Jeweled Amber
Jeweled Amber and the War of Balance
This was a campaign run in 3 sections
- Call to the Kin: The first campaign was from 1997 to 2003
- Azcala Rising: The second campaign was 2013
- The Red Sword Calls: The third and current campaign began in December 2018
By Michael J. Watson, in Southern California.
There is a lot of the information found in this Wiki concerning the Jeweled Amber game is the information available before the game. If however you play in the JR&WoB game consider this information the word on the street, the skinny, the whispers in the dark, the word around the campfire, the rumor i heard Dame Margot tell the Little King Michael in the kitchen, and the same as bold faced lies. Just sayin.
The reason this snip is here is to support the Diners of Amber article.
Quick References
- Heirs and spares
- Diners of Amber
- Timeline of Jeweled Amber
- Amber Star Fleet
- Precedence of Powers
- Jeweled Amber Skill Points
- The Jeweled Road
- Jeweled Amber Trump Decks.
Campaign Particulars
Diners of Amber-Bleys at his best
Diners of Amber The basic guide to all places strange and wonderful. But don't be mistaken to think they are all safe.
Heirs and spares
Timeline of Jeweled Amber
Articles of Submission
Jeweled Amber-Articles of Submission
Stories of the Realm
Jeweled Amber-Stories Jurt and Thin Whip's Place
The Jeweled Road-A Powerful Construct
The Jeweled Road The Jeweled Road is a single road that starts in the foot of Mount Kolvir and stretches along path once taken by the Black Road all the way to the Abyss of Chaos.
Call to the Kin of Bariman-First Campaign-Closed
Call to the Kin of Bariman (get date)
Azcala Unleashed-Second Campaign-Closed
Facebook Blurbs Facebook posts in an earlier game.
- Opening of Azcala related.
- Arrival of CHAD
Red Sword Calls-Third Campaign-Ongoing
- As it Begins in the Short Game The state of amber as the third game begins.
- Red Sword Calls-FB Posts Story Posts in the Red Sword FB Group.
Amber and the Golden Circle Kingdoms
- Rebma:: A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Second Kingdom
- Thelusia: :A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Third Kingdom
- Dreana: :A Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fourth Kingdom
- Diega: : Crown Jewel of the Golden Circle-The Fifth Kingdom. Master of Waters.
- Acadia : The Western Isle.
- Begma: :Breadbasket to Amber
- Kashfa: :Barbarian Splendor
- Calrabon: :Big and Meaty grillmasters to Amber
Places in Shadow
A major pattern in a fallen shade realm. The Origin realms of the Forces of the Korag Empire and CHAD
- Crowned Bards. [[1]]
- Fairhand's Folly
Primal Realms
- Regor
- Azcala The Realm of Tonacat
- Trasidy
- Alamond-Its an Amusement Park
- Pócaí Pocket Realms
- Atlantis
- Adagalasck
- Talwas
- Bursain :A squiggle of note. A burr in the waves of shadow.
Primal Constructs
Waymets Rest-stops on the Jeweled Road
Large structural habitations. Arcology
Miscellaneous Places of Note
Randal: A Planet in the Vulsar Galaxy
A somewhat seedy world popular with race enthusiasts and high adventure camping & Hiking sportsman.
Kingdom of Amber-City
Castle Amber
- Throne Room
- Hall of Mirrors
- Great Library of Amber
- Castle Amber
- Dungeon & Prison of Amber
- Active Royal Apartments
Regions of Amber
City of Amber
Groups in Amber
Official groups in Amber
- Constabulary of Amber
- Rangers of Arden
- Amber Elite Guard
- Amber Military Aide Society
- Amber Life Guard
- Non-Partisan Anti-Agolith Association
- Council of Commentary
Unofficial Groups in Amber
From mercantile organizations, fraternal groups, secret societies and the Underculture.
Military of Amber
Military of Amber
Amber Elite Guardsman Standard Panoply
[Amber Standard Kit]]
Amber Star Fleet
Player Characters and Character Information
Carissa Daughter of Gerard
Vander Son of Eric
Macsen Son of Dalt
Relmopator Son of Satura
Laravella Daughter of Brand
Arloxedra Son of Eric
Truman, son of Gerard
Vance, son of Delwin
Vek Hendrake The Line of Benedict
Character development. This is where i will be putting a lot of disjointed information as i put together the game.
King Random's Deck-KRD
People and Beings
Heirs and spares
An accounting of the House Bariman and its genealogy.
Primal Creature
Creatures of prime powers claiming great power generated by the power of wide variety of creatures of their type.
People of Shadow
These are people that can be found in shadow that are not necessarily affiliated with any of the great realms or their circle.
Court of Amber and People of Amber
Court of Amber : People of Note : "No_Knock_List" : Servants of Amber Elites Guards, Maids, Kitchen Staff,
Queens of Amber
Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber
Knightly Orders in Jeweled Amber
Trumps and Other Decks
The Deck given by King Random to his kin. Contains Contact Trumps and Place Trumps
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#Deck_of_Monsters
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#Pirate_Kings
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#Hero.27s_Deck
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#The_Bursain_Deck
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#The_Azcalan_Deck
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#Alamond
- Jeweled_Amber_Trump_Decks.#Deck_of_Realms
CHAD-Clean halls and Dens Guild-
- CHAD : Mercenary guild extrodinare of the Tosa/York shadows now in the employ ofAmber.
- Lop: Founder of CHAD-Director of the
- Fortunadas
- Sir Dolki Fairhand
- Jeremy Fairhand
- Venki Fairhand
- Digan the Ruby Mage
- Alexandir_Kos_Korag_III. of
- Jake and Kirgor.Military Guildmaster of CHAD is Jake Whitetail
Wanderers and Far Travelers
- H&TE
- Guiness :My first PC. He wanders Amber shadow at will.
- Ascorbic and Ox A pair of boon companions. PCs of old.
- Conf of Shadows The voice in shades
Powers and Concepts
Costs & Powers
Powers of the Patterns of Amber' and Avalon'
- 50 pips Basic Imprint: Frame can hold 12 spells of any power level with great power.
- 75 pips Advanced Imprint:Frame can hold 18 spells of any power level with great power.
- 100 Pips Master's Imprint.: Frame can hold 24 spells of any power level with great power.
The Sigil can be used defensively.
Flavors of the Pattern
Flavors of the Pattern Esoteric differences in Pattern Imprints.
Precedence of Powers
Precedence of Powers refers to the various levels of power and importance levels.
Jeweled amber sway
Shade Realms
Aging in Amber
If I'd died without hope of grace clause The dangers of taking mortals to Amber.
Items and Artifacts
This section is a collection of various item and artifact descriptions.
Specific Creatures
Ushfa Shapechanging Race
Krasig Split Race and Ghosts
Dufiro The Dufirosm
History, Contemplation, and Conversations
Contemplations on the Nature of Benedict
Races in Jeweled Amber
Interregnum and the Repair
Commentary of Cosmology
The universe is tricky.
General Artifacts
Old Mink
Old Mink A particularly potent potable.
The Blades Of Red Gale
Vulcan created, Brand improved.
Game Mechanic Topics
Skill System In Amber DRPG
This system allows Players & Game Master to gain insight into Pc's interest.
Shadow Magic
Current Games & Past Games
The Black Road Less Traveled
Azcala Unleashed-Second Campaign
Player Page While these PCs were part of the Second game it is uncertain if they remain in the active game as NPCs as yet. Some may be included if needed or some may be members of a Shade of Amber. Dinner in the Green Room New News
Every one should have them.
Other Topics
Little Game The Little Game
A game unrelated to Amber. An exercise in minimalism.
Available Characters
Various Veks
The various shadows of Vek
Vek Hendrake in Jeweled Amber
- Vek Hendrake a story place.
- Dark is the Rat A Vek Story.
- Vek's Journal on Randal A place to make music.
- The Journal of Veksvale A place and time in the wilderness.
- Vek in Heirs and Spares[[2]]
- Benedict/Hendrake breeding program
Non Sequitur
Many Colours, All of them Amber
A personal Amber page with interesting stuff [[3]]
One Nebraska of Hamsters
Unit Designations
Tangency Cookbook
Because its funny what you run across.
End Comments
- Images used on this site are found online and modified. I do not own the copyright to any of them. They are being used recreationally and are in no way be used in a commercial manner. If you hold the copyright to any image and wish it removed put a moment in the discussion section and the image will be removed immediately.
- If you want to use any of the elements you find in the Jeweled Amber Pages you have my permission. I had hoped to find seeds for future books but if there is something you like feel free to make use of it.