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| ==Alvah her journal of her life in shadow== | | ==Alvah her journal of her life in shadow== |
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| | ''At the age of 4 Delwin has taken Alvah away from Azcala and her family there to be raised in a protected shadow away from the Azcalan customs and her somewhat fanatic mother.'' |
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| | ===Alvah is a ninja!=== |
| | [[Alvah is a ninja!]] |
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| ===Alvah fights in school=== | | ===Alvah fights in school=== |
| ====About 8 years old and already getting in trouble====
| | [[Alvah fights in school]] |
| "Oh my gaaawwdd you are such a freak. No wonder you have no friends. "</br>
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| The other children chime in again</br>
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| "Freak freak freak!!!"</br>
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| They only do that cause Eliza is popular. And she can have sleepovers every weekend. </br>
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| Maybe i should just walk away. Go outside skip lunch. Dad seems always so worried and disappointed when i get angry. </br>
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| Picking up my tray i want to put it in the cleaning rack, but my attention was somewhere else. Petra hooked her foot in mine and i fall flat on the ground. My favorite shirt covered in tomatosauce. </br>
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| The laughing is so loud. I hate it here. </br>
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| I hate these people. I hate being different. </br>
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| I'll first go to the bathroom to clean up before going outside. I'll wait there till class starts. </br>
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| It seems like ages before the bell rang but first class after lunch is calling so moving back inside. </br>
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| The teacher is talking down the hallway with another teacher. So door is still locked the others are laughing again. </br>
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| I feel they are up to something you can just feel that tension in the air. </br>
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| But what?</br>
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| There it is Will is grabbing me by my arms to hold me back and Suzie is comming closer with.... are those scissors? </br>
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| Will might be one of the bigger kids in my class but he is still no match for me. With the right twist and moving of my weight i free my arms. </br>
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| Throwing my elbow upwards against his face. Suzie is fast she is already near me with the scissors. I reach out. She cuts my arm but i have her ponytails. So i am in control now. </br>
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| I throw her own the floor. </br>
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| Always when i get angry it happens that my vision gets weird. Darker but sharper. Less colors but so focused. </br>
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| I jump up ready to pounce Suzie bjt i feel two strong arms around my waist pulling me against them. </br>
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| I kick and scream. Flail my arms about. It is Jobe the janitor. He holds me thight so i won't escape he carries me away a bit to calm me down. </br>
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| I am in trouble again. </br>
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| It takes ages, dad is in the principals office talking about what happened. I have to wait here. I can't even say what happened. </br>
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| No Will and Suzie were the ones crying. Well i have a deep cut in my arm. </br>
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| Stupidheads. </br>
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| The talk is done. The tone in there was serious, but dad sounded angry. Not screaming angry just angry. </br>
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| I keep my head down as he comes out. He holds his hand down to me to grab. </br>
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| "Come Alvah, we are going home." </br>
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| Careful i grab his hand and slide of the chair. </br>
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| "Are you mad at me dad?" </br>
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| I try not to sound scared or sad. But it is hard. Emotions are hard.</br>
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| "No, Alvah, i am not mad at you nor disappointed." </br>
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| He squeezes my hand a bit. He sounds so worried. </br>
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| "I am sorry dad. Didn't mean to fight." </br>
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| Dad stops and looks down. </br>
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| "Maybe we should find something else to do with that energy of yours." </br>
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| I pull my hand loose and shake my head.</br>
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| "No! I don't want to stop dancing i like dancing. Dancing is enough i'll dance more, don't take me off dancing!" </br>
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| Dad looks confused but a slight smile appears </br>
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| "I never said taking you off dancing, you are going to follow extra classes. I think a martial arts would give you more discipline." </br>
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| A sigh of relief. I grab his jand again. And happily walk along dad. </br>
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| "Thank you dad."</br>
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| ===Alvah's movie night=== | | ===Alvah's movie night=== |
| | [[Alvah's movie night]] |
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| ====10 year old Alvah is having a movie night with some friends.==== | | ===Alvah has a new ballet teacher=== |
| "Oh yeah of course, my dad isn't home we can have movie night at my place! " <br/><br/>
| | [[Alvah has a new ballet teacher]] |
| Of course dad is not always home but he has the tendency to show up suddenly.<br/>
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| But he left earlier today usually he doesn't come back so fast.<br/>
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| The girls and I have been planning this for a bit now. I met them via my martial arts classes. <br/>
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| The boys always go to the arcade or go race their bikes or go to a movie. They never invite us, stupid boys. <br/><br/>
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| I had already prepared for the girls to come over, made a path through the hedge and have a rope ready to climb to my room. <br/>
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| If Nigel finds out I am sure dad will learn of it too. <br/><br/>
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| "So we all see each other at the corner. Bring snacks and such. " <br/><br/>
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| Later that night we are all there. I lead them through the garden until we are under the balcony of my room. I hold out the rope and we help each other go up. On the balcony I open my door and we silently move in. <br/>
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| I hear the exclamations of the girls that I live in such a house. <br/>
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| I then turn around "so we all brought something do I need to get something from the kitchen? " <br/><br/>
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| Lara holds out a back with corn kernels<br/>
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| "You have to pop these. I couldn't get popcorn ready in time. "<br/>
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| I sigh "fine salty or sweet? " <br/>
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| The decision became caramel with a short explanation of sugar in a pan above heat. <br/><br/>
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| "Yeah yeah I'll make it. Just pick out some movies." <br/><br/>
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| Quietly I move to the kitchen grabbing a few pans, butter sugar. <br/><br/>
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| This shouldn't be that hard I thought.<br/>
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| Starting the popcorn I suddenly realize. Lid! Else the popcorn will fly everywhere. The haply popping sounds start.<br/><br/>
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| Now for caramel. A pan sugar. How much should I use. Ah well fill it up and we will see . <br/>
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| So I am not known for my patience. Dad says I might still learn it as I am young but I am 11 I won't learn that anymore don't have the time before you know I am an adult and stuff. <br/><br/>
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| A strange bitter smell enters my nose and looking in the sugar pan it still looks like sugar. Maybe I should not have used half the bag. <br/>
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| The popcorn is done I think it stopped popping. How long did you have to wait after that?<br/>
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| Just a bit longer I think. <br/><br/>
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| That smell is really persistent. It really comes from the sugar pan. <br/>
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| Maybe add some water. <br/><br/>
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| With a pitcher in one hand and a glove and the lid in the other I pour in the water. <br/>
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| Oh something is happening now. <br/><br/>
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| Within a blink of an eye there is black sticky stinky stuff everywhere. <br/>
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| How did I not get burned. <br/>
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| Calmly I turn of the heat. Grab a note and pen from the fridge. <br/><br/>
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| "Will clean up tomorrow tried to make popcorn. Oops" <br/><br/>
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| I just grab a few bags of crisps and such from the pantry then.
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| Who cooks for movie night anyway.
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| ===Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.=== | | ===Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.=== |
| ====Alvah is 12 and gets in trouble in primary school====
| | [[Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.]] |
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| "Miss Chambers, to the principals office, miss Chambers to the principals office." </br>
| | ===Alvah returns to school=== |
| All eyes are on me again ugh I hate it. The teacher looks at me with a scowl and gestures to the door. </br>
| | [[Alvah loses her friends.]] |
| Well at least I get to skip geography. So boring. </br>
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| Grabbing my bag I quietly leave the classroom. I hear snickers from some classmates and glare at them. </br>
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| But they are not impressed and only laugh harder. I will not let that get to me. </br>
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| The hallway is nice and quiet I consider walking by my locker to drop my bag off but decide to just go straight to the principal. Don't want her pissed off again. She can be so mean. </br>
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| As I enter the principals office I notice more people and a certain tension in the air. Shit the police. I consider leaving looking around for a way out.</br>
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| Mrs. Devons says I should sit down till I am called in.</br>
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| Two policemen look at me. One is a bully. I can see it in his face the way he looks the constant scowl on his face. Disgusted with the world and only he can better it. </br>
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| It is actually a form of cynicism. </br>
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| Yeah I recently stole a book from my school shrink. I wonder does dad know they have me talking with one. So far he did not have to sign anything. But then again he is a lot away recently. He says there are some big troubles abroad that he needs to help sorting. I don't mind usually he comes back with wild stories and presents.</br>
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| I hear my name being called in an irritated and inpatient tone. Guess this is not the first time she calls me in. </br>
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| Considering leaving the scowl-faced policeman grabs me by the arm and drags me in. </br>
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| I just stare at him hissing between my teeth</br>
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| "Let me go, or I'll bite your hand off" </br>
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| The policeman laughs and pushes me in the office. </br>
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| A box with things stand on the desk of the principal she looks at me with disgust. I look about and see my father not here so I cross my arms over each other. They can't do shit without my father present. </br>
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| Miss Chambers, you are expelled from school and charges are pressed against you in multiple counts of theft. Since your father is not reachable at the moment you will be taken in custody by the police. They will sort things further out. </br>
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| I can only stand there and stare at the woman. Does she know that the mole on her face has hairs coming out of it. She can easily have that fixed. </br>
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| Shaking my mesmerized stare </br>
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| "Hm what oh sure. But I will wait at home for my father. According to the law you can not easily take me in without his knowledge. He is out of country at the moment." </br>
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| Scowl face cop leans down hovering his face over me. Probably trying to be intimidating. He dares open his mouth </br>
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| "Oh what is that, you think you got the smarts. By the looks of you, you come from a weak incestuous family." He gestures to my face, I so want to bite his fingers off</br>
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| "See ma'am those eyes. That happens to dogs and cats when there is to much inbreeding. It is not strange that she is a young criminal she probably doesn't know better. You see her father and mother are probably also brother and sister..... " </br>
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| I know he continues, I hear some babbling in the back off my head, but I see red. That is it no one talks shit about my parents. </br>
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| I jump up, grab scowl face by his upper arm and swing my legs up. Coiling them around his neck I keep a constant pressure swinging my bag from my shoulder I hit the other cop in the face with it. </br>
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| Scowl face tries to pull me off of him so I start pushing my fingers in his eyes. Hooking my fingers in his eye sockets. </br>
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| The principal starts screaming a high pitched annoying scream. Scowl face starts banging himself against the wall causing me to lose my grip slightly. When I feel there is to much freedom I let go and let myself drop on the floor and roll through. Towards the door. If I am lucky I can make a run for it. </br>
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| Finish the roll and.... fuuuuuuu my whole body contracts spazzing on the ground. </br>
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| A kick in my ribs and I cough. Turning I see scowl face grab the taser from his colleague and press again. </br>
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| Trying to speak but it all kind of fades to black. </br>
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| Bright light above me. I feel I lay in a bed. A cheap mattress with those plastic covers. </br>
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| Wondering what a sound is, I realize that it is me groaning. </br>
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| Supporting my head with my hand I stand up and look around. There is a steel door with bars in front of the window. And a small window on the opposite side also barred. </br>
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| Great I am in prison. </br>
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| I stand up test my legs then I notice my right arm is cuffed to the frame of my bed. </br>
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| I let out a scream of frustration. </br>
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| No one... I was in the room alone for quite some time. Eventually I hear keys jingle and fiddle in the lock. A broader man enters in a light blue outfit. Well that is a weird guard uniform. </br>
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| No Alvah, you ass think he is an orderly. You are not in prison. Fuck they found a way around.</br>
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| Mandatory out of house placement due to mental breakdown. I will be here till dad is home. </br>
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| Shit shit "SHIT" I exclaim. The orderly raises an eyebrow and nods. </br>
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| "Ah good you are awake and realize where you are. I am here to go over the rules with you. Behave and show you can work with us then you get more freedom. Due to your high aggressive nature you are confined in your room and will only receive individual therapy." </br>
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| He keeps on talking even if I try to interrupt. </br>
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| "Yes it is mandatory and if you are sick we will give you a bucket. </br>
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| I will remove the cuffs as the police want them back but know we have our own restraining methods. Medication is none negotiable you take them and perhaps in a week you may have some air outside." </br>
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| He moves closer to remove the cuffs. Things go through my head to just break his nose and run. But perhaps if I want to get out faster I have to sit and wait till dad is here. I let him remove the cuffs and sit up straight. </br>
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| He hands me a cup with pills and a cup of water. Folding his arms over each other hr nods. "Won't leave till you take them." </br>
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| Reluctantly I swallow the pills chase it with the water and show my tongue. The orderly nods. </br>
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| "Good get changed" I look at him</br>
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| "Alright leave." </br>
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| The orderly points to a stack of white clothing and slippers. </br>
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| "Change now. I need to see what you smuggle with." </br>
| |
| I don't know maybe I do belong here but something in my head just snapped. Before I knew it, I was watching myself hanging from the mans neck biting his ear. I did taste the metallic taste of blood and I feel his raised pulse as my fingers grab his neck tighter and tighter.</br>
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| I also feel a certain serenity. Hm that is weird must be the meds. </br>
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| So I am strangling this man with such tranquility. Such poetry. </br>
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| I hear to late then alarm is blaring and when looking up there are near 10 people in the room. Dragging me off the orderly. Kicking and screaming they jab me with a needle. And slowly I feel my anger fade. And my vision fades and hmmm sleepy. </br>
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| Waking up in isolation. I try and wipe the now crusty drool from my face but my arms still won't cooperate. I make a daring attempt to sit up but I flop on the ground with the least bit of grace. Fuck it I'll be here. </br>
| |
| Don't know how much time passed. Not that it matters when you are so drugged up time is fast and slow at the same time. The door opens. Two orderlies grab me each by an arm and drag me with them ooooh that is why I can't move my arms. I now notice they restrained me. </br>
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| Somehow I start laughing apparently my drugged up me has humor. </br>
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| [[File:Alvah_mad.jpg|200px]]</br> | |
| I am dragged in a room sat upon a chair and from the other room two people enter one is frantically trying to convince the other of keeping me here. </br>
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| The other is Ryba! </br>
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| I am saved. </br>
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| He looks at me then turns to the orderly "why is she still restrained? And what drugs have you given her? " the orderly looks at the other man who hesitantly nods</br>
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| "Remove her restraints if you please. And sir she has had some anti-psychotics, antidepressants and a heavy tranquilizer since a lower dose didn't work on her." </br>
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| The orderly carefully removes my restraints and steps back right away. Keeping a sharp eye on me. </br>
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| Hah what does he think I am going to do I am high as a kite.... oh kite flying that sounds like fun. </br>
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| Noooo focus. </br>
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| I can't follow the conversation but at a point I see Ryba signal me over. I stumble towards him and give him a hug</br>
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| "You are my bestest friend. You are my superman!" </br>
| |
| Now and then I blink out must be the meds. One moment I am next to Ryba, then I'm in a car. In a soft bed. Is that Ryba to who is he talking? </br>
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| Yeah night night.</br>
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| ===Alvah hunts the hunters=== | | ===Alvah hunts the hunters=== |
| ====Alvah is about 16 here and a talented ballerina====
| | [[Alvah hunts the hunters]] |
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| Okey the turn up is pretty big. I know this is a known artist and he has some succes generally. </br>
| | ===Alvah and the brownies=== |
| But now i just feel a bit awkward. </br>
| | [[Alvah and the brownies]] |
| What happened is, i am in a ballet dance group. We have been asked by the artist to pose for his new work. </br>
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| So now is the artshowing and ofcourse we are invited. He did ask to come in ballet gear and since he compensates us why not. </br>
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| Other then a bit awkward to be stared at like this while not on stage and being intently watched along with the art. It is oke, just one evening. Smile and prance. </br>
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| So we are 2 hours in and dang my feet hurt. I walk around looking at the other girls how they are doing. </br>
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| Where is Lara. I ask around but noone has seen her. </br>
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| I know i am not the oldest in the group but i do feel responsible for them. I know i can defend them. </br>
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| Lara girl where are you. </br>
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| Asking around i hear that she has been talking with a slick looking guy. And he was really flirting with her according to the bartender. </br>
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| Asking one of the waiters i hear that Lara went to the back with the guy.</br>
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| Soft i mutter "Oh sweety why." </br>
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| I sneak out the back. And pitterpat my way through the hallway. </br>
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| Shit voices. I stand still listen control my breathing. </br>
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| I hear them talking two men. </br>
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| They are saying that dancers are so needy. Easy pickings, picking out the cute ones. </br>
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| Seriously! </br>
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| I don't see or hear Lara and my heart races.</br>
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| The voices fade. One goes to the outside and the other moves back to an entrance to the main gallery. </br>
| |
| And Lara is nowhere. Okey i have to fix this without causing a scene. Or ruining my clothes. </br>
| |
| I sneak to the outside which is surprisingly easy on my ballet flats. No i am not wearing my pointes today that would kill me. I chuckle in myself seeing an thief on pointes.... yeah... no. Sensible shoes.... always. The clothing fine. But don't skimp on footwear while thieving. </br>
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| Outside i see one of the two men talking with two others. They are smoking and leaning against the van. Laughing and clearly standing guard. </br>
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| I need to separate them. I move back to the main gallery before they would miss me. </br>
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| The guy that probably talked to Lara is talking to Michelle now and she is blushing..... how dare he... </br>
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| Moving as graceful as a hunting swan i get closer to Michelle. </br>
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| "Hey do you need something to drink? I am doing a round." </br>
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| Trying my best not to deathglare the guy. </br>
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| I think Michelle said no she shakes her head and a giggle like sounds come out. I look between the two. Right. Moving away. </br>
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| It is the guy. And he is using some sort of charm. </br>
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| Okey magic users or at least one. </br>
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| Those at the van must go first. </br>
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| My guess is that Lara is there. </br>
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| Alright time to make a plan. </br>
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| To the kitchen. I ask for a couple drinks. </br>
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| With those in hand i go back to the van</br>
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| I mutter a few small words swirl the drinks a bit. It is not strong but it would cause a bit of a bellyache. </br>
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| Putting on a sweet smile i walk in view of the men. </br>
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| "Hi there i was asked to bring these outside to you. He said that you might be thirsty. " </br>
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| I do the full works. Noticing my hips tilting my head a bit scrunching my nose and smiling. </br>
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| The guys eat it up, grab the drinks and ssk if i want to stay a bit with them. </br>
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| I nod and watch them. Drink their glasses empty. It should not take long. It was simple magic, a small word, a small intention. </br>
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| One of the guys looks uneasy and rubs his stomach. </br>
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| He excuses himself and walks off to the bushes. The other one goes to the front to grab something and the last one is mine. </br>
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| Now the great thing about swaying balletclothing is, layers and ribbons. I loosen one of the ribbons. Wrap it around one hand and then the other. Before he looks at me i jump on his back. </br>
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| Keeping the pressure on his throat i watch him struggle. My legs wrapped around him to support me. </br>
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| It doesn't take long till he is passed out. With the ribbon around his neck i drag him off.</br>
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| To the bushes somewhere. I hear his friend groaning there. Hah weak stomach. </br>
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| As silent as a murder wasp i jump the second guy. Giving him the same treatment. I don't bother dragging the second guy he can stay there. </br>
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| The third is already looking for his friends. </br>
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| I intentionally make a small sounds. He moves this way. </br>
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| Only a "what the..." and i wrapped thenribbon around his neck to. He is more of a fighter and beating my sides and legs. </br>
| |
| Asshole. That hurts. But the ribbon doesn't break it is quality fabric. And number three goes down to. </br>
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| I check my clothing in the streetlights and i am so happy no stains or anything.</br>
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| Yeah I rock! </br>
| |
| I open the van and find Lara tied up and gagged in the back. Releasing her i hug her tell her to be quiet for now and move back to where people are. In the hallway i see Michelle with the guy.</br>
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| I feel Lara her arm tighten around mine the spell clearly has no hold on her. </br>
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| I tell Michelle to ckme with us but she doesn't listen the guy looks spooked because i have Lara. </br>
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| He looked spooked till my foot hit his nose. </br>
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| A few carefully placed hits and the guy is down. </br>
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| I sense the spell fading. He clearly has an item and doesn't do magic himself. Else it would have lingered longer. </br>
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| Sensing his body i find the ring. Rip it off his finger. Nod to the girls and we go back. I'll call someone to help clean up. </br>
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| But the show must go on. We are professional dancers afterall.</br>
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| ===Alvah and the brownies=== | | ===Alvah has life cargo=== |
| ====Alvah is 17, heartbroken and craves brownies====
| | [[Alvah has life cargo]] |
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| Don't know the time i entered the front door of my fathers ridiculous huge mansion. But all i know it was bloody late. </br>
| | ===Alvah's pregnancy scare=== |
| As a routine i first go to my room. In the false bottom of my closet are some boxes, in those boxes random shit. Most things i do not know where i got it from. </br>
| | [[Alvah's pregnancy scare]] |
| After emptying my pockets and bag and bra i stare at the police issue handcuffs and police baton. </br>
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| When was police involved. </br>
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| Tired as hell and slightly drunk i stumble to the kitchen. </br>
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| Leaning against the counter, groaning. Why is this house so big.</br>
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| Dragging my feet my hands find the freezer. There better be icecream.</br>
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| After opening every drawer and door de icecream still eludes me. So annoying. </br>
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| I need my chocolate! </br>
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| No clue did i say that out loud? </br>
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| Silence the house is fast asleep. And dad won't be home anyway. </br>
| |
| Brownies are chocolate i'll make my own damn brownies. If Russell really thinks i should stay alone i will damn well care for myself. </br>
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| Searching on my phone i find a recipe and the ingredients we have laying around. </br>
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| Freaking Russell, "you are to sarcastic "</br>
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| "You are to independent. " "My friends don't like you" "you are not relationship material" </br>
| |
| Well screw you Russell. </br>
| |
| Oh right, now i remember. There was police involved, i hit Russel square in the face and tossed him against a car. I really thought it was his car. </br>
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| I stole from the police? Damn i have to solve that before dad finds out.</br>
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| I stare at the mixing bowl. Is everything in there? I am sure there is. Who cares this can't go wrong. </br>
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| Drinking inlook at the baking tray. </br>
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| Alcohol and chocolate work together. I think as i pour some in the mix. </br>
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| Why does baking take so long. Although i don't mind sitting against the warm oven door. </br>
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| Startled i look up footsteps. Not much later i see Nigel, the head butler of the household, stick his head around the corner. </br>
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| "M'lady, are you in need of anything?" </br>
| |
| Fighting against the emotions welling up i shake my head. </br>
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| "Making brownies." I say pointing with the bottle behind me to the oven. "I am good." </br>
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| Nigel says nothing. But it js clear he is not moving. With a huge effort i stand up. And the oven dings. </br>
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| "M'lady shall i....?" </br>
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| I know it is rude but i interupted him. </br>
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| "No! I am a strong independent woman that needs no help or man. Or or.... well i do need this and my chocolate " </br>
| |
| with a new bottle in hand i open the oven door </br>
| |
| The brownies look weird. And it seems to still bubble. Must be okey. I followed the recipe, right. </br>
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| I drop the baking tray on the counter.</br>
| |
| Now i do not know if it was the baking tray hitting the counter or that it would happen anyway. </br>
| |
| Brownie batter everywhere. </br>
| |
| My father likes pristine neat and expensive looking things. </br>
| |
| The kitchen looks like it is covered in shit now. </br>
| |
| I am covered in batter. Nigel moves away but soo returns with cleaning supplies. </br>
| |
| "Lets clean" </br>
| |
| I groan stand up and grab a bucket and rag. </br>
| |
| "Tomorrow i will steal all his keys. " </br>
| |
| "Very well m'lady, can i have one request. Please don't ever cook again. "</br>
| |
| |
| ===Alvah does a hot dance.=== | | ===Alvah does a hot dance.=== |
| ====Alvah is 18 and decided to go dancing in a different direction.====
| | [[Alvah does a hot dance.]] |
| |
| "You can't tell me what i can and can't do!"</br>
| | ===Alvah gets burned.=== |
| I storm out the front door my helmet under my arm, bag around my shoulder. </br>
| | [[Alvah gets burned.]] |
| My motorcycle is still on the driveway. Hopping on i slam the helmet on my head and drive off. Screeching my tires. </br>
| |
| He can't tell me i can't dance. I want to do this. This is my job now. I earn my own money. Stupid rules. </br>
| |
| And no i am not crying, these are tears from the wind. I am not crying. </br>
| |
| A while i race through the city. </br>
| |
| Dad put me on dancing himself why can't i choose my own type of dance. I like exotic dancing. </br>
| |
| Turning the corner i drive to the club pacing myself a bit before i get in trouble with the police.</br>
| |
| Oh sure dad sure. It is okey if people watch me perform ballet but not if i dance around a pole on stage.... such a hypocrite. </br>
| |
| I am not whoring myself out. People come, i dance they watch i earn money. </br>
| |
| There is no touching.</br>
| |
| Billy and Chad make sure of that. </br>
| |
| I inhale deeply as i near the club. Tonight i am going to dance and nobody stops me. </br>
| |
| Outift check, make up on freaking point, dance moves hell yeah!</br>
| |
| I go downstairs as the time ticks closer for my show. Waitibg behind the curtains i watch Michelle finish her dance. She is so graceful. </br>
| |
| I hear my name being called and i prance on the stage. Maybe it is my anger and frustration against the situation but i am slaying it tonight.</br>
| |
| Wrapping it up and moving back in an hour i have another show. </br>
| |
| I just got my rum and coke when i hear the commotion in the sitting area. I hear screams of my colleagues and the voice of Billy telling people to get the fuck out.</br>
| |
| The other dancers in the back hide away which i get that is smart.</br>
| |
| But i am never smart when it comes to these things. I dance on the stage grab Lisa and guide her to the back. </br>
| |
| In a quick glance i see a few men with guns against Billy Chad and the owner of the club </br>
| |
| Yeah this is going badly. </br>
| |
| I know they are trying to talk them down. But the leader of the gang is clearly nervous. He is not going to calm down. </br>
| |
| The one on his right has a twitchy trigger finger. So he is going to shoot first. The rest is clealry so ampt up that the rest will flllow after the first shot. </br>
| |
| People are smart enough to hide and leave.</br>
| |
| I'll guide the rest out. Going to the back i disable the door alarm and let people leave silently and quickly. </br>
| |
| Seeing a tank of gas i grin. Well guess my boss can claim some insurance. </br>
| |
| I drag the gastank in the right position. Make sure a few curling irons are on. I turn open the tank and disable the valve. </br>
| |
| Moving back to the front i yell in panic.</br>
| |
| "Fire Fire!!!" The guns lowered or aimed at me. Perfect i jump away behind the curtains and make myself as small as possible. </br>
| |
| Oh shit that fire spreads quicker then i thought. Move move move. </br>
| |
| I run out due to the poor fire regulated standards of the climb it burns down like a cinder.</br>
| |
| There we are in front of the club. Chad Billy and i with each a bottle in hand. </br>
| |
| "Guess we have to find a new job now." </br>
| |
| My motorcycle isn't hit by debris. So i just step on it. And in my dancers clothing go back home. </br>
| |
| Oh dad is going to love that!</br>
| |
| | |
| ===Alvah has life cargo=== | |
| ====Alvah is 19 and has some different type of cargo====
| |
| | |
| So usually I don’t take these kind of jobs. But the money was so good and honestly it would not be bad to be in a good light with these people. </br>
| |
| They are a culty kind of group not really bad stuff but they worship animals over people and they highly believe in that some of the animals are higher guardians or shit… </br>
| |
| Well to be honest it sounds like a lot of bullshitting to me but after a litter of kittens got stolen I was asked to steal it back. Or well retrieve them. It si not stealing if it was already theirs. </br>
| |
| Thinking about it I should perhaps really reconcider what I call my self.. I am not just a thief. I do great works for other people. For the right price. I am a helper… I’m a good person… and who am I kidding. I would work in a enforcer crew if I would have the right payment. </br>
| |
| But I am not without morals I do see right and wrong. Just some things seem more important then others. </br>
| |
| See I know the kittens are held in a warehouse. And I like breaking into warehouses. There is always something else going on. One day there might be an army of goons waiting on the other side. And another day there might be nothing but high tech security to disable. </br>
| |
| I had a time there was an unexpected crew just playing cards as they were really convinced no one would find them. That was fun. Actually got the number of one of those guys. Still haven’t called. He was a cutey though.</br>
| |
| Lets see what it is this time. Carefully I bring my mirror around the corner and look up and down. With the naked eye I see nothing. Since there is no one in sight I turn myself around the corner and sense magically. Ah yes there it is. Magic trails. A circle, protection it seems. Or something that would give a warning. Have to move around that one ofcourse. </br>
| |
| I move diligently, I see where the others moved my guess is the thieves. So I try and follow in their footsteps. </br>
| |
| It leads down some stairs. It is hard to move silently around on metal stairs but I have a great teacher and I have some magic at my side. It is a simple command to muffle the sounds around me a bit. </br>
| |
| I manage to reach the bottom of the stairs without raising an alarm. </br>
| |
| Now I jus tneed to find the kittens… </br>
| |
| When moving through the basement in one of the side rooms I see a circle. Already prepared. Curiously I go and look what they are going to do. Seriously they left the components here. I could just…. But then they will know….. ah well at least they can’t do immediately what they plan to do. </br>
| |
| I grab a few components which seem the most important. So that always means the organic binding component like bones and skulls. That means any other fluids that are there because usually they are very specific conditioned and when removed they have to get that all over again. </br>
| |
| I carefully place them in my hard backpack. That way they are safe from damage while I’m doing my thing… my god. Doing my thing… </br>
| |
| Should I have brought a catcarrier. </br>
| |
| Ah well. When moving I hear the soft delicate and annoying sounds of cats… yups found the kittens. </br>
| |
| Lockpicking the door is not hard. But my god I am not going to move them silently they are annoyingly loud for such little creatures. </br>
| |
| I gather them up one by one and they won’t sit still. So with a blanket I improvise a bag and hold them in there. Jeesh their nails are like little sharp needles. Really need to get a tetanus shot after this. </br>
| |
| I run faster up the stairs since I hear people behind me. The kittens are trying to escape at the same time. They are crawling over my neck arms shoulders. One tries to escape my arms so I grab them with my teeth.. blegh fur… </br>
| |
| And shit nails in my face. </br>
| |
| I’m sure I look like a bloody mess now. I get to my bike. Where I have a basket attached for the little fuckers. Dropping them in I start my bike seeing the people come out of the warehouse. With a soft muttering of a few words I shine a magical searchlight in their faces. </br>
| |
| And then I take off. </br>
| |
| I agreed to immediately drop them off so I move to the dropoff point. </br>
| |
| The contacts I had in the group are already waiting smoking on a bench they are doing well blending in. </br>
| |
| As they see me they stand up and move towards me. </br>
| |
| They hand me a basket to put the kittens in. I sigh open the container on my bike and one by one I lift the little fuckers out.. and I don’t know why but they hate me. Every single one of them bite me , claw my hand open or try to lunge at my face. </br>
| |
| Well good freaking riddance. </br>
| |
| I hold out my now bloody hand and receive the remainder of payment. I snarl a bit </br>
| |
| “no more animal retrieval they hate me.” </br>
| |
| They look surprised as I say that.</br>
| |
| |
| ===Alvah gets burned.=== | | ===Alvah gets in an accident.=== |
| ====Alvah is 20 years old and earning her own.====
| | [[Alvah gets in an accident]] |
| |
| So in my line of work i sometimes get a job offer to steal something magical. </br>
| | ''After this Alvah joins the Marines for a span of 6 years, where she will quit after having broken her commanding officers jaw for having her team killed. She is ofcourse dishonorably discharges.'' |
| Now that is a tricky something. People who own magical items usually know what they have and are not really willing to part with it. Well noone likes to get robbed but wizards sorcerers and other supernatural inclined are a bit more uptight about it. </br>
| |
| Just makes it all the more fun to steal it. </br>
| |
| So this item resides in a mansion of a local wizard. Not affiliated with the white council as far as i know. If he was i would not have taken the job. Or asked way more in payment. </br>
| |
| I have already done my research. I even got some small things ready to get past some protection spells that might be there. I am not a great magic user. My dad is way better, but i can do some small things. I can draw a circle, make myself less visible, keep a small amount of power controlled in hand. </br>
| |
| According to the information i got, the current owner of the item is going to be away for a gala tonight. That would be the perfect moment to strike. </br>
| |
| I have the layout of the mansion and i know where his magical vault should be. </br>
| |
| Well time to go. I know dad is home or well in his library he said he had stuff to do so i won't bother him that i'm going out. </br>
| |
| Getting in the mansion was easy enough. For that i need no tricks. Ryba trained me well in being silent and unseen. </br>
| |
| Calmly and silent i walk to the room where the vault should be.</br>
| |
| I can sende the flow of magic from here. With my fingers searching for the small ripples in the air of magic i map out the circles for myself. </br>
| |
| Easy enough. The item i need is near the outside of one of the circles. </br>
| |
| With a slight effort of will i push against the circle. Not breaking it just pushing it in a bit. </br>
| |
| Almost i have it and then the circle snaps. Like one of those snal bracelets a part of it coils around my wrist. </br>
| |
| Oh shit shit shit this is bad. </br>
| |
| I feel the power doing something. I just don't know what it is. Quickly i grab the box i needed and make a run for it. </br>
| |
| No need to be stealthy now. </br>
| |
| Moving out of the mansion the magical snap bracelet starts to send out shooting jolts of pure white hoy pain. I scream. Can't contain myself. </br>
| |
| Somehow i manage to get back to the wall of the mansion and the pain stops. Great now i have to redirect the power from the bracelet to do something else. I create a shadow around myself just to make it harder for others to see me. </br>
| |
| I step on my motorcycle and dash off. Keeping my focus on my active spell. </br>
| |
| Don't know how it happend but the box starts to humm with power. I can't drive and focus on that to. </br>
| |
| Fuck i am so in over my head. </br>
| |
| I step from my motorcycle and stumble to a deserted parkinggarage. </br>
| |
| The pain is seeping through the bracelet since i try to tone down the box. What the hell is in there anyway. </br>
| |
| Breaking the seal i open the box and see a Phoenix stone. And now it is out of containment it flares up with a great heat. </br>
| |
| I can't even curse the pain i keep guiding away but the heat is getting excruciating. Smelling burned hair. Must be mine. </br>
| |
| Stupid stupid. Why did i try. I suck at this. I am not as good as dad. </br>
| |
| Dad.... trying to focus through the searing hot pain i use the power from the bracelet to send a message. Well more a scream of pain. </br>
| |
| It feels like forever. Can barely breath. I hear footsteps. They are comming faster. More people. Multiple voices. </br>
| |
| "Dad?"</br>
| |
| |
| ===Alvah feels butterflies=== | | ===Alvah feels butterflies=== |
| ====Alvah is 23 and finds love====
| | [[Alvah feels butterflies]] |
| | |
| I am not the best at gambling, i am not the best at cards. But i am a masterful cheater. My slight problem is actually very useful here. As long as i can control it. But that is why Ryba send me here. </br>
| |
| I quietly move along the tables, and you know i don't always dress up but dang do i look good and feel pretty.</br>
| |
| And i am being noticed. </br>
| |
| But that is part of the exercise. </br>
| |
| I didn't notice at first that i stopped but i did. I am just staring at a man who looks so damn handsome and seems so charismatic. </br>
| |
| I break my stare and try hide my blushing. </br>
| |
| Quickly moving along the tables. I have an objective and i better get it done. </br>
| |
| A bit later i stand near a table talking bullshit to some greasy selfinflated ass. Batting my eyelashes, which are damn heavy by the way. Who thought fake lashes are a thing. </br>
| |
| All the while i feel my hand glide in his jacket pocket. </br>
| |
| Hah found it , now a sly smile a sway of the hip a swish of the hair and walk away. </br>
| |
| Wait is mister handsome looking at me. How long. Would he know. Have to get out his sight. </br>
| |
| With the grace of a ballerina that my father wished i was. I move along the tables try and get out of sight of those beautiful eyes. </br>
| |
| By now it is becomming a game. He knows i am up to something. I move take what i need and he follows. I am at the last table now. When my fingers get in touch with what i need i quickly move away. I want to look at mister handsome but i can't find him. Ah perhaps he got tired of it. </br>
| |
| As quickly and unnoticeable as i can i move to the emergency exit. </br>
| |
| I freeze there he is. Leaning against the wall with a arrogant smile on his face. </br>
| |
| I lift up my chin and walk past him. </br>
| |
| "Well done, i won't rat you out. But i just had to stop you and ask who you are. " </br>
| |
| With one shoulder i shrug "i am but a whisper. You won't see me again." </br>
| |
| I walk on look back and can't help but smile. Damnit Alvah stop it you are flirting on the job. Move your well dressed ass out of the door. </br>
| |
| Quickly i step on a motorcycle and race off. I did not use my own for this job.</br>
| |
| In the rearview mirror i see that freaking handsome, drown in your eyes, sweet voiced man. </br>
| |
| Ugh focus Alvah do the drop off and go home. </br>
| |
| A week later another job. I'm infiltrated as a waitress. Damn i should tip these people more when i go out. The bullshit i already had to deal with and i am only on half my shift. </br>
| |
| I get called over as someone new is seated at a table in my zone. Without looking at the customer i fold the menu grab the utensils and lay everything on the table in front of them. </br>
| |
| "Well hello again." </br>
| |
| I look up surprised and i think people might have thought i had a stroke or something but i kept staring. </br>
| |
| Brushing the hair behind my eat i scrape my throat. </br>
| |
| "Oh yes hello, welcome at Dannies, i am Alice and i'll be your waitress today. Do you want something to drink?"</br>
| |
| Stop staring Alvah for the love of anything important. Stop staring. </br>
| |
| I break my gaze and stare at my notepad to take his order. Keeping my head down i nod and walk off. </br>
| |
| "I'll bring it right over." </br>
| |
| That day was hard. It was so difficult to focus. I did manage though and also something else. I got a businesscard from his pocket. Had to know his name. Well i got two businesscards. You usually carry more of yourself and one of another. Just to make sure that is his. </br>
| |
| Merrill Hendriks. Sounds european. Okey next time i'll talk to him. </br>
| |
| Not even a week this time i encountered him again. And i can say that the job just took a little bit longer. But some tension had to be released. </br>
| |
| It became again a game. We barely talked. Just traded glances he was usually where i was at jobs. Not all just once a week or so. </br>
| |
| And at a point we stopped meeting at a job. </br>
| |
| Without knowing alot about eachother we just had a click. </br>
| |
| A year. We were together a year. Well together is a big word we saw eachother once or twice a week. Had fun and had freaking good sex and usually i left first. </br>
| |
| I am sure dad would be all protective about this. Do a backgroundcheck and such. </br>
| |
| I just want to have fun and enjoy the butterflies. </br>
| |
| [[File:AlvahMerrill.jpg|300px]]</br>
| |
| After a year. He did not show up. He was nowhere to be found. Even his name was nowhere on file or registered. </br>
| |
| He is gone. And i hate myself for letting someone get so close. </br>
| |
| Now where is that icecream!</br>
| |
| |
| ===Alvah and the Mouse=== | | ===Alvah and the Mouse=== |
| ====24 years old a counter job goes sideways====
| | [[Alvah and the Mouse]] |
| | |
| One would say that I would never have to work. My father is loaded and I will never really need any extra. I know if I ask him as his only child that I can stay living there. </br>
| |
| He is barely home as it is. I do wonder how my father does earn his money. I know very little of his business other then that he is a wizard, a sorcerer. And a good one at that. He taught me some things as well. </br>
| |
| But since I can barely sit still and I do have a small issue my father asked a tutor he knew to help me out and train me. And now I am Alvah collector of items that needs change of custody.</br>
| |
| In short I am a thief for hire. I am still working a nice title for my job. Though my teacher also said that keeping things clear and simple is also a good way to go. </br>
| |
| Keeping things clear and simple. I am not good at that. </br>
| |
| The building I have a job tonight is coming in my view. I am excited, but I also know this is going to be a pain. </br>
| |
| I like to plan my time. My plans are like a dance. All the steps are timed and planned. But this job. This was going to be a race against the clock. </br>
| |
| It makes it more challenging sure. And it will test my skills, but I don’t like to improvise to much. </br>
| |
| I park my motorcycle a block away. It is far enough to not be linked quickly to the crime and close enough I can make a run to it. If… if my plan works out. </br>
| |
| It is said that the best in the field never get caught. This is not true. Sometimes it is part of the plan and that is the same with this guy, the Mouse. What a name. Mouse. </br>
| |
| Anyway. He is a thief that has been in the game for a longer time, and he is good. He is linked to many great heists, but never was it proven. One day he slipped up. Or well that is what is said. He slipped up and got caught. On a very small crime. He barely did any real time. I think five years. </br>
| |
| The crimes he was linked to though continued. So the suspicion moved away. And now he is off on good behaviour. </br>
| |
| According to my client though he is not just a thief. He is worse. During a heist he maimed my clients daughter to create a distraction. </br>
| |
| And the talk in the scene is the Mouse is planning to rob the vault empty here. </br>
| |
| I will make him slip up. </br>
| |
| Arriving at the top of another building close by I have my package already planted there earlier. Can’t carry to much with me. Via hook and line I move to the building I have to stop a robbery. So weird. </br>
| |
| The first steps are easy enough I know where he is going and I just have to wait till I can pin him to the crime. I wait silently in a place I had created. A desk cupboard which is empty and I can fit in. Guess that is my luck of never having to much of grow spurt. </br>
| |
| Downside my tutor still comments and makes jokes about me being shorter. </br>
| |
| An hour goes by and I have been meditating keeping my mind focused on the job to come. Repeating the steps in my mind. Say nothing keep your mouth shut. He doesn’t need to know who you are. </br>
| |
| It is over an hour, did I hear something? I should not move out to quickly. Trust in your senses and don’t come out to soon. </br>
| |
| There. The little red dot I had set up a sensor it went off. He should be busy with the vault door now. </br>
| |
| I know the type I know the make. I know a good thief would get that open in 46 minutes I give him 50 so that he will be in as well. </br>
| |
| half an hour further and the sounds stopped. Shit what happened. He should not be in yet. </br>
| |
| Damn. Did I make a sound? Did I fuck up? Oh shit shit shit. Okey breath softly controlled try and look out. </br>
| |
| with a small mirror I look, there he is. And at that moment my heart stops. He is looking right at me. Or well the mirror, is that ass waving at me? I groan and step out of the cupboard. Stretching a bit to loosen up my muscles. </br>
| |
| “How?” is the only thing I decided to ask. Short and simple </br>
| |
| The man grins, one of those disgusting grins. That give an oily taste in the mouth and makes you want to shower. </br>
| |
| “I am that good.” </br>
| |
| a moment of silence. And the only sound I produce is </br>
| |
| “hmm” as I shrug my shoulders and step towards him. </br>
| |
| Guess I have to just incapacitate him then and pin him that way. He did not have to stay alive, the client preferred it but it did not have to. </br>
| |
| I don’t know if I was overconfident or if he was that fast. But from one moment to the other he produced a gun in his hand and shoots me in my shoulder. </br>
| |
| Shock comes over me surprise, pain and then anger. Okey he is going down. </br>
| |
| I just take a leap and tense my muscles. I know I can take an old man like that. I have years of youth to my advantage, I have had intense constant martial arts training, pain is a nuisance nothing more. </br>
| |
| The fighting doesn’t take long. He made the wrong choices now and then. Really wrong choices. He tried to focus on my wounded shoulder. But when he pressed his thumb in it I managed to go for his kidneys and liver. Solar plexus groin. </br>
| |
| yeah call it dirty fighting but I had to win and make him pay and he is not going to have kids anymore anyway. </br>
| |
| I managed to wrestle him down and secure him for now. </br>
| |
| Quickly I press a bandage against my shoulder and in reaction to pain I just give the Mouse another kick. Well whoops.</br>
| |
| I have to move fast now. All the steps went out the window and this dance has become a uncontrolled rave. </br>
| |
| The safe was nearly open so I only had to do the last steps. Which wasn’t that hard really. I place his tools in a logical position with care. A thief is respectful to their tools. </br>
| |
| I then drag the Mouse towards the safe. Hmm he is bloody beaten up. Noone is going to believe he did this alone now. </br>
| |
| I prop the Mouse against a table I grab a few screwdrivers with sharp heads. He is starting to waken up. </br>
| |
| “You know we can share the loot” yes his voice sounds still that disgusting. </br>
| |
| “I can teach you so much more.” </br>
| |
| I only roll my eyes and keep working on setting up the scene. I trace down my blood and throws some chemicals over them making sure it is undetectable from who that blood is. His blood I don’t care really. He will bleed more. And if I plan it right he will bleed out before the cops find him. </br>
| |
| After I have set up the scene enough I take two burner phones out of their packages. I make the one dial the other. Pocketing one of the phones I place the other near the Mouse. </br>
| |
| Without a word I stab his hands to his legs with two screwdrivers. The blood gushes enough that I think I have hit an artery. </br>
| |
| I tie one of his arms to the table leg. </br>
| |
| “you knew one day it would end” I say in a soft tone, I had a period I looked up to the man. But knowing what he did and now seeing him in real life. Ugh. Never meet your idols they say. It is true. I smash the phone when I step out. He shouldn’t be able to make a call out.</br>
| |
| I move to the window where I had planned my escape. Everything is still there. </br>
| |
| everything is cleaned up and done. The reign of the Mouse is over. </br>
| |
| I move quickly and precise knowing exactly where to go and before I know it I am back at my motorcycle. </br>
| |
| I drive around a bit a longer route I try to dial the phone that is near the Mouse to make it register and then drop it somewhere on the street. The cops might think he had a partner that betrayed him. </br>
| |
| Home. Finally. But there is light on, so chance is that or my father is home, maybe Ryba is still there. Nigel should be sleeping by now. </br>
| |
| I park my motorcycle, climb up towards my balcony door drop the clothing change into running gear and I leave again. </br>
| |
| I need to clear my head. This was fucked up I’ll look at my shoulder later.</br>
| |
| | |
| |
| ===Alvah goes mad, again.=== | | ===Alvah goes mad, again.=== |
| ====30 and enjoying her thieving====
| | [[Alvah goes mad, again.]] |
| |
| The job was simple enough what i had to do. Go in, get the info, get out. </br>
| | ===Alvah hangs around=== |
| Now I am waiting in a bar, waiting for the contact to pay the rest and get the info.</br>
| | [[Concidering life choices]] |
| The payment is not bad even got the trip overseas paid.</br>
| |
| I don't like this woman she is so.. so. Bitchy, know it all, i just imagine her as a piranha or a shark... or I don't know. But she has a good reputation amongst my colleagues so figured why not take the job. I really needed to get out a bit. Dad was home again and kind of checking up on a lot of things. He can </br>be a bit. Overbearing. But that is okey he is my father and I don’t really mind as long as I can take a break now and then. </br>
| |
| Dang how long has it been now. That woman is late. Guess i am stood up. Been an hour. No notice. We are done. </br>
| |
| I try to stand up but damn I get dizzy. I hold myself stable against the chair. Trying to sense what is going on.</br>
| |
| Oh shit I need to get to safety. As I mentally check my body I realize I have been drugged.</br>
| |
| How?</br>
| |
| Checking with my hand along the table the chair I feel nothing.</br>
| |
| No time. I have to go.</br>
| |
| Whatever is used this stuff works fast.</br>
| |
| I stumble towards the door.</br>
| |
| A man stops me, my god his words are slurred, I don't understand. Or am i just so out of it.</br>
| |
| He tries the grab my keys i hit him one the nose. His blood changes into roses. The most beautiful wonderful smelling roses. </br>
| |
| Can’t help but stare at a moment. </br>
| |
| Another man grabs me.. he is no man. It is a demon. Horns wings tail the whole 9 yards. Yeah I am out of there, Grabbing a chair I swing it at the demon his head. </br>
| |
| As I sit on my bike I realize this can’t be real, I must be tripping balls. Why is there a cheetah running next to me. It is glaring at me. </br>
| |
| Keep your focus Alvah keep you freaking focus. </br>
| |
| The sweat is running off my back. Suddenly a sense of dread is filling me. I step on my brakes and jump of my bike. I tear of my jacket and shirt and pants. I can’t find Cicero. Where I he? Did I take him with me? Is he still at home. I don’t know.</br>
| |
| Someone is coming near me. </br>
| |
| I see it now they are all possessed I see it in their eyes. This was a set up I knew it. </br>
| |
| I cut my hand and draw a circle on the ground empowering it, no one can get near me now. </br>
| |
| Slowly I sink on the ground wrapping my arms around my legs. This is bad I need to focus. </br>
| |
| I can’t focus. Have to get out of here. </br>
| |
| Need someone, need someone. </br>
| |
| People are surrounding the circle banging against it they all look like horrific creatures. Gah my mind is fucked up, how can I come up with this. </br>
| |
| Can’t focus enough to get myself home to cleanse myself. </br>
| |
| With shivering hands I grab my phone, dad is probably not reachable. Ryba… please pick up please pick up. </br>
| |
| Yes… contact… “Ryba… I need a superman.”</br>
| |
| |
| ===Alvah gets flirted with=== | | ===Alvah gets flirted with=== |
| ====Alvah is 34 and realizes she has issues====
| | [[Alvah gets flirted with]] |
| | |
| So it has been a few years since i am back home from service and don't believe what they say. I quit! I did not get fired. Doesn't matter anyway the dishonorable discharge is still a thing. </br>
| |
| When i got back i started picking up my old job anyway so that part in my record is not that important. </br>
| |
| So jobs come and go. But today today i decided to not work or pick up a job. Today i am going out. Some me time. Some well deserved Alvah time. </br>
| |
| I just had my nails done. My face bought the cutest dress i could find and fit. </br>
| |
| And some might find it horrible but i do go eat out alone. I love it. Just me my thoughts my humor and less people to annoy me. </br>
| |
| I decided for a small bistro somewhere in a more quiet part of town and a quieter street. </br>
| |
| The food is great, the wine excellent. So important to enjoy moments. </br>
| |
| The only annoying thing is a couple of people a few tables over. They are with 5 of them clearly two couples and an fifth wheel. They kept looking my way and talking clearly about me while.they thought i wasn't looking. </br>
| |
| Oh bitches please i am aware of my surroundings. Else i would have been dead long ago. </br>
| |
| So after dinner i pay tip the waiter compliment the chef have a little chit chat and move on to a nice danceclub i know. </br>
| |
| Not to big and just the right amount of crowded. </br>
| |
| I smile seeing Kevin at the door i think he is not only the bouncer i think he lives there. </br>
| |
| "Hey Kevin, how are things?"</br>
| |
| Kevin replies with his </br>
| |
| "Hmm girl. Looking good." </br>
| |
| I do a twirl and a curtsy before him. His face cracks in a smile and he lets me in. </br>
| |
| Just enjoying my time drinking, dancing and watching. I then see one of the two couples with fifth or well now third wheel come in. </br>
| |
| Decide to not give them further attention and enjoy my own time. </br>
| |
| The guy then moves closer to my seat with an extra drink in his hands. </br>
| |
| He sits down and pushes the drink towards me. </br>
| |
| "Seen you sitting there and you seem a bit lonely so figure to join you." </br>
| |
| I don't know why but something ticked me off. I slowly turn with probably a manicing smile on my face. </br>
| |
| "Oh my dear saviour, saving me from the pleasure i was having of just being on my own damn self. Cause i am not just being able to have fun without a sandbag filled with false self importance and chauvinistic shit at my side. " </br>
| |
| I stop only to give him my famous bitch stare down and i continue. </br>
| |
| "You know following me from a restaurant to a club can already be concidered stalking givinge the right to just fucking hurt you and yell rape. But don't worry i won't because i am very well capable of fuxking your night up all on my own. Without a big sttong man at my side. How in the hell did you think i would enjoy a questionable drink from a questionable guy who assumes that i am lonely because not in the presense of his glorious self..." </br>
| |
| So i stand up and move away... i would look back to see if i made him cry... but that would hurt the message i am sending across. </br>
| |
| Outside i grab a cab and go home.</br>
| |
| "Had a good night?"</br>
| |
| The cab driver asks with little interest. I grin from ear to ear. </br>
| |
| "Yeah i killed my own sexlife and mad men cry" </br>
| |
| The cab driver just nods with a "good good." </br>
| |
| On the way home i realise... i am damaged... why did i do that? I could have at least had a fun night with the guy.but noooo i don't trust people. And after Merrill it is hard. I actually had no relations after him. My god i am a sad and sorry excuse for a woman. Already bitter cynical and sarcastic. Great...</br>
| |
| |
| ==Running Journal.== | | ==Running Journal.== |
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| [[Alvah visits Brand]]</br> | | [[Alvah visits Brand]]</br> |
| ===Alvah goes through town.=== | | ===Alvah goes through town.=== |
| [[Alvah and Delwin go drinking.]] | | [[Alvah and Delwin go drinking.]]</br> |
| ===Running with the Elites=== | | ===Running with the Elites=== |
| [[Alvah goes on a morning run]] | | [[Alvah goes on a morning run]]</br> |
| ===Dwynwen and Alvah moving around=== | | ===Dwynwen and Alvah moving around=== |
| [[Dwynwen and Alvah teleporting around]] | | [[Dwynwen and Alvah teleporting around]]</br> |
| ===Walking the pattern=== | | ===Walking the pattern=== |
| [[Alvah walks the pattern]] | | [[Alvah walks the pattern]]</br> |
| ===Meeting Vance=== | | ===Meeting Vance=== |
| [[Alvah meets her half brother Vance]] | | [[Alvah meets her half brother Vance]]</br> |
| ===Dwynwen and Alvah run off=== | | ===Dwynwen and Alvah run off=== |
| [[Dwynwen and Alvah run away]] | | [[Dwynwen and Alvah run away]]</br> |
| ===Family roadtrip=== | | ===Family roadtrip=== |
| [[Family road trip with Vance, Agrom and Alvah]] | | [[Family road trip with Vance, Agrom and Alvah]]</br> |
| ===Introduction to the court=== | | ===Introduction to the court=== |
| [[Alvah finds a note Me first, king Random]] | | [[Alvah finds a note Me first, king Random]]</br> |
| ===Talking with Vek and Arlo=== | | ===Talking with Vek and Arlo=== |
| [[And boy do they talk]] | | [[And boy do they talk]]</br> |
| ===Dinner with the king=== | | ===Dinner with the king=== |
| [[Fancy dinner snarky talk.]] | | [[Fancy dinner snarky talk.]]</br> |
| ===Thin Whip's=== | | ===Thin Whip's=== |
| [[Meeting new people]] | | [[Meeting new people]]</br> |
| ===Talk with Hagalta in sea view gardens=== | | ===Talk with Hagalta in sea view gardens=== |
| [[Alvah plays jailer]] | | [[Alvah plays jailer]]</br> |
| ===Dealings with Difuro=== | | ===Dealings with Difuro=== |
| [[Alvah and Jurt dealing with Difuro]] | | [[Alvah and Jurt dealing with Difuro]]</br> |
| ===Talking with Delwin=== | | ===Talking with Delwin=== |
| [[getting some answers from dad.]] | | [[getting some answers from dad.]]</br> |
| ===Rasak, the Nasty Place=== | | ===Rasak, the Nasty Place=== |
| [[To hell and back]] | | [[To hell and back]]</br> |
| ===Adledross, lets head west!=== | | ===Adledross, lets head west!=== |
| [[Not done yet with the hell thing]] | | [[Not done yet with the hell thing]]</br> |
| ===Coming home from Adledross.=== | | ===Coming home from Adledross.=== |
| [[Back from Adledross]] | | [[Back from Adledross]]</br> |
| ===Helping out in the kitchen=== | | ===Helping out in the kitchen=== |
| [[Alvah helps out in the kitchen]] | | [[Alvah helps out in the kitchen]]</br> |
| ===Talking to Spatchi=== | | ===Talking to Spatchi=== |
| [[Bonding with Spatchi]] | | [[Bonding with Spatchi]]</br> |
| ===Dinner Party=== | | ===Dinner Party=== |
| [[Alvah gets awkward at the dinner party]] | | [[Alvah gets awkward at the dinner party]]</br> |
| ===Thin Whip's again.=== | | ===Thin Whip's again.=== |
| [[Alvah deals with her frustrations...]] | | [[Alvah deals with her frustrations...]]</br> |
| | ===Uta Thin Whip and Alvah drinking=== |
| | [[Meeting Untara]]</br> |
| | ===Patchi has a new place=== |
| | [[Renovating Spatchi's new place]]</br> |
| | ===Bleys teaches Alvah to shadowwalk=== |
| | [[Alvah her first real shadowwalk]]</br> |
| | ===Intermezzo thanks to stepdad=== |
| | [[Alvah meets her stepdad]]</br> |
| | ===Arriving at Vulsara=== |
| | [[Alvah revisits her brother]]</br> |
| | ===Reconnecting with Shaver.=== |
| | [[Alvah gets to talk to Candle/Shaver]]</br> |
| | ===Visit to the library in VulsaraBase=== |
| | [[Alvah and Candle go study]]</br> |
| | ===Conversation with Nur about Dufiro=== |
| | [[Alvah meets Nur again.]]</br> |
| | ===Talk with Xozla=== |
| | [[Alvah talks with Xozla with backup]]</br> |
| | ===Making plans Saving Delwin=== |
| | [[Alvah contacts Delwin and falls through]]</br> |
| | ===Conversation with Benedict=== |
| | [[Alvah hears Benedict's plans]]</br> |
| | ===Lessons Conjuration from Arlo=== |
| | [[Conjuration class from Arlo]]</br> |
| | ===Alvah on a tripping shadowwalk=== |
| | [[Drugged up shadowwalk]]</br> |
| | ===Vek helps clean up=== |
| | [[Cleaning up the tripping mess]]</br> |
| | ===Arlo is Free=== |
| | [[Arlo and Alvah talk]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah hanging out=== |
| | [[And stealing blue tequilla]]</br> |
| | ===Alvah gets burned=== |
| | [[And calls mom.]]</br> |
| | [[File:Pbigtree.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | A coyote shape shifts into Random who joins Vance standing under a Big Tree.</br> |
| | The King who was A Coyote says to the Star Warrior. "Well, are we better off or worse off.?"</br> |
| | Vance frowns and says, "Yes"</br> |
| | ===Talk with Aztilios=== |
| | [[Talking with Aztilios in Zaxili]]</br> |
| | ===Walk with Aztilios=== |
| | [[Walking with Aztilios in the moonlight by the beach]]</br> |
| | ===Morning rites with Cihalas=== |
| | [[Sacrificing some tomatoes]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah out in Zictla part 1=== |
| | [[Getting lunch and watching some sacrificing]]</br> |
| | ===Mandor, Vek and Alvah drinking=== |
| | [[Letting the blue tequilla flow (Vek's story)]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah out in Zictla part 2=== |
| | [[Experiencing the night life of Zictla]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah have a brilliant idea.=== |
| | [[Not THAT brilliant]]</br> |
| | ===Party in Untola!=== |
| | [[Alvah her first sacrifice]]</br> |
| | ===Back in time for the rite=== |
| | [[Vek gets sacrificed.]]</br> |
| | ===Back in Amber=== |
| | [[Back in Amber and fighting in the hallway]]</br> |
| | ===Meeting about Azcala=== |
| | [[Information about Azcala its history]]</br> |
| | ===Going out for lobster=== |
| | [[Vek taking out Dwynwen and Alvah for lobster]]</br> |
| | ===Studying at Amber Star Fleet. === |
| | [[Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah study at Vulsara base]]</br> |
| | |
| | <div style='text-align: center;'> '''Alvah and Spatchi talk about their shadow.'''</br> |
| | [[Talks about Jetex]]</div> |
| | ===The road to Jetex=== |
| | [[Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah are going to Jetex.]]</br> |
| | ===Arriving in Jetex=== |
| | [[Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah arrive in Jetex and set things up]]</br> |
| | ===First guests in Jetex=== |
| | [[Vek, Maximillian visit the cantina]]</br> |
| | ===Talk of sacrificing=== |
| | [[Vek and ALvah talk about sacrificing]]</br> |
| | ===A plan is forming=== |
| | [[Vek, Digan, Nur and Alvah make a plan for the future]]</br> |
| | ===Agrom Visits Jetex=== |
| | [[Agrom on forced leave in Jetex]]</br> |
| | ===Talk with Delwin in Jetex=== |
| | [[Delwin and Alvah talk once more]]</br> |
| | ===Alvah suicide run to Zunala=== |
| | [[An impossible mission with a twist]]</br> |
| | ===Encountering Xolotl=== |
| | [[Xolotl and his homemade sigil]]</br> |
| | ===Arriving in Veksvale=== |
| | [[Arriving in Veksvale with a pattern]]</br> |
| | |
| | The pattern from Zunala arrived in Veksvale. |
| | From here Realmer was present as well. |
| | </br> |
| | ===Alvah Vek and Fiona walk the new pattern.=== |
| | [[Alvah Vek and Fiona walk the new pattern.]]</br> |
| | ===Veksval turning into a camp=== |
| | [[Veksvale turning into a camp]] |
| | </br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah have a personal talk=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah have a personal talk]] |
| | </br> |
| | ===Realmer and Alvah talk patterns=== |
| | [[Realmer and Alvah talk patterns]] |
| | </br> |
| | ===A grand event fixing the pattern=== |
| | [[A grand event fixing the pattern]] |
| | </br> |
| | ===At the pattern after party=== |
| | [[At the pattern after party]] |
| | </br> |
| | Everybody left except Nur. |
| | The army of elites stays under lead of Lt. Spatchi </br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah walk around Veksvale=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah walk around Veksvale]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah the morning after=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah the morning after]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah talk shapechanging=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah talk shapechanging]]</br> |
| | ===Nur and Alvah talk about the past=== |
| | [[Nur and Alvah talk about the past]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah playing Fennec=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah playing Fennec]]</br> |
| | ===Spatchi and Alvah talk, and fight=== |
| | [[Spatchi and Alvah talk, and fight]]</br> |
| | ===Vek summons Craggle=== |
| | [[Vek summons Craggle]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah back to business=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah back to business]]</br> |
| | ===Nur and Alvah talk dufiro=== |
| | [[Nur and Alvah talk dufiro]]</br> |
| | ===Vek and Alvah talk=== |
| | [[Vek and Alvah talk]]</br> |
| | ===Vek takes Alvah to Bajas=== |
| | [[Vek takes Alvah to Bajas]]</br> |
| | ===Vek takes Alvah to Ang Ri=== |
| | [[Vek takes Alvah to Ang Ri]]</br> |
| | ===Alvah becomes a warrior and her first bout.=== |
| | [[Alvah becomes a warrior and her first bout.]]</br> |
| | ==='''Alvah writes her first song'''=== |
| | [[Alvah's first song]] |
| | </br> |
| | |
| | ==What If....== |
| | [[What if Alvah went left with the sword of woe and glee]]</br> |
| |
| ==Alvah her thoughts of others.== | | ==Alvah her thoughts of others.== |
| |
| ===Delwin=== | | ===Delwin=== |
| [[File:DelwinsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Delwin2.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Let’s start with Delwin, you would say that I already met him but that isn't really true is it. He is my father, but I have lived in his house not knowing who he truly was.</br> | | Let’s start with Delwin, you would say that I already met him but that isn't really true is it. He is my father, but I have lived in his house not knowing who he truly was.</br> |
| Overbearing, overprotective, demanding and can really throw a fit if things go wrong. He really showed his colors when I came to Amber.</br> | | Overbearing, overprotective, demanding and can really throw a fit if things go wrong. He really showed his colors when I came to Amber.</br> |
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| |
| ===Fiona=== | | ===Fiona=== |
| [[File:FionasmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-fiona.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| An elegance as painful as fire. A prowess as strong as a tree. But I trust you as far as I can throw both of those things.</br> | | An elegance as painful as fire. A prowess as strong as a tree. But I trust you as far as I can throw both of those things.</br> |
| So I met you the moment I learned my father had lied to me. The moment my world kind of crumbled maybe that has been part of my negative feelings for you.</br> Though you were the one telling my father off that if he didn't take me to Amber, you would. That speaks for you and the immense power radiating from your being.</br> | | So I met you the moment I learned my father had lied to me. The moment my world kind of crumbled maybe that has been part of my negative feelings for you.</br> Though you were the one telling my father off that if he didn't take me to Amber, you would. That speaks for you and the immense power radiating from your being.</br> |
| |
| ===Dwynwen=== | | ===Dwynwen=== |
| [[File:DwynwensmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Dwynwen.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Oh my dear dear friend. At first, I did not know what to think of you. But very quick I learned you are funny witty and a lovely person. Be it broken but the best are.</br> | | Oh my dear dear friend. At first, I did not know what to think of you. But very quick I learned you are funny witty and a lovely person. Be it broken but the best are.</br> |
| You showed me the first steps of shapeshifting. You saved me when my hair fell out, because of my attempt of shapeshifting.</br> | | You showed me the first steps of shapeshifting. You saved me when my hair fell out, because of my attempt of shapeshifting.</br> |
| And if I need to run away, I call on you. Thank you, that I can call you friend and that you are my companion in mischief.</br> | | And if I need to run away, I call on you. Thank you, that I can call you friend and that you are my companion in mischief.</br> |
| | You traveled with me to my personal shadow together with you and Spatchi we build up something nice. It was maybe not the nicest thing of me to leave you and Spatchi there. |
| |
| ===King Random=== | | ===King Random=== |
| [[File:RandomsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-Random.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Oh how I have issues with authority. Not perse you just anyone who can say that I have to do stuff.</br> | | Oh how I have issues with authority. Not perse you just anyone who can say that I have to do stuff.</br> |
| We had a good talk. And what I can see and heard from you and how you defied my father, I really respect you.</br> | | We had a good talk. And what I can see and heard from you and how you defied my father, I really respect you.</br> |
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| |
| ===Arloxedra=== | | ===Arloxedra=== |
| [[File:ArlosmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Arloxedra.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Jeesh man, my eyes burn when I come near you in the library. But I won’t complain about any question I have I can go to you. </br> | | Jeesh man, my eyes burn when I come near you in the library. But I won’t complain about any question I have I can go to you. </br> |
| And I even find it now amusing to just walk up ask a semi elaborate question and listen to you spew off a complete encyclopedia worth of knowledge. </br> | | And I even find it now amusing to just walk up ask a semi elaborate question and listen to you spew off a complete encyclopedia worth of knowledge. </br> |
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| |
| ===Flora=== | | ===Flora=== |
| [[File:FlorasmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-flora.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| How pissy I would like to be about Flora, but it is true when she enters an area people look, she is a like a fresh breeze of the sea combined with the sweet smell of an evening flower and a cold sparkly drink.</br> | | How pissy I would like to be about Flora, but it is true when she enters an area people look, she is a like a fresh breeze of the sea combined with the sweet smell of an evening flower and a cold sparkly drink.</br> |
| I can only respect her the way she is on top of things. And how I expected her to be. She is not. She is actually kind and showed me kindness from the first moment I stepped into Amber.</br> | | I can only respect her the way she is on top of things. And how I expected her to be. She is not. She is actually kind and showed me kindness from the first moment I stepped into Amber.</br> |
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| |
| ===Dame Margot=== | | ===Dame Margot=== |
| [[File:DameMargotsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Margot.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Thank you so much for making me feel at home, to take the time to talk to me, for the lovely cup of tea. </br> | | Thank you so much for making me feel at home, to take the time to talk to me, for the lovely cup of tea. </br> |
| I actually got a motherly vibe from you and I like that. People sometimes talk so tough and want to avoid you, but really why.</br> | | I actually got a motherly vibe from you and I like that. People sometimes talk so tough and want to avoid you, but really why.</br> |
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| |
| ===Brand=== | | ===Brand=== |
| [[File:BrandsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:BrandCaptivity.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Had to see you by order of King Random, so I went by your cell brought a basket of goodie from Dame Margot. </br> | | Had to see you by order of King Random, so I went by your cell brought a basket of goodie from Dame Margot. </br> |
| We talked, you I don’t get yet. But that is okey you are not going anywhere soon really. Maybe at a point I will visit you again. </br> | | We talked, you I don’t get yet. But that is okey you are not going anywhere soon really. Maybe at a point I will visit you again. </br> |
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| |
| ===Hagalta=== | | ===Hagalta=== |
| [[File:HagaltasmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Hagalta.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Well aint you a big guy, had to make dealings with you to make sure Dwynwen was released from your bond.</br> | | Well aint you a big guy, had to make dealings with you to make sure Dwynwen was released from your bond.</br> |
| So now I’m one of your jailers. And I can take you out to enjoy a meal. We had a talk which kind of escalated but that only proves to me you are a person.</br> | | So now I’m one of your jailers. And I can take you out to enjoy a meal. We had a talk which kind of escalated but that only proves to me you are a person.</br> |
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| |
| ===Bleys=== | | ===Bleys=== |
| [[File:BleyssmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-bleys.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| I’ve met you during the parkour run of the elites. You complimented me that I joined in and it was great fun.</br> | | I’ve met you during the parkour run of the elites. You complimented me that I joined in and it was great fun.</br> |
| Later you explained a few things to me about how things work. About sorcery, about elites. And you were honest with me about intent. That was very welcome.</br> | | Later you explained a few things to me about how things work. About sorcery, about elites. And you were honest with me about intent. That was very welcome.</br> |
| Later in the patternchamber you were a royal ass. But hey can’t hold that against you my father was throwing a tantrum. Perhaps I’ll see you again, go to your theater, or see you on a run.</br> | | Later in the patternchamber you were a royal ass. But hey can’t hold that against you my father was throwing a tantrum. Perhaps I’ll see you again, go to your theater, or see you on a run.</br> |
| | So i can also call you my teacher now, and damn can you party. You taught me Sorcery and gave me my first lesson in shadowwalking. I'm really liking you uncle Bleys. hah, but i know there is always an ulterior motive.</br> |
| |
| ===Caine=== | | ===Caine=== |
| [[File:CainesmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:AT-Caine.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Okey I have not yet had the pleasure to talk to you.</br> | | Okey I have not yet had the pleasure to talk to you.</br> |
| The only thing we exchanged were the “welcome to Amber.” You told me after you shot Hagalta and the ‘I am watching you’ look you gave me when I had taken Hagalta out for food to the sea side garden.</br> | | The only thing we exchanged were the “welcome to Amber.” You told me after you shot Hagalta and the ‘I am watching you’ look you gave me when I had taken Hagalta out for food to the sea side garden.</br> |
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| ===Vek=== | | ===Vek=== |
| [[File:VeksmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:P-vek2.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Alright, you, Vek I just can’t put my finger on. Who you exactly are. But so far you don’t seem like a bad guy. </br> | | Alright, you, Vek I just can’t put my finger on. Who you exactly are. But so far you don’t seem like a bad guy. </br> |
| Bit out there, playful but smart. And you have the same thing as Arlo. I can ask a question and you will tell me the answer. </br> | | Bit out there, playful but smart. And you have the same thing as Arlo. I can ask a question and you will tell me the answer. </br> |
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| |
| ===Spatchi=== | | ===Spatchi=== |
| [[File:SpatchismallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Spatchi.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| What can I say, I feel sorry foryou that you were appointed as my elite. Although I am sure I am not the worst to watch.</br> | | What can I say, I feel sorry foryou that you were appointed as my elite. Although I am sure I am not the worst to watch.</br> |
| And you are awesome! All I can say. And the offer still stands point me in the right direction I’ll help you proof stuff.</br> | | And you are awesome! All I can say. And the offer still stands point me in the right direction I’ll help you proof stuff.</br> |
| |
| ===Harla=== | | ===Harla=== |
| [[File:HarlasmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Queen_Harla.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Well I put you in this list to. Eventho you are not among us in the traditional sense I have met you, talked to you, and thank you for that. </br> | | Well I put you in this list to. Eventho you are not among us in the traditional sense I have met you, talked to you, and thank you for that. </br> |
| You were a warm greeting, like a comfortable hug to show how family can be as well. Hope to see you again.</br> | | You were a warm greeting, like a comfortable hug to show how family can be as well. Hope to see you again.</br> |
| |
| ===Vance=== | | ===Vance=== |
| [[File:VancesmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Vance.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| I have a brother! How awesome after so long thinking I was only child I learn to have an older brother, who can ride, who can dance and who taught me tricks to use against dad.</br> | | I have a brother! How awesome after so long thinking I was only child I learn to have an older brother, who can ride, who can dance and who taught me tricks to use against dad.</br> |
| You taught me the first real tricks. Thank you for making me feel welcome and to be immediately such a big brother to me. </br> | | You taught me the first real tricks. Thank you for making me feel welcome and to be immediately such a big brother to me. </br> |
| |
| ===Agrom=== | | ===Agrom=== |
| [[File:AgromsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Agrom.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| I have a nephew! And he is already so big! Nah joking ofcourse he is. I am tiny and he is older. So weird time and age in our family.</br> | | I have a nephew! And he is already so big! Nah joking ofcourse he is. I am tiny and he is older. So weird time and age in our family.</br> |
| But those details beside as that is not important. You are funny you are sweet. You have banged my friend. But no hard feelings we were on a road trip and things happen.</br> | | But those details beside as that is not important. You are funny you are sweet. You have banged my friend. But no hard feelings we were on a road trip and things happen.</br> |
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| |
| ===Maylon Hendrake=== | | ===Maylon Hendrake=== |
| [[File:MaylonsmallA.jpg|200px]] </br> | | [[File:Maylon.jpg|200px]] </br> |
| Do not know you yet, you have talked to me while in court with king Random, invited me and I will take you up on that so we can talk and I can get a clearer view of who you are.</br> | | Do not know you yet, you have talked to me while in court with king Random, invited me and I will take you up on that so we can talk and I can get a clearer view of who you are.</br> |
| But I will be cautious around you. You just give off that type of vibe.</br> | | But I will be cautious around you. You just give off that type of vibe.</br> |
| |
| ===Fisk=== | | ===Fisk=== |
| [[File:FisksmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-fisk.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| I knew you as Ryba when growing up in shadow. You thaught me so many things. The art of the trade. The rules of the trade.</br> | | I knew you as Ryba when growing up in shadow. You thaught me so many things. The art of the trade. The rules of the trade.</br> |
| You were a strict but good teacher. And to be honest I went more to you for advice that dad. Hope we can find the time to talk.</br> | | You were a strict but good teacher. And to be honest I went more to you for advice that dad. Hope we can find the time to talk.</br> |
| |
| ===Elayne=== | | ===Elayne=== |
| [[File:ElaynesmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Elayne_deFlorimel.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| So I see you and Arlo, and I understand now. Of you I already had an opinion ready. But I am woman enough to change that opinion about you.</br> | | So I see you and Arlo, and I understand now. Of you I already had an opinion ready. But I am woman enough to change that opinion about you.</br> |
| I will not only go by hearsay. Okey we have had not great conversations but we had a pleasant exchange, I’m sure we will see eachother again here or there.</br> | | I will not only go by hearsay. Okey we have had not great conversations but we had a pleasant exchange, I’m sure we will see eachother again here or there.</br> |
| |
| ===Despil=== | | ===Despil=== |
| [[File:DespilsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Despil.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| We were seated next to eachother at a dinner but I think I have been kind of bitchy to you. </br> | | We were seated next to eachother at a dinner but I think I have been kind of bitchy to you. </br> |
| You said you were an admirer of my father and that kind of hit me wrong. </br> | | You said you were an admirer of my father and that kind of hit me wrong. </br> |
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| What you can look as long as you don’t touch right?</br> | | What you can look as long as you don’t touch right?</br> |
| |
| ===Thin Whip=== | | ===Thin Whip/Jurt=== |
| [[File:ThinWhipsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:Thin-Whip1.jpg|200px]][[File:Jurt-ja.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Alright you are my kind of fun! Your club is awesome and I will certainly return. And the talk was nice and playful in the right ways.</br> | | Alright you are my kind of fun! Your club is awesome and I will certainly return. And the talk was nice and playful in the right ways.</br> |
| Really enjoyed talking to you, and even now you are still helping me. Got wrapped up within my trouble and mysteries and here you are trying to figure it out with me. Thank you!</br> | | Really enjoyed talking to you, and even now you are still helping me. Got wrapped up within my trouble and mysteries and here you are trying to figure it out with me. Thank you!</br> |
| |
| ===Benedict=== | | ===Benedict=== |
| [[File:BenedictsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-benedict.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| Yeah so we met, sort off, you asked me if i was sure to do some training, i said yes, and you stabbed me in the chest.</br> | | Yeah so we met, sort off, you asked me if i was sure to do some training, i said yes, and you stabbed me in the chest.</br> |
| I'm sure we will have a moment to talk at a point. I am not going anywhere anyway. </br> | | I'm sure we will have a moment to talk at a point. I am not going anywhere anyway. </br> |
| | And we still need to talk about a matter of blood.</br> |
| | So we talked by now. And i believe others saying you are a dangerous man. We'll see how things will keep going. But for now things are okey.</br> |
| |
| ===Gerard=== | | ===Gerard=== |
| [[File:GerardsmallA.jpg|200px]]</br> | | [[File:D-gerard.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| So met you at an informal dinner, you offered me a job as ensign on your flagship. Thank you but don't know if i can handle being on the sea for that long. Perhaps later. But so far you seem like a nice guy. | | So met you at an informal dinner, you offered me a job as ensign on your flagship. Thank you but don't know if i can handle being on the sea for that long. Perhaps later. But so far you seem like a nice guy. |
| | |
| | ===Candle Hyle/Shaver=== |
| | [[File:Candle_Hyle.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | You are getting a spot here to, cause, damn... just really hope to see you again.</br> |
| | Well did see you again. And I guess we are dating now.</br> |
| | So there is that, well we didn't really date yet just alot of in quarters activities. |
| | |
| | ===Untara=== |
| | [[File:29_Untara-1.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | Well hello sister, half sister that is. You are truly batshit crazy, but i like you. We share the same mother but not the same upbringing. Happy for that. |
| | |
| | ===Farooq=== |
| | [[File:Farooq_ak_Trata.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | Met you while fixing up Spatchi her place. You helped me on my first shadowwalk to find some suitable rocks. And we made some bear friends. Was all good fun. You are a nice guy Farooq |
| | |
| | ===Xozla=== |
| | [[File:Xozla.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | So you are my stepdad basically. Though i do not know if we accepted eachother as family as of yet. You are a part of the family i am very cautious towards. You found me on my shadowwalk, freaked Bleys right out. </br> |
| | But perhaps we will see eachother again and we might be able to talk. In a friendly manner.</br> |
| | So the talk happened, still not comfortable that you call me daughter. so lets keep it name based okey. We will see how things evolve from here. </br> |
| | |
| | ===Skadi=== |
| | [[File:Skadi1.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | So young family member. My first impression of you, that you are sweet and perhaps a bit shy. Which you should really watch out with. It is not a healthy thing to have.</br> |
| | But like i said you can always call me. I'm happy to help, give advice. Lets keep in contact.</br> |
| | |
| | ===Celakat Saanal=== |
| | [[File:Celakat1.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | Direct, to the point, a good friend of my brother. And better yet, you don't like cats either! So that works. When there would be more time i would love to talk to you about your approach in sorcery and other magic related things. </br> |
| | But not now.... later....</br> |
| | |
| | ===Nur al Din El musifar=== |
| | [[File:Image6.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | So we finally met. Apparently you were a part in my youth and upbringing. But that is sadly enough mostly forgotten due to workings of dad. We had a good conversation till you heard something you were not agreeing with. </br> |
| | Please be careful. I would really want to see you again.</br> |
| | |
| | ===Cihalas=== |
| | [[File:Cihalas.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | We finally met. And now i know from who i get my temper and my heavy drinking. I know you might have been a tad manipulative the moment we talked. </br> |
| | But yes i followed you to Azcala, just show me they are wrong about you. </br> |
| | |
| | ===Aztilios=== |
| | [[File:18_Aztalios.jpg|200px]]</br> |
| | Nice to meet you half brother, i really had trouble getting you... but i think i do now.</br> |
| | You truly are a momma's boy and you know it. But you are happy that way and who am i to judge.</br> |
Lady Alvah's Journals
Alvah her journal of her life in shadow[edit]
At the age of 4 Delwin has taken Alvah away from Azcala and her family there to be raised in a protected shadow away from the Azcalan customs and her somewhat fanatic mother.
Alvah is a ninja![edit]
Alvah is a ninja!
Alvah fights in school[edit]
Alvah fights in school
Alvah's movie night[edit]
Alvah's movie night
Alvah has a new ballet teacher[edit]
Alvah has a new ballet teacher
Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.[edit]
Alvah expelled, arrested and mad.
Alvah returns to school[edit]
Alvah loses her friends.
Alvah hunts the hunters[edit]
Alvah hunts the hunters
Alvah and the brownies[edit]
Alvah and the brownies
Alvah has life cargo[edit]
Alvah has life cargo
Alvah's pregnancy scare[edit]
Alvah's pregnancy scare
Alvah does a hot dance.[edit]
Alvah does a hot dance.
Alvah gets burned.[edit]
Alvah gets burned.
Alvah gets in an accident.[edit]
Alvah gets in an accident
After this Alvah joins the Marines for a span of 6 years, where she will quit after having broken her commanding officers jaw for having her team killed. She is ofcourse dishonorably discharges.
Alvah feels butterflies[edit]
Alvah feels butterflies
Alvah and the Mouse[edit]
Alvah and the Mouse
Alvah goes mad, again.[edit]
Alvah goes mad, again.
Alvah hangs around[edit]
Concidering life choices
Alvah gets flirted with[edit]
Alvah gets flirted with
Running Journal.[edit]
Starting from the moment Alvah learned there was so much more.[edit]
The adventures of Alvah since she learned of Amber and all its glory... and drama.
How it started.[edit]
How Alvah found out
Meeting king Random[edit]
Alvah meets king Random
Meeting Dame Margot[edit]
Meeting Dame Margot.
Visiting the dungeons[edit]
Alvah visits Brand
Alvah goes through town.[edit]
Alvah and Delwin go drinking.
Running with the Elites[edit]
Alvah goes on a morning run
Dwynwen and Alvah moving around[edit]
Dwynwen and Alvah teleporting around
Walking the pattern[edit]
Alvah walks the pattern
Meeting Vance[edit]
Alvah meets her half brother Vance
Dwynwen and Alvah run off[edit]
Dwynwen and Alvah run away
Family roadtrip[edit]
Family road trip with Vance, Agrom and Alvah
Introduction to the court[edit]
Alvah finds a note Me first, king Random
Talking with Vek and Arlo[edit]
And boy do they talk
Dinner with the king[edit]
Fancy dinner snarky talk.
Thin Whip's[edit]
Meeting new people
Talk with Hagalta in sea view gardens[edit]
Alvah plays jailer
Dealings with Difuro[edit]
Alvah and Jurt dealing with Difuro
Talking with Delwin[edit]
getting some answers from dad.
Rasak, the Nasty Place[edit]
To hell and back
Adledross, lets head west![edit]
Not done yet with the hell thing
Coming home from Adledross.[edit]
Back from Adledross
Helping out in the kitchen[edit]
Alvah helps out in the kitchen
Talking to Spatchi[edit]
Bonding with Spatchi
Dinner Party[edit]
Alvah gets awkward at the dinner party
Thin Whip's again.[edit]
Alvah deals with her frustrations...
Uta Thin Whip and Alvah drinking[edit]
Meeting Untara
Patchi has a new place[edit]
Renovating Spatchi's new place
Bleys teaches Alvah to shadowwalk[edit]
Alvah her first real shadowwalk
Intermezzo thanks to stepdad[edit]
Alvah meets her stepdad
Arriving at Vulsara[edit]
Alvah revisits her brother
Reconnecting with Shaver.[edit]
Alvah gets to talk to Candle/Shaver
Visit to the library in VulsaraBase[edit]
Alvah and Candle go study
Conversation with Nur about Dufiro[edit]
Alvah meets Nur again.
Talk with Xozla[edit]
Alvah talks with Xozla with backup
Making plans Saving Delwin[edit]
Alvah contacts Delwin and falls through
Conversation with Benedict[edit]
Alvah hears Benedict's plans
Lessons Conjuration from Arlo[edit]
Conjuration class from Arlo
Alvah on a tripping shadowwalk[edit]
Drugged up shadowwalk
Vek helps clean up[edit]
Cleaning up the tripping mess
Arlo is Free[edit]
Arlo and Alvah talk
Vek and Alvah hanging out[edit]
And stealing blue tequilla
Alvah gets burned[edit]
And calls mom.

A coyote shape shifts into Random who joins Vance standing under a Big Tree.
The King who was A Coyote says to the Star Warrior. "Well, are we better off or worse off.?"
Vance frowns and says, "Yes"
Talk with Aztilios[edit]
Talking with Aztilios in Zaxili
Walk with Aztilios[edit]
Walking with Aztilios in the moonlight by the beach
Morning rites with Cihalas[edit]
Sacrificing some tomatoes
Vek and Alvah out in Zictla part 1[edit]
Getting lunch and watching some sacrificing
Mandor, Vek and Alvah drinking[edit]
Letting the blue tequilla flow (Vek's story)
Vek and Alvah out in Zictla part 2[edit]
Experiencing the night life of Zictla
Vek and Alvah have a brilliant idea.[edit]
Not THAT brilliant
Party in Untola![edit]
Alvah her first sacrifice
Back in time for the rite[edit]
Vek gets sacrificed.
Back in Amber[edit]
Back in Amber and fighting in the hallway
Meeting about Azcala[edit]
Information about Azcala its history
Going out for lobster[edit]
Vek taking out Dwynwen and Alvah for lobster
Studying at Amber Star Fleet.[edit]
Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah study at Vulsara base
The road to Jetex[edit]
Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah are going to Jetex.
Arriving in Jetex[edit]
Spatchi Dwynwen and Alvah arrive in Jetex and set things up
First guests in Jetex[edit]
Vek, Maximillian visit the cantina
Talk of sacrificing[edit]
Vek and ALvah talk about sacrificing
A plan is forming[edit]
Vek, Digan, Nur and Alvah make a plan for the future
Agrom Visits Jetex[edit]
Agrom on forced leave in Jetex
Talk with Delwin in Jetex[edit]
Delwin and Alvah talk once more
Alvah suicide run to Zunala[edit]
An impossible mission with a twist
Encountering Xolotl[edit]
Xolotl and his homemade sigil
Arriving in Veksvale[edit]
Arriving in Veksvale with a pattern
The pattern from Zunala arrived in Veksvale.
From here Realmer was present as well.
Alvah Vek and Fiona walk the new pattern.[edit]
Alvah Vek and Fiona walk the new pattern.
Veksval turning into a camp[edit]
Veksvale turning into a camp
Vek and Alvah have a personal talk[edit]
Vek and Alvah have a personal talk
Realmer and Alvah talk patterns[edit]
Realmer and Alvah talk patterns
A grand event fixing the pattern[edit]
A grand event fixing the pattern
At the pattern after party[edit]
At the pattern after party
Everybody left except Nur.
The army of elites stays under lead of Lt. Spatchi
Vek and Alvah walk around Veksvale[edit]
Vek and Alvah walk around Veksvale
Vek and Alvah the morning after[edit]
Vek and Alvah the morning after
Vek and Alvah talk shapechanging[edit]
Vek and Alvah talk shapechanging
Nur and Alvah talk about the past[edit]
Nur and Alvah talk about the past
Vek and Alvah playing Fennec[edit]
Vek and Alvah playing Fennec
Spatchi and Alvah talk, and fight[edit]
Spatchi and Alvah talk, and fight
Vek summons Craggle[edit]
Vek summons Craggle
Vek and Alvah back to business[edit]
Vek and Alvah back to business
Nur and Alvah talk dufiro[edit]
Nur and Alvah talk dufiro
Vek and Alvah talk[edit]
Vek and Alvah talk
Vek takes Alvah to Bajas[edit]
Vek takes Alvah to Bajas
Vek takes Alvah to Ang Ri[edit]
Vek takes Alvah to Ang Ri
Alvah becomes a warrior and her first bout.[edit]
Alvah becomes a warrior and her first bout.
Alvah writes her first song[edit]
Alvah's first song
What If....[edit]
What if Alvah went left with the sword of woe and glee
Alvah her thoughts of others.[edit]

Let’s start with Delwin, you would say that I already met him but that isn't really true is it. He is my father, but I have lived in his house not knowing who he truly was.
Overbearing, overprotective, demanding and can really throw a fit if things go wrong. He really showed his colors when I came to Amber.
When I was about to walk the pattern my father was there cussing and yelling at everyone. Telling me I should not do this that I am not ready and can't make decisions.
There I understood that if I would not actively take distance from my father I would never grow. Never shed this adolescent version of me to become my own.
Dad if you ever see this. I do love you and I am grateful for all you did and do for me, but I need to be my own person and make my own mistakes.

An elegance as painful as fire. A prowess as strong as a tree. But I trust you as far as I can throw both of those things.
So I met you the moment I learned my father had lied to me. The moment my world kind of crumbled maybe that has been part of my negative feelings for you.
Though you were the one telling my father off that if he didn't take me to Amber, you would. That speaks for you and the immense power radiating from your being.

Oh my dear dear friend. At first, I did not know what to think of you. But very quick I learned you are funny witty and a lovely person. Be it broken but the best are.
You showed me the first steps of shapeshifting. You saved me when my hair fell out, because of my attempt of shapeshifting.
And if I need to run away, I call on you. Thank you, that I can call you friend and that you are my companion in mischief.
You traveled with me to my personal shadow together with you and Spatchi we build up something nice. It was maybe not the nicest thing of me to leave you and Spatchi there.
King Random[edit]

Oh how I have issues with authority. Not perse you just anyone who can say that I have to do stuff.
We had a good talk. And what I can see and heard from you and how you defied my father, I really respect you.
I may even say I like you as a person. But just that whole authority thing stands in the way of fully liking you.
Though if I have to follow a ruler, a king, then I do not mind following you.

Jeesh man, my eyes burn when I come near you in the library. But I won’t complain about any question I have I can go to you.
And I even find it now amusing to just walk up ask a semi elaborate question and listen to you spew off a complete encyclopedia worth of knowledge.
I actually do appreciate that and that without judging, or so far you have shown none, you take time and answer any question you know the answer to.

How pissy I would like to be about Flora, but it is true when she enters an area people look, she is a like a fresh breeze of the sea combined with the sweet smell of an evening flower and a cold sparkly drink.
I can only respect her the way she is on top of things. And how I expected her to be. She is not. She is actually kind and showed me kindness from the first moment I stepped into Amber.
She offered me to teach me parsletongue still have to take her up on that.
Dame Margot[edit]

Thank you so much for making me feel at home, to take the time to talk to me, for the lovely cup of tea.
I actually got a motherly vibe from you and I like that. People sometimes talk so tough and want to avoid you, but really why.
I loved it that you showed me how to cook. I should have learned that before, ask my father. His kitchen has seen horrors

Had to see you by order of King Random, so I went by your cell brought a basket of goodie from Dame Margot.
We talked, you I don’t get yet. But that is okey you are not going anywhere soon really. Maybe at a point I will visit you again.
See if we can talk. Except for that you tried to end everything you don’t seem a bad guy.

Well aint you a big guy, had to make dealings with you to make sure Dwynwen was released from your bond.
So now I’m one of your jailers. And I can take you out to enjoy a meal. We had a talk which kind of escalated but that only proves to me you are a person.
That you do feel. I’m sure we will see eachother again. Jailer and all.

I’ve met you during the parkour run of the elites. You complimented me that I joined in and it was great fun.
Later you explained a few things to me about how things work. About sorcery, about elites. And you were honest with me about intent. That was very welcome.
Later in the patternchamber you were a royal ass. But hey can’t hold that against you my father was throwing a tantrum. Perhaps I’ll see you again, go to your theater, or see you on a run.
So i can also call you my teacher now, and damn can you party. You taught me Sorcery and gave me my first lesson in shadowwalking. I'm really liking you uncle Bleys. hah, but i know there is always an ulterior motive.

Okey I have not yet had the pleasure to talk to you.
The only thing we exchanged were the “welcome to Amber.” You told me after you shot Hagalta and the ‘I am watching you’ look you gave me when I had taken Hagalta out for food to the sea side garden.
You kind of scare me, okey maybe not scare me but more I am very, very cautious around you. Perhaps we will be able to have a conversation once.

Alright, you, Vek I just can’t put my finger on. Who you exactly are. But so far you don’t seem like a bad guy.
Bit out there, playful but smart. And you have the same thing as Arlo. I can ask a question and you will tell me the answer.
You will explain to me where the answer came from and more. And I love that. I can actually enjoy sitting in the library listening to you or Arlo roll of theories and hypotheses.

What can I say, I feel sorry foryou that you were appointed as my elite. Although I am sure I am not the worst to watch.
And you are awesome! All I can say. And the offer still stands point me in the right direction I’ll help you proof stuff.

Well I put you in this list to. Eventho you are not among us in the traditional sense I have met you, talked to you, and thank you for that.
You were a warm greeting, like a comfortable hug to show how family can be as well. Hope to see you again.

I have a brother! How awesome after so long thinking I was only child I learn to have an older brother, who can ride, who can dance and who taught me tricks to use against dad.
You taught me the first real tricks. Thank you for making me feel welcome and to be immediately such a big brother to me.

I have a nephew! And he is already so big! Nah joking ofcourse he is. I am tiny and he is older. So weird time and age in our family.
But those details beside as that is not important. You are funny you are sweet. You have banged my friend. But no hard feelings we were on a road trip and things happen.
You showed me to fight taught me some weapons and we had plenty of laughs. See you soon nephew.
Maylon Hendrake[edit]
Do not know you yet, you have talked to me while in court with king Random, invited me and I will take you up on that so we can talk and I can get a clearer view of who you are.
But I will be cautious around you. You just give off that type of vibe.

I knew you as Ryba when growing up in shadow. You thaught me so many things. The art of the trade. The rules of the trade.
You were a strict but good teacher. And to be honest I went more to you for advice that dad. Hope we can find the time to talk.

So I see you and Arlo, and I understand now. Of you I already had an opinion ready. But I am woman enough to change that opinion about you.
I will not only go by hearsay. Okey we have had not great conversations but we had a pleasant exchange, I’m sure we will see eachother again here or there.

We were seated next to eachother at a dinner but I think I have been kind of bitchy to you.
You said you were an admirer of my father and that kind of hit me wrong.
Yeah I am pissy like that. But I did enjoy sitting next to you. Was nice to watch you.
What you can look as long as you don’t touch right?
Thin Whip/Jurt[edit]

Alright you are my kind of fun! Your club is awesome and I will certainly return. And the talk was nice and playful in the right ways.
Really enjoyed talking to you, and even now you are still helping me. Got wrapped up within my trouble and mysteries and here you are trying to figure it out with me. Thank you!

Yeah so we met, sort off, you asked me if i was sure to do some training, i said yes, and you stabbed me in the chest.
I'm sure we will have a moment to talk at a point. I am not going anywhere anyway.
And we still need to talk about a matter of blood.
So we talked by now. And i believe others saying you are a dangerous man. We'll see how things will keep going. But for now things are okey.

So met you at an informal dinner, you offered me a job as ensign on your flagship. Thank you but don't know if i can handle being on the sea for that long. Perhaps later. But so far you seem like a nice guy.
Candle Hyle/Shaver[edit]

You are getting a spot here to, cause, damn... just really hope to see you again.
Well did see you again. And I guess we are dating now.
So there is that, well we didn't really date yet just alot of in quarters activities.

Well hello sister, half sister that is. You are truly batshit crazy, but i like you. We share the same mother but not the same upbringing. Happy for that.

Met you while fixing up Spatchi her place. You helped me on my first shadowwalk to find some suitable rocks. And we made some bear friends. Was all good fun. You are a nice guy Farooq

So you are my stepdad basically. Though i do not know if we accepted eachother as family as of yet. You are a part of the family i am very cautious towards. You found me on my shadowwalk, freaked Bleys right out.
But perhaps we will see eachother again and we might be able to talk. In a friendly manner.
So the talk happened, still not comfortable that you call me daughter. so lets keep it name based okey. We will see how things evolve from here.

So young family member. My first impression of you, that you are sweet and perhaps a bit shy. Which you should really watch out with. It is not a healthy thing to have.
But like i said you can always call me. I'm happy to help, give advice. Lets keep in contact.
Celakat Saanal[edit]

Direct, to the point, a good friend of my brother. And better yet, you don't like cats either! So that works. When there would be more time i would love to talk to you about your approach in sorcery and other magic related things.
But not now.... later....
Nur al Din El musifar[edit]

So we finally met. Apparently you were a part in my youth and upbringing. But that is sadly enough mostly forgotten due to workings of dad. We had a good conversation till you heard something you were not agreeing with.
Please be careful. I would really want to see you again.

We finally met. And now i know from who i get my temper and my heavy drinking. I know you might have been a tad manipulative the moment we talked.
But yes i followed you to Azcala, just show me they are wrong about you.

Nice to meet you half brother, i really had trouble getting you... but i think i do now.
You truly are a momma's boy and you know it. But you are happy that way and who am i to judge.