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2477 May 18 -- Birth of [[Michael Cameron Carter]] on Salisbury, Northern Continent, Northwest Territory, Lingshire Range, Flying C Ranch<br>
<p>'''April 14, 2465''' --- Birth of [[Rachel McAlister]] on [[Constance]].</p>
2485 Jan 4 -- Birth of [[Nika Earhart]] and her twin on Circle E Ranch, Boros<br>
<p>'''May 18, 2477''' --- Birth of [[Michael Cameron Carter]] on [[Salisbury|Salisbury]], Northern Continent, Northwest Territory, Lingshire Range, Flying C Ranch.</p>
2489 Apr 15 -- Birth of [[Marina Kseniya Sebastien]] on [[Meadow|Novaya Rodina (Meadow)]], Greater Gorkiy District, Village of Mstera<br>  
<p>'''January 4, 2485''' --- Birth of [[Nika Earhart]] and her twin on Circle E Ranch, [[Boros|Boros]].</p>
2489 June - Birth of [[Arden 689-C]] on [[Sophie| Sophie]] - Erehwon Colony
<p>'''November 14, 2488''' --- Birth of [[Joshua Drake]], to the best of his knowledge. Birthplace unknown.</p>
<p>'''March 23, 2489''' --- Birth of [[Marina Kseniya Sebastien|Irina Feodorovna Tigranova]] (alias: [[Marina Kseniya Sebastien]]) on [[Planet Sihnon| Sihnon]], St. Petersburg, Cultural Preservation Enclave (Russian) </p>
<p>'''April 15, 2489''' --- Birth of [[Marina Kseniya Sebastien]] on [[Meadow|Novaya Rodina (Meadow)]], Greater Gorkiy District, Village of Mstera.</p>
<p>'''April 12th 2491''' --- [[Rachel McAlister]] is hired aboard [[Delilah]].</p>
<p>'''June 6, 2493''' --- Birth of [[Arden 689-C]] on [[Sophie| Sophie]] - Erehwon Colony.</p>
<p>'''October 10th, 2493''' --- [[Rachel McAlister]] leaves [[Delilah]]</p>
<p>'''2494''' --- Birth of [[Valentine Quick]] on [[Paquin]].</p>

=War (May 2506 - June 2511)=
=U War 1 (May 2506 - June 2511)=
2507 Nov 11 -- Capt of Alliance fast cutter <i>Tigerlily</i> recruits several key members of her crew and requests a pilot be sent to help "liberate" her ship to the Independent cause. [[Core_group| ''Harbinger'']] is born.<br>
<p>'''May 2506''' --- War is declared against the Independents. To escape the smothering restrictions placed on Enclave residents, Rina immediately signs up as enlisted Navy. She tests off the charts for engineering. The minimum age requirement is waived to enroll her in Naval Specialist School.  Her parents are against her enlistment and Rina's parting with her family is a rancorous one. Rina is installed at the School and encounters the hazing due a "'Clavie". She perseveres, however, and does well in training. </p>
2508 Dec 10 -- Nika Earhart gets involved in an op on ''Harbinger'' and it becomes a pivotal moment in her life.<br>
<p>'''October 2506''' --- War has been ongoing for six months and opinions on Boros are split. Quiet discussions had in back rooms about whose opinions are aligned with Independent movement. Jon Earhart is willing to send supplies and harbor people as necessary. His daughter volunteers her services as a courier.</p>
*[[Lighting the Fire Part 1|"Lighting the Fire"]]
<p>'''November 2506 - September 2507''' ---Nika Earhart works throughout Georgia and out toward Blue Sun airspace, running blockades carrying messages and supplies with impunity. Builds a reputation for being occasionally reckless but a highly intuitive pilot, manages to outrun or outmaneuver Alliance vessels regularly. She is young (20-21) and considered a greenhorn in the movement, so not high enough in the ranks to be involved in the strategizing except as it regards running the blockades.</p>
2511 June -- Treaties signed, war officially over.<br>
<p>'''May 2607'''--- Fully eighteen and a Specialist graduate, Rina is assigned to the Alliance Patrol Boat, ''IAV Janus''. The posting is a good fit and Rina thrives as a Naval engineer. Within a month she's already a lifer, resolved to reenlist until no longer eligible.</p>
<p> '''June 17th, 2507''' --- Rachel McAlister returns to [[Delilah]]</p>
<p>'''November 11, 2507''' --- Capt of Alliance fast cutter <i>Tigerlily</i> (Shyla Kramer) recruits several key members of her crew (Yu-Shin Harrington, Brian Connelly, Hank, Garron, Pei-Ling Fang, and Jason Fraiser) and requests a pilot be sent to help "liberate" her ship to the Independent cause. [[Core_group| ''Harbinger'']] is born. </p>
<p>'''July 29, 2508''' --- Arden sent to Osiris</p>
<p>'''December 10, 2508 - [[Lighting the Fire Part 1|Lighting the Fire]]''' --- Nika Earhart gets involved in an op on ''Harbinger'' and it becomes a pivotal moment in her life.</p>
<p>'''2509''' ---''Harbinger'' utilized on a regular basis for courier work and evacuation of key personnel from Browncoat strongholds being overrun. Higher-ups in the Independent movement trust Kramer to use her ship as a meeting point when one is needed off the ground. Nika takes on not just piloting role but also the occasional turn as bodyguard, learning better hand-to-hand under Harry's tutelage and garnering a good weapons knowledge.</p>
<p>'''April 7, 2509''' ---'''[[Beggar's Tale]]''' Beglan is in graduate school on Gonghe. </p>
<p>'''June 5, 2509''' --- Arden in medical school, University of Osiris</p>
<p>'''July 08, 2509''' --- ''IAV Janus'' is shot down in a joint naval/infantry offensive against the Independents over [[High Gate|Highgate]], Blue Sun. The ship breaks up on impact and Rina survives with severe injuries. An Independent recovery team on the ground takes her prisoner before the Alliance recovery team can pick her up. The Browncoats remove the tracker she'd had implanted during Basic Training and she spends a week in a field hospital behind the lines to stabilize. During her delirium in the recovery ward, she identifies broken equipment by sound while still flat on her back, screaming repair solutions at the top of her lungs in Russian and Chinese.  This gets the attention of Independent Intelligence agent [[Michael Cameron Carter]]. He campaigns his superior for her defection for the sake of her skills in ''ad hoc'' repairs. He wins his petition and removes her to Salisbury for deprogramming when she's stable enough to travel. Rina is heavily sedated for the 24-day trip.</p>
<p>'''August 2509''' --- Deprogramming is successful and Rina is convinced to defect and invent an ambitious Cortex communications hack for the Independents. She manages it by the end of the month.</p>
<p>'''September 05, 2509''' --- Rina and Mike, now lovers, set Rina on her covert mission of installing her hack on the Cortex bouys. Mike arranges the kidnapping and execution of an innocent woman to steal her identity for Rina's cover. She and Mike part company. They will not meet again until after war's end. 27 days later, Rina lands on [[Ariel-Core Planet|Ariel]] to start her op.</p>
<p>'''January 22, 2511''' --- Arden graduates early, begins postdoc under Doctor Dakui Yin.</p>
<p>'''March 2511''' --- Last wartime run of ''Harbinger'' is to carry medical supplies to one of the Browncoat fallback locations. Upon arrival, entire base has been wiped out by Alliance. 42 dead bodies, including women and children, and no definitive ID of perpetrators ever determined.</p>
<p>'''June, 2511''' --- The shooting stops, the war ceases, and Rina is sent a covert message to close her operation and bug out of Ariel. Before the month is out, she's kissed dirt on [[Persephone]] with a new alias, [[Marina Kseniya Sebastien]], and a new job as a repairs mechanic at Omar's Garage off Eavesdown Docks. </p>
<p>'''June, 2511''' --- Treaties signed, war officially over.</p>
<p>'''November 14, 2511''' --- Arden begins his internship in //name of hospital// in Osirius</p>

=Pre-Mutiny (2511-2518)=
=Adventures of the Mutineers =
2514 Sept 03 -- Nika gets word that her father has died, goes home to Boros. Stays several months, dealing with brother-in-law. Kills brother-in-law in defense of self and pregnant twin on Nov 12. Remains home another month before twin gently nudges her back out into the Black, where she wanders picking up rides here and there in return for room and board.<br>
<big>'''Pre-Mutiny (2511-2518)'''</big><br>
2515 Jun 06 -- Nika catches back up with [[Core_group|''Harbinger'']], takes an indefinite leave of absence from resistance work, still reeling from death of her father and killing of brother-in-law. Meets back up with them on reasonably regular basis until game begins.<br>
<p>'''2511 - 2514''' --- Nika and ''Harbinger'' crew remain under the radar, still carrying supplies and messages for those who are still actively running the Independent movement. Treaty has not stopped the problems or the situation, but the schisms in the movement are becoming more obvious. Dust Devils far more militant and crew opts to steer a more middle-of-the-road course in their actions.</p>
2517 April - [[Ivan Potemkin| Ivan]] and [[Josef Potemkin|Josef Potemkin]] kill Jamison Fairweather on [[Lucifer's Landing - Angel|Angel]], steal the [[Summer's Gift|''MakeMake'']].<br>
<p>'''June, 2513''' --- Arden begins internship</p>
2517 Dec 20 -- Rina quits her senior position on the [ Dragonfly Class] ''Drakkar'' and starts her stint as an itinerant engineeer.<br>
<p>'''July, 2513''' --- Rina finally lands a job as a ship's engineer aboard [ Dragonfly-class] vessel, ''Drakkar''. It is her first time serving aboard a ship since Highgate.</p>
2518 May 04 - Rina is hired by Josef Potemkin to make repairs on the ''MakeMake'' prior to lifting off for the Rim.
<p>'''June, 2514''' --- Arden begins fellowship under Dr. Jin Yang</p>
<p>'''September 03, 2514 - [[Time And In Between]] & [[Homecoming]]''' --- Nika gets word that her father has died, goes home to Boros ([[Time And In Between]]). Stays several months, dealing with brother-in-law. Kills brother-in-law in defense of self and pregnant twin on Nov 12. Remains home another month before twin gently nudges her back out into the Black, where she wanders picking up rides here and there in return for room and board ([[Homecoming]]).</p>
<p>'''June, 2515''' --- Arden begin private practice on Osiris for final training.  Dr. Jin Yang is his partner.</p>
<p>'''June, 2515''' --- Nika catches back up with [[Core_group|''Harbinger'']], takes an indefinite leave of absence from resistance work, still reeling from death of her father and killing of brother-in-law. Meets back up with them on reasonably regular basis until game begins (also in "Homecoming").</p>
<p>'''April, 2517''' --- [[Ivan Potemkin| Ivan]] and [[Josef Potemkin|Josef Potemkin]] kill Jamison Fairweather on [[Lucifer's Landing - Angel|Angel]], steal the [[Summer's Gift|''MakeMake'']].</p>
<p>'''December 20, 2517''' --- Rina quits her senior position on the [ Dragonfly-class] ''Drakkar'' and starts her stint as an itinerant engineer.</p>
<p>'''April 1, 2518''' --- Arden's transport/car explodes without Arden in the vehicle.  Arden takes what he can and begins a life on the run.</p>
<p>'''May 04, 2518 - [[Rina Hires On]]''' --- Rina is hired by Josef Potemkin to make repairs on the ''MakeMake'' prior to lifting off for the Rim.</p>
<big>'''Post-Mutiny (2518+)'''</big><br>
<big>'''Season One 2518'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season One| Season One, May 2518 to Aug 2519]]'''
*'''August 10, 2518''' - [[First_Miranda_Wave]] - Events of the movie ''Serenity''
*'''October, 2519''' - [[Reaver's_Disease|TSE Epidemic]]- A nasty version of prion disease spread out from Blue Sun. The system is quarantined. This causes the disease to spread more quickly in Blue Sun, less so without. It also has the effect of granting autonomy to the planets of Blue Sun in the vacuum of Alliance presence. The PDF, a regional militia made up of independently minded people fills the Vacuum, and quickly begins providing security and the basis for a new independence.
*'''November 23, 2518''' - [[Ah-Toy-Potemkin-Wave]] - Potemkin waves Ah Toy from someone in Kalidasa to make a deal on selling more slaves.
<big>'''Season Two 2519 - 2520'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Two| Season Two, Dec 2519 to Sep 2520 ]]'''<br>
*'''December 24, 2519''' - [[Second_Miranda_Wave]] (Christmas Wave) - Confirmation of what transpired on [[Miranda |Miranda]]. Along with TSE and the first Miranda wave, this sets off a renewed independent fervor among former and new Browncoats. Acts of resistance begin to occur across the Verse.
*'''January, 2520''' - [[Parliament_No-Quorum|Civil Unrest]] - Parliament has no Quorum. Internal power struggle in the Parliament erupts into full fledged disorder as factions begin to act aggressively to seize power. Struggle continues until Parliament itself is rendered impotent. Unsteady balance of power between two factions and the navy keep the peace. Independence movements on the Border and Rim take advantage of the opportunity to increase their own authority and make claims of sovereignty against the Alliance.
*'''May, 2520''' - [[Naval_Sabotage]] - Several Capital Navy ships are sabotaged rendering them nearly immobile. This act radically limits the Navy's ability to maintain long term order in any sector, and renders the ships vulnerable to attack.
*'''September 16th, 2520''' '''The Long Quiet.''' The Cortex shuts down simultaneously across the Verse. How this happened is unknown, who did it, if anyone is unknown. But the effects are instantaneous and dramatic. Without the primary computer and communications tool, the Verse's economy has shutdown, or at least stuttered. This further encourages even requires autonomy for distant systems as communications and databases essential to centralized authority are rendered impractical.
<big>'''Season Three 2520 - 2521'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Three| Season Three, Sep 2520 to Jan 2521 ]]'''
*'''November 5th 2520''' '''Parliament Bombed''' - Terrorists explode a device in Parliament on [[Londinium|Londinium]]. The device causes major structural damage and kills dozens of people (mostly staff and visitors), no Members of Parliament are killed in the blast. Both factions blame each other.
*'''January 7th 2521''' '''Prime Minister Assassinated''' - An assassin, believed to be [[Valerie Samson |Dr. Valerie Samson]], using a rare crystal sugar poison assassinated Prime Minister Lord Holbrook on Londinium. The Prime Minister was attacked before he planned a speech regarding re-unification effects. Close aides say that the Prime Minister was going to reach out to the Rim and Border planets to reconcile their differences. A recorded conversation appears to implicate [[Edward Gibbons |MP Gibbons]] and the leader of the Planetary Defense Force [[Colonel Nguyen Cho Hou |General Nguyen]] in the assassination. In response, parliament has quickly passed the Articles of Proscription ordered the capture and arrest of all Enemies of Unity, Gibbons and Nguyen figure at the top of the list. The actual assassin appears to have escaped in a well planned action at the Ministry of Intelligence on Colchester.
<big>'''Season Four 2521-2522'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Four | Season Four, April 2521 to Dec 2521]]'''<br>
*'''January 15th 2521''' The Colchester Wave Implicates many in the MT government as well as those in the WuBa. The resulting political upheaval lands the Wuwei party in charge. A period of disengagement takes place that becomes the dominant theme of the next year.
*'''February 14th 2521'''Passing of Planetary Bill of Rights and Autonomy. Participation in the Union of Allied Worlds is voluntary. There is an initial euphoria, followed by confusion and disenchantment. Several planetary and regional authories assert their independence.
**Caliphat of Kalidasa - Includes [[Lucifer's Landing - Angel|Angel]], [[Delphi]], [[New Kashmir]] and the moons of [[Djinn's Bane]]
**Bharat of Kalidasa - Moons of [[Heaven]], [[Vishnu]]
**New Kalmar - [[Aesir]],  Bestla,  Borr,  Odin, [[Moab]], Red Rock, Mesa, [[Brisingamen]], Freya, Alberich. Beowulf, [[Anvil]], Hammer
**Méng de Zìzhì Chénmín (MZC - League of Autonomous People) - All of Blue Sun System
**[[Meadow |Novaya Rodina]] (Meadow)
Many other Border and Rim worlds experience de facto independence as the Alliance pulls its ships and influence back into the Core.
*'''March 5th 2521''' Parliament passes the Central Banking Agreement establishing the new Allied Credit note as the only legitimate currency in the Allied Worlds. The Alliance Notes are inscribed on special smart paper that renders them blank outside the Allied Worlds cortex space. Purchase and sale of Platinum is prescribed by law and permitted only to licensed interallegiance traders (though fairly commonly available from 3rd parties). Possession of platinum coins up to €100 is legal for collecting purposes only.
*'''March 15th 2521''' [[You_Death|You Ge Assassinated]]. Known as the ''Angel of Blue Sun'', [[You_Ge]], owner of You-Go Enterprises was slain. The assassin is alleged to be [[Michael_Cameron_Carter|Mike Carter]].
*'''April 20th 2521'''Reaver and Pirate actions on the uptake throughout the Rim and Border. Reavers once limited to the Blue Sun system have been sighted in every system, and have been a plague on planets as far from Miranda as [[Beylix]] (in Kalidasa). Also an uptick in Pirate attacks has made space travel more and more dangerous. Some speculate that at least some of those pirates are in fact sponsored by the UAW, which it denies. It levels the charge back, claiming some independent worlds offer safe haven to the pirates.
*'''April 27th 2521''' Labor Riots on [[Valentine]] put down in record time by special forces. Reports are sketchy but reports excessive force used on the demonstrators denied by local authorities.
*'''May 5th 2521'''Cortex V2.0 begins operation in the Core with high power Narrow Band going to Union planets in the border and rim. Cortex V2.0 is limited to Union Flagged ships, but offers transmission streams hundreds of times faster and broader than narrow band. Shorter after the introduction of V2, hackers claim to have broken the codes using older V1 technology. These accounts have not been verified.
*'''June 6th 2521''' Parliament approved new rules for the new Union of Allied Worlds membership. Non members will be allowed to petition for membership, but must meet a variety of strict requirements.
**Cortex V2.0 extended to [[Hera]] and [[Paquin]].
**A parallel system "Blue Wave" (using different technology) is adopted in Blue Sun, providing V2 like speeds within the Blue Sun System and to [[Pericles Station]]. Rumors of a Pericles "Transnet" Station linking V2 to BlueWave abound.
*'''July 7th 2521''' The You Go Corporate Receivership quietly meets on Menaka ([[Heaven]]), considered a neutral location, to discuss the fate of the Enterprise. Plan emerges to liquidate assets to other big gas companies, pay off all liabilities, and hold cash assets until a Will can be found. Meanwhile petitions for inheritance will meet and in ten standard years the estate will dissolve, granting its wealth to various petitioning charities, establishes the You Ge Foundation for that purpose.
*'''August 11th 2521''' The Planetary Defense Force (PDF) of Blue Sun launches a robust anti-piracy action throughout the system. Refueling is denied ships without thorough background checks, aggressive search and seizure missions are sent to known routes, even bait and snag missions are done to combat the menace. These meet with little success, but single a beginning of stronger action on behalf of the PDF.
*'''July 21st 2521''' [[Londinium]]: Attempts to create a Truth and Reconciliation Panel to deal with the events of last Parliament have failed to meet Parliamentary approval. General consensus of the Parliament was that the people of the Alliance and ‘Verse were ready to move forward and leave the past in the past.
*'''September 28th 2521''' Alliance Navy announces a successful redeployment of its fleets, centering in the Core and along access points to the other systems. The First Fleet maintains security inside the Core, The Second Fleet maintains the White Sun –Red Sun corridor, The Third fleet the White Sun - Georgia corridor, the fourth Fleet is based in Kalidasa, the Fifth Fleet contains the Expeditionary Forces trained to deal with emerging issues, it has no base of operations and its location is classified. They’ve also announced the building of several new battle cruisers focusing on speed and range, suggesting a more agile, flexible composition.
*'''October 11th 2521''' Militsya ships from [[Meadow| Novaya Rodina]] (VMF) capture two ships allegedly engaged in piracy. This marks the first time an independent policing action resulted in a capture in the Georgia System. The Novaya Rodinian government has highlighted this successful show of force and made aggressive claims to the space around the planet.
*'''November 8th 2521''' General Nguyen of the PDF announces the creation of an interplanetary police branch of the PDF. Many see this as a unilateral grab for power on Nguyen's part, though one welcomed by many on the smaller less populated planets of the Blue Sun System. It is unknown whether this force is supplanting or supplementing local authorities.
*'''November 16th 2521''' Terrorists exploded a chemical explosive in the First Allied Union Bank on [[Paquin]]. The Blast killed 32 people instantly, and over 100 died in the release of poison gas. No one has claimed responsibility for the blast, but attention has been focused on the independents of New Kalmar.
*'''December 6th 2521''' A skirmish between a civilian ship leaving [[Hera]] and a VMF patrol ship escalated when the ''IAV Bluefish'' investigated and destroyed the VMF patroller with all hands on deck. The VMF declared it an unprovoked attack. The Alliance Navy declined to comment about the specific incident, but asserted its right to intervene on behalf of Allied space craft. Many see this as an assertion of force to counteract any independent dreams of challenging Alliance authority or power.
*'''December 11th 2521''' The ''IAV Echidna'' - Crete Class Carrier - began patrolling the space between [[Boros]] and the moons of Murphy in the Georgia System.  This is the largest Alliance Military presence in neutral space since the reorganization at the beginning of the year. ''Echidna'' by herself commands more fire power than the rest of the Georgia System combined.
*'''December 24th 2521''' Shipworks on Aesir were subject to orbital bombing from the ''IAV Repulse''. The site was obliterated and scores were killed. The UAW claimed that the shipworks were constructing missile carriers designed to attack the Allied fleet, and that they abetted the terrorists who bombed the bank on [[Paquin]].
<big>'''Season Five 2522'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Five | Season Five, Jan 2522 to Aug 2522 ]]'''<br>
*'''[[Mutineers Summer of Sedition]]'''
<big>'''Season Six 2522'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Six | Season Six, Aug 2522 to May 2523 ]]'''<br>

*[[Rina Hires On]] - 04 May
== U War 2 (May 2523 August 2524) ==
<big>'''Season Seven 2523'''</big><br>
'''[[Mutineers Timeline, Season Seven | Season Seven, May 2523 to Feb 2524]]'''<br>

=Post-Mutiny (2518+)=
'''May 1st, 2523 - [[Declaration of Independence of 2523]]''' - Some representative of the Independence War Council nailed this to the door of the Parliament in Londinium.<br>
'''June 01, 2518 - [[Episode_1._Part_1 | Episode 1]] '''- This is our first full game. We signed on with the Potemkin brothers and it's hard to say whether we aborted a mutiny or we *were* the mutiny... several original crew members (NPCs) were spaced by the captain, and the rest of us stayed on board under a possibly insane captain to continue on our way. We take a group of settlers to Jiang Yin to settle only to find the settlement under attack by bandits....<br>

*[[journal of Christian Edge (1)| From the Journal of Christian Edge]]
'''May 5th, 2523 - Santo''' - Independence Forces stage dramatic daylight raid on the Alliance Military Academy. The poorly defended institute suffered dramatic damage and numerous casualties but Alliance Marines were eventually able to quell the attack and round up or kill the attackers. <br>
*[[Rina and Christian]] - 29 May
*[[Nine-tenths of the Law]]

'''June 09, 2518 - [[Episode_2._Part_1 | Episode 2]] '''- And we do make attempts to save the settlement from bandits! It goes sort of all right... we have a huge firefight, ambush them, and our crazy captain dies. Which... wasn't EXACTLY our fault, he got too close to the homemade bombs, but nobody really stopped him. So... it's kind of in the air how much is actually our fault. But no one is very sorry either. And we find out that the ship may have been stolen anyway, so... karma sucks!
'''May 16th, 2523 - Paquin''' - The Alliance Naval 2nd Fleet was attacked, and severely damaged, forced to tactically retreat. Over 7800 casualties. Independents take control of the airspace over Paquin and Silverhold. Ground forces begin a war of attrition on the ground. Over 16,000 Alliance troops held effectively "captive" on Silverhold via blockade. <br>

*''[[Da svidaniya, Kapitan]]''
'''May 18th, 2523 - Pericles Station''' - Several PDF vessels docked at Pericles Station. Battles are now ongoing between Alliance and PDF forces deck by deck. Neither force wishes to destroy or damage the useful station. <br>
*[[Nine of Swords]]

'''June 15, 2518 - [[Episode_3._Summer's_Gift | Episode 3]]'''- We continue on with our livestock cargo ... bees. Suck. They get loose all through the ship, which is a bigger suck. But we eventually get where we're going. The owner of the ship believes we killed his brother, and he threatens to turn us in. In the meantime, we've already decided to take the ship back to its rightful original owner out on Angel. When we get there, it's to find the owner dead and his daughter a monk -- she gifts us with the vessel on the condition that we 'do good' with it.
'''May 20th, 2523 - Liann Jun''' - A series of explosions rock one of the largest Blue Sun agri-processing centers where textured protein is produced and packaged. Food shortages expected to be exacerbated in the Core until the systems can be brought back on line. <br>

'''May 22nd, 2523 - Harvest''' - Massive Missile Bombardment from Alliance ships and long range weapons assails the Capital City of Zhongqiu destroying numerous buildings, including the state building, and the starport. Alliance press agents claim much of the attack on Paquin originated from Harvest, and that this will be a lesson that any support of such attacks will be met with swift and serious consequences. <br><br>

'''July 4, 2518 - [[Episode_4._Part_1 | Episode 4]] '''- Thus we begin our next cargo run (pot! and freakin contraband comm gear) as the legal owners, free and clear, of the Summer's Gift. That's not to say Potemkin won't still be problematic. What's more problematic is the distress beacon we respond to. It's our first encounter as a crew with Reaver leftovers. We pick up a survivor, a guy in a space suit in medlab. While trying to stabilize him and also strip the derelict that was emitting the distress call, the Reavers came back. We rabbited. We are, however, boarded. Christian is darn near killed before we manage to kill the Reaver on board and shake the vessel.
'''May 25th, 2523 - Boros''' - Alliance Naval forces went on full alert, as did the moon based defenses of the Iskellian Base on Ares when three unidentified ships left pulse in orbit of the planet, and broke atmo above Vandenburg. Reports indicate Reavers descended on the massive Naval Depot and stole hundreds of tons of weapons, parts and medical supplies directly from the yards, while a handful of Skiffs did battle with defense forces. The attack took less than an hour, and only one ASREV was lost. The Alliance claims this was another Cowardly Insurgent Attack pointing out the uncharacteristic planning and cooperation. The Independent War Council denies any involvement..<br><br>

*[[Coming Clean]] <br>
'''May 27th, 2523 - Beaumonde''' - Surgical strikes targeting verbal supporters of Independence resulted in the death of over hundred civilians in places around Nouveau Lyon and elsewhere. The attacks were conducted by one or more ''stealth ships'', light weight, sensor invisible vessels using smart bombs and hunter-seekers took out eleven buildings in a four regions around the city. The Alliance has stipulated that verbal and material support for independence constitutes actions of war, and that makes them legitimate targets. Political leaders in Beaumonde have demanded a cessation of all illegal hostilities against civilians.<br><br>

'''July 7, 2518 - [[Episode_5._Part_1 | Episode 5]]'''- Our survivor turns out to be one Malcolm Reynolds (or not -- he's actually Jubal Early), and he helps watch over Christian in the medlab while we make tracks for Beaumonde. It is here we cross paths with old 'friends' of Nika's. Colonel (now master chef) Nguyen -- after a SPECTACULAR landing. Crazy us, we're looking for missions that might net us some actual cash so that we're not eating paste all the time at the end of missions, and when we drop off our contraband to Nguyen, he has some thoughts. We take a job from him ... it's bombing a facility that's making Chempliance.. . and in the bargain run smack into Rina's main squeeze, a man named Michael Carter. Who, as luck has it, also has history with our pilot. Mid-mission, we actually wind up being the reason he gets captured by the freakin' Alliance. Yep.... karma bites.
'''June 2nd, 2523 - Djin's Bane''' - Reaver attacks leaves workers panicked and puzzled. The #09 H2 Orbital Refinery was attacked by Reavers in a sudden raid that disabled their defenses,days after the Alliance withdrew a number of their naval vessels from defensive positions. Worked retreated to secure positions inside the station in hopes of waiting out the attack, though the Reavers discovered their positions and began to cut into the area. Video footage saw Reavers looting and killing some crew members that remained unsecured. Then another small group of Reaver ships appeared in the area. For the first time, it was recorded Reavers fighting Reavers. In the end, it appeared that some kind of unspoken settlement occurred and the two Reavers groups merged, continued their looting and left the area before Alliance ships arrived to assist. <br><br>

*[[Gun Practice]]
'''June 4th, 2523 - Persephone''' - Alliance Fifth Fleet spotted reinforcing system defenses. In an act seen to cut off Red Sun from the Core, the Alliances Special Operations Fifth Fleet has massed in the orbit of Lux and begun stopping every vessel in the area. There are also rumors of the employment of civilian vessels for the purposes of creating a sensor web between the two systems.  Speculation of an Independent Fleet capable of transporting large numbers of soldiers into the Core was fueled by this action. <br><br>
*[[Paths Not Taken]]

'''July 10, 2518 - [[Episode_6._Part_1 | Episode 6]]'''- It doesn't take much talk. We go after Carter. Midway to Hera, the Miranda Wave hits us, and we realize that some of what we were just up to on Beaumonde is semi-connected. Which is kind of scary. No matter, we're gettin' our guy back.
[[AMENOUKIHASHI]] - The Ark that saved the Verse.

<span style="color:#800000">'''Aug 10, 2518 - Miranda Wave'''</span>
= Last Voyage of Delilah 2525=
<p> '''April 13th, 2512''' --- '''[[Rachel McAlister]]''' leaves [[Delilah]]</p>
<p> '''September 23th, 2516''' --- '''[[Rachel McAlister]]''' returns to [[Delilah]]</p>

'''Sept 5, 2518 - [[Episode_7._Part_1 | Episode 7]] '''- Raiding a VA hospital that's under heavy Alliance guard is shiny! Not. But we do it anyway, retrieving a heavily drugged Mike and meeting up with Arden's twin 'Otto' for the first time. We don't like Swordsman much. We steal his keycard, and we barely escape with our lives.
===='''''[[Delilah_Episodes|Seasons of Delilah]]'''''====
'''[[Last Voyage of Delilah,_Season_One| Last Voyage of Delilah, Season One]]'''<br>
'''[[Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Two| Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Two]]'''<br>
'''[[Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Three| Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Three]]'''<br><br>
'''January 1st, 2525''' - [[Genetic_Pandemic]] sweeps across the 'Verse bringing an uneasy peace, but at great cost.<br>

=Special Features Index=
*[[A Pilot's Mind]]
[[Mutineers Special Features Index|Mutineers Special Features Index]]<br>
*[[Squaring With Christian]]  
[[Delilah Special Features Index|Delilah Special Features Index]]<br>

'''Sept 11, 2518 - [[Episode_8._Part_1 | Episode 8]] '''- In the course of the trip, we learn that what Mike's been dosed with isn't merely Chempliant but a high-grade mind-altering experimental chemical. He cannot resist a direct order, and that's hugely problematic given his line of work. We make an appointment with Nika's old ship /Harbinger/ to drop Mike off with them, figuring they could take him a safer place than we could. But ultimately that doesn't happen. We stop off at a station and pick up an old friend of Mike's, make ourselves a little money off him, and head on to our rendezvous. /Harbinger/' s off on a crazy run to Blue Sun, and they'll let us know how it goes. We bug out to avoid the Alliance.

*[[Pop Music]]
*[[Miles To Go]]
'''Oct 20, 2518 - [[Episode_9._Part_1 | Episode 9]] '''- We land on Parth with our cargo and pick up cargo to Osiris, and it is here that Christian chances upon the butler from the family of the man he killed some time ago in self-defense. They make things VERY difficult for us, setting us up for no cargo and an Alliance inspection just to be annoying. We do pick up one cargo, a car heading for Osiris because we want to take Mike to see an old friend of Arden's, a doctor ... and we also pick up some stowaways. Two young women in love and fleeing a wealthy Core family, one a servant and one the daughter of the house. We use their money to get off the planet (bribe the inspector) and head for Christian's parents on Osiris, who manage to get Family Emergency Landing Clearance -- huzzah! We stay with them a few days sorting ourselves out.

*[[Sex and a Companion]]-- Mid-game <br>
*[[Release]] --Mid-game<br>
Back to [[Firefly-RPG]] or [[Mutineers|MUTINEERS]]
*[[The Question]]  A Letter From Christian<br>
'''Nov 2, 2518 - [[Episode_10._Part_1 | Episode 10]] '''- We pick up with a message from Arden's friend. She can see Mike. Rina and Mike go to the meeting with Arden, and it goes a little south when Valerie Sampson brings in another doctor, a neurochemist. We're not so sure of him, but we need a sample of Chempliance to compare Mike's bloodwork to, and so we (of all things) head off to a riot at Blue Sun HQ in the hopes of stealing some guard's riot gun, which will be loaded with the stuff. Arden takes the precaution of having the stuff courier'd instead of going in person, and it turns out to be a good plan. The neurochemist was bad news. Valerie's able to synthesize what she thinks MAY be a cure for Mike, and we're going to have to break into her office to retrieve it. She can't help us more.
'''Nov 3, 2518 - [[Episode_11._Part_1 | Episode 11]] '''- We break into the offices where Valerie works, and unfortunately we wind up confronting the neurochemist. We make him help get the medication for Mike along with stealing some of the other drugs in there that might net us a paycheck out toward the Border, and as we are escaping Nika shoots the doctor in the head. The Feds come at us with agents with blue hands, and part of their repertoire of weapons as we evac includes some kind of sonic attack that makes most of us bleed out of every orifice. Though we recover, Osiris is a bad plan for us. Christian's parents help us get off-planet and we head for Persephone and Angel.
*[[What Makes a Killer?]]
*[[Bedside Manners]]
*[[Christian and Nika Sitting on the Bridge, K-I-S-S ... Nevermind]]
'''Nov 6, 2518 - [[Episode_12._Part_1 | Episode 12]] '''- On Persephone, we meet one of Rina's former employers as a buyer for our illicit drugs as well as possibly a buyer for the Tolson girl's car. Ultimately we opt not to part with it. We also find out from Rina's former employer that rumors abound about why we bugged out the way we did, and that it has potentially made Nguyen a little nervous. (We later ultimately decide to let Nguyen keep his eyes on us -- our actions will, we hope, let him know he's got no reason to be nervous.) We get back from that meeting only to find out that Emma (the Tolson servant) has been kidnapped from a pay phone. A ransom call is made, and we scatter to go to the meet -- God help us, it's at a Tong restaurant. Turns out someone owes Mike a favor, and he calls it in to get our girl back (stupid bint that she is, she was actually sort of involved in her own kidnapping; Tolson girl forgives her, though). And we take on a cargo of orangutans and apes.
'''Nov 10, 2518 - [[Episode_13._Part_1 | Episode 13]] '''- And yes, we're gullible. Some of us fall for the idea they might be telepathic instead of merely super-intelligent thanks to the drugs they've been doped with. In the course of our journey, we learn that the good doctor has an ultra-paranoid assistant who appears to be doping himself. He knocks himself out on the edge of the tub in the medlab to avoid being examined. Turns out the ultraparanoid assistant has been taking pills, and the doctor has been doping herself with ape drugs. It's a mess all the way around. The gorillas have managed to get on the loose and remain that way the rest of the journey to Verbena.
*[[The Bridge Is A Great Hangout]]
*[[Petitioning The Guild]]
'''Nov 30, 2518 - [[Episode_14. | Episode 14]] '''- And here is where we picked up Rick! Apes dropped off at what's supposed to be a preserve and turns out to be a hunting camp of some kind. We face off with those guys and the apes take off through the undergrowth to get away from all of us. Rick signs on as a passenger.
'''Dec 1, 2518 - [[Episode_15._Part_1 | Episode 15]] '''- We finally make it to Angel with our stowaway girls, whom we intend to leave with Summer for safekeeping. It's going to be a strange new life for them, but at least it's life on their own terms. Rick and Summer exchange plant cuttings. We also learn Potemkin's been looking for us, and someone's probably told him we're here by now. Looks like Angel's off our list planets to go to much. We head to the bar to help out the local sheriff only to find that while we're gone, Potemkin's sent people to search the ship. He leaves us a message letting us know that he's done /something/ to the ship, but we find nothing wrong and have to take off. We take Mike to where he wants to go on Salisbury, and he and Rina split once more.
'''Dec 3, 2518 - [[Episode_16. Plagued | Episode 16]] '''- Oh wondrous strep bugs. Potemkin did indeed leave us the nasty. We head for Sho-Je Downs for medical help. We are put into a parking orbit because they don't want to expose everyone to what we have, but things take a turn for the critical -- Nika can't breathe and has to be put in medbay. Rina's kidneys start failing. Everyone's running high fevers. Sho-Je Downs has an emergency medteam on standby for when we arrive. Even as the ship makes something close to parking orbit, Nika Codes on the table. Arden is forced to perform open-heart surgery as best he can in his own weakened state. It is then that they figure out we're being constantly RE-infected because someone dumped the bug into waste reclamation. Rina vents the bilge tanks into space, and we desperately beg Sho-Je Downs for help. We wake up in the hospital some ten days later. They've sterilized our vessel completely, which means a complete overhaul of the algae and waste reclamation systems along with massive hospital bills. With a lien against us for the balance owed to Port Authority, we wind up working for the Alliance and taking a cargo to Bernadette -- right into Potemkin's lair.
*[[Images]] - Nika's Nightmares
*[[Dead Girls Call Home Too]]
*[[Journals Somewhere In The Black]]
*[[Confessions| Confessions (An Entry in 3 Parts)]] 
*[[Nika and Christian Don't Have Sex]]
*[[Coffee and Conversation]]
'''Jan 10, 2519 - [[Episode_17._Part_1 | Episode 17]] '''- When we arrive in Bernadette, Potemkin wants a meet. Nika agrees in an open-air environment, and while we meet him (and he threatens us a bit more), Rick happens across some people who turn out to be cops investigating the bastard. We decide to set Potemkin up for the cops. We snoop around Potemkin's property but get run off, so the next day we basically plop ourselves right into his face -- we head into the office and confront him. Doesn't matter much because we find that he's trafficking in people -- we point the cops right at the cargo container and get out of Dodge. One problem (perhaps) dealt with. And there's a reward too! Which gets us out of hock, once we can collect it.
'''Jan 11, 2519 - [[Episode_18._Part_1 | Episode 18]] '''- We use some of the money to upgrade the quarters and such on our ship so we can actually take on passengers, and take on the Chao-Marshalls for a trip to Disreali out on the Border. At the same time, we're going to be checking into a Companion who has left the Guild under some mysterious circumstances. During our travels on Beylix, where our Companion is, Rina runs afoul of someone in the dark -- it seems that she's wanted by a faction called Lex Talionis and this accidental (we think) meeting in the dark has now told them where she is.
'''Feb 8, 2519 - [[Episode_19._Extraction | Episode 19]] '''- We finally wangle an invitation to the ranch where Sirtis Mir, our Companion in trouble, is being kept. While we're there, our ship is boarded and searched, our nav records hacked. Rina believes they're after Mike, but we're not entirely sure /what/ they were after ultimately. We manage to extract Sirtis Mir -- she tells Landis to back off or she'll expose his operations. And off we go toward Constance.
*[[Second Star To The Right]] - mid-game <br>
*[[Riding Tigers]]
'''Mar 14, 2519 - [[Episode_20._Part_1 | Episode 20]] '''- Rick opts to remain on Constance for a time, we'll pick him back up on our way through. We take Mir to Osiris, and while we're there, Christian opts to undertake regaining his Companion's certification. We sign on for a cargo that's heading out to Georgia via Perdido Station. While there, an emergency crops up with a crew of terraformers trapped on the planet's surface. Terraforming' s a rough life, and we opt to go down to try to save them. We actually manage it! We done good! Arriving on Boros half a day later, though, things are not so smooth. Being as it's Nika's home, we figure to visit her family... but the ranch is deserted. There is no livestock to be seen. Finally tracking down some of the livestock at the auction yard, the man holding the animals tells Nika that her sister's baby boy - barely 2.5 years old - has been hospitalized. The crew races for the hospital.
*[[Gift]] (en route to Boros, mid-game) <br>
'''Apr 9, 2519 - [[Episode_21._Part_1 | Epsiode 21]] '''- Much Earhart family drama ensues. It is believed that Kevin Johannsen has been poisoned, and Nika's own guilt over what happened in the past colors her interactions with Kevin's paternal family too. Through the course of days, we learn much about Nika and Nala's past -- that Trey Johannsen wasn't just an asshole, he was exposed to a super soldier serum that made him dangerously unbalanced and that either his meds weren't working or he wasn't taking them. Kevin found a pill bottle and ingested some of them, and the only treatment is through Alliance medical -- we don't have the pull to get the meds he needs. However, in addition to all the other troubles, Otto pays a visit too. Arden negotiates for help for the boy and we're all given some tantalizing clues into Arden's background. Kevin's healthy, we hang around on Boros for a little while to let Nika spend some time mending fences, both literally and figuratively. Nala and Larry Johannsen announce their engagement just before we lift off.<br>
*[[Riding the Fence]]
*[[Date Night]]
*[[Nothing Is Ever Quite What It Seems]]
'''Apr 23, 2519 - [[Episode_22._Part_1 | Episode 22]]''' - Heeding the words of 'Otto' and having both cargo and passengers heading to Sophie, the Summer's Gift heads to Kalidasa and Sophie. En route, they suspect the cooking staff from Ares, might be some of Nguyen's chef/assassins, but see nothing too suspicious to call them on. On Sophie, Arden finds a locker combination code in his medicine cabinet, which they assume comes from 'Otto'. They investigate, find a storage locker with disguises suitable to sneak into Erewhon. They do, they find a secret lab under the city with evidence of an abandoned genetics lab. They also find a scrap of paper, probably a bill of lading for a ship 'Zarat....' which they suspect may the Zarathustra. They get caught, fight their way out, and bribe the local law to let them leave. <br>
*[[Behind Closed Doors]] (en route to Sophie mid-game) <br>
'''May 24, 2519 - [[Episode 23. Reality Bites | Episode 23]]''' - We pick up our cargo at Whittier, four orphans bound for Sihnon, and Arden gives them a thorough check up.  One of the children is sick with the flu and Christian contracts it.  He spends the balance of the trip ill in his quarters.  We pick up Rick at Constance where he has arranged for 160 tons of plants to be shipped to Osiris.  He's also arranged a meeting with a famous director who wants to make a reality show "Out In The Black".  It would entail having a camerman filming aboard our ship 24/7/365 and for this invasion of our privacy we would be paid a minimum of 500 credits a month.  We discuss it in a crew meeting and we sign on.  The cameraman is assigned quarters and cargo space, and we lift off for the Core.  Our agricultural cargo necessitates a mandatory stop at an inspection station in the Halo and while stopped there Rina investigates an interference signal the cameraman, Jake Aberg, discovered.  Rina finds and removes it.  It's a bomb and her removal triggers it to blow.  She throws it free of the ship but the shock wave sends her tumbling away from the ''Gift''.  Rick was assisting and manages to catch her. The ''Gift'' sustains some injury and repairs are made while we wait our turn in the inspection queue.  Once cleared, we make an uneventful trip back to Sihnon and Osiris.  When enjoying downtime on Osiris, Nika receives a message from her old friends on ''Harbinger''.  The message originated from Blue Sun, near Fury.  First Swordsman prods us to Blue Sun, now Nika's friends are too.  There's no putting it off any longer.  We make plans to go to Blue Sun.
*[[Sick Companion]]<br>
'''Jun 30, 2519 - [[Episode 24. Part 1 | Episode 24]]''' - Before we can leave Osiris for Blue Sun, Christian takes a client and Arden's former lover Dr. Valerie Sampson ask him to meet her in a rough part of town.  Jake Aberg is out shopping for camera supplies and we take this opportunity to slip out without being filmed.  We arrive at the rendezvous only to find that Sampson has been drugged and is under opposition control.  The meeting is a trap and only Rina and Nika escape.  Rick and Arden are taken by Blue Sun agents who arrived on the scene.  They are taken to Blue Sun HQ and interrogated and tortured.  Arden is drugged with a chemical that heightens all his senses and this reaction is not the anticipated one.  Interesting.  Meanwhile, the rest of us regroup in the office of Christian's client, the Chief of Staff to a Member of Parliament.  The MP is involved in an investigation into Blue Sun activity and using his political clout he arranges for Rick and Arden's release.  Based on Rick's account of the interrogation, it seems that Arden's genetic line may have been bred to be resistant to the Pax.  But for what reason?  The MP cannot help us any further.  We arrange for cargo out of Londinium for Blue Sun and make ready to leave Osiris. 
''' Jul 04, 2519 - [[Highgate | Episode 25]]''' - Jake discovers some suspicious men planting a device on the Gift.  He films the entire thing and when we return from the MP's estate, he shows us what he's found.  It's a tracking device and Rina sneaks off to plant it onto a mail ship outbound from Osiris to throw our follows off our trail.  We take off for Londinium and while parked in orbit waiting our turn, a Blue Sun container ship screams through the queue, jettisoning its containers and heading straight for us.  Chaos ensues.  We manage to dodge panicked ships and containers alike, but sustain damage.  Nothing that would keep us from flying on to our destination, however, and we make for Blue Sun.  En route to Highgate, a personal matter between Nika and Christian comes to full boil over the dinner table, and Rick diffuses the situation by asking Jake about the shower cameras the man supposedly installed.  Upon landing on Highgate, Arden takes off for the Archives to investigate the Zarathustra's whereabouts and eventually has to bribe the Archivist-cum-security guard for the information he needs.  The Archivist tells Arden of another ship, the Prometheus, which was tasked to supply Zarathustra but had instead unloaded its cargo at an installation deeper in-country here.  We pay the man and go to investigate.  We find a military cache of weapons, enough to outfit a squad on an assault mission.  We fly the Gift to the installation and fill her up with everything off the Prometheus we can find.  Thus armed we fly for Miranda, 4 weeks' voyage away, committed to finding the answers to Arden's past and his missing crechemates and possibly discovering the fate of Harbinger as well.<br>
*[[How Do You Thank Someone For Taking One For The Team?]] <br>
*[[Nika and Christian. FIGHT!]] <br>
*[[To Hell With Them All]] <br>
*[[Yellow Rose]]<br>
*[[Suppositions and Solidarity]]
''' Aug 14, 2519 - [[Ambush | Episode 26]]''' - En route to Miranda, we encounter a flurry of military comm traffic and based on what we're able to decipher, there's been a space battle near Miranda.  We catch a chilling order over taking prisoners and rescuing survivors: "Leave them for the Reavers."  Dropping out of pulse, we're nearly run down by an Alliance cruiser exiting the scene and we find a badly damaged Independent ship afire and adrift.  We spot a strobe beacon and Arden and Rina investigate it, hoping to find survivors who can tell us what happened here.  We find it's a trap set by the Reavers instead.  Bodies hung like beef are found in the mess hall, along with four lacerated survivors too traumatized to speak.  The Reavers advance on our scouting party's position.  Rina holds the Reavers off while Arden cuts the surviving prisoners down. Rina suffers a slashed shoulder and is saved from getting munched when Jake takes out a Reaver with a head shot.  He and Rick arrive to save the team's bacon and together they all haul ass for the Gift.  We leave but the Reavers chase us.  Using the armaments we took off Highgate, we manage to escape with sustained damage.  Burning through atmo onto Miranda worsens the damage and the ''Gift'' falls like a brick to the surface of the planet.  We make it down in one piece.  Barely.  The Gift is leaking hydro and we evacuate...onto a dead planet reputedly crawling with crazoid cannibalistic berserkers.  None show up to kill us.  We find shelter in a nearby deserted settlement and make plans to repair our ship with derelicts on-planet.  Barring suitable parts, we must face leaving the ''Gift'' behind and taking off in one of the derelicts.  We have a map of Miranda from the Highgate Cache with the island Pala circled on it.  Once we're able, we'll fly our shuttle to Pala to investigate.  Perhaps a way off this rock can be found there, along with the answers we seek.<br>
*[[Of Sailing Ships and Sealing Wax]]
*[[Letter from Miranda]]
''' 18 Aug 2519 - [[Pax Sine Iustitia| Episode 27]]''' - '''Season Finale:''' We do a fly-by of the island and find it has a stationary Category 6 hurricane hovering over it.  There is little to no chance our shuttle can survive flying through it.  We remember we have the neutrino detector from the Highgate Cache and hooking it up to our sensors, we discover a tunnelling path through the storm to the island below.  Nika flies us through it and we crash on landing--but it's a landing we walk away from. 
The island is inhabited and we are greeted with surprising courtesy, considering our arrival. We've found Arden's crech mates. They are here, along with several other older colonists and their offspring.  Talking with the Headman of the village that took us in, we find out that the island was colonized forty years ago by an original wave of settlers intent on keeping their paradise a secret.  They engineered a HAARP field around the island and the Cat-6 storm to shield it from outsiders.  Over the years, the ruse has been surprisingly effective.  The only other folk that made it to the island were from Arden's creche...and one other ship, which we discover to our surprise: _Harbinger_ is here, crashed below several thousand meters of water...and her crew are alive and well.  Brian, Shyla, Harry, Jason, Pei-Ling, Hank and the new pilot Go Mifuni have been here since our last meeting with them on Deadwood. 
Nika is shocked to see Brian, Brian is shocked to see Nika, Brian's native girlfriend is overjoyed to see them both together again.  Stories and news get traded and caught up on and the Headman tells us about the history of the island colony and their unique social culture.  We visit the HAARP facility, the lone high tech gadgetry left on the island, in an attempt to find out more about Arden's creche, Blue Sun, Zarathustra and the rest of it.  We end up staying on the island for four days. Most of the crew settle down to a quick tropical vacation. 
Rina spends most of her time repairing the crash damage to the shuttle.  Time is of the essense.  Though Miranda's worldwide drugging with the Pax was pretty much negated by the HAARP and the storm, there is a curious meteorological phenomena that hits the island with erratic regularity.  Dubbed "Calm Seas" by the colonists, it is a milder form of the Miranda Effect, rendering the unaltered humans soporific and unable to eat or care for themselves.  The genetically engineered colonists from Arden's creche are unaffected and care for those laid low.  The hybrid offspring of the unaltered and altered humans suffer the effects but mildly.  The Calm Seas condition wears off as the weather recedes, leaving its victims's memories changed or erased. The colonists can sense when the Calm Seas are coming and we have no desire to be on this island when it returns.
The ''Harbinger'' crew splits down the middle when it's time to leave: Brian, Go, Shyla and Harry say goodbye to Pei-Ling, Hank and Jason. The repairs are finished, we make ready to leave and Go Mifuni ambushes Brian and attempts to steal the shuttle.  He shots Brian in the gut when we rush him and sets off an incindiary device just as Christian takes him out with a flash bang.  Brian grabs Go's device and tosses it clear of the others, suffering blast damage and burns as a result.  The rest of us get hit by the backwash and Brian dies.  We revive him and take off for the mainland and the ''Gift''.  We reach our bivouac and fire up the best hospital facility we can find and Arden starts working on Brian to keep him alive. 
The situation is as follows: we've got a badly burned and possibly brain-amaged Brian hanging on by a thread, thanks to Arden's hard work and vigilence, Harry and Shyla are helping the rest of us repair the ''Gift'' to make her spaceworthy enough to get off Miranda and take Brian Coreside for the medical help he needs.  The repairs will take four months and meanwhile the Universe is still spinning and the consequences of our actions remain to be seen.
*[[A Walk On The Beach]] - mid-game, Aug 21 (the day before the HAARP visit)<br>
*[[Stairwells Are Great Places To Hide]] - Aug 22, the day we get back to town<br>
*[[Anger and Helplessness]] - Aug 25<br>
*[[The Intricacies of Women]] - Aug 27<br>
*[[Companions]] - Aug 28<br>
*[[Crewmates and Friends]] - Aug 29
*[[Broken]] - Aug 30
*[[Of Cabbages and Kings]] - Oct 17
*[[Even Companions Fall In Love]] - Oct 19
**To be placed as Game Logs are placed
[[Mutineers]] Homepage

Latest revision as of 21:57, 30 March 2018


April 14, 2465 --- Birth of Rachel McAlister on Constance.

May 18, 2477 --- Birth of Michael Cameron Carter on Salisbury, Northern Continent, Northwest Territory, Lingshire Range, Flying C Ranch.

January 4, 2485 --- Birth of Nika Earhart and her twin on Circle E Ranch, Boros.

November 14, 2488 --- Birth of Joshua Drake, to the best of his knowledge. Birthplace unknown.

March 23, 2489 --- Birth of Irina Feodorovna Tigranova (alias: Marina Kseniya Sebastien) on Sihnon, St. Petersburg, Cultural Preservation Enclave (Russian)

April 15, 2489 --- Birth of Marina Kseniya Sebastien on Novaya Rodina (Meadow), Greater Gorkiy District, Village of Mstera.

April 12th 2491 --- Rachel McAlister is hired aboard Delilah.

June 6, 2493 --- Birth of Arden 689-C on Sophie - Erehwon Colony.

October 10th, 2493 --- Rachel McAlister leaves Delilah

2494 --- Birth of Valentine Quick on Paquin.

U War 1 (May 2506 - June 2511)[edit]

May 2506 --- War is declared against the Independents. To escape the smothering restrictions placed on Enclave residents, Rina immediately signs up as enlisted Navy. She tests off the charts for engineering. The minimum age requirement is waived to enroll her in Naval Specialist School. Her parents are against her enlistment and Rina's parting with her family is a rancorous one. Rina is installed at the School and encounters the hazing due a "'Clavie". She perseveres, however, and does well in training.

October 2506 --- War has been ongoing for six months and opinions on Boros are split. Quiet discussions had in back rooms about whose opinions are aligned with Independent movement. Jon Earhart is willing to send supplies and harbor people as necessary. His daughter volunteers her services as a courier.

November 2506 - September 2507 ---Nika Earhart works throughout Georgia and out toward Blue Sun airspace, running blockades carrying messages and supplies with impunity. Builds a reputation for being occasionally reckless but a highly intuitive pilot, manages to outrun or outmaneuver Alliance vessels regularly. She is young (20-21) and considered a greenhorn in the movement, so not high enough in the ranks to be involved in the strategizing except as it regards running the blockades.

May 2607--- Fully eighteen and a Specialist graduate, Rina is assigned to the Alliance Patrol Boat, IAV Janus. The posting is a good fit and Rina thrives as a Naval engineer. Within a month she's already a lifer, resolved to reenlist until no longer eligible.

June 17th, 2507 --- Rachel McAlister returns to Delilah

November 11, 2507 --- Capt of Alliance fast cutter Tigerlily (Shyla Kramer) recruits several key members of her crew (Yu-Shin Harrington, Brian Connelly, Hank, Garron, Pei-Ling Fang, and Jason Fraiser) and requests a pilot be sent to help "liberate" her ship to the Independent cause. Harbinger is born.

July 29, 2508 --- Arden sent to Osiris

December 10, 2508 - Lighting the Fire --- Nika Earhart gets involved in an op on Harbinger and it becomes a pivotal moment in her life.

2509 ---Harbinger utilized on a regular basis for courier work and evacuation of key personnel from Browncoat strongholds being overrun. Higher-ups in the Independent movement trust Kramer to use her ship as a meeting point when one is needed off the ground. Nika takes on not just piloting role but also the occasional turn as bodyguard, learning better hand-to-hand under Harry's tutelage and garnering a good weapons knowledge.

April 7, 2509 ---Beggar's Tale Beglan is in graduate school on Gonghe.

June 5, 2509 --- Arden in medical school, University of Osiris

July 08, 2509 --- IAV Janus is shot down in a joint naval/infantry offensive against the Independents over Highgate, Blue Sun. The ship breaks up on impact and Rina survives with severe injuries. An Independent recovery team on the ground takes her prisoner before the Alliance recovery team can pick her up. The Browncoats remove the tracker she'd had implanted during Basic Training and she spends a week in a field hospital behind the lines to stabilize. During her delirium in the recovery ward, she identifies broken equipment by sound while still flat on her back, screaming repair solutions at the top of her lungs in Russian and Chinese. This gets the attention of Independent Intelligence agent Michael Cameron Carter. He campaigns his superior for her defection for the sake of her skills in ad hoc repairs. He wins his petition and removes her to Salisbury for deprogramming when she's stable enough to travel. Rina is heavily sedated for the 24-day trip.

August 2509 --- Deprogramming is successful and Rina is convinced to defect and invent an ambitious Cortex communications hack for the Independents. She manages it by the end of the month.

September 05, 2509 --- Rina and Mike, now lovers, set Rina on her covert mission of installing her hack on the Cortex bouys. Mike arranges the kidnapping and execution of an innocent woman to steal her identity for Rina's cover. She and Mike part company. They will not meet again until after war's end. 27 days later, Rina lands on Ariel to start her op.

January 22, 2511 --- Arden graduates early, begins postdoc under Doctor Dakui Yin.

March 2511 --- Last wartime run of Harbinger is to carry medical supplies to one of the Browncoat fallback locations. Upon arrival, entire base has been wiped out by Alliance. 42 dead bodies, including women and children, and no definitive ID of perpetrators ever determined.

June, 2511 --- The shooting stops, the war ceases, and Rina is sent a covert message to close her operation and bug out of Ariel. Before the month is out, she's kissed dirt on Persephone with a new alias, Marina Kseniya Sebastien, and a new job as a repairs mechanic at Omar's Garage off Eavesdown Docks.

June, 2511 --- Treaties signed, war officially over.

November 14, 2511 --- Arden begins his internship in //name of hospital// in Osirius

Adventures of the Mutineers[edit]

Pre-Mutiny (2511-2518)

2511 - 2514 --- Nika and Harbinger crew remain under the radar, still carrying supplies and messages for those who are still actively running the Independent movement. Treaty has not stopped the problems or the situation, but the schisms in the movement are becoming more obvious. Dust Devils far more militant and crew opts to steer a more middle-of-the-road course in their actions.

June, 2513 --- Arden begins internship

July, 2513 --- Rina finally lands a job as a ship's engineer aboard Dragonfly-class vessel, Drakkar. It is her first time serving aboard a ship since Highgate.

June, 2514 --- Arden begins fellowship under Dr. Jin Yang

September 03, 2514 - Time And In Between & Homecoming --- Nika gets word that her father has died, goes home to Boros (Time And In Between). Stays several months, dealing with brother-in-law. Kills brother-in-law in defense of self and pregnant twin on Nov 12. Remains home another month before twin gently nudges her back out into the Black, where she wanders picking up rides here and there in return for room and board (Homecoming).

June, 2515 --- Arden begin private practice on Osiris for final training. Dr. Jin Yang is his partner.

June, 2515 --- Nika catches back up with Harbinger, takes an indefinite leave of absence from resistance work, still reeling from death of her father and killing of brother-in-law. Meets back up with them on reasonably regular basis until game begins (also in "Homecoming").

April, 2517 --- Ivan and Josef Potemkin kill Jamison Fairweather on Angel, steal the MakeMake.

December 20, 2517 --- Rina quits her senior position on the Dragonfly-class Drakkar and starts her stint as an itinerant engineer.

April 1, 2518 --- Arden's transport/car explodes without Arden in the vehicle. Arden takes what he can and begins a life on the run.

May 04, 2518 - Rina Hires On --- Rina is hired by Josef Potemkin to make repairs on the MakeMake prior to lifting off for the Rim.

Post-Mutiny (2518+)
Season One 2518
Season One, May 2518 to Aug 2519

  • August 10, 2518 - First_Miranda_Wave - Events of the movie Serenity
  • October, 2519 - TSE Epidemic- A nasty version of prion disease spread out from Blue Sun. The system is quarantined. This causes the disease to spread more quickly in Blue Sun, less so without. It also has the effect of granting autonomy to the planets of Blue Sun in the vacuum of Alliance presence. The PDF, a regional militia made up of independently minded people fills the Vacuum, and quickly begins providing security and the basis for a new independence.
  • November 23, 2518 - Ah-Toy-Potemkin-Wave - Potemkin waves Ah Toy from someone in Kalidasa to make a deal on selling more slaves.

Season Two 2519 - 2520
Season Two, Dec 2519 to Sep 2520

  • December 24, 2519 - Second_Miranda_Wave (Christmas Wave) - Confirmation of what transpired on Miranda. Along with TSE and the first Miranda wave, this sets off a renewed independent fervor among former and new Browncoats. Acts of resistance begin to occur across the Verse.
  • January, 2520 - Civil Unrest - Parliament has no Quorum. Internal power struggle in the Parliament erupts into full fledged disorder as factions begin to act aggressively to seize power. Struggle continues until Parliament itself is rendered impotent. Unsteady balance of power between two factions and the navy keep the peace. Independence movements on the Border and Rim take advantage of the opportunity to increase their own authority and make claims of sovereignty against the Alliance.
  • May, 2520 - Naval_Sabotage - Several Capital Navy ships are sabotaged rendering them nearly immobile. This act radically limits the Navy's ability to maintain long term order in any sector, and renders the ships vulnerable to attack.
  • September 16th, 2520 The Long Quiet. The Cortex shuts down simultaneously across the Verse. How this happened is unknown, who did it, if anyone is unknown. But the effects are instantaneous and dramatic. Without the primary computer and communications tool, the Verse's economy has shutdown, or at least stuttered. This further encourages even requires autonomy for distant systems as communications and databases essential to centralized authority are rendered impractical.

Season Three 2520 - 2521
Season Three, Sep 2520 to Jan 2521

  • November 5th 2520 Parliament Bombed - Terrorists explode a device in Parliament on Londinium. The device causes major structural damage and kills dozens of people (mostly staff and visitors), no Members of Parliament are killed in the blast. Both factions blame each other.
  • January 7th 2521 Prime Minister Assassinated - An assassin, believed to be Dr. Valerie Samson, using a rare crystal sugar poison assassinated Prime Minister Lord Holbrook on Londinium. The Prime Minister was attacked before he planned a speech regarding re-unification effects. Close aides say that the Prime Minister was going to reach out to the Rim and Border planets to reconcile their differences. A recorded conversation appears to implicate MP Gibbons and the leader of the Planetary Defense Force General Nguyen in the assassination. In response, parliament has quickly passed the Articles of Proscription ordered the capture and arrest of all Enemies of Unity, Gibbons and Nguyen figure at the top of the list. The actual assassin appears to have escaped in a well planned action at the Ministry of Intelligence on Colchester.

Season Four 2521-2522
Season Four, April 2521 to Dec 2521

  • January 15th 2521 The Colchester Wave Implicates many in the MT government as well as those in the WuBa. The resulting political upheaval lands the Wuwei party in charge. A period of disengagement takes place that becomes the dominant theme of the next year.
  • February 14th 2521Passing of Planetary Bill of Rights and Autonomy. Participation in the Union of Allied Worlds is voluntary. There is an initial euphoria, followed by confusion and disenchantment. Several planetary and regional authories assert their independence.

Many other Border and Rim worlds experience de facto independence as the Alliance pulls its ships and influence back into the Core.

  • March 5th 2521 Parliament passes the Central Banking Agreement establishing the new Allied Credit note as the only legitimate currency in the Allied Worlds. The Alliance Notes are inscribed on special smart paper that renders them blank outside the Allied Worlds cortex space. Purchase and sale of Platinum is prescribed by law and permitted only to licensed interallegiance traders (though fairly commonly available from 3rd parties). Possession of platinum coins up to €100 is legal for collecting purposes only.
  • March 15th 2521 You Ge Assassinated. Known as the Angel of Blue Sun, You_Ge, owner of You-Go Enterprises was slain. The assassin is alleged to be Mike Carter.
  • April 20th 2521Reaver and Pirate actions on the uptake throughout the Rim and Border. Reavers once limited to the Blue Sun system have been sighted in every system, and have been a plague on planets as far from Miranda as Beylix (in Kalidasa). Also an uptick in Pirate attacks has made space travel more and more dangerous. Some speculate that at least some of those pirates are in fact sponsored by the UAW, which it denies. It levels the charge back, claiming some independent worlds offer safe haven to the pirates.
  • April 27th 2521 Labor Riots on Valentine put down in record time by special forces. Reports are sketchy but reports excessive force used on the demonstrators denied by local authorities.
  • May 5th 2521Cortex V2.0 begins operation in the Core with high power Narrow Band going to Union planets in the border and rim. Cortex V2.0 is limited to Union Flagged ships, but offers transmission streams hundreds of times faster and broader than narrow band. Shorter after the introduction of V2, hackers claim to have broken the codes using older V1 technology. These accounts have not been verified.
  • June 6th 2521 Parliament approved new rules for the new Union of Allied Worlds membership. Non members will be allowed to petition for membership, but must meet a variety of strict requirements.
    • Cortex V2.0 extended to Hera and Paquin.
    • A parallel system "Blue Wave" (using different technology) is adopted in Blue Sun, providing V2 like speeds within the Blue Sun System and to Pericles Station. Rumors of a Pericles "Transnet" Station linking V2 to BlueWave abound.
  • July 7th 2521 The You Go Corporate Receivership quietly meets on Menaka (Heaven), considered a neutral location, to discuss the fate of the Enterprise. Plan emerges to liquidate assets to other big gas companies, pay off all liabilities, and hold cash assets until a Will can be found. Meanwhile petitions for inheritance will meet and in ten standard years the estate will dissolve, granting its wealth to various petitioning charities, establishes the You Ge Foundation for that purpose.
  • August 11th 2521 The Planetary Defense Force (PDF) of Blue Sun launches a robust anti-piracy action throughout the system. Refueling is denied ships without thorough background checks, aggressive search and seizure missions are sent to known routes, even bait and snag missions are done to combat the menace. These meet with little success, but single a beginning of stronger action on behalf of the PDF.
  • July 21st 2521 Londinium: Attempts to create a Truth and Reconciliation Panel to deal with the events of last Parliament have failed to meet Parliamentary approval. General consensus of the Parliament was that the people of the Alliance and ‘Verse were ready to move forward and leave the past in the past.
  • September 28th 2521 Alliance Navy announces a successful redeployment of its fleets, centering in the Core and along access points to the other systems. The First Fleet maintains security inside the Core, The Second Fleet maintains the White Sun –Red Sun corridor, The Third fleet the White Sun - Georgia corridor, the fourth Fleet is based in Kalidasa, the Fifth Fleet contains the Expeditionary Forces trained to deal with emerging issues, it has no base of operations and its location is classified. They’ve also announced the building of several new battle cruisers focusing on speed and range, suggesting a more agile, flexible composition.
  • October 11th 2521 Militsya ships from Novaya Rodina (VMF) capture two ships allegedly engaged in piracy. This marks the first time an independent policing action resulted in a capture in the Georgia System. The Novaya Rodinian government has highlighted this successful show of force and made aggressive claims to the space around the planet.
  • November 8th 2521 General Nguyen of the PDF announces the creation of an interplanetary police branch of the PDF. Many see this as a unilateral grab for power on Nguyen's part, though one welcomed by many on the smaller less populated planets of the Blue Sun System. It is unknown whether this force is supplanting or supplementing local authorities.
  • November 16th 2521 Terrorists exploded a chemical explosive in the First Allied Union Bank on Paquin. The Blast killed 32 people instantly, and over 100 died in the release of poison gas. No one has claimed responsibility for the blast, but attention has been focused on the independents of New Kalmar.
  • December 6th 2521 A skirmish between a civilian ship leaving Hera and a VMF patrol ship escalated when the IAV Bluefish investigated and destroyed the VMF patroller with all hands on deck. The VMF declared it an unprovoked attack. The Alliance Navy declined to comment about the specific incident, but asserted its right to intervene on behalf of Allied space craft. Many see this as an assertion of force to counteract any independent dreams of challenging Alliance authority or power.
  • December 11th 2521 The IAV Echidna - Crete Class Carrier - began patrolling the space between Boros and the moons of Murphy in the Georgia System. This is the largest Alliance Military presence in neutral space since the reorganization at the beginning of the year. Echidna by herself commands more fire power than the rest of the Georgia System combined.
  • December 24th 2521 Shipworks on Aesir were subject to orbital bombing from the IAV Repulse. The site was obliterated and scores were killed. The UAW claimed that the shipworks were constructing missile carriers designed to attack the Allied fleet, and that they abetted the terrorists who bombed the bank on Paquin.

Season Five 2522
Season Five, Jan 2522 to Aug 2522

Season Six 2522
Season Six, Aug 2522 to May 2523

U War 2 (May 2523 August 2524)[edit]

Season Seven 2523
Season Seven, May 2523 to Feb 2524

May 1st, 2523 - Declaration of Independence of 2523 - Some representative of the Independence War Council nailed this to the door of the Parliament in Londinium.

May 5th, 2523 - Santo - Independence Forces stage dramatic daylight raid on the Alliance Military Academy. The poorly defended institute suffered dramatic damage and numerous casualties but Alliance Marines were eventually able to quell the attack and round up or kill the attackers.

May 16th, 2523 - Paquin - The Alliance Naval 2nd Fleet was attacked, and severely damaged, forced to tactically retreat. Over 7800 casualties. Independents take control of the airspace over Paquin and Silverhold. Ground forces begin a war of attrition on the ground. Over 16,000 Alliance troops held effectively "captive" on Silverhold via blockade.

May 18th, 2523 - Pericles Station - Several PDF vessels docked at Pericles Station. Battles are now ongoing between Alliance and PDF forces deck by deck. Neither force wishes to destroy or damage the useful station.

May 20th, 2523 - Liann Jun - A series of explosions rock one of the largest Blue Sun agri-processing centers where textured protein is produced and packaged. Food shortages expected to be exacerbated in the Core until the systems can be brought back on line.

May 22nd, 2523 - Harvest - Massive Missile Bombardment from Alliance ships and long range weapons assails the Capital City of Zhongqiu destroying numerous buildings, including the state building, and the starport. Alliance press agents claim much of the attack on Paquin originated from Harvest, and that this will be a lesson that any support of such attacks will be met with swift and serious consequences.

May 25th, 2523 - Boros - Alliance Naval forces went on full alert, as did the moon based defenses of the Iskellian Base on Ares when three unidentified ships left pulse in orbit of the planet, and broke atmo above Vandenburg. Reports indicate Reavers descended on the massive Naval Depot and stole hundreds of tons of weapons, parts and medical supplies directly from the yards, while a handful of Skiffs did battle with defense forces. The attack took less than an hour, and only one ASREV was lost. The Alliance claims this was another Cowardly Insurgent Attack pointing out the uncharacteristic planning and cooperation. The Independent War Council denies any involvement..

May 27th, 2523 - Beaumonde - Surgical strikes targeting verbal supporters of Independence resulted in the death of over hundred civilians in places around Nouveau Lyon and elsewhere. The attacks were conducted by one or more stealth ships, light weight, sensor invisible vessels using smart bombs and hunter-seekers took out eleven buildings in a four regions around the city. The Alliance has stipulated that verbal and material support for independence constitutes actions of war, and that makes them legitimate targets. Political leaders in Beaumonde have demanded a cessation of all illegal hostilities against civilians.

June 2nd, 2523 - Djin's Bane - Reaver attacks leaves workers panicked and puzzled. The #09 H2 Orbital Refinery was attacked by Reavers in a sudden raid that disabled their defenses,days after the Alliance withdrew a number of their naval vessels from defensive positions. Worked retreated to secure positions inside the station in hopes of waiting out the attack, though the Reavers discovered their positions and began to cut into the area. Video footage saw Reavers looting and killing some crew members that remained unsecured. Then another small group of Reaver ships appeared in the area. For the first time, it was recorded Reavers fighting Reavers. In the end, it appeared that some kind of unspoken settlement occurred and the two Reavers groups merged, continued their looting and left the area before Alliance ships arrived to assist.

June 4th, 2523 - Persephone - Alliance Fifth Fleet spotted reinforcing system defenses. In an act seen to cut off Red Sun from the Core, the Alliances Special Operations Fifth Fleet has massed in the orbit of Lux and begun stopping every vessel in the area. There are also rumors of the employment of civilian vessels for the purposes of creating a sensor web between the two systems. Speculation of an Independent Fleet capable of transporting large numbers of soldiers into the Core was fueled by this action.

AMENOUKIHASHI - The Ark that saved the Verse.

Last Voyage of Delilah 2525[edit]

April 13th, 2512 --- Rachel McAlister leaves Delilah

September 23th, 2516 --- Rachel McAlister returns to Delilah

Seasons of Delilah[edit]

Last Voyage of Delilah, Season One
Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Two
Last Voyage of Delilah, Season Three

January 1st, 2525 - Genetic_Pandemic sweeps across the 'Verse bringing an uneasy peace, but at great cost.

Special Features Index[edit]

Mutineers Special Features Index
Delilah Special Features Index

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