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Active Characters

Characters in Development

  • Milo the Tenderpaw, playing in Nona's Mouse Guard campaign, using Mouse Guard 2nd Edition.

Inactive Characters

  • Henrik "Ham" Mason playing in Firefly: Leaf On The Wind, Cortex+ (Paused by GM, RL Complications)
  • Breeze Quentin playing in brahnamin's Firefly:_Reavers of the Rim game using Cortex Plus/Prime. (Paused by GM, RL Complications)
  • Frac the Fluke playing in Thorya's Keynes End 21313, a Shadowrun inspired game using the Resistance System. (Paused)
  • Allistar Atrivahn playing in Borderlands Iskai Tiny Dungeons 2E (trial run of new system, Discontinued by GM)
  • Joshua Warren, playing in Fallout: The FATE of Vault 96, FATE Core. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Malcolm Shaw Fifth Year Ravenclaw Prefect, playing in Kokopelli's Well of Nimue, FATE Accelerated Edition. (Discontinued by GM due to RL)
  • Silver Godslight a human Bard, playing in Talisman's Salvage Operation, D&D 5E. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Barrett a honey badger with a mean sweet tooth, playing in Talisman's Project Beta, SWADE. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Grim Highbattle playing in Pandorym's SWADE Fantasy game. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Sister Serra Playing in Herodarwin's Swordplay and Sorcery game using the Thirsty Sword Lesbian's system. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Kieran Galvaynes playing in IMGoose's Skies of FATE, a JRPG inspired game using Fate Core.(Discontinued by GM)
  • Bulwark II playing in thewizardguy's Gate City - Four Color Heroes campaign, using SUPERS!RED. (Discontinued by GM)
  • Raze playing The Gang's All Here. DIE (stalled)
  • Zeng Wei Marshall created for Gang City. Shadow of the Century (Failed to launch)
  • Gaar Makinaugh playing in Neon Suns. FAE Cyberpunk (Failed to launch)
  • Corporal M. J. Irons, created for Shawn_Hagan's Masks - Teen Heroes and a Great War game. (Failed to launch)
  • Waryn, created for Brahnamin's Urchins Fantasy Mecha game, using Cortex Prime. (Failed to launch)

  • Sir Bryce Crofton Bt KCMG, playing in PSTJMACK's Gaslight Cthulhu game.(Bowed out during character creation)

Games in Development

Star Wars: Ultimate Starfighting Championship