Midnight SPOILERS - 10 Steps to Save the World
- "We can't always choose our circumstances, but we can choose how we handle them."
- "sometimes, what matters is not that you made the right decision, it's that you made any decision at all. If the choice falls between certain death and possible death...well, that's not much of a choice, is it?"
- "War is our imperative...payback."
- "she will lead the human race to its end....She is the herald of the apocalypse"
This is Red and this is not.
- Midnight Wiki Bluebooking
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 7.01: Conversation about Zal'Kazzir. PRIVATE, EYES ONLY - for Bill, Aaron & Steve ONLY.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 9.01: Conversation about Eranon's "disease". PRIVATE, EYES ONLY - for Bill, Steve ONLY.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 9.02: Kyuad talking about the possible aid of his legate friend.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 9.03: Eranon learning about the Trees of the Dead Marsh...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 10.01: Durgaz and the missing time...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 10.89: Durgaz and Eranon discuss Eranon's promise to the Undead Treants and what to do about it...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 10.61: Durgaz begins talking to everyone about the plans for the Spire...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 11.44: Durgaz and Zal'Kazzir talk...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 11.77: Zal'Kazzir talks to himself... er.. the scorge...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 12.24: Legates of the Spire talk while Zal and Kyua hide...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 12.13: Zal'Kazzir and Kyuad talk in the dark...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.72: the formal introduction of Nazif Kor'ahn...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.43: Nazif's introduction talk with - Zal'Kazzir... (ADAM)
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.75: Nazif's introduction talk with - Durgaz... (ANDREW)
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.87: Nazif's introduction talk with - Eranon... (STEVE)
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.09: Nazif's introduction talk with - Kyuad... (BILL)
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.34: Nazif's introduction talk with - Shadaar... (BRANDON)
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.88: Durgaz's Vision of things beyond the Spire...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.78: Zalkazzir talks with Eranon...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.44: Zalkazzir talks with Shadaar...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 15.411: Everyone talks about Vrolk's plans of Lichdom...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 16.28: Durgaz talks to Kyuad following leaving the Spire...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 16.666: Legate's letter to Kyuad...
- Zal'Kazzir's Adventures with Lady Ahimia: Zalkazzir talks with Lady Ahimia after the evening...
- Midnight Wiki Bluebooking
- MIdnight RPG - Chapter 18.22: Eranon apologizes and thanks Zal'Kazzir...
- Midnight RPG - Chpater 18.17: Eranon asks Kyuad about progress on the curse...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.65: Shadaar speaks with Eranon...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.51: Eranon speaks with his sister, Alamath...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.72: Eranon speak with the Sarcosan horses...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.74: Durgaz talked with Zal'Kazzir about the killing of Ahemia...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.44: Kyuad (with Durgaz) tries to speak with Belal in the lore pool...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.46: Kyuad speaks with Zal'Kazzir about the Undead in the party...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.45: Kyuad speaks with Shadaar and Nisse...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.45.2: Kyuad speaks with Shadaar and Nisse - continued in private...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 18.12: Kyuad offers the group some charms...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.411: Herein we discuss the group's future plans.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.666: Durgaz's Seer visions and such...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.007: Andrew and Bill talk about Zal'Kazzir...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.459S: Letting Adam know that someone was in Zal's room at the Hamlet...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 20.101: Zal'Kazzir and Eranon leave the Hamlet going toward Sharuun...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.121: Durgaz invites Radagug to come North...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 19.803: Durgaz speaks with Craigth Galeck...
- Zal'Kazzir's Response to His Family being murdered: Info update for Zal...
- Zal'Kazzir's Difficult Conversation with Mi'Shun: Conversation from Zal to Mi'shun...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 21.666: Durgaz sees dead people.. er... visions...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 22.411: On the way to Baden's Bluff...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 22.111: Eranon finds the gift from Messiah: It has long been tradition amongst the dragons of Aryth to offer a piece of themselves to their closest lovers and friends. This fragment is not so much physical as spiritual, taken directly from that portion of the creature’s essence that ties it to the individuals that it trusts and cares for the most. Once given, this intangible token cannot be taken back, and it prevents the dragon who has bestowed it from directly harming the recipient.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 26.234: Zal's vision to Durgaz.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 26.403: Zal's vision to Ahemia.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 26.245: Zal's vision to Lady Alamath.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 27.991: Zal'Kazzir sends a dream to Eranon.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 27.18: Eranon speaks with the Pirate Gypsy.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 28.41: Eranon speaks with Zal'Kazzir on the docks of Bildgewater.
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 28.666: New vision to Durgaz
- Midnight RPG 27.878: Eranon speaks with Etri the pirate witch
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 28.411: Dream from Alamath to Eranon and Zal'Kazzir
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 29.782: Durgaz speaks to Khalim the shipwright
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 30.111: Info for Kyuad on what he knew from being in the Eye...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.109: Collune contacts Kyuad with Message/Scrying after his return...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.119: the discussion of Collune contacting Kyuad...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.105: Kyuad at First-Hold...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.104: Kyuad speaks with Collune...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.103: Kyuad speaks with Zal'Kazzir about Faravour
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 32.654: Durgaz goes to the funeral of the boys to gain his class back...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 34.546: Half-Fiend template work with Adam...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 34.987: Razor stats to Bill...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 36.873: Alamath's Dream to Eranon regarding the Summer leaves falling...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 37.480: Durgaz's Order to the Blood Wolves...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 37.75: Zal'Kazzir's Dream Vision to Aradil... intercepted by Vrolk...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 37.79: Zal'Kazzir's Dream Vision to Alamath following above dream...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 37.834: Kyuad talks to Durgaz about the Blood Wolves...
- Midnight RPG - Orcish Written Language: Orc/Black Tongue Written language by Durgaz and Kyuad...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.109: Collune contacts Kyuad with Message/Scrying after his return...
- Midnight RPG - STORIES of The Battle For First-Hold
- Midnight RPG - Alignment Conversations: Notes about alignment and Zal...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 38.2010: Durgaz questions the Blood Wolves...
- Midnight RPG - Captain Willis speaks with Durgaz: following the moot hall meeting...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 37.214: Eranon asks the others about how to speak to the people of First-Hold...
- Kyuad's Lorebook Questions: Kyuad's questions regarding info from Zal'Kazzir's dream from Aradil/Vrolk...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 95.5 Zal's trip to the Sighing Cliffs...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 40.223 Town Cryer of Baden's Bluff, about Zaindal's death...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 41.483 the Rumormill at Baden's Bluff (after Zaindal's death)...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 41.283 notes to Eranon about Durgaz going in the past in the Trollskarl...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 42.453 Ahemia asks for help of Kyuad and Eranon...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 42.198 Durgaz reviewing his seer visions, looking for Zal's true name... and what might be in Zal...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 42.875 Vipheri dreams to Zal on the goings on in First-Hold...
- Midnight RPG - Chapter 52.5 NOTES Info each Player noted from the session...
- Midnight RPG - Notes on Zal's Becoming Becoming a Demon/Outsider and Chaotic Evil...
- Midnight RPG - Notes on Kyuad's Becoming Becoming a Lich and Incorporial...
- Midnight RPG - Notes on Durgaz's Seer Visions All the visions cateloged...
- Midnight RPG - Notes on Durgaz's Orc Recruits The Blood Wolves/Black Masks and others such as White Mothers...
- A Quickened Sarcosan Sword-Brother Fighter/Legate. (11th level) Once one of the good guys (a Pathwalker even), gave into despair and inevitability.
- A Hulking Hurler Death-Mask Giant (ECL 12) who carried around a Caber made from Icewood bound in Black Iron, enchanted with cold.
- An Orcish Legate (Level 10) from the order of the Grey Hand (a rare sect of Orc legates made for my campaign. Basically combat medics for the orc army.)
- A pair of Sniffer Goblin Wildlanders (both 5th level) (both kept on a chains like dogs and led by the Sword Brother. Both played by the same player.)
- A Dreadguard (ECL 10) (another creation for my campaign. Basically, it's the animated corpse of an Oruk, with super heavy plate that's been nailed into the hardened flesh. The body acts as a vessel for a powerful bodiless spirit.)
- Salting the earth refers to the practice of spreading salt on fields to make them incapable of being used for crop-growing. This was done in ancient times at the end of some wars as an extremely punitive scorched earth tactic.
- A scorched earth policy is a military tactic which involves destroying anything that might be useful to the enemy while advancing through or withdrawing from an area. Apparently a translation of the Chinese phrase jiao tu (焦土 jiāotǔ), the term refers to the practice of burning crops to deny the enemy food sources, although it is by no means limited to food stocks, and can include shelter, transportation, communications and industrial resources, which are often of equal or greater military value in modern warfare, as modern armies generally carry their own food supplies. The practice may be carried out by an army in enemy territory, or by an army in its own home territory. It is often confused with the term "slash-and-burn," however, that is not a military tactic but rather an agricultural technique. It may overlap with, but is not the same as, punitive destruction of an enemy's resources, which is done for strategic rather than tactical reasons.
- The Harrowing of the North - The death toll is believed to be 150,000, with substantial social, cultural, and economic damage. Due to the scorched earth policy, much of the land was laid waste and depopulated, a fact to which Domesday Book, written almost two decades later, readily attests.
- Area denial weapons are used to prevent an adversary from occupying or traversing an area of land. The method does not have to be totally effective (and usually isn't) as long as it is sufficient to severely restrict, slow down, or endanger the opponent. Most area denial weapons pose long-lasting risks to anyone entering the area, specifically to civilians, and thus are often controversial.
- Sea denial is a military term describing attempts to deny an enemy's ability to use the sea (usually with naval blockades or port blockades)[1] but at the same time making no attempt to control the sea itself. It is a far easier strategy to carry out than sea control because it requires the mere existence of a navy. The downside of sea denial is that fleets may become over-stretched as constant hit-and-run tactics can erode unit strength, leaving them unready for direct action in main fleet combat.
- A blockade is any effort to prevent supplies, troops, information or aid from reaching an opposing force. Blockades are the cornerstone to nearly all military campaigns and the tool of choice for economic warfare on an opposing nation.
- Blockades can take any number of forms from a simple garrison of troops along a main roadway to utilizing dozens or hundreds of surface combatant ships in securing a harbor, denying its use to the enemy, and even in cutting off or jamming broadcast signals from radio or television. As a military operation, blockades have been known to be the deciding factor in winning or losing a war.
- Blockades are planned around four general rules:
- Value of thing to become blockaded: First, the value of the item being blockaded must warrant the need to blockade.
- Blockading strength is equal to or greater than the opposing force: Second, the strength of the blockading force must be equal to or greater in strength than the opposition. The blockade is only successful if the 'thing' is prevented from reaching its receiver.
- Suitability of terrain to aid in the blockade: Third, in the case of land blockades, choosing suitable terrain. Knowing where the force will be travelling through will help the blockader in choosing territory to aid them. For example, forcing a garrison between a high mountain pass in order to bottle neck the opposing force.
- Willpower to maintain the blockade: Fourth, willpower to maintain a blockade. The success of a blockade is based almost entirely on the will of the people to maintain it.
Name, Actual Name (spell), Description, Effect (paragraph), Caster Level, Arcane or Devine, Origin (where it was found), picture, Book/Page Reference
Name, Actual Name (spell), what language, Description, Effect (paragraph), Caster Level, Arcane or Devine, Origin (where it was found), picture, Book/Page Reference
Name, Type (True/Greater/Lesser/Minor), Description, Effect (paragraph), Origin (where it was found), picture, Book/Page Reference
- Nycoptic Manuscripts from Vrolk's tower. What is this item?
- Travelling papers for Zal (scroll) Authority Mark
- "wanted" posters for Krell for Zal
- Goblin Mark from Lakz for Zal
- month day planner
- item cards
- Plate armor, breastplate and greaves, 'The Caustic Plate'
- Open-faced plate helmet, 'Vanguard'
- Spiked steel mask, 'The Veil of Hell'
- set of enchanted blacksmith tools
- Benaedan's Pelt (updated to 8th level)
- (True) Silvered Acorn necklace (needs updated by GM)
- Swallows Regret (10 uses) (what is this? I can't remember)
- Nifty telescope (needs updated by GM)
- Splinter Steed Dirk 'Soul Splinter' (Adam, can you note all
the details I've given so far on this that you remember please. needs updated by GM)
- The Journal of Ardherin (needs updated by GM)
- Pouch containing drugs (Adam - I want suggestions on this, then
I'll make the list - needs updated by GM)
- Pouch containing poisons (Adam - I want suggestions on this,
then I'll make the list - needs updated by GM)
- Enchantment Save Penalizing Flower given to him by Eranon
(what is this? I can't remember)
- Copper signet ring (what is this? I can't remember)
- A Hearthstone in the shape of a large brass skeleton key (what
is this? I can't remember)
- Seludonym's Folly (updated to 8th level)
- Occulus of the Spine (updated to 8th level)
- Harvester of Souls (updated to 7th level)
- Echo's Splinter
- True Charm - "Cap of Spiritual Awareness"
Bluebook Updating
- Big Bluebook on Eastern Erethor and Baden's Bluff
- Durgaz's Seer Visions
- Durgaz sees on the Eye master
Random NOTES
- The Riverhawk: Granger and his ship
- Lothrim Stormrider
- Mellifleur is a deity of lichdom and magic, that is worshipped by some liches. Mellifleur is also known as "The Lichlord."
Maugrim rolls... - Graz'zt the demon prince
- DORN Notes
- Corupting Aradil and Midnight's elapse: notes on the fall...
KILLING the PCs... err... challenging the PCs
Killing Kyuad
- If the bad guys aren't prepared to fight powerful undead (like Kyuad) they will never reliably pierce his DR except with magic. If they know a lich is in play on the PCs side, however, and they prepare at all for dealing with one, the DR is pretty easily overcome.
- A disintigrate by itself is a lich killer, and coupled with some anti-undead spells that any channeler with necromancy or legate can cast, and there are some big holes in Kyuad's defence.
- even huge numbers of mooks will never pose him a threat (Unless, of course, they grapple him and tie him up. A few will die, be paralyzed or run away in fear, but if ten mooks tackle Kyuad, he is done.)
- Any and all Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity and Sonic) will ignore it straight away.
- Most other magical damage is either Force or Untyped Magical damage and would affect him fully as well.
- Undead have a HUGE exploitable weakness; they are immune to attacks requiring Fort saves UNLESS the attack also effects objects (i.e. Disintigrate). But, since they have ' - ' CON, they have crap fort saves.
- Legates and Channelers: anti-undead spells;
- Heal deals 10 damage per caster level to an undead
- command undead is a short duration dominate
- undeath to death (my personal favorite) turns 1d4 HD/caster level of undead back into regular dead.
- A good number of natural weapons are considered bludgeoning, including slams, tramples, tail slaps, tentacle attacks, and, most importantly, BITE attacks.
- Any natural weapon can be made magical with a Magic Fang or Greater Magic Fang spell, and any druid or other animal using caster type would cast those spells anyway.
- it is generally assumed that a creature with /Magic DR counts its natural attacks as magical for the purposes of overcoming DR
- a baddy a magical mace, morningstar, flail, etc.
- Covenant Items
- Seludonym's Folly a.k.a. The Scarf of the People
- appears as a scarf made of woven bark. 1 lb.
- 3rd Level: This illusion-creating scarf alters the appearance of the wearer as the disguise self spell. The wearer appears to be a person common to the local surroundings. When the scarf is removed all affected by the illusion forget the person was wearing it and treat them as if they've just arrived, forgetting the illusionary person. Anyone knowing the scarf is in use is allowed a DC 15 Will save to avoid forgetting wearing the scarf. The glamor lasts for 1 hour. (Faint illusion; CL 6th)
- 4th Level: The wearer can see as though affected by a true seeing spell. This ability can be used for as long as 30 minutes a day, divided up into periods of minutes or rounds as the user sees fit. Wearer may make a Will Save to resist beginning at DC10.
- 8th Level: The wearer is protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. Seludonym's Folly protects against mind-affecting spells and effects that seek information gathering. The Scarf of the People even foils limited wish, miracle and wish spells when used to gain information on the wearer.In the case of scrying that scans an area the wearer is in, such as arcan eye, the effect works but the wearer simply isn't detected. Scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at the wearer don not work at all.
The wearer is affected by "the Folly" effect. Wearer may make a Will Save to resist beginning at DC20. - 11th Level: ???. Wearer may make a Will Save to resist beginning at DC30.
- Seludonym's Folly a.k.a. The Scarf of the People
- Seludonym's Folly begins to affect the wearer's mind with it's power. The wearer begins to become confused, unable to remember themselves, items held, their past, family, friends and enemies (all but skills/abilities). Roll on the following table to determine the wearer's state of mind.
- d%: Behavior
- 01-10: No memory loss
- 11-20: Do nothing but ask questions about to determine lost memories.
- 21-50: Wearer Full Attacks most threatening creature, if none are available wearer begins argument with nearest friend due to the confused state.
- 51-70: Flee away from surrounding friend or foe due to confused paranoia.
- 71-100: Full Attack the nearest creature (familiar counts as another creature) due to confused fear state.
- d%: Behavior
- The wearer that cannot carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble questions to themselves regarding who they are. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking the wearer in a confused state. The wearer will not make attacks of opportunity against any creature until attacked by that creature.
- Seludonym's Folly begins to affect the wearer's mind with it's power. The wearer begins to become confused, unable to remember themselves, items held, their past, family, friends and enemies (all but skills/abilities). Roll on the following table to determine the wearer's state of mind.
- Azamyr's sword {Falknar}
- Kursu is Courtier for “Lightning”. This ancient weapon was brought to Eredane during the Sarcosan invasion in the early years of the Second Age. The original pommel, a globe of Pellurian star crystal, was smashed when its then wielder, one of the generals leading the war against Erethor, was assassinated by Elven mages in 318 S.A. The sword was later reforged and formally returned by the Elves as part of the alliance with the newly formed Kingdom of Erenland.
Kursu is a bastard sword, the blade of white Pellurian steel, the pommel (a replacement) made of steel from Eredane with its characteristic blue tint.
- 3rd level: Lightning Path: 1/day the wielder may call Kursu to her as a free action, causing the sword to instantly move into the wielder’s hand at lightning speed or if the wielder has no hand free, fall at the wielder’s feet in her square. Kursu must be within 30’ of the wielder and not held or wielded by anyone and a clear (not necessarily straight) path must exist to the wielder, or the call attempt fails.
- 5th level: Lightning Dances: +2 luck bonus to Reflex saves.
- 7th level: Lightning Shock: Upon command the weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity. The electricity does not harm th wielder, and the effect remains until another command is given. Upon a successful hit Kursu deals an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage.
- 9th level: Veil of Lightning: For up to 5 rounds per day (can be spread over several uses), as a free action the wielder can surround herself with a veil of flickering, humming electricity, providing her with concealment for a 20% miss chance to any opponent using sight or hearing.
- 11th level: Edge of Light (always active): Kursu gains a +1 enhancement bonus.
- 13th level: Glorious Lightning: Upon command for up to 5 rounds per day, Kursu is sheathed in bright, crackling lightning that sheds light equivalent to that of a daylight spell and grants a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls and will saves to all allies within 30’. Glorious Lightning can not be used while Veil of Lightning is active and vice versa. Once the Glorious Lightning ability is unlocked, the concealment bonus conferred by Veil of Lightning increases to 50%.
- [{Midnight covenant item: Cloak of Elvenkind|name???] aka the Cloak of Elvenkind: This cloak of neutral gray cloth is indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same color. However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the head, it gives the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks. Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, creator must be an elf; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 1 lb. on command its magical properties distort and warp light waves. This displacement works just like the displacement spell and lasts for a total of 15 rounds per day, which the wearer can divide up as she sees fit. Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, displacement; Price 50,000 gp;Weight 1 lb. +5 competence bonus on Spot checks. offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws enable the wearer to move quietly in virtually any surroundings, granting a +5 competence bonus on Move Silently checks.
- [[Midnight covenant item: Scarf|Scraf??] ??? affected as if by a disguise self glamer, with the individual who sprinkles the dust envisioning the illusion desired. An unwilling target is allowed a DC 11 Reflex save to avoid the dust. The glamer lasts for 2 hours. Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 1,200 gp. enables the user to see as though she were affected by the true seeing spell. A gem of seeing can be used for as much as 30 minutes a day, divided up into periods of minutes or rounds as the user sees fit. allows its wearer to alter her appearance as with a disguise self spell. enables its wearer to appear to be part of his surroundings. This allows him a +10 competence bonus on Hide checks. The wearer can adopt the appearance of another creature, as with the disguise self spell, at will. All creatures acquainted with and friendly to the wearer see him normally. Moderate illusion; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 30,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
- Bracelet of Friends: This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. The owner may designate one person known to him to be keyed to one charm. (This designation takes a standard action, but once done it lasts forever or until changed.) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard action) along with his or her gear, as long as the owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is calling, and the bracelet of friends only functions on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless. A bracelet found with fewer than four charms is worth 25% less for each missing charm. Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, refuge; Price 19,000 gp.
- Backbiter aka Demondeath of the Abandoned
- Anathema, the staff of snakes
- Gringold's Bounder ring
- Quarrion's Spike
- Cur's Ichorous Blade, the Fang of Shadow (sentient weapon)
- Agon's Reprieve - Ring of the Guardian
- tarnished bronze metal ring (Lesser: purifies 1 cubic foot of water)
- a wrist bracelet of woven grass (True: +4 Will SV vs. Compulsion Effects)
- 4 in. straight twig (Minor: +2 Will SV)
- a statue head of a smiling man (Minor: +2 Bluff check)
- barbed Sarcosan arrowhead (Minor: +2 Heal check)
- small piece of bark charred by lightning (Minor: +2 Fort SV)
- small rubbing stone (Lesser: +1 AC for 1 min.)
- a flattened purple/green flower (Minor: +2 Will SV)
- Walden's cloak of elven-make
- a scarf, colored as treebark (True: ?? ) {Thorton}
the world's cosmology
In particular, I’m quite interested in the idea that Izrador's fall to Aryth and his deception of the Gods is not and has never been what it appears to be. Rather, I see it as the old fey gods cutting their losses and casting out the black sheep of the family. Aryth is Izrador's prison, and while the veil is his own work and his own idea, it is not for his benefit (and it is not for his gain).
Having just re-read the divine comedy, i find this idea incredibly appealing. The players really are on their own, since the gods have no intention of ever returning to Aryth. At an extreme, the fey gods are in fact the player's enemy, since they are ultimately responsible for the war.
I also wanted to address why Izrador has not pursued the genocide of mankind: Mankind is not Izrador's enemy, the fey are. As a nod to Grial's back story, he really does intend to eradicate the fey by taking advantage of the Orcs hatred of their distant cousins to perpetuate genocide. Izrador believes that the fey are the only thing sustaining the power of the old gods, so if he can destroy the fey races he will cripple them more completely than he believes he already has. Once he breaches the veil, the elder gods will be easy prey.
But this isn't his ends, merely a means. More than anything else, Izrador wants to return to heaven (again, back to the divine comedy); to do this, he needs an army that the fey gods do not control. The humans are the only non-fey sentient race on Aryth. This is why the church of the shadow is dominated by humans, and why he has not sought to eradicate mankind ... it is also likely to be why he has not waged war on the rest of Aryth.
Izrador needs mankind to storm heaven.
So this is the quandary I intend to throw my players: Izrador doesn't want to rule Aryth, he doesn't even want to be there. In fact, Izrador wants to elevate the entire human race. Izrador might also not have begun evil (at least he doesn't think so), just arrogant and powerful, but it's been a long and subtle trip downhill. He wants out, and he will leave once the fey are destroyed. If the players want an ultimate end to the war, they have the option to help Izrador discover a way to pierce the veil.
Really, once you think about it, it might not be such a hard sell. The fey were toast to begin with. Human expansion and aggression, combined with a low birth rate would seal their fate. Even without the war, the fey wouldn't have had much time left. They are (in Izrador's opinion) the fractured and degenerate remains of the final creation of the gods that abandoned Aryth to shadow and flame. Remember, we're not just talking elves and dwarves here, but also the Orcs. No matter what their birth rate is, the Orcs cannot sustain the kind of losses the elves and dwarves are inflicting.
Humans are, by contrast, the natural product of Aryth. Humans evolved on the planet and it is their birthright. Once Izrador retakes heaven, he will leave Aryth to its proper owners. No more gods, no more elder races keeping secrets from you like condescending parents, and no more war.
It's the classic deal with the devil: everything you want, but in return you must turn against [the] God[s]. This of course, assumes that the party is entirely human.
This line of discourse may be Izrador's most potent logical tool for enslaving humans to his will as Legates for their entire lives. If the goal of the dark god is to breach the Veil and regain the heavens, who wouldn't support him? Doesn’t the world suffer so in its isolation? Wouldn't it be better to support an attempt to regain the heavens for the world, even if that attempt is being led by a being of evil?
I'd certainly agree that Izrador has no real interest in ruling Aryth, and that all his energies are focused on breaching the Veil and gaining freedom. I'd also agree that the Sundering was a form of damage control, and as such arguably an act of extreme callousness by Aryth's deities, who certainly would NOT want to see the PCs breach the Veil, even to beg intervention and redemption for Aryth. In fact, destroying the Grand Mirror or otherwise delaying the Shadow's plans for a century or so is about all the PCs can do in such a scenario, since the only beings capable of freeing Midnight from the Shadow are likely the gods, who have a strong interest against doing so.
In fact, I may allow the PCs to discover this on the verge of implementing a potentially successful scheme to breach the Veil and look for help in the heavens. The solar Anuviel may track them down and tell them why the Veil is really there, and why it, as a truly selfless servant of good, has accepted its imprisonment as a small price to pay for keeping the Dark God chained. The PCs will then have to face a new level of despair. (Of course, I'll be letting them off the hook in a different way, but they'll have to destroy the world to do it!)
It seems to me a great spin from the Shadow. It pits the humans against the fey. It justifies the means for a questionable end. It's exactly the kind of thing the voices of shadow will be shouting in the streets of Baden's Bluff and every where else they go. Perfect!
the Shadow's Hour & the Twilight Hours
The world used to only have 25 hours. The 26th hour was added the end of the Third Age, when Highwall fell.
They will also discover that Aryth used to have 24...before the Veil. On an Earth-like world, twilight is the half hour before sunrise and after sunset. Also called the Fading Time, my Aryth has both twilight times extended to a full hour each -- extra half hour towards daylight and an extra half hour towards darkness. Under this preternaturally long twilight, things get confusing. Solutions are unclear, trails are lost, and memories grow faint. The stars, too, are dimmer and more difficult to make out. Like viewing stars today in the modern world: unless you're far from cities, you will never see the evening or morning stars as crisp pinpoints of fire. They should be at least partially visible, but even the brightest are barely seen until the sun's light is mostly gone. In the morning they nearly vanish as soon as the horizon begins to light.
During the 26th hour, the Shadow's Hour, Legates pray. The stars slow their movements across the sky and grow faint, but they do still move, and they are still visible. Even the beasts of the wild are still for fear of drawing attention. If the moon is visible, it is small and distant, providing little light. This is also when the Lost are most likely to stir. It is said that should the stars ever completely stop, they will fall. And if the sky loses all of its stars, Izrador has won. Some say it is the prayers of Legates that empower the Shadow in slowing the heavens, each nigh trying to rip them apart with his hatred. For PCs travelling at night, I make this time creepy as hell.
All invoked for dramatic impact, not frivolously or all the time. More like superstitions that sometimes come true.
I have allocated the time in a single equinox day -- when the times of darkness and daylight should be half and half -- to have an extra hour of twilight (30m evening, 30m morning) and an extra hour of darkness due to the 26th. The sun struggles to be free of the darkness as it rises, and as a child avoids bedtime and fears what may be under their bed, the sun fears and fights and cries against descending into darkness. When the sun is farthest from the waking world, the Shadow rules. The heavens grow distant, and all are consumed...even light itself.
So, on a day that should have been 12 hours of light, 11 of hours darkness and 1 hour of twilight with 2400=0000:
- 0530-0600: Morning twilight
- 0600: Sunrise
- 1200: Midday
- 1800: Sunset
- 1800-1830: Evening twilight
We now have 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness and 2 hours of twilight, with 2600=0000:
- 0500-0600: Morning twilight
- 0600: Sunrise
- 1200: Midday
- 1800: Sunset
- 1800-1900: Evening twilight
- 2500-0000: Shadow's Hour
Daylight remains constant, the in between times are extended, and the darkness grows in strength.
Different spells were more powerful/weaker depending on the time of day. Different arcs are associated with different schools. Or, if it's hours... necromancy for midnight, illusions or enchantments for the Fading Time (perhaps one for dawn, one for dusk), transmutation for midday, lesser conjuration for early morning (healing light of the new day)...