
Aspires to
- Trip is hated by the warrior Dufirosm as a devoted Pacifist. He is one of the finest Gardeners in Shadow. Specializing in small plants, he is able to manage continental sizes of plant growth. Nearly worshiped by animal life.
- Racial Representative-Growth
Trusl, Masoja of Water
Racial Representative; Hierarchy of Water
- Elemental of Water
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Growth, Song, Paper, and Blending
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Growth, Water, Blending, Speed
- Masoja of Change, Earth, Growth, Binding, Water, Shifter
- Aspires to
Trusl is one of the finest brewers in all of shadow, a mistress of balancing tastes and flavors. Powerful in effecting change and aging for mature tastes. There is a long standing joke that if Trusl lost the Racial Representative seat for Masoja of Water, that she would be granted a full seat own since she brings the best drinks of her craft to Circle meetings.
Tustrala, Masoja of Knowledge
- Elemental of Change, Air
- Spasa of Blending, Change, Cleanliness, Paper
- Avasa of Cleanliness, Blending, Knowledge
- Masoja of Binding, Knowledge
- Aspires to ?
Friend of Fortunadus; one Bound to him in the battles vs. The Ravers.
Uzgata of Rage, Masoja of Rage
Also know as Reggie the Rager
- Elemental of Fire
- Spasa of Combat, Firt, Rot
- Avasa of Rage, Conflict, Fire
- Masoja of Warfare, Rage
- Aspires to
Uzgata has been angry vengeful creature since he took the Spirit of Combat. He initiated a violent uprising that ravaged the territories of numerous Avavsa on the home world of a Knowledge Dufiro and was punished by being confined as a Spirit of Rot. Afterwards he was courted by the evil oriented Avasa and Masoja and became a violent bounty hunter of Dufirosm.
Vilalethu of Death
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Fire, Combat, and Speed
- Avasa of Earth, Fire, Speed, Conflict-War
- Masoja of Earth, Fire, Combat, Rage, Warfare, Death.
Vrxxkren, The Harbinger of Death
Member of the Party for Death
- Earth Elemental. Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Fire, Combat, Guard, Rot, and Speed
- Avasa of Earth, Fire, Speed, Rage, Conflict-War, and Knowledge.
- Masoja of Earth, Fire, Combat, Rage, Warfare, Knowledge, Death, and Strength.
A member of the Inner Council of the Party for Death and the Party for War. Known as the Harbinger of Death. A warrior and a herald.
Wesiutasa, Masoja of Ice
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water, Color, Health, Speed, Growth
- Avasa of Water, Color, Ice
- Masoja of Water. Ice
Aspires to Health
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Heath, Speed, Growth
- Avasa of Air, Health, Growth
- Masoja of Air
Aspires to Health
A feeder beast. It inhabits some animal race then generations later the animals are ready for domestication and food production.
ZyxzlokX of Rust, Masoja of Rage
A member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Fire Elemental; Iron, Sand. Fire: Smoke. Whimsy
- Spasa of Earth; Iron, Combat, Defense, Rust, Song; Whimsy, Speed, Rot, Change
- Avasa of Earth; Iron, Rust, Whimsy, Conflict, Death, Rust, Shifter
- Masoja of Earth:Iron, Combat, Warfare, Rust, Strength, Rage.
Aspires to Shifter-Partially to escape Rage. Will take any race to escape rage
Mfuni Kanku
- X Elemental-Air
- Spasa of X
- Avasa of X
- Masoja of Air, Change, Shifter, Cleanliness, Knowledge, Rage, Carnality, Health, and binding.
Known to be on a short list for Vision and Wisher.
Aspires to
Bargained in bad faith with Sylex
Sarda Morathi
- X Elemental-Air
- Spasa of X
- Avasa of X
- Sarda Morathi, a Masoja of Air, Combat, Death, Carnality, and Rot.
Aspires to Profession:Mercenary. Mortician
Bargained in bad faith with Sylex
- X Elemental Water
- Spasa of Water, Blending, Combat, Death.
- Avasa of Water, Blending, Conflict, Rot, Wimsey, Knowledge, Death
- Masoja of Water, Binding, Combat, Knowledge, Strength, Warfare, Death
Aspires to Wisher
Bargained in bad faith with Sylex
- X Elemental-Earth
- Spasa of X
- Avasa of X
- Masoja of X
Aspires to
Aspires to
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Combat, Death, Motion, Rust, Speed, Strength
- Avasa of Earth,Conflict,Death, Rage, Rust, Rage, Speed, Strength
Aspires to Masoja of Earth, Death, Combat, Speed, Strength, Rust, and Rager.
Hired Killer. Bruno
Fannala Sisters
- Water Elementals
- Spasa of Water, Cleanliness, Blending, Growth, Life, Rot
- Avasa of Water, Cleanliness, Blending, Growth, Health,Rot, Life, Knowledge
Aspires to Water, Cleanliness, Blending, Growth, Health,Rot, Life, Knowledge
Profession-Saucier, chefs
Grytti of Ice
- Water Elementals
- Spasa of Water, Ice, Combat, Death
- Avasa of Water, Ice, Conflict, Death
Aspires to Masoja Water, Ice, Death
Approved to rise to Masoja of Water. Force bound to a glass drinking glass by RaphaX[[8]] in a bargain with Edasho [[9]]. Edasho kept the glass.
Vasqil of Health
- Water Elementals
- Spasa of Water, Cleanliness, Blending
- Avasa of Water, Cleanliness, Blending, Knowledge, Health
Aspires to Masoja Water, Cleanliness, Blending, Knowledge
Profession: Butler, Master of the Banquet(For Hire)
Dowser, Avasa of Water
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water
- Avasa of Water
Aspires to Masoja of Water.
Gorshtan, Avasa of Blending
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water, Cleanliness, Combat, rot (Taken as Penance. Discovered Vinegar) , and blending.
- Failed Defense & Guard
- Avasa of Blending, Cleanliness, Ice, Song
Aspires to Avasa of Guard or Conflict. Music or Heath. Knowledge. Rot-to work on making Vinegar. Eventually Masoja of Binding, Cleanliness, Knowledge, Rot(for the vinegar), and Water
Profession: A brewer. Excellent at making vinegar. Free bound to a Mithril cup belonging to Lady Alvah of Amber
- In the centuries bound to mug she has gained Avasa of Cleanliness, Ice, & Song.
Griskigg, Avasa of Knowledge
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air
- Failed Defense & Guard
- Avasa of Blending, Cleanliness, Ice, Song
- Failed Defense & Guard
Aspires to Avasa , Masoja
Docent-Hall of Knowledge
Juicy Snuggles, Avasa of Whimsy
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water, Cleanliness, Carnality, Motion, Rot, Song
- Failed Light, Death
- Avasa of Water, Cleanliness, Carnality, Death, Rot, Whimsy
- Failed Knowledge, Color
Aspires to Avasa of Speed, Music. Masoja Water, Cleanliness, Carnality, Rot, Music, Whimsy
Hernaðr, Avasa of Knowledge
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Combat, Defense, Death
- Avasa of Earth, Conflict, Death, Guard, Knowledge
Aspires to Masoja of Earth, Combat, Guard, Warfare, Death
Hunoila of Music, Avasa of Earth
A 4 armed merchant of musical items at the Fane of Zilla
- Air Elemental, Change Elemental, Sound, Earth
- Spasa of Air, Earth,Song, Blending, Paper, Life
- Failed Motion-Still a fine dancer.
- Avasa of Air, Music, Earth,
- Aspires to Avasa of Knowledge, Life, Growth. and Masoja of Earth, Air, Knowledge.
Profession-Musical Item maker, wood worker,glass worker, fabric worker.
Kichabqhisreeceeb, Avasa of Blending
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Cleanliness, Paper, Color, light, & Illusion
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Color, & Blending
Aspires to Avasa of Knowledge, Truth, & Whimsy. Masoja of Air, Cleanliness, Knowledge, Wisher
Profession-Alchemist Librarian
Shagas, Avasa of Ice
A warrior Avasa of Conflict. Glass shard skin
- Earth Elemental. Scent Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Combat, Defense, Speed, Rot, Guard, Motion
- Avasa of Earth, Conflict, Guard, Speed, Ice
Aspires to Masoja of Earth, Combat, Guard, Warfare, and Death
Paid at the Red Hall to certify Rafe's tome for Change and bind him toward Earth Elemental status
Sylex, Avasa of Conflict
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water, Carnality, Cleanliness, Motion, Sadness
- Avasa of Water, Carnality, Health, Rot, Conflict.
She aspired to any Avasa race. She was hoping to not accept an offer from the Avasa of Sadness but it seemed her only way to exit Avasa of Rot. Then an opportunity arose to Slay Tinsanax for awhile and break her slave bonds. She took it, arranged for three members of the Adventurer's Society to help ambush her. It worked, Tinsanax was slain for awhile. Sylex was elevated to Avasa of Conflict
Masoja of Water or Health but the chance of achieving Masoja is extremely unlikely.
Commentary on Sylx: [[10]]
Traxalaxax, Avasa of Blending
A member of the Shantranixix Fealty Band
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Cleanliness, Speed, Air, Song, Paper, Illusion
- Avasa of Air, Cleanliness, Color, Blending, Knowladge
- Aspires to Masoja of Knowledge
A friend to Curious and RaphaX
Glkaxxsik, Avasa of Rust
"call me glaxak..."
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth,Rust, Carnality
- Avasa of Earth, Rust
- Aspires to
Vatra, Avasa of Fire
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Fire
- Avasa of Fire
- Masoja: Aspires to
"Call me Vatra, though Summoning with that name would be pointless. What have you done to Arnold? We were cooking lovely pig. I was relishing the feast to come, tasting through him. Have you told him I reside in him? He would have no love of fire were it not for me. I joined with him when he took the 4th Circle of the Masonic Order. Uzgata sent me to him, though being him has been such a fine pleasure."
- Water Elemental
- Spasa of Water, Combat, Death, Rust, Speed
- Avasa of Water, Conflict, Death, Ice,
- Masoja: Aspires to Water
Member of the Hierarchies of Water, Death and Ice. Party of Death.
Crumble, Spasa of Cleanliness
Member of "Chip's Knot"
- Elemental of Earth, Change
- Spasa of Paper, Earth, Cleanliness.
- Avasa: Aspires to Earth first.
- Masoja: Aspires to Earth and Knowledge.
Assisted in translations for Donovan in the ruins of Zunala. Advanced to Avasa of Earth
- AirElemental
- Spasa of Air, Speed, Combat (Vehicle Pilot)
- Avasa of Air, Speed, Conflict(Combat Driver)
- Masoja: Aspires to Air
Ahyk Taxi Driver.
Agdilas, Spasa of Blending
- Elemental of Earth
- Spasa of Growth, Rot, Paper, Earth, Blending
- Avasa: Aspires to...
- Masoja: Aspires to...
- A protege of Trustrala
- Chose to take the Race of Rot as an addition to her skills in Growth, and Blending. Having chosen to take the Race many in the Race revere her. She barely avoided being elected to the Council of Rust by taking the Race of Paper.
- Expert in the production of powders. Especially in the production of Paradoxian Melange
- X Elemental
- Spasa of X
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
A smallish woman with floor length hair in many different colors. A close friend of Fortunadas.
- Paradoxian Spice Melange Dealer?
Twiisi, Spasa of Paper
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Cleanliness, Guard, and Paper
- Aspires to Spasa of Song.
- Avasa: Aspire to Air, Cleanliness, Guard or Conflict, Color, Knowledge.
- Masoja: Aspires to Air, Combat or Guard, Knowledge.
As Fane Guard she also aspires to rise in rank among the Fane Guards at the temple she is in. Many Guards serve their whole lives guarding one place as well as making deals to gain rank and race.
Twiisi was seen serving as a gate guard and greeter at the Fane of the Dufirosm at Zilla.
Bronze Nugget
- Elemental of Earth, Fire, Flux, and Mixture.
- Spasa of Earth, Fire, Rust, Change, Guard, Combat, and Blending
- Avasa: Aspires to Earth, Fire, Guard, Rust, Ice, knowledge
- Masoja: Aspires to Earth, Fire, Guard, Rust, Knowledge
Professions-Blacksmith, fine metals worker, brewer. " ..I look forward to serving the foes of Chaos"
- Elemental
- Spasa of X
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
Strange, Spasa of Guard
- Earth Elemental
- Spasa of Earth, Guard
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
The Dog Brothers: A Dufiro Story
Odd, Spasa of Guard
- Air Elemental
- Spasa of Air, Guard
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
The Dog Brothers: A Dufiro Story
Peculiar, Spasa of Guard
- Fire Elemental
- Spasa of Fire, Guard
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
The Dog Brothers: A Dufiro Story
Akruuush, Iron Elemental
- Flux Elemental, Earth Elemental-Affinity to Iron
- Spasa of
- Avasa of
- Masoja of
- Aspires to
Born of Bread in the Ovens of the Unsalak and generate as Flux. Affinity to Earth-Iron
Acresh, Fire Elemental
- Flux Elemental, Fire Elemental
- Spasa of
- Avasa of
- Masoja of
- Aspires to
Born of Bread in the Ovens of the Unsalak and generate as Flux. Affinity to Fire
- X Elemental
- Spasa: Aspires to
- Avasa: Aspires to
- Masoja: Aspires to
Worlds of the Dufirosm
Ahyk is one of the largest and most accessible worlds in the Dufirtrusa. The Jeweled Road does not reach it but a great many Black Zone worlds have commerce and interactions with it.
The population of the world and its assorted connected shadows is hard to estimate. 40 billion dufiro is a reasonable estimate. 80 billion non-dufiro is a reasonable number as well and represents both native non-dufiro and visitors for business and pleasure.
Currency in Ahyk
The Adabalb is the standard currency in Ahyk. It is a cube of magnetic balls the size of BBs: steel balls that measure 4.3–4.4 mm in diameter and 0.33–0.35 g in weight. They magnetize to a total 216 peas.
The currency structures is in 6s.
- 6 Hadals = 1 Adab
- 6 Adabs (36 Hadals)=1 Sheyev (pronounced sh-ey-v)
- 6 Sheyev= 1 Adabalb
Attractions in Ahyk
- Hagia Salas:The central operations temple for the Dufiro. A main place for Race and rank rituals and certifications.
The Edelsyr
The Edelsyr is a long thin nook between thousands of Shadows in the Realms of the Dufirosm. It is mostly an open air market. Many Dufiro come here to sell or trade their wares.
Weather of Eldesyr
It is in a region that is perpetually in twilight, as if a sun is setting and it tends toward night. Daytime is deep in twilight. Its weather tends to be blisteringly hot at times and wet and fairly cold at others. Being in the Black Zone its hard to predict with any regularity.
Business in Eldesyr
The majority of booths are in the open air, covered with types of fabric for different weathers. Some booths are open to the air. Many buildings provide work spaces, restaurants, shops, and permanent businesses.
Second stories and higher are residential spaces although many Dufiro run businesses out of their homes.
Fane of the Dufirosm-Zilla
The Exodus
The Exodus of the Dufirosm refers to a great movement and a time of horrible fear among all the Dufiro at the time. The Dufirosm had existed for uncounted years in a realm of shadows near the Stone of Skulls. They were intimately connected with each other despite races. The realms had bonded to each other for eons.
Then some unknown calamity occurred and the shadows around them began to disintegrate around them. Some distant Dufiro realms disintegrated. It was determined by the Council of Vision that all the Dufiro realms would disintegrate. Many of the dark races were eager for the Destruction of All Realms.
As the failing got closer even the dark races joined in trying to save the realms. At this time a well known summoner came to their aid. Nur al-Din El Musifar was a great adventurer in the Tosa and York realms and had been involved in the Wars of Koob. He had ended up a High Lord of Chaos in a Shade of the true realms.
He offered to help if they were willing to have their realms located near Chaos. A unanimous agreement bound all living Dufiro to the Agreement.
Then, using the full power of his shade of Chaos and his powers as its High Lord, he pulled the Dufiro realms into the Black Zone. Having no real control over where they landed it occurred that they spanned many shades including the True shadows.
Out of gratitude every race of the Dufirosm granted him one of its abilities. Only Wisher, and Vision did not also grant him membership in their races.
Commentary on Dufiro
Dufiro foods
Derogatory terms
- Shofal: Gorbash-"Broken axle" - A term meaning someone not acting to their race
- Nur es valta: Nona-"Nur's Fault"- A term used against being raised to Illuminar by Nur al Din. He has promoted more then half of the existing Illuminar.