The "Create a Character" Challenge

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"I'm going to create a PC for every game I own. I need to honor all those lonely forgotten games on my shelf." - chaldfont, in this thread.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

How It Works

Simple: create a character for each game you own, and post them up, with any commentary you wish to add, right here. Set whatever other rules for yourself that you wish (e.g. whether or not to let the dice fall as they may, whether to count all settings and/or splatbooks for one system as separate games or not, et cetera) or just make it up as you go.

For ease of reference, the archive is sorted into two lists: the first arranged by game; the second arranged by creator, in the order of creation.

Characters Sorted By Game


  • A. Sample — Character Concept Here. (creator name here)

2300 AD


  • Cursor - Reality Hacker. (Shisumo)

Aces and Eights


Amber Diceless Roleplaying

Ars Magica

4th Edition

  • John Volerus - Artificer and master of the forge. (psychojosh13)

Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM)

2nd Edition

3rd Edition

  • Crystral -- Robotical superhero ((MadWritter))

Broken Gears

Burning Wheel Revised

  • Zemir Al-Khadif - Camel Caravan Merchant on the fringes of an ancient desert. (Screen Monkey)

Call of Cthulhu

6th Edition

  • Ernie Pitt - Streetwise private eye on a quest for vengeance. (g026r)

Cartoon Action Hour

Cartoon Action Hour Presents "Darkness Unleased"

  • Xera -- Leader of the Altantis Force (MadWritter)

Cartoon Action Hour Presents "Metal Wars"

  • Annoyance -- Annoying Warbot tank (MadWritter)

Cartoon Action Hour Presents "Warriors of Iconia"

Cartoon Action Hour: Season Two

  • Confuse -- Spy for Strikeforce Freedom (MadWritter)


Chain of Being

  • Thagrom - Troll Librarian. (psychojosh13)

Cinematic Unisystem


Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Ghosts of Albion

  • Dirty Nel - Victorian Street Faerie Prostitiute. (Web Warlock)

The d6 System

  • Marcus Catallus - Cocky Knight Aeris from Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series. (Shisumo)

DC Universe RPG

  • Stone Dragon - Mystically-transforming Martial Artist. (Shisumo)


  • Al-Zoaran - Amateur Necromancer. (psychojosh13)

Dragonball Z


Drones RPG

Dungeons & Dragons

D&D (Original)


Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 1st Ed

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed

D&D 3.0/3.5

  • Flametouched - Warforged Favored Soul of the Silver Flame. (Shisumo)

D&D 4

  • Birindar - Updated Mage Hunter. (psychojosh13)
  • Carol -- Human Fighter (MadWritter)

The Dying Earth RPG



Exalted Solars 1st Ed.

Exalted Sidereals 1st Ed.

Feng Shui

  • Tina Coin -- Modern-Day Russian-American triple-agent spy. ((MadWritter))

Gamma World

  • Willie Maize - A mutated corn plant, for the third edition. (g026r)




In Spaaace!

Kobolds Ate My Baby!


Land of Og

  • Ugh - Slightly above average Strong Caveman. (g026r)

Marvel Universe Role-Playing Game

  • Carla -- Greecian meta-human (MadWritter)

Meddling Kids

Monsters! Monsters!

  • Hayoo - Scheming snollygoster. (g026r)

Mutants And Masterminds: Second Ed.

  • Vacuum - Energy sucking superhero (MadWritter)

New World of Darkness

Changeling: The Lost

Mage: The Awakening

  • Xi - Ascetic Mastigos. (Thanatos02)

NWoD: Core

Old World of Darkness

Dark Ages Line

Dark Ages: Inquisitor
Vampire: The Dark Ages

Mage: The Ascension

Revised Edition

OWoD Mortals Lines

Vampire: The Masquerade

Revised Edition

Over the Edge


2nd Edition

Paranoia XP


Prime Time Adventures





Space: 1889

Spaceship Zero

Spirit of Century


  • Khatelo - Harakin warrior-woman. (Tog)



Classic Traveller


Traveller: The New Era


Twilight: 2000

Usagi Yojimbo

Violence RPG

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

1st Edition

2nd Edition

Characters Sorted By Creator


  1. A. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)
  2. B. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)
  3. C. Sample — Character Concept Here. (game name here)


  1. Ed Able - XP Fodder. (Kobolds Ate My Baby!)
  2. George Smith -Construction Worker Who's Seen Too Much. (NWoD: Core)


  1. Ortega Montague - Dwarven Lock/Trap Expert. (AD&D 1e)
  1. Joseth 'Jack Frost' Nithodyn - Half-Elven Ranger/Giant-killer. (AD&D 2e)
  1. Joshua Andersen - young spinner of the Wheel. (oWoD Mage)


  1. Ugh — Slightly above-average Strong Caveman. (Land of Og)
  2. Sjt. Geoffrey White - Career soldier stationed on Mars. (Space: 1889)
  3. Smoovop-R-ATR-1 — Fast-talking Troubleshooter (Paranoia)
  4. Willie Maize - Mutated corn plant for the third edition. (Gamma World, 3rd ed.)
  5. Ernie Pitt - Streetwise private eye on a quest for vengeance. (Call of Cthulhu, 6th ed.)
  6. Caspian Silver - Lawful holy warrior. (Dungeons & Dragons (BECMI))
  7. Rodney Asu - Army grunt. (Traveller)
  8. SG Frederick "Moose" Baur - Underage West German soldier longing to return home. (Twilight:2000 1st ed.)
  9. Lavender Fields - Worried little finger puppet. (Puppetland)
  10. Hayoo - Scheming snollygoster. (Monsters! Monsters!)
  11. Rudiger Ehrlichmann - Unscrupulous human agitator. (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd ed.)
  12. Snorglash Comes-By-Night - Half-orc assassin. (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 1st ed.)
  13. Sister Jeanne de Claremont - Vision-haunted nun. (Dark Ages: Inquisitor)


  1. Dr. Annabelle Archer - Mad Sciencist ("Cartoon Action Hour")
  2. Waterfall = Wild Card/Mermaid (Meddling Kids)
  3. Nesse Erekena -- Fantasy Mermaid (Big Eyes, Small Mouth [A.K.A. BESM -- 2 Ed.)
  4. Crystral -- Robot superhero (Big Eyes, Small Mouth [A.K.A. BESM -- 3 Ed.)
  5. Xera -- Leader of the Atlantis Force ("Cartoon Action Hour: Presents Darkness Unleashed"
  6. Princess Stingara -- Royal Beeiods ("Cartoon Action Hour: Presents Warriors of the Cosmos)
  7. Annoyance -- Annoying Warbot tank ("Cartoon Action Hour: Presents Metal Wars")
  8. Vacuum - Energy sucking superhero ("Mutants And Masterminds: 2 Ed.)
  9. Characters: Four Spirit of Century characters -- 4 Centurions (Spirit of The Century)
  10. Erma -- Mermaid (Toon)
  11. Carol -- Human Fighter (D&D 4 Ed.)
  12. Tina Coin -- Modern-Day Russian-American triple-agent spy. ((Feng Shui))
  13. Qurina Qoriun/Princess Akirra -- The host/main actress of "Vortex" (Prime Time Adventures))
  14. Messila Bitestone - Infitity Inc.'s Siren-9 Patrol Mermaid. ((GURPS 4 Ed.))
  15. Linda-RED-NEW-1 - Loyal citizen (Paranoia XP)
  16. Confuse -- Spy for Strikeforce Freedom (Cartoon Action Hour: Season Two)


  1. Alfred Chisel - Inexperienced Assassin. (GURPS)
  2. Birindar - Elven Mage Hunter. (D&D 3.0)
  3. Benedict Willard - Protestant Minister. (Call of Cthulhu)
  4. Thagrom - Troll Librarian. (Chain of Being)
  5. Jack Harrington - Superspy. (Risus)
  6. Bruce "Taipan" Hornsby - Australian Mercenary. (Broken Gears)
  7. James Steelman - Army Grunt. (2300 AD)
  8. Eric Black - Goth Club DJ. (Vampire: the Masquerade)
  9. Al-Zoaran - Amateur Necromancer. (Donjon)
  10. Ronez Ildwor - Smuggler. (Traveller)
  11. Seamus O'Primate - Lucky Gorilla. (Toon)
  12. Ravandil Hassar - Learner of Human Lore. (WFRP)
  13. John Volerus - Artificer and master of the forge. (Ars Magica)
  14. Weall-R-GKS-1 - Loyal Citizen. (Paranoia)
  15. Gargleblax Smith - Interplanetary Treasure Hunter. (In Spaaace)
  16. Character:Birindar - Updated Mage Hunter. (D&D 4)

Screen Monkey

  1. Sir Briant of Stapleford — Sporty Country Knight. (Pendragon 4th Edition)
  2. Estelle Laviraz — Small Time Trader with a Past. (2300 AD)
  3. Khalos Krugerholt — Suicidal Troll Slayer. (WFRP)
  4. Wealgud of the Purple Towns — Sword-slinging Troubadour. (Elric!)
  5. Jedda McQueen - Navy Swab. (Traveller)
  6. Ken Sorenson - College Philosophy Major. (Dread)
  7. Mino Miyagami - Rabbit Gambler. (Usagi Yojimbo)
  8. Jared Gypsy - Teenaged Spaceman. (Prime Time Adventures)
  9. G. Oscar Cotton - Old Feebled-Minded Antiquarian. (Call of Cthulhu)
  10. Dema Amura - Marine Sergeant. (MegaTraveller)
  11. Ildestin the Active - Elegantly Attired Miscreant. (Dying Earth)
  12. Gentleman Jack Miller - Vagrant with an empty colt new line. (Aces and Eights)
  13. Ernaldina Who Laughed - Peacemaker in a time of war. (Heroquest)
  14. Cinzia di Palermo - Fiery demon tainted sorceress. (Ars Magica)
  15. Gage Strawberry - Guilt ridden pacifist gulf war veteran. (Kult)
  16. Rebba Lee Torres - Doctor and Ships Officer. (Traveller The New Era)
  17. Space Captain Biff Degan - Space Corp Captain in a parallel Universe. (Spaceship Zero)
  18. Zemir Al-Khadif - Camel Caravan Merchant on the fringes of an ancient desert. (Burning Wheel)


  1. Galadosi Yu — Lovely Elf Butt-Kicker. (TWERPS)
  2. Bernardo Martinez — Handyman. (Over the Edge)
  3. Naeem of the Brave Water – Farmer turned Sorcer's Apprentice. (Runequest)


  1. Cassandra Mayberry - Hard-bitten Sailor. (Adventure!)
  2. Cursor - Reality Hacker. (Aberrant)
  3. Ethel Carlyle - Wannabe Armored Superhero. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  4. Evangeline di Borgia - Trump Artist and Made Woman. (Amber Diceless Roleplaying)
  5. Flametouched - Warforged Favored Soul of the Silver Flame. (Eberron)
  6. Garin the Implacable - Human Hexblade in Service to St. Cuthbert. (D&D 3.5)
  7. Marcus Catallus - Cocky Knight Aeris from Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series. (The d6 System)
  8. Reggie Grant - Redeemed Demonic Revenant. (Angel)
  9. Stone Dragon - Mystically-transforming Martial Artist. (DC Universe RPG)


  1. Karen Cauling - Troubled College Freshman. (NWoD Core)
  2. Xi - Ascetic Mastigos. (NWoD Mage)
  3. Tycho Jennersby - Scientist-Adventurer. Revised Edition (OWoD Mage)
  4. Phillip MacKenzie - Slacker Philosopher. Revised Edition (OWoD Vampire)
  5. William Sommerset McAllister - Ex-Company Scout. (D&D 3.5)
  6. Dominic Vespers - Graduate Hacker. (Call of Cthulhu)
  7. Joseph “Joe” Holliday - Psychotic Would-Be Yuppie. (Violence RPG)
  8. Mickey Scott - Resigned Redcap. (NWoD Changling)
  9. Ganamede, Flawless Orichalcum Gear - Twilight Engineer. (Exalted Solars 1st Ed.)
  10. Raymond Plantain - Laid-back Capoeira Combatant. (Dragonball Z)
  11. Jamal Jackson, Shaolin Brother X - Corruption-Hunting Samurai Brother. (Demon Hunter X)
  12. Lonely Storm Serenade - Serene Chosen of Battles. (Exalted Sidereals 1st Ed.)
  13. Burchard St. Croix - Created Courtier. (Vampire: Dark Ages.)
  14. Dom Yu, Water Dragon - Dragonblooded Rowdy. (Exalted Dragonblooded 1st Ed.)


  1. Khazerik - Fighting man. (D&D (Original))
  2. Varoom The Inconviencer - (SenZar)
  3. Harvey James Botterson - Man-about-town (The Drones RPG)
  4. Albert - Kitty cat. (Cat)
  5. Aloyisus J Hintenlooper - Victorian scientist and Man Out Of Time. (oWoD M:tA Rev.)
  6. Khatelo - Harakin warrior-woman. (Talislanta 4th Ed.)

Tomb's Grave

  1. Abigail Williams - A.K.A. "Grinder Girl" (Godlike)